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agreements made between the buyer and the feller, it may have been ftipulated to the contrary. The Ruffian merchants established in the ftates of Denmark fhall enjoy reciprocally the fame advantage.

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XXIX. The neceffary mutual precautions fhall be taken, that the forting the merchandifes may be trusted to perfons of known intelligence and probity, to the end that the respective fubjects may, by that means, be guarded against an improper choice of merchandises and fraudulent packages; and whenever there fhall be fufficient proofs of trefpafs, negligence, or of bad faith, in the exercife of the duty of their offices, they fhall be refponfible, and obliged to make good all loffes incurred by

their fault.

XXX. The refpective fubjects fhall have full liberty, at the refpective places of refidence, to keep books of trade or commerce, in whatever language they think proper, without any prescription or restraint on that ac-> count; and it fhall not be required of them to produce their books of accounts or of commerce, unless to juftify themselves in cafe of bankruptcy or procefs at law; but in this laft cafe, they fhall not be obliged to present or fhew more than the articles neceffary to the eclairciffement of the affair in queftion.

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XXXI. If it should happen, that a fubject of Ruffia in the ftates of Denmark, or a fubject of Denmark in the states of Ruffia, fhould become a bankrupt without having acquired the right of denizen or citizen, the creditors, under authority of the magiftrates of each place, shall name trustees, to whom all the effects, books, and papers, of him who fhall have become a bankrupt shall be entrusted; and then the creditors who fhall have claims to two-thirds of the ftock, if they vote in favour of any arrangement whatever concerning the diftribution of this flock, their fuffrages fhall have fufficient power over the other creditors who fhall be obliged to fubmit to their arrangement; but with refpect to the fubjects of the respective states who fhall be naturalized, or fhall! have acquired the right of citizen in the ftates of the other contracting party, they fhall fubmit, in cafe of bankruptcy, (as in all their other affairs) to the laws, VOL. III. ordinances,


ordinances, and ftatutes of the country where they fhallbe naturalized.

XXXII. The Danish merchants, established in Ruffia, fhall be permitted to build, to buy, fell, and hire houses in all the cities of this empire (Ruffia) which have not rights and privileges contrary to thefe acquifitions; and it is fpecifically agreed, that at St. Petersburg, Mofcow, and Archangel, the houfes poffeffed and inhabited by Danish merchants fhall be exempt from logement or the quartering of troops or foldiers fo long as the houses be-. long to, or are actually occupied by themfelves; but the houses which they fhall let, or take to hire, shall not be fo exempted. In all the other cities of the empire of Ruffia, the houses bought or built by Danish merchants,. who shall establish themfelves there, fhall not enjoy the exemptions granted only in the three cities above fpeci fied. If, nevertheless, it fhall be judged proper in the courfe of time to make a general order to take a pecuniary commutation for the provifion of quarters, the Danish merchants fhall be fubject to it as well as others.

His Danish Majefty engages reciprocally, that the Ruffian merchants, established in his states, fhall enjoy the fame exemptions and privileges which are granted by this present article to the Danish merchants eftablished in Ruffia, and on the fame conditions as above specified.

XXXIII, Thofe of the refpective fubjects who fhall be inclined to quit the provinces, cities, and ftates of either of the contracting powers fhall not experience any hindrance on the part of government; but they shall have granted them, with the accuftomed precautions of each place, the neceffary paffports entitling them to go and take away freely all property which they may have brought or acquired there, after having first paid their debts, and the dues and duties appointed by the laws, ordinances, and ftatutes, of the refpective states.

XXXIV. Although the right of Efcheat does not exist in the ftates of the two contracting powers, it is, neverthelefs, agreed between them, to prevent all doubts which may arife thereupon, that the effects, moveable or immoveable, left by the death of any of the refpective fubjects in the ftates of the other power, fhall defcend freely, without


any obftacle whatever, to the right heirs of an inteftate, or legatees by will of the deceased, who fhall, in confe quence thereof, take immediate poffeffion of the eftate, either by themfelves or by letter of attorney, as well as the teftamentary executors, if any should have been named by the deceased; and the faid heirs fhall afterwards difpofe of the eftate which fhall have been left them as they Thall think proper, after having paid the different dues, duties, and fees established by the laws of the ftate where the faid fucceffion fhall have been left. And in cafe that the heirs fhould be abfent, or fhould be minors, incapable of claiming their rights, then an inventory shall be taken of all the fucceffion by a notary public in presence of a judge, or of the tribunals of the place, accompanied by the Conful of the nation of the deceased, if there be one in the fame place, and of two other perfons worthy of truft, and afterwards put into fome public establishment or fund, or into the hands of two or three merchants, who fhall be named for that purpofe by the faid Conful; or if he should neglect to nominate two fuch perfons, then into the hands of perfons appointed by public authority for that purpose, to the end, that the eftate or effects may be by them held and preferved for the legitimate heirs and true proprietors. And if there fhould arife any difpute relative to fuch eftate between different claimants, then the judges of the place where the effects of the deceased are found fhall decide the procefs by definitive fentence, according to the laws of the country.

XXXV, If peace fhould be broken between the two contracting powers (which God forbid !) the perfons of the refpective fubjects fhall not be ftopped, nor their veffels nor effects confifcated; but one year, at least, shall be granted them to fell, part with, or remove their effects, with a view to repair to whatever place they shall think proper, after having, nevertheless, paid all the debts which may be legally demanded of them; this likewife fhall be understood of thofe of the respective subjects who fhall ferve by fea or by land, and both the one and the other fhall be permitted, before or at the time of their departure, to make to whomsoever they fhall think proper, or to difpofe agreeable to their T 2 will

will and convenience, of fuch of their effects as they fhall not have been already able to difpofe of; fo that those who owe them money, as well as thofe to whom they owe money, fhall be equally obliged to pay their debts the fame as if no fuch rupture had happened.

XXXVI. The prefent treaty fhall be in force for the term of twelve years, and all which is found therein decreed is to be invariably obferved during this interval, and executed in its full tenor and meaning, provided that before the expiration of the term of the faid treaty it should depend on the good pleafure of the two high contracting parties to agree to its prolongation.

XXXVII. The two high contracting powers engage to ratify the prefent treaty of commerce, and the ratification of it fhall be exchanged in good and due form in the space of fix weeks from the day of the date of the figning, or fooner if poffible. In faith of which, we the under figned, in virtue of our powers plenipotentiary, have thereunto fet our names and affixed the feals of our


Done at St. Petersburg, the of October, 1782..



This treaty of amity and commerce has been ratified by their Imperial and Royal Majefties, and the ratifications have been exchanged according to the common cuftom, by the refpective Plenipotentiaries.


Traité d'Amité et de Commerce, entre l'Empire de Ruffie et la Couronne de Dannemare, conclu à St. Peterburg, le Octobre, 1782.



Au Nom de la Très Sainte et Indivifible Trinité.

A Majefté Impériale de toutes les Ruffies, & Sa Majefté le Roi de Dannemarc, ayant également à cœur de cimenter de plus en plus par tous les noeuds d'amitié & de bonne correfpondance l'union étroite, qui fubsiste entre Elles & Leurs Etats refpectifs; Elles fe font appliquées entre autres à étendre et faire profpérer autant qu'il eft en Leur pouvoir, le commerce récipropue entre Leurs fujets. Et pour obtenir plus efficacement ce but, Elles ont jugé à propos de raffembler fous un même point de vue & de fixer les droits & obligations réciproques, fur les quelles Elles font convenues entre Elles, pour encourager l'industrie, & faciliter les échanges mutuels entre les deux. nations, et de faire, de tous les points arrêtés fur cet objet, un Traité de commerce en forme: En conféquence, & pour procéder fans délai à la confection d'un ouvrage, auffi falutaire, Leurs dites Majeftés ont choifi & nommé, pour Leurs Plénipotentiaires, favoir fa Majefté Impériale de toutes les Rutfies, le Sieur Jean Comte d'Oftermann, Son Vice Chancelier, Counfeiller privé actuel, Sénateur & Chevalier des Ordes de St. Alexandre Newfky & de St. Anne; le Sieur Alexandre Comte de Warontzoff, Counseiller privé, Sénateur Préfident du Collège de Com merce, Chambellan actuel, et Chevalier de l'Ordre de St. Alexandre Newfky; le Sieur Alexandre de Bezborodko, Général Major des armées, Membre du Collège des affaires étrangères, & Colonel Commandant le régiment de Kiovie de la milice de la petite Ruffie; et le Sieur Pierre de Bacounin, Counseiller d'Etat actuel, Membre du Collège des affaires étrangères, & Chevalier de l'Ordre de St. Anne: Et de la part de sa Majesté Danoife, le Sieur Pierre Chrétien de Schumacher, Son Confeiller de Conférences, Envoyé Extraordinaire & Miniftre Plénipotentiaire près de la Cour Impériale de Ruffie; Les qnels, après avoir échangé entre-eux leurs pleins pou

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