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" ... but absolutely incompatible with the exercise of the Christian religion. Had the Apostles advanced among the Jews pretensions to the tenth of the produce of Judea, they would not have converted a less perverse generation ; but they were humble and... "
The Annual Biography and Obituary - Página 137
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An Historical Review of the State of Ireland from the Invasion of ..., Volumen 3

Francis Plowden - 1806 - 502 páginas
...the man of peace.... by the plaintiff in the pulpit, against the defendants, his congregation. lAs a strong argument against the tenth, that such claim...man's door in his own tongue, the true belief; their word prevailed against the potentates of the earth, and on the ruin of the barbaric pride, and pontific...
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An Historical Review of the State of Ireland from the Invasion of ..., Volumen 3

Francis Plowden - 1806 - 500 páginas
...luxury and law : conceive a war of citations, contempts, summonses, civil bills, proctors, attornies, and all the voluminous train of discord, carried on...pretensions to the tenth of the produce of Judea,- they would^ot have converted a less perverse generation ; but they wereTmmble and inspired men.... they...
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Speeches of the Right Hon. Henry Grattan: With Prefatory Observations, Volumen 1

Henry Grattan - 1813 - 540 páginas
...voluminous train of discord, carried on at the suit of the man of peace — by the plaintiff in the pulpii. against the defendants, his congregation. It is a...man's door, in his own tongue, the true belief; their word prevailed against the potentates of the earth ; and on the ruin of the Barbaric pride, and Pontific...
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Specimens of Irish Eloquence: Now First Arranged and Collected, with ...

Charles Phillips - 1819 - 488 páginas
...strong argument against the tenth, that such claim is not only inconsistent with the nature of thmgs, but absolutely incompatible with the exercise of the...man's door, in his own tongue, the true belief; their word prevailed against the potentates of the earth ; and on the ruin of the Barbaric pride, and Pontific...
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The Speeches of the Right Honourable Henry Grattan: In the Irish ..., Volumen 2

Henry Grattan - 1822 - 410 páginas
...luxury and law ; conceive a war of citations, contempts, summonses, civil bills, proctors, attbrnies,' and all the voluminous train of discord, carried on...man's door, in his own tongue, the true belief; their word prevailed against the potentates of the earth ; and on the rnin of Barbaric pride, and pontific...
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Volumen 62,Parte 2

1822 - 766 páginas
...Ireland. The following picture of primitive Christianity has always appeared to us eminently beautiful. "Had the Apostles advanced, among the Jews, pretensions...men ; they went forth in humble guise, with naked feet, and brought to every man's door, in his own tongue, the true belief; their word prevailed against...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1822 - 764 páginas
...Ireland. The following picture of primitive Christianity has always appeared to us eminently beautiful. " Had the Apostles advanced, among the Jews, pretensions...men ; they went forth in humble guise, with naked feet, and brought to every man's door, in his own tongue, the true belief; their word prevailed against...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1822 - 768 páginas
...Ireland. The following picture of primitive Christianity has always appeared to us eminently beautiful. " Had the Apostles advanced, among the Jews, pretensions...men ; they went forth in humble guise, with naked feet, and brought to every man's door, in his own tongue, the true belief; their word prevailed against...
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The Dublin University Magazine: A Literary and Political Journal, Volumen 7

1836 - 740 páginas
...exercise of the Christian religion. Had the apostles advanced, among the Jews, pretensions to the tenths of the produce of Judea, they would not have converted a less perverse generation. But they were bumble and inspired men; they went forth in bumble guise, with naked foot, Vol.. VII. and brought to...
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Memoirs of the Life and Times of the Rt. Hon. Henry Grattan, Volumen 3

Henry Grattan - 1841 - 552 páginas
...luxury and law. Conceive a war of citations, contempts, summonses, civil bills, proctors, attornies, and all the voluminous train of discord carried on...man's door, in his own tongue, the true belief; their word prevailed against the potentates of the earth ; and on the ruin of barbaric pride and pontific...
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