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p. 236.

Eacons by a mistaken Paffage in St. Ig-
natius, ftyl'd Deacons of the Meats
and Cups. That Father clears them of that
Title, and ftyles them Minifters of the
Church of God. The Enquirer (to ftrengthen
his Notion of the equal Orders of Bishop and
Presbyter) fuppofes the fame in Deacons and
Sub-deacons, which is a wide Miftake, and
against matter of Fact, p. 237. His ac-
count of the primitive manner of ordaining
Presbyters, p. 239. 'Tis no Pattern of the
Catholick Practice then, tho' reprefented as
fuch, by mifquoting St. Cyprian for it, p.241.
What St. Cyprian did in that matter, was
wholly grounded on a private purpose of his
own, and that prov'd at large, both from com-
petent and impartial Judges, and from himself
too, p. 243. The Primitive Qualifications
for holy Orders, requir'd and provided for
by the Conftitusion of the Church of England,
p. 251. Some Remarks upon the manner of
the Minifters Maintenance in the Primitive
Times: That it was no Subscription of the
Brethren (as the Enquirer makes it) but of a
very different Nature, p. 255. The Notion

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of the Primitive Fathers about paying Tythes,

CHAP. VI. p. 260.


F the Lay-members Rights and Pri-
vileges in the Church. The Enquirer
affirms, that to elect and depofe their Bishop,
were peculiar Acts belonging to them. Their
right of electing is confider'd and refuted be-
fore, Chap 3. p. 138, &c. That of depriv
ing is wholly grounded upon the pretended Ex-
ample of the People in Spain depriving of
their Bishops (Bafilides and Martialis ;) the
palpable Mifapplication of that matter of Fact,

p. 261.

The Enquirer owns that the An-
cients both us'd the Authority of a Synod for
depofing Bilhops, and afcrib'd the thing it felf
to them, p. 264. Nay, confeffes it was ne-
ceffary, p. 266. A Short Specimen of the
Difcipline prefcrib'd and injoyn'd by the Church
of England for the benefit of her Children af-
ter the Example of the Primitive Church. ibid.

CHA P. VII. P. 270.

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F the Government and Policy of the
Primitive Charch in her Ecclefiaftical
Courts; the Enquirer affirms, the Laity and

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