OF THE CREATION OF THE WORLD, IN ILLUSTRATION OF THE MOSAIC RECORD. BY THE REV. CHARLES JAMES BURTON, M.A. VICAR OF LYDD, KENT; AND LATE MICHEL FELLOW OF QUEEN'S COLLEGE, OXFORD. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. G. & F. RIVINGTON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD, AND WATERLOO PLACE, PALL MALL. 1836. TO THE HONOURABLE AND RIGHT REVEREND HUGH PERCY, D.D. LORD BISHOP OF CARLISLE. MY LORD, WHEN I solicited the honour of your Lordship's protection of the following pages, it was not with the mere design of seeking for themta Patron of eminence, and so, under sanction of your name, of procuring them an introduction which they might not otherwise have had. I was actuated by motive of different kind. The friendship with which I have during many years been honoured by your Lordship, had its rise in the patronage condescended to me by one nearly allied to yourself; one, whom no man better knew, more appreciated, or has more lamented. A 2 To the late Archbishop Manners Sutton I am indebted, under Providence, for all that I have. His kindly consideration, and his favourable opinion, were largely experienced by me. Through his patronage I obtained your friendship; which makes an acknowledgment of my obligation to him not improperly tendered to you; and I am assured that no expression can be so grateful to you as that which is reverential of the memory of him. Possessed of every quality befitting his high and responsible station; devoted on purest principle to the interests of the Church; vigilant, earnest, and untiring in her cause, he established for himself a reputation valuable and lasting, a reputation fixed in the willing and general confession of sound and legitimate service. On this subject I will add no more. I was anxious to say thus much, both from an individual sense of duty, and my veneration of his Grace's exalted character. Your Lordship's own habits of confidential intercourse with him, your professional life passed so long and immediately under his eye, will bear a stronger testimony than can be urged by me. I will now intreat your Lordship's reception of this work. It sets forward no pretension beyond that of an effort to be useful; to lead to a study of Scriptural truth in a very important point, inadequate as may be the attempt to the momentousness of the subject. Too great jealousy of any approach towards an impugning of the validity of the Inspired Volume cannot be entertained; and he may, surely, be pardoned, whose zeal, if not indeed justified by his ability, is yet founded in a genuine conviction, and supported by a sincerity of purpose. Your Lordship will believe that I am thus influenced; and by you this brief apology will be looked on with an indulgent regard. I have the honour to be, My Lord, With sentiments of deep and grateful respect,. Your Lordship's most obliged And faithful servant, CHARLES JAMES BURTON LYDD VICARAGE, Feb. 1, 1836. |