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MANY of our readers have no doubt visited that novel and beautiful exhibition the Diorama, a detailed account of which first appeared in the Mirror. The view of Trinity Chapel in Canterbury Cathedral, is the most remarkable and the most complete pictorial illusion we ever witnessed; and we have met with many persons, who while they acknowledged the talent that could present the interior of a stately edifice with its walls, its aisles, its pillars, and its roof, have been completely incredulous as to the steps leading to the Chapel, and the workmen who appear asleep in the foreground. These say our doubting friends are real steps, and although the figures may not be actual living individuals, yet they must be stuffed effigies. In this, however, we can assure every unbeliever that he is mistaken. The whole view is one plain surface, and the illusion is the triumph of art: and in presenting our readers with the most striking object in Trinity Chapel, which has had the honour of being so strikingly dis.



played upon canvass, we shall be rendering an acceptable service.

Trinity Chapel, which is built behind the high altar of St. Anselm's Chapel in the Cathedral, formerly contained the rich and much adored shrine of Thomas-àBecket, where pilgrims used to worship, and even kings to kneel. The pillars of the Chapel were built to form a circle round the eastern part of the shrine, and between them all the monuments except one are placed. That of Dean Wotton, who died in 1566, is on the north side of the Chapel at the foot of the monument of Henry IV. The Dean is represented kneeling on his tomb, his hands clasped, and raised in the attitude of prayer; a desk is before him, on which is an open book.

The whole is an excellent piece of sculpture, particularly the head, which is said to have been taken from the life, and executed at Rome during his stay there. The countenance is highly expressive. The Dean appears in his Doctor's robes


bare-headed, and with short curly hair and beard.

Dean Wotton was an eminent statesman, and we should suspect a most accomplished courtier, for he continued in office during four reigns, when there were as many changes of religion.


(To the Editor of the Mirror.)

SIR, Observing in the Mirror an inquiry respecting the Arms of Wales, I forward the following particulars from the best authorities.

The Ensign of Cadwallader, the last King of the Britains, was a red Dragon. Henry the Seventh wore it as the dexter supporter to his arms, he likewise adopted as the Badge of Wales a dragon passant, wings elevated gu. upon a mount vert. It is from the device of the red Dragon this Monarch created the Pursuivant of Arms, Rauge Dragon. Upon the great seal of James the First appeared the banner of the Arms of Cadwallader, viz. Az. a Cross, pattee fitchee or, to show the descent from the Welsh Blood Royal.

J. L. F.

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(For the Mirror.)

THE Benefit of Clergy, is a legal phrase, or technical term, which we often hear, and sometimes repeat, without understanding its precise meaning. The dark cloud of barbarism which succeeded the downfall of the Roman empire having nearly effaced literary pursuits, the attention of the nobility, and the body of the people placed above labour, was wholly absorbed by military exercise and the chase, while the regular and secular clergy, became, for ages, with some exceptions, almost the sole depositaries of books, and the learned languages. As it

is natural to respect what we do not understand, the Monks turned the advantage to good account, and it gradually became a principle of common law, that no clerk, that is to say, no priest, should be tried by the civil power.

This privilege was enjoyed and abused without restriction, till the reign of Henry the Second, when the council, or parliament of Clarendon, or the sense of the nation, were provoked by murder, rape, and other crimes, to set bounds to ecclesiastic licentiousness, by a salutary regulation on this subject, but a law so necessary was evaded by the insolence of Becket, and the base pusillanimity of King John, and his successor.

During a period equally disgraceful to the monarch and the clergy, a provision, artful, because it seemed to wear the face of a remedy, was enacted, by which any person tried for felony and found guilty, was pronounced to be exempt from punishment si legit ut clericus, if he was able to read as a priest. From this finesse the Monks derived a considerable emolument, by teaching prisoners to read, which, however them from the penalty of the laws, and odious or bloody their crimes,-rescued also answered another important purpose, as by these means, men of the most desperate characters, were thus rendered humble and obedient tools of the church. This lucrative monopoly remained, till it was provided against in the twentyseventh year of the reign of Edward the Third: but the noxious weed grew up in a shade of ignorance and confusion, during the bloody contests of the houses of Lancaster and York, till it received

á considerable check under Edward the Sixth, when it was determined that no person convicted of manslaughter shall claim the benefit of clergy. unless he is a peer of the realm, or a clerk in priest's orders: and, by the ninth of James the First, it was entirely taken away from those delinquents.

Persons at all conversant in legal smile at this article on a subject which points, or general reading, will, perhaps, they consider as generally understood; but I have frequently met with persons, who imagined that the words, without benefit of clergy, implied that a criminal should have no spiritual guide, when no to read or write, shall not in any manner more is meant, than that his being able he shall not be entitled to any of those exempt him from punishment, and that privileges formerly enjoyed by the clergy

L. S.


(For the Mirror.)

THE Arundelian marbles, Oxford marbles, or Parian chronicle, are ancient stones (as has been supposed,) whereon is inscribed a chronicle of the city of Athens, engraven in capital letters in the island of Paros, one of the Cyclades, 264 years before Jesus Christ.

They take their first name from Thomas, Earl of Arundel, who procured them out of the east, or from Henry his grandson, who presented them to the University of Oxford. The Arundelian marbles in their perfect state, contain a chronological detail of the principal events of Greece during a period of 1318 years, beginning with Cecrops, B. C. 1582, and ending with the Archonship of Diognetus, B. C. 264: but the chronicle of the last ninety years is lost, the inscription is at present so much corroded and effaced, that the sense can be discovered only by very learned and industrious antiquaries; or, more properly speaking, supplied by their conjectures. This chronicle, and many of the other relics of antiquity, real or pretended, were purchased in Asia Minor, in Greece, or in the islands of the Archipelago, by Mr. William Petty, who in the year 1624, was sent by Thomas, Earl of Arundel, for the purpose of making such collections for him in the east; they were brought into England about the beginning of the year 1627, and placed in the gardens belonging to Arundel house in London. Soon after their arrival they excited a general curiosity, and were viewed by many inquisitive and learned men; among others by Sir Robert Cotton, who prevailed upon Selden to employ his abilities in explaining the Greek inscriptions; the following year Selden published a small volume in 4to., including about thirty-nine inscriptions copied from the marbles. In the turbulent reign of Charles I. and the subsequent usurpation, some of the marbles were defaced and broken, and others stolen or used for the ordinary purposes of architecture; the chronological marble in particular was unfortunately broken and defaced. In 1667, the Hon. Henry Howard, afterwards Duke of Norfolk, the grandson of the first collector, presented these supposed remains of antiquity to the university of Oxford. Selden's work becoming very scarce, Bishop Fell engaged Mr. Prideaux to publish a new edition of the inscriptions, which was printed at Oxford in 1676. In 1732 Mr. Maittaire obliged the public with a more comprehensive view of the marbles

than either of his predecessors; lastly, Dr. Chandler published a new and im proved copy of the marbles in 1763, in which he corrected the mistakes of the former editors; and in some of the inscriptions, particularly that of the Parian chronicle, supplied the lucune by many ingenious conjectures. The Arundelian marbles have generally been regarded as a curious monument of antiquity: they were, however, discovered in some instances to be inconsistent with the most authentic historical accounts; Sir Isaac Newton and several other modern philosophers paid little or no regard to them, and their authenticity has been severely questioned by Mr. Robertson in a dissertation, entitled the Parian Chronicle. In this dissertation much ingenuity as well as judgment and a great extent of ancient learning are displayed. His doubts, the author observes, arise from the following considerations. First, "The characters have no certain or unequivocal marks of antiquity." Second, It is not probable that the chronicle was engraved for private use." Third, "The chronicle does not appear to have been engraved by public authority." Fourth, "The Greek and Roman writers, for a long time after the date of this work, complain that they had no chronological account of the affairs of ancient Greece." Fifth, "The chronicle is not once mentioned by any writer of antiquity." Sixth, "Some of the facts mentioned in the chronicle seem to have been taken from writers of later date." Seventh, "Arachronisms appears in some of the epochas, which we scarcely suppose a chronologer of the 129th Olympiad would be liable to commit." Eight," The history of the discovery of the Parian chronicle is obscure and unsatisfactory." Ninth, "The literary world has been frequently imposed upon by spurious books and inscriptions; and, therefore, we should be extremely cautious with regard to what we receive under the venerable name of antiquity." These several articles have been replied to by Mr. Hewlett, in his Vindication of the Parian Chronicle, but the objections are of a nature very difficult to be removed. The marbles are now fixed in the school in Oxford. SR.


(To the Editor of the Mirror.) SIR,-According to a former statement of your Mirror it appears, that the number of Valentines sent to the receiving houses within the district of the twopenny post in 1821, exceeded 200,000,


the amount of which is £1,666 13s. 4d.; which we may call the Citizens' Anniversary tribute, in aid of Government. But as a considerable number, perhaps a fourth of these equivocal, anonymous, or sometimes quizzical overtures charged three-pence, an increase of £208 6s. 8d., or one eighth more is produced making £1,875 sterling. To which, if the very low estimate of £468 15s. for duty on paper be added, the whole emolument flowing into the treasury for one day's Folly in London only, will amount to £2,343 15s.!! All of which is collected with a few pounds additional expense to Government, for extra letter carriers. With respect to country Valentines, the circumstances differ too much to say any thing of certainty about it, seeing the postage would vary with the distance: and while some were charged as single, others from the manner of folding, would be accounted double, or even triple. Therefore, waving niceties, the number would be, probably, in proportion to the population, and the sway of the Blind Divinity is universally acknowledged to bear. Then according to a late Census, the population of England, Wales, and Scotland, to say nothing of that hot bed of the amatory passion (Ire land) amounted to 12,552,144, out of which 864,845 were assigned to London, being between a fourteenth and fifteenth part of the whole twelve millions and a half. Therefore, without stickling about excess of postage, or double and triple letters, if the whole supposed number be averaged according to the London rate, that is £2,343 15s. multiplied by thirteen and a half, the last product will be found to amount to the enormous total of £33,640 12s. 6d. !!! as Folly's free-willoffering in one day every year to support the State. The expression in one of Dibdin's songs, that

"Puppies now prop up the Nation!"

wants but the alteration of one word to make it suit the present case; for our follies, are really valuable considerations to the Receiver General: and none but a cynic would be angry if the whole National Debt should be paid off by means equally innocent.


From the Greek.

T. S.

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Grateful as streams, that in some deep recess,
With rills unhop'd the panting traveller bless,
Is he, that links with me his chain of life,
Names himself lord, and deigns to call me WIFE.

(In Imitation of the above.)

Beautiful as young day, when the sweet season s waking,

Joyous as the bird of song when the gay morn is breaking,

Mild as Zephyr's softest sigh, on Flora's bosom breathing,

Chaste as that fair queen, who found the art of endless wreathing,

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Constant as Apollo's flow'r, which blooms but in his beaming,

Fond as the moon of that bright star, upon her path-way gleaming,

Graceful as the slightest reed upon the green bank waving,

Courteous as the rippling stream, which that green bank is laving,

Yet great in soul, and high in mind, the charm, the bliss, of life,

Is she, the gentlest of her kind, I proudly call MY WIFE.

J. W., Jun.


(For the Mirror.)

IT is hardly possible to view the con nection of society with our comfort, with. out hailing it as a blessing almost indis pensable to our existence.

You will not expect that in mustering my ideas upon any subject, I should reinforce them with the sanction of the musty ancients, or the trite moderns; or that I should embellish my sentiments with cramp quotations from languages to which the softer sex have no pretensions; for that matter, I am quite satisfied with simply expressing them upon any given subject, and shall be much prouder of their meeting the pre-conceived ideas of my readers, than, if they were upheld by a host of literati; with whose opinions the idea of corroboration would originality. So vast a range of thought despoil me of all pretension whatever to and sentiment is accessible in the present day to almost every class in society, by the universal diffusion of the press, that it is scarcely reasonable to expect novel sparks of genius-they may perhaps pre

sent themselves in a somewhat varied form, but the basis is in most cases easily traced and defined; new ideas are so scarce, that they should deservedly immortalize the projectors. I speak not for myself, for I cannot hope to raise the slightest pretensions-but they occasionally present themselves, although like angel visits "few and far between."

Being naturally of a lively temperament, I confess myself much delighted

in mingling with the busy worid, and participating (moderately mind you) in its multifarious attractions; not that I dislike occasionally to indulge a little in the sombre mood, but I consult my glass too often not to know, that the hue of the rose is as important as that of the lily in the estimation of the sweet somebodys, whose good opinion I would not forfeit for worlds at least just at present; I know not how far my wilfulness may extend by and bye: I am not in the least ambitious to appear

'Sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought' not I, time enough for that when care with his furrowed cheeks raps at my door in good earnest my desire is, to keep him at arms length as long as possibleand if he needs will assail me, to be well prepared for the encounter.

But I was about to gossip a little about the sweets of society-retournons a nôtre sujet-I confess I am not much given to reflection; but I do now and then indulge a little, and cannot say it has ever operated prejudicially on my happiness, for although have occasionally engendered a little dissatisfaction with self, this has been more than counterbalanced


by the whispering counsels of conscience, my infallible arbitress in points of a questionable character. In verity I believe there is a season for all things, but I do love to study human nature beyond all other occupations whatever; for it alone conveys practical instruction, being just of that specific character which we most need to curb and facilitate our intercourse with each other. Learning cuts but a sorry figure without this qualification; it is theory without practice, and we should be the tamest creatures imaginable had we no other medium than books, to become familiarized to each other. No, no, this would never do; I have a thousand times commiserated the awkward, well-intentioned gaiety of the student, (who deeply conscious of having suffered the Muses to supersede the Graces) feels himself ill-qualified to cope with the bold pretensionless stripling in the minutia of the gay world; but whose society would be infinitely preferred to the obtrusive frivolity of his brainless opponent. It would be invidious in us to evince a preference by any other mode than polite attention; and this should challenge the best efforts of the wellinformed, whose sound judgment would soon expel the trifler from the field.

Society cannot be enjoyed with true gusto by other than a well-stored mind, for the intelligent will seek kindred spirits, in order that their treasures may not be uselessly dissipated; and that

they may be similarly recompensed in return how hopeless would this expectation be rendered, did they resort to the illiterate or uninformed, whose pretensions are common place or sensual. Cultivation of intellect will be unavailing unless attended to for the advantage or amusement of others, it must neither be neglected nor hoarded, for the diffusion of acquirements procures not merely respect and esteem, but the display of similar excellencies in return, and thus renders mutual gratification of the most prepossessing character. But if such results accrue from general society, far happier is the associating of nearer and tion of those we love and esteem accidearer friends; how joyous the recognidentally amidst strangers; social chat speedily restores past events afresh to the imagination in all their natural vividness; occurrences, grave or gay, succeed each other in rapid continuity, beguiling us in turn of sighs or smiles, and cement a fresh enduring attachments or partialities. Memory summons at will the minutest particulars of events which may have required years to consummate; and not merely the events, but the sensations which accompanied them and who will say that even grief may not be delicious, with a valued friend at hand to pour in the balm of consolation-a friend whose heart may throb in unison with your own, and on whose affectionate disposition and kindly offices you can confidently rely in every exigence.

These and a thousand other advantages are contingent on society; there are some evils to avoid, it is true, but what they are, a sound discretion will readily discriminate; slander and detraction are perhaps the most prevalent, but these hateful qualities will be shunned by a mind trained for rational enjoyment; compassionate regret will deaden their influence, which will be superseded by liberal and enlightened sentiments, on whatever topics the imagination may pre

sent for discussion.

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