appeareth the greatest signes of strength, actiuitie and courage: for these three qualities are in a souldiour especially required. This choice is made euerie third yeare, except necessitie enforce it to be made sooner, as it happened in the late Persian warre: wherein not only oftner choice was made, but they were glad to vse the Azamoglans also, a thing neuer before by them done. For those youths, the children of Christian parents, being by them that haue taken them vp brought to CONSTANTINOPLE, are taken view of by the Aga of the Ianizaries, who causeth to be registred the name of the youth, with the name of his father and countrey wherein he was borne: which done, part of them are sent into the lesser ASIA (now called NATOLIA) and other prouinces, where learning the Turkish language and law, they are also infected with the vices and manners of them with whom they liue, and so in short time become right Mahometanes. Another part of them, and those of the most towardliest, is diuided into cloisters which the Grand Seigniour hath at CONSTANTINOPLE and PERA, of whom the fairest and most handsome are appointed for the Seraglio of the great Sultan himselfe. All the time that these youths, thus sent abroad, liue in the lesser ASIA, or other the Turkes prouinces, they are not appointed to any certaine exercises, but still kept busied, some at husbandrie, some in gardening, some in building, some in other domesticall seruices, neuer suffered to be idle, but alwayes occupied in painfull labour; where after certaine yeares they haue beene thus enured to labour and paines taking, they are called thence into the cloisters of the Azamoglans (for so they are called all the time vntil they be enrolled into the number of the Ianizaries) and are there deliuered vnto certaine speciall gouernours appointed to take charge of them: who keepe them still exercised in painefull worke and labour, entreating them euill ynough, as well in their diet, as in their apparell and lodging: they sleepe together in large roomes, like vnto the religious Dormitories, wherein are lampes still burning, and tutors attending, without whose leaue they may not stirre out of their places. There they learne to shoot both in the Bow and Peece,' the use of the Scimitar, with many feats of actiuitie: and being well trained in those exercises, are enrolled amongst the Ianizaries or Spahi of whom the Ianizaries receiue not lesse than fiue aspers, nor more than eight for their daily pay, and the Spahi ten. Being recorded among the Ianizaries, they are either sent away into the warres, or into some garrison, or else attend at the Court. These last haue for their dwelling three great places like vnto three monasteries in the citie of CONSTANTINOPLE: there they liue vndre their gouernours, to whom they are deputed, the younger with great obedience and silence seruing the elder in buying of things for them, in dressing of their meat, and such like services. They that be of one seat or calling liue together at one table, and sleepe in long walkes. If any of them vpon occasion chance to lye all night abroad without leaue, the next euening hee is notably beaten, with such nurture and discipline, that after his beating he like an Ape kisseth his Gouernours hands that so corrected him. These Ianizaries haue many large priuiledges, are honoured, although they be most insolent, and are feared of all men, yea even of the great Sultan himselfe, who is still glad to make faire weather with them. In their expeditions or trauell they rob the poore Christians cottages and houses, who must not say one word to the contrarie. When they buy any thing, they giue for it but what they list themselues. They can bee judged by none but by their Aga: neither can they be executed without danger of an insurrection, and therfore such execution is seldome done, and that verie secretly. They Peece, gun, as in "fowling-piece." | haue a thousand royalties: some of them are appointed to the keeping of embassadours sent from forrein princes: othersome of them are assigned to accompanie strangers, trauellers, especially them that be men of the better sort, to the intent they may safely passe in the Turkes dominions, for which seruice they are commonly well rewarded. They haue made choice of their prince, namely of Selymus the first, his father Baiazet yet liuing; neither can any the Turkes Sultans account themselues fully inuested in their imperiall dignitie, or assured of their estate, vntil they be by them approoued and proclaimed. Euerie one of their Sultans at his first comming to the empire, doth giue them some great largesse; and sometime the better to please them, encreaseth also their pay. In euerie great expedition some of them goeth forth with their Aga, or his lieutenant, and are the last of all that fight. There is no office among the Turkes, that moe enuie at, than at the office of the Aga of the Ianizaries, for the greatnesse of his authoritie and commaund: onely he and the Beglerbeg of GRECIA chuse not their owne lieutenant, but haue them nominated vnto them by the Grand Seignior. Vnto this great man the Aga of the Ianizaries, nothing can portend a more certaine destruction, than to be of them beloued, for then is he of the great Sultan straightway feared or mistrusted, and so occasion sought for to take him out of the way. The number of the Ianizaries of the Court is betwixt ten and foureteene thousand. This warlike order of souldiours is in these our dayes much embased: for now naturall Turks are taken in for Ianizaries, as are also the people of Asia; whereas in former times none were admitted into that order, but the Christians of EVROPE only; beside that, they marrie wiues also contrarie to their antient custome, which is not now forbidden them. And because of their long lying still at CONSTANTINOPLE (a citie abounding with all manner of pleasure) they are become much more effeminate and slothful, but withall most insolent, or more truly to say intollerable. It is commonly reported the strength of the Turkish empire to consist in this order of the Ianizaries, which is not altogether so, for albeit that they be indeed the Turkes best footmen and surest gard of the great Sultans person, yet vndoubtedly the greatest strength of his state and empire resteth nothing so much in them, as in the great multitude of his horsemen, especially his Timariots. Beside these Ianizaries, the Turkish emperour hath a wonderful number of base footmen, whom the Turks call Asapi, better acquainted with the spade than with the sword, seruing rather to the wearying of their enemies with their multitude, than the vanquishing of them with their valour: with whose dead bodies the Ianizaries vse to fill vp the ditches of townes besieged, or to serue them for ladders to clime ouer the enemies wals vpon. But as the Romans had both their old Legionarie, and other vntrained souldiors, which they called Tirones; of whom the first were the chiefe strength of their warres, and the other but as it were an aid or supplie; euen so the Turke accounteth his Timariot horsemen the strength of his armie, and the Acanzij (which is another sort of base and common horsemen) but as an accessorie: and so amongst his footmen he esteemeth of his Ianizaries, as did the Romans of their Pretorian legions, but of his Asapi as of shadowes. The Ianizaries are by none to be commanded, more than by the great Sultan himselfe, and their Aga; as for the Bassaes, they much regard them not, but in their rage oftentimes foule entreat euen the greatest of them. The Asapi as they are but base and common souldiours, so haue they also their ordinarie captaines and commaunders, men of no great place or marke. The whole state of the great empire of the Turkes is commaunded by the great Sultan, by the graue advice and counsell of his Visier Bassaes, which were not wont to be in number aboue foure, so prouiding for the secrecie of his high designes or important resolutions, hardly by a greater multitude to be concealed: howbeit that the Sultans of later times haue had sometimes moe, sometimes fewer, as their pleasure was. These men are of all others in that empire the greatest, and for their high places most honored: vnto them euen the greatest princes that haue any thing to doe in the Turkes Court, sue and send their honourable presents. By their aduice the great Sultan taketh his warres in hand, neither without them concludeth he any peace. They giue audience vnto the Embassadours of forraine princes, and from them receiue their dispatch. The greatest honors and preferments (which are many in that so great and large an empire) are all by their meanes to be obtained: which maketh them of all others to be sought vnto. Some one or other of them are still Generals ouer the great armies of the Turkes, especially in these their late warres, their three last emperours neuer themselues going forth into the field (excepting once that Mahomet the third for the maintenance of his credit with his men of warre, came downe into HVNGARIE, and there woon the citie of AGRIA :) which leading of such mightie armies is still with great emulation and ambition of the Visier Bassaes amongst themselues sought after, as well for the great profit thereby vnto them arising, as for the honour thereof, which is of all other the greatest. But leauing these great ones, the chiefe counsellours for his state; the whole body of his so large and mightie an empire (all in the hands of martiall men) is gouerned by other great Bassaes, whom they by a most proud barbarous name call Beglerbegs, that is to say Lords of Lords, euery one of them hauing vnder him certaine Begs or Sanzackes, who are lords and rulers also ouer some particular cities & countries, with the Timariots therein; yet all stil at the command & beck of their Beglerbeg. In antient time there was wont to be but two of these proud Beglerbegs in all the Turks empire: the one commanding ouer all the prouinces the Turke had in EVROPE; & the other ouer all that he had in the lesser ASIA, now of the Turks called NATOLIA. But the Turkish empire greatly augmented in ASIA by Selymus the first, & also afterwards much enlarged both in EVROPE and ASIA by Solyman his son, the number of the Beglerbegs were by him increased, and in some part also changed: who although that they be al Beglerbegs, and that one of them (especially in the time of peace) in the managing of his souldiers and affaires of his countrey, is not subject to any other, but is onely at the commaund of the great Turke; yet notwithstanding in time of warre, where the Beglerbeg of ROMANIA is, all are obedient vnto him, as the chiefest of the rest; insomuch, that none of them but only he and the Bassa of NATOLIA are called by the stately name of Beglerbegs, the others being then only called the Bassaes of such and such places, as of BVDA, ALEPPO, and such like, although indeed they are in nature Beglerbegs, and so written in their records. For the more manifesting of which their gouernment, as also that they which come hereafter, may by comparing of that which is here written, with the state that then shall be, see how much this great Empire in the meane time encreaseth or diminisheth, I haue thought good here briefely to set down all the said Beglerbegs with their Sanzacks and Timariots, and as neere as I could (either by reading, or the credible relation of others well trauelled in those countries) together, and as it were at one shew set forth the whole strength and power of this so mightie an Empire, as also in what countries and prouinces the same is especially placed. The Beglerbegs or great Commanders of the Turkes Empire in Evrope. The first and chiefest of all the Beglerbegs in the Turkish Empire, is the Beglerbeg of ROMANIA OF GRECIA, called of the Turkes RVM-ILI (or as wee say, the Romane countrey) the principall residence of whose Beglerbegship, is at SOPHIA, a citie of BVLGARIA; so appointed for the commodious situation thereof, for the better commaund of the rest of the prouinces of EVROPE: how beit, that he for the most part or rather altogether abideth at the court, which the other Beglerbegs cannot doe, for that they are bound not to depart from the gouernment of their prouinces: in which charge they ordinarily continue but three yeares only, the great Sultan still changing and altering them at his pleasure. This Beglerbeg hath vnder his owne ensigne and commaund forty thousand Timariots alwaies ready at his call, vnder the conduct of these one and twenty Sanzacks following, namely, the Sanzacke of commaundeth ouer all the Sanzacks neere vnto the great riuer TANAIS, and the fennes of MEOTIS. It was at first but a Sanzackship, subject to the Beglerbeg of GRECIA, and is in truth rather a Beglerbegs place in name, than in strength and power. The Beglerbegs or great Commaunders of the Turkes The Beglerbeg of— 1 Anatolia, who hath his resiance in Cutaie, the metropoliticall city of the greater Phrigia (called of auncient time Catyai) and hath vnder his ensigne and commaund thirtie thousand of the Timariot horsemen, with twelue Sanzacks. 2 Caramania, who hath his abode at Caisaria (in ancient time called Cæsaria) a citie of Cilicia, and hath vnder him scuen Sanzackes, with twentie thousand Timariots. 3 Siuas, who hath his abiding at Sebastia, a citie of the lesser Armenia, and hath vnder his gouernment ten thousand Timariots. 4 Tocatun, who resideth at Amasia, the metropolis of Capadocia, and hath vnder him fiue Sanzackes. 5 Dulgadir, sometime part of the kingdome of Aladeules, and commandeth ouer foure Sanzackes. 6 Halep, commonly called Aleppo, a citie of Syria, and one of the most famous marts of the East, who hath vnder his regiment fiue and twentie thousand Timariots. 7 Sham, otherwise called Damasco, a most famous citie of Syria, who commandeth ouer fortie thousand Timariots. 8 Tarapolos or Trapolos, commonly called Tripolis, another famous citie of Syria. 9 Maras, a citie vpon the great riuer Euphrates, betwixt Aleppo and Mesopotamia, who hath vnder his commaund ten thousand Timariots. 10 Diarbekir, otherwise called Mesopotamia, who maketh his abode at the citie of Amida, or as the Turkes call it, Cara-hemid; who commaundeth over twelve Sanzackes, and thirtie thousand Timariots. 11 Bagdat (or new Babylon) where he resideth not farre from the ruines of old Babylon, who hath vnder him fortie thousand Timariots. 12 Balsara, not farre from Bagdat vpon the Persian gulfe, who hath vnder his rule or gouernment fifteene thousand Timariots. 13 Lara, towards Ormus, and neere vnto the Persian, hath vnder his regiment ten thousand Timariots. 14 Gemen and Aden, two famous cities in Arabia Felix, vpon the coast of the red sea, who hath vnder him thirtie thousand Timariots. 15 Chebetz or Zebet, vpon the coast of the Arabian gulfe, neere vnto the kingdome of the great thyopian king Preianes, commonly (but corruptly) called Presbiter Iohn. 16 Cyprus, who lyeth at Micosia or Famagusta, commaunding ouer all that great Island, sometime of it selfe a kingdome. 17 Scheherezul in Assyria, bordering vpon the Persian, who hath vnder his gouernment ten thousand Timariots. 18 Wan, a citie in the confines of the greater Armenia towards Media, who hath vnder him twelve thousand Timariots. 19 Artzerum or Erzerum, in the borders of Armenia towards Capadocia, about foure daies journey from Trapezonde, who commaundeth ouer twentie thousand Timariots. 20 Teflis, neere vnto the Georgians, erected by Mustapha Bassa, Generall of Amurath the third his armie against the Persian, in the yeare 1578. 21 Siruan or Media, erected by the same Mustapha, and at the same time, commaundeth ouer all that great countrey, sometime a famous kingdome. 22 Temir-Capi or Derbent, neere vnto the Caspian sea, taken by Osman Bassa the same yeare 1578, who hauing slaine Schehemet Chan his father in law, reduced that countrey into the forme of a Beglerbegship. 23 Cars, a citie of Armenia the greater, distant from Artzerum four daies journey, by Mustapha Bassa made a Beglerbegship in the yeare 1579. 24 Tschilder or Tilder in the confines of the Georgians, erected by the same Generall Mustapha in the same yeare 1579. 25 Fassa or Phasis in Mengrelia, neere vnto the Georgians, erected by Vluzales the Turks Admirall the same yeare 1579. 26 Sochum, in the borders of the Georgians, erected by the great Bassa Sinan in the yeare 1580. 27 Batin, there erected also by the same Sinan Bassa. 28 Reiuan, erected by Ferat Bassa, Generall of the Turkes armie, taken from Tocomac Chan the Persian in the yeare 1582, whereof Cicala Bassa was the first Beglerbeg. 29 Somachia, in the countrey of Media, erected by Osman Bassa in the yeare 1583. 30 Tauris, a most famous citie of Armenia the greater, sometime the regall seat of the Persian kings, but of late taken from them by Osman Bassa, and conuerted into a Beglerbegship in the same yeare 1583. But these late erected honours, namely, the Beglerbegships of TEFLIS, SIRVAN, TEMIR-CAPI, CARS, TSCHILDER, FASSA, and the rest gained by Amurath from the Persians and the Georgians, although they containe a great territorie, are not of themselues any of them worthy of those proud titles, or yet able to maintaine the same, SIRVAN, REIVAN, and TAVRIS onely excepted; but were by the great Bassaes, Mustapha, Sinan, Ferat, and Osman, Amurath his lieutenants, for their owne greater honor, and the encouraging of them which were to defend those their new conquests, erected; being indeed nothing either in power or strength comparable with the other more auncient Beglerbegs either in EVROPE or ASIA. But hauing thus passed through the great kingdomes and prouinces by the Turkes holden in EVROPE and ASIA, with their proud honours therein, let vs goe forward toward the South, to see what great kingdomes and territories they at this present hold in AFRICKE also. The Beglerbegs or great Commaunders of the Turkes The Beglerbeg of— 1 Missir, who still making his abode at the great citie of Caire, hath vnder his commaund all the kingdome of Egipt, with sixteene Sanzackes, and an hundred thousand Timariots. 2 Cesair (in ancient time called Iulia Cæsaria) but now commonly Algiers, where the Beglerbeg still residing, commandeth ouer all that kingdome, wherein are fortie thousand Timariots. 3 Tunis, where he still remaining as a Viceroy, commaundeth all that great and large kingdome. 4 Tripolis, the seat of his Beglerbegship, by Sinan Bassa taken from the knights of Malta in the yeare 1551. There are beside, these other two kingdomes in AFRICKE enrolled in the Turks records as their owne, although they be not as yet by them brought into the forme of Beglerbegships: | namely, the kingdomes of Fes and MAROCO, but are as yet holden by them as their tributaries and vassales. But hauing thus as it were taken view of the greatnesse and forces of this so mightie a Monarchs Empire by land, and so in some sort bounded it out, let vs consider also his power by sea. With the great Ocean he much medleth not, more than a little in the gulfes of PERSIA and ARABIA: most of his territories lying vpon the Mediterranean and Euxine seas, or else more inwardly into the heart of ASIA, neere vnto no sea. Now for these seas, no prince in the world hath greater or better means to set forth his fleets than hath he: for the ouergrowne woods of EPIRVS and CILICIA; and more than they, those of NICOMEDIA and TRAPEZONDE, are so great and so thicke, and so full of tall trees fit for the building of ships and gallies of all sorts, as is almost incredible. Neither wanteth he store of shipwrights and other carpenters for the framing of that so great store of timber, large pay drawing euen the Christian skilful carpenters and workmen into his Arsenals at CONSTANTINOPLE, SINOPE, CALLIPOLIS, and others. For proofe whereof it is worth the noting, that Selymus the second in our fresh remembrance, the next yeare after that notable ouerthrow by him receiued at the ECHINADES (commonly called the battle of LEPANTO1) rigged vp a fleet wherewith Vluzales his admirall was not afraid to face the whole power of the confederat Christian princes at CERIGO. Neither hath the Turke euer wanted good store of expert seamen, after the maner of those seas: for beside those he hath in store at CALLIPOLIS and SINOPE, out of his gallies which he hath alwaies in readinesse in LESBOS, CHIOS, RHODVS, CYPRVS, and ALEXANDRIA, & from the pyrats which he continually receiueth into the ports of TVNIS, BVGIA, TRIPOLIS, & ALGIERS, he can & doth from them when need is chuse captaines, mariners, and rowers sufficient for the manning and storing of his fleet. What he is able to doe in those seas, was well seene in our time, by those fleets which he had at MALTA, CYPRVS, the ECHINADES, and GVLETTA. He hath beside of all necessary and warlike prouision abundant store, & of great ordnance to furnish himselfe withall both by sea & land an infinit quantitie. Out of HVNGARIE he hath carried away aboue 5000 great peeces, out of CYPRVS 500, and few lesse from GVLETTA, not to speake what he hath more got from the Christians in diuers other places also. What store he hath of shot and pouder, he shewed at MALTA, where he discharged aboue 60000 great shot; at FAMAGVSTA, where he bestowed 118000; & at GVLETTA, where in the space of 39 daies he by the furie of his great ordnance ouerthrew the fortifications which the Christians had been 40 yeares in building. So that to returne again vnto our purpose, the great Turke so well prouided of men, mony, shipping, and great ordnance, and hauing done so great matters at sea as is before rehearsed, is not in reason otherwise to be accounted of than as of a most mighty and puissant prince, as wel by sea as land which to be so, the greatnesse of his Denizi Beglerbeg or great Admirall (commonly called Capitan Bassa, of whom we haue not yet spoken) well declareth. This great man hauing charge of all the Grand Signior his strength at sea, is alwaies one of the Visier Bassaes, not bound still to follow the court, as the other Visier Bassaes be, but alwaies or for most part resiant at CoNSTANTINOPLE or CALLIPOLIS, so to be the neerer vnto his charge. He that now hath this honorable place, is called of the Turks Cigala Bassa, discended of an honorable family of that name in GENVA; who commonly residing at CONSTANTINOPLE OF CALLIPOLIS, hath vnder him 14 Sanzackes, all of them great commaunders and men of great place, namely, the Sanzacke of The greatnesse, wealth, and strength of this so mightie an Empire, as well by sea as land, thus in some sort declared, let vs now see vpon what princes it also confineth, and of what power euery one of them is in comparison of it, so great and ouergrowne a State. The Turks toward the East border vpon the Persians, according to a right line, drawne by imagination from TAVRIS to BALSARA: vpon the Portugals at the Persian gulfe, and so there likewise toward the South: at the red sea, vpon the great Ethyopian king Preianes, commonly called Prester Iohn: towards the West, in AFRICKE vpon the king of MAROCO : and in EVROPE Vpon the kingdome of NAPLES, with some part of the Venetian signorie: towards the North vpon the Polonians, and the territories of the house of AVSTRIA. Now to begin with the Persian, the great Turke no doubt is in field too strong for him, as by proofe hath been oftentimes seene: For Mahomet the Great in plaine battaile ouercame the valiant Vsun-Cassanes: Selymus the first, and after him Solyman his son, put to flight the noble Hysmael and Tamas, the two great and famous Persian kings: and now of late in our time, Amurath the third by his lieutenants hath taken from the Persians all MEDIA, with the greater ARMENIA, both sometimes famous kingdomes, together with the regall citie of TAVRIS. That the Turke so preuaileth is by reason of his footmen, which the Persian wanteth; and of his great ordnance, whereof the Persian hath neither store nor use and although the Persians by valour of their horsemen hath sometime in open field foiled the Turke, yet haue they still lost some part of their countrey, Solyman taking from them MESOPOTAMIA, and Amurath MEDIA and ARMENIA.2 Neither did the Persians alone feele that harme, and loose their owne, but vndid their confederats also; Selymus the first spoiling the Mamalukes of EGYPT and SIRIA, and vtterly rooting them from off the face of the earth, and Amurath by his lieutenants hauing brought to a low ebbe the warlike Georgians, both of them the Persian kings friends and confederats. Now is not the Turke so much too strong at land for the Persian, but that he is as much too weake at sea for the Portugals; in those seas I meane where their forces haue more than once to the Turks cost met together in the East Indies. The Portugals, hauing in those rich but remote countries many sure harbours and ports, yea faire countries and territories abounding with victuals and all prouision necessary for shipping, with some also of those great Easterne princes, their allies and confederats; whereas the Turke on the other side hath nothing in the Persian gulfe strong, beside BALSARA; the sea-coast of ARABIA, which might stand him in best stead, hauing no more but foure townes, and those but weak and of small worth. So that there, as also in the red sea, it is a matter of exceeding charge and difficultie for him to set out any great fleet into those seas; for that those countries are vtterly destitute of wood fit to make ships of. For which cause, those few times that he prepared his fleets in the red sea (to haue cut off the Portugals trade into the East Indies) being not able to performe the same in the Persian gulfe, he was enforced to bring the timber for the building of his gallies out of the ports of BITHYNIA and CILICIA (out of another world as it were) vp the NILE vnto CAIRE, and from thence vpon cammels by land to SVES, where he hath his Arsenall, a thing almost incredible. And yet hauing done what he could, as oft as he hath made any Thirty years after this was written, the Turks (in 1639) took Bagdad. Forethought. When that Good Friday was come, the men of Gotham did cast their heads together what to do with their white herring, their red herring, their sprats, and salt fish. One consulted with the other, and agreed that such fish should be cast into their pond or pool (the which was in the middle of the town), that it might increase against the next year; and every man that had any fish left, did cast them into the pool. The one said: "I have thus many white herrings;" another said: "I have thus many sprats ;" another said: "I have thus many red herrings ;" and the other said: "I have thus many salt fishes. Let all go together into the pool or pond, and we shall fare like lords the next Lent." At the beginning of the next Lent following, the men did draw the pond to have their fish, and there was nothing but a great eel. "Ah!" said they all, "a mischief on this eel! for he hath eat up all our fish. What shall we do with him?" said the one to the other. "Kill him," said the one of them. "Chop him all to pieces," said another. “ "Nay, not so," said the other, "let us drown him." "Be it so," said all. They went to another pool or pond by, and did cast in the eel into the water. "Lie there," said they, "and shift for thyself: for no help thou shalt have of us;" and there they left the eel to be drowned. The Lost Man. On a certain time, there were twelve men of Gotham, that did go a fishing, and some did wade in the water, and some stood upon dry land, and when that they went homeward, one said to the other: "We have ventured wonderful hard this day in wading; I pray God that none of us that did come from home be drowned." " Marry," said the one to the other, "let us see that, for there did twelve of us come out ;" and they told themselves, and every man did tell eleven, and the twelfth man did never tell himself." Alas," said the one to the other, "there is one of us drowned." They went back to the brook, where that they had been fishing, and sought up and down for him that was drowned, and did make great lamentation. A courtier did come riding by, and he did ask what it was they did seek, and why they were so sorry. "Oh," said they, "this day we went to fish in this brook, and there did come out twelve of us, and one is drowned." "Why," said the courtier, "tell how many be of you." And the one told eleven, and he did not tell himself. "Well," said the courtier, "what will you give me, and I will find out twelve men?" "Sir," said they, "all the money that we have." "Give me the money," said the courtier: and he began with the first, and did give him a recombendibus over the shoulders that he groaned, and said: "There is one." So he served all, that they groaned on the matter. When he did come to the last, he payed him a good, saying: "Here is the twelfth man." "God's blessing on your heart," said all the company, “that you have found out our neighbour." The Three Gossips. A man's wife of Gotham was brought to bed of a man-child; the father did bid the gossips, the which were children of eight or nine years of age. The eldest child's name that should be godfather was named Gilbert; the second child was named Humphrey; and the godmother's name was Christabel. The friends of them did admonish them, saying, that divers times they must say after the priest. When all were come to the church door, the priest said: "Be you agreed of the name?" Bo you," said Gilbert, "agreed of the name?" "Be you," said Humphrey, "agreed of the name?" · Bo you," said Christ abel, "agreed of the name?" The priest said: "Wherefore be you come hither?" Gilbert said: 66 "Wherefore be you come hither?" Humphrey said: "Wherefore be you come hither?" Christabel said: "Wherefore be you come hither?" The priest, being amazed, could not tell what to say, but whistled and said "Whew." Gilbert whistled and said "Whew;" Humphrey whistled and said Whew," and so did Christabel. The priest, being angry, said: "Go home, fools, go home." "Go home, fools, go home," said Gilbert. "Go home, fools, go home," said Humphrey. "Go home, fools, go home," said Christabel. The priest then provided new godfathers and godmothers. Here a man may see, that children can do nothing without good instructions. And they be not not wise that will regard children's words. The Nine Good Wives. In old time, when these aforesaid jests (as men of the country reported) and such fantastical matters were done at Gotham, which I cannot tell half, the wives were gathered together in an alehouse, and the one said to the other, that they were profitable to their husbands. "Which way, good gossips!" said the Alewife. The first said: "I shall tell you all, good gossips. I can neither bake, brew, nor can I do no work, wherefore I do make every day holiday, and I go to the alehouse, because at all times I cannot go to the church; and in the alehouse I pray to God to speed well my husband, and I do think my prayer shall do him much more good than my labour, if I should work." Then said the second: "I am profitable to my husband in saving of candles in winter: for I do cause my husband and all my household folks to go to bed by daylight, and to rise by daylight." The third wife said: " And I am profitable to my husband in spending of bread, for I will eat but little for to the drinking of a gallon or two of good ale, I care for no meat." The fourth wife said: "I am loth to spend meat and drink at home in mine own house, wherefore I do go to the wine tavern at Nottingham, and so take wine and such things as God shall send me there." The fifth wife said: "A man shall have ever more company in another man's house than in his own, and most commonly in an alehouse is the best cheer in a town; and for sparing of meat and drink, and other necessaries, I go to the alehouse." The sixth wife said: "My husband hath wool, and flax, and tow; and to spare it, I go to other men's houses to do other men's work." The seventh wife said: "I do spare my husband's wood and coal, and do sit talking all the day by other men's fires." The eighth said: "Beef, and mutton, and pork is dear; wherefore I do spare it, and do take pig, goose, hen, chicken, coney, and capon, the which be of lower price." The ninth said: " And I do spare my husband's soap and lye: for when he should be washed once in a week, I do wash once in a quarter of a year.” Then said the Alewife: "And I do keep my husband's ale, that I do brew, from souring: for, whereas I was wont to drink up all, now I do leave never a drop." Character writing was among the forms of ingenuity that came into fashion as our English style passed from the freshness of Elizabethan appetite for wit to the more jaded taste, the wit-hunger dependent upon artificial sauces of the later Euphuism. The first good examples of this kind of writing, and still the best, are in Ben Jonson's "Every Man out of his Humour," acted in the year 1599, and first printed in 1600, and in his "Cynthia's Revels," printed in 1601. It is not only "The Character of the Persons” printed before “ Every Man out of his Humour," but the play itself in some degree, and "Cynthia's |