Imágenes de página
[blocks in formation]

Land of Prester John, The, by Sir John Mandeville, 2-7.
Letters: Elizabeth Clare to John Paston, 7, 8; the Duke of

Suffolk (A. D. 1450) to his Son, 8, 9; Sir John Fastolf to John
Paston, 9; Margaret Paston to her Son, Sir John, 9, 10;
two from Sir Thomas Wyatt to his Son, 23, 24. Of
Martyrs under Mary: Lawrence Saunders to his Wife, 31,
32; John Careless to his Wife, 32, 33. Of Euphues, 47,
49; Gabriel Harvey to Edmund Spenser on the Earth-
quake in April, 1580, 67, 693; four from Sir Henry
Wotton, 109-111; one by William King, 229-232; one
of the Drapier's, by Jonathan Swift, 249-252; four from
Lord Chesterfield to his Son, 259, 260; one from Parson
Adams, by Henry Fielding, 268, 270; one from Stephen
Grub, by Henry Fielding, 270-272; one from Samuel
Johnson to Lord Chesterfield, 283; four by Thomas Gray,
286-288; ten to and from Samuel Richardson, 288-299;

five by Horace Walpole, 314-317; two by Samuel
Johnson, 322, 323; seven by William Cowper, 327-330;
Edmund Burke to a Member of the National Assembly,
on the French Revolution, 348-364; one from Spain, by
Robert Southey; one by William Wordsworth, 378, 379.

License, Poetic, John Dryden's Apology for, 171-175.
Life in As-You-Like, by Douglas Jerrold, 426-428.

-, How to Live; Why Men Live, by John Ruskin, 429, 430.
-, The Price of, by Thomas Carlyle, 431.

--, Stories from, by Richard Steele, 226-228.

Literature, Good Taste in, by Henry Fielding, 272, 273.
Little Paul, The Death of, from "Dombey and Son," by

[blocks in formation]

More, Sir Thomas, 14-16;26-30.

Mort d'Arthur, William Caxton's Preface to the, 13, 14.
Mother and Child, Richard Steele on the Relations between,

to Son, from the Paston Letters, 9, 10.

Mulso, Miss, to Samuel Richardson, 294, 295; Richardson's
Answer, 295, 296.

Murder considered as one of the Fine Arts, by Thomas De
Quincey, 401-403.

of the Princes in the Tower, Sir Thomas More's account
of the, 14-16.

Myself, an Essay by Abraham Cowley, 170, 171.


Negotiating, Francis Bacon's Essay of (A.D. 1597), 93.
Negro, The Grateful, by Maria Edgeworth, 371-377.
New Atlantis, The, by Francis Bacon, 115-127.
Newspaper Reporter, Charles Dickens on himself as a, 411, 412,
Noctes Ambrosianæ, North and the Shepherd, by John
Wilson, 399-401..

North Briton, Number 45 of the, by John Wilkes, 300-302.
Notable Services performed by Sir Francis Drake, from
Hakluyt's "Voyages," 87-89.

Nothing, An Essay on, by Henry Fielding, 266-269.

Novels, Elizabethan: John Lyly's "Euphues" described, 43-
47; Robert Greene's "Pandosto," 50-65. Stuart: Mrs.
Behn's "History of the Royal Slave," 175-195.


Observation on Vitiated Sight, by Robert Boyle, 167, 168.
Occasional Reflection, An, by Robert Boyle, 166, 167.

Oroonoko, by Aphra Behn, 175-195.

Overbury, Sir Thomas, 106-108.


Pacolet, Richard Steele's, from The Tatler, 221, 222.

Pandosto, or the Triumph of Time, by Robert Greene, 50-65.
Parson Adams, A Letter from, by Henry Fielding, 269, 270.
Partridge, the Almanack-maker, Jonathan Swift's Prediction

of the Death of, 212, 213.

Paston Letters, 7-10.

Pastorals of Pope and Philips, An Essay on the, by Alexander
Pope in The Guardian, 243-245.

Pedant, Character of a, by Sir Thomas Overbury, 107.
Philosophical Transactions for the Year 1742-3, by Henry
Fielding, 263-266.

Pleasant and Pithy Familiar Discourse of the Earthquake in
April, 1580, in a Letter from Gabriel Harvey to Edmund
Spenser, 67-69.

Poetrie, An Apologie for, by Sir Philip Sidney, 70-86.
Poetry, Apology for Heroic, and Poetic License, by John
Dryden, 171-175.

Poor, Fortitude of the, by Oliver Goldsmith, 312, 313.
Pope, Alexander, 243-245.

Prefaces: William Caxton's to "La Mort d'Arthur," 13, 14;
Roger Ascham's to "Toxophilus," 25, 26, to "the School-
master," 40-43; Daniel Defoe's to The Weekly Review,
207-209; Richard Steele's to "The Ladies' Library," 246,

Prerogative, John Locke on, 198-200.

Prester John, The Land of, by Sir John Mandeville, 2-7.
Printing, Defence of the Liberty of Unlicensed, by John
Milton, 132-149.

Quincey. (See De Quincey.)



Rambler, Samuel Johnson's, An Essay from, 273, 274.
Reflection, An Occasional, by Robert Boyle, 166, 167.
Regimen of Health, Francis Bacon's Essay of (A.D. 1597), 92.
Reverence, John Ruskin on, 428, 429.

Review, The Weekly, by Daniel Defoe, Introduction to, 207-

Revolution, The French, Edmund Burke's Letter on the, to a

Member of the National Assembly, 348-364.

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 331-334.
Richardson, Samuel, Letters to and from, 288-299.
Rogers, John, Martyr, Examination and Answer of, 33-36.

-, Second Confession of, 36-39.

Roundabout Papers, One of the, by William Makepeace
Thackeray, 422-425.

Round Table, Three Essays from the, by William Hazlitt and
Leigh Hunt, 389-397.

Royal Slave, Aphra Behn's History of the, 175-195.
Ruskin, John, 428-430.


Sad Memories, an Essay from The Tatler, by Richard Steele,
225, 226.

Sailing Chariot, Of a, by John Wilkins, 162-165.

Saunders, John, Martyr, Letter of, to his Wife, 31, 32.
Scholar, a Downright, Character of, by John Earle, 130.
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of, 240-


Shenstone, William, 283-285.

Shifter, Character of a, by Robert Greene, 50.

Shortest Way with the Dissenters, The, by Daniel Defoe, 200


Sidney, Sir Philip, 69-86.

Sight, Vitiated, An Observation on, by Robert Boyle, 167, 168.
Sir Roger de Coverley, Two Papers on, by Joseph Addison,


Skelton, Merry Tales of, 30, 31.

Slave, The History of a Royal, by Aphra Behn, 175-195.

Trade, The, by William Cobbett, 377.

Smith, Sydney, 379-385.
Smollett, Tobias, 274-281.

Soliloquy, or Advice to an Author, from Shaftesbury's

"Characteristics," 240-242.

Southey, Robert, 369-371; 396, 397.
Spain, A Letter from, by Robert Southey, 369-371.
Spectator, Essays from the, by Richard Steele and Joseph

Addison, 233-235.

Club, The, by Richard Steele, 226-228.
Steele, Richard, 213-228; 232-236;245-248.
Sterne, Laurence, 302-308; his Memoir of Himself, 306, 307.
Stories from Life, by Richard Steele, from The Tatler, 226-

Studies, Francis Bacon's Essay of (A.D. 1597), 91, 92; (A.D.
1625), 114, 115.

Subordination of the Powers of the Commonwealth, John
Locke on the, 196-198.

Suffolk, The Duke of, to his Son (A.D. 1450), 8, 9.
Suitors, Francis Bacon's Essay of (A.D. 1597), 91, 92.
Superstitious, Character of the, by Joseph Hall, 106.
Swift, Jonathan, 211-213; 248-253.


Tales: Five of the "Hundred Merry Tales," 16, 17; "The
Wonderful History of Titus and Gisippus," by Sir Thomas
Elyot, 18-23; Three of the "Merry Tales of Skelton," 31;
John Lyly's "Euphues," the Story abridged, 44-47; "Pan-
dosto, or the Triumph of Time," by Robert Greene, 50-
65; Three Stories from "Merry Tales, Witty Questions,
and Quick Answers," 65, 66; Five of the Merry Tales of
the Mad Men of Gotham, 103, 104; The New Atlantis, by
Francis Bacon, 116-127; The History of the Royal Slave,
by Aphra Behn, 175-195; Stories from Life, by Richard
Steele, 226-228; Inkle and Yarico, by Richard Steele,
235, 236; The Vision of Mirza, by Joseph Addison, 236,
237; A Dinner after the Manner of the Ancients, from
Smollett's "Peregrine Pickle," 279-281; Yorick, from
Sterne's "Tristram Shandy," 303-306; The Grateful
Negro, by Maria Edgeworth, 371-377; Maria Schoning,
by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 385-389; Little Paul Goes
Home, from "Dombey and Son," by Charles Dickens,


Taste, Good, in Literature, by Henry Fielding, 272, 273.
Tatler, Essays for the, by Richard Steele and Joseph Addison,


Taxation, American, Edmund Burke on, 337-343.

Taylor, Jeremy, 149-161.

Temple, Sir William, 200; 209, 210.

Thackeray, William Makepeace, 421-425,

Tibbs, Beau, by Oliver Goldsmith, 309, 310.

Titus and Gisippus, The Wonderful History of, by Sir Thomas

Elyot, 18-23.

Toxophilus, Roger Ascham's Preface to, 25, 26.

Traveller, An Affectate, Character of, by Sir Thomas Over-
bury, 107.

-, Character of a, by Ben Jonson, 105.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small]




[Large Figures indicate Pages, and Small Figures give the numbers of the Notes upon them.]

[blocks in formation]

Bacon, Francis, 142, 4; 144, 1
Bagdad taken by the Turks, 101,
Baggenhall, Sir Ralph, 33, 1
Balbec, 314,

Barrator, 22, 2
Barrow, Isaac, 238, 3
Bartholomew, Saint, 119, 2
Be (by), 9,7

Beccadelli, Antonio, 38, 1
Beer (barley), 250, 1

Behn, Aphra, her Natural His-

tory of the New World,
176,2; 187,1; date of her
"History of the Royal
Slave," 188, 1; 193, 1

Bewray and betray, 105, 3

Bias, 84, 2

Bield, 399, 1

Bills (prescriptions), 230, 1
Birky, 400, 3


Bittour, 106, 1

Blacklock, Thomas, 323, 2
Bohemia, "Coast of," 50, 3
Books, Forms of ancient, 1, 1
Boscage, 116,

Bostischi, Bernardo Davanzati,

136, 6

Bromyard, John of, 160, 3

Brooke, Robert, Lord, Death of,

147, 6

Buchanan, George, 84, 4

Bugs (terrors), 89,

Bully Dawson, 233, 6

Burgoyne, 65, 1

Burke, evidence of his college

friendship with Goldsmith,


Burleigh, Lord, 40, 1

But if (unless), 11,

Bute, The Earl of, 321, 1

By and by, 65, 5

[blocks in formation]

Cappella Sistina, 332, 1
Carack, 88, 3

Caravels, 88,

Carlyle, Thomas, 77, 9

Carneades of Cyrene, 136, 1

Cassandra, Calprenède's, 154, 2
Catena, 145, 3

Cathay, 2, 3; 3, 1

Cease of, 19, 2

Cecil, Sir William, 40, 1; 42, 5

Censorship of the Press, 136, 5;


Censure, 133, 5
Chamolett, 117,

Chariots, Sailing, 162,

Cheke, Sir John, 42,
Chetiv and Keri, 139, *
Chevy Chase, 78, +
Chiopins, 169, 2


Chrestillus, Martial's Epigram

to, 128,9

Christ covered, 44, 1

Chrysippus and Crantor, 78, 6
Chrysostom, John, 135, 10

Clay Lodgings of the Soul, 73, 5
Cliver, 230, 2

Clubs at the Universities, 217, 2
Cock stolen by a Welshman, 17, 1

Cognomentum, 169, 3

Coins of Elizabeth's reign, 66, 3
Commines, Philippe de, 113, 6
Commonplaces and Common-

place Books, 74,

Conclave, 119, 3
Confessions, Rousseau's, 253, 1
Consonants, Softening of, 10, 5
Controversies of the Church,

Francis Bacon on, 142, *;
144, 1

Conversation (intercourse of

life), 153, +

Copy (abundance), 129, 1; 134, 6
Copyright, 134, 6
Corban, 157, 1
Coromantien, 117, 1

Coronation Procession of George

II., 257,

Corpu perdu, à, 171, 2
Cousheries, 176, 2

Coverley, Sir Roger, Original of,

233,2; 238,2; The Dance,
238, 2

Cowper's Tirocinium, 330, 1
Cozy Bield, 399, 1
Critias, Plato's, 71, 1

Cumin, Dividers of, 115, 3
Cupid and Psyche, 139, 1

Curtius, Quintus, 75,
Cuzzoni, Fra

Francesca, 257, 2

Cynic impudence, 135, 9
Cyrenæus, Theodorus, 11, 2
Cyrene, That libertine School of,



Dares Phrygius, 75, 8
Defectuous, 77, 2

Degrees to the State (steps to

the canopied seat), 124,

Determined, 199, 1

Devising (narrating), 50, 3
Diogenes, 135, 9

Dion Prusæus, 134, 4

[blocks in formation]

Dream of St. Jerome's, A, 138, 2
Drebbel, Cornelius van, 163, 3
Dry Light, 114, 1

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Heliodorus, 73, 3
Helvetius de l'Esprit, 348, 1
Hercules, Pillars of, 120, 4; 145,
Hetamythium, 70, 3

Historian, The, 73, 10; Historian
and Poet, Aristotle's dis
tinction between, 75, 1

Hobby, 58, 2
Honeycomb, Will, Steele's, 234.1
Hooper, John, Bishop of Wor

cester, 37, 3
Horace, Persius on, 77, 8

Huke, 124, 1



I (ay), 48, 1

Eth, Southern Plural in, 23, 2
Etherege, Sir George, 233, 5

Eucholimaioi, 160, 1
Euphuism, 84, 6
Eusebius, 138, 3
Exordium, 133, 2; 134,5

Eye, Image of God killed in the,

135, 2

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Iambize, To, 135, 13
Ibrahim Bassa, Madeleine de

Scudéri's, 154, 2

Importable, 19, 3

Index Librorum Prohibitorum,
136,5; Expurgatorius, 136,
Indian Queen, The, by Dryden
and Sir Robert Howard,
176, 3

Indifferent (impartial), 54, *;

151, 2

Inkle and Yarico, Origin of the

Story of, 235,
Inquisiturient, 137, 6
Insolation, 125, 1
Ion the Rhapsodist, 82,
Isaiah, Raffaelle's, 332, 1

Isle, Sir John Mandeville's use

of the word, 2, 1

Isocrates, 132, 1


Jaguar, The, 187, 1

Java, The Londe of, 116, 3

Jerome, Saint, A Dream of, 138,

Jowett, Professor, 273, 2

Jussell, 230, 1

Justinus, 75, 2


[blocks in formation]

Lamb, Charles, Wordsworth on,

404, 1

Lanterne, à la, 355, 3

Leg (bow), 130, 1

Lepanto, Battle of, 101, 1
Lese, 23, 2

L'Estrange, Sir Roger, 202, 1
Let (hindrance), 149, 1

L'Hôpital, Michel de, 82, 7
Licensing of Books, 136, 5; 137,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

against the, 352,1; Incidents
of the, 352, 2

Rich, Christopher, 257, 4

Richardson, Samuel, his writing-

chair, 290,1; with Friends in
his Summer-house, 296, 1

[blocks in formation]

162, 4

Salmagundi, 231, 1

Sanderson, Robert, 238, 3
Sannazaro, 141, 1

Sarpi, Pietro Paolo, 136, 4
Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter,

A Tale from the, 235, 3

Schevyfte, 9, 6
Scion, 107, 1
Scisma d'Inghilterra, 136, 6
Scudéri, Madeleine de, 154, 1, 2
Seely, 51, 1; 55, 2
Seen in (skilled), 123, 1

Seneca, Marcus Annæus, 169, 1
Sentry, Captain, Steele's, 234, 1
Shakespeare and Philip Sidney,

76,3; and Francis Bacon,

Sibyls, Raffaelle's, 332, 13
Sight (quantity), 65, 3
Sindons, 119, 1; 124, 2
Singer, Mr. S. W., 16, 1
Sistine Chapel, The, 332, 1
Skelton, John, 139, 6

Skinner, John, of Reigate, 23, 3
Smith, Sir Thomas, 42, 1

Socrates, 71, 1; 82, 2

The Historian, 138, 1

Soho Square, 233, 3
Solidounoi, 160, 2

Sort (company), 35, 4; 36,1; 65, 2;

146, 1

Soul of the World, The, 135, 3
Sownde (swoon), 21,1; sound,


Speech, The Parts of a, 133, 2
Spenser and Milton, 139, 3
Stales (decoy-birds), 59, 1
State (canopied seat), 124, +
Statement, The, as Second Part

of an Oration, 133,2; 134,5

States (statesmen), 133, 3
Stationers' Company, The, 134, 6
Statists, 134, 1

Steele's Signatures to The Spec-

tator, 235, 1

Stevin, Simon, of Bruges, 162, +

Stirps, 120, 1

Stobæus, 153, 3

Stond, 115, 2

Sturm, John, 42, 4

Style, The Ancient, 1, 1

Summa Predicantium, 160, 3

Surinam, 176, 1

Surplice, 148, 1

[blocks in formation]

Taprobane, 6, 1

Tasman, Abel Jans, 116, 3

Thaletas, 135, 11

Theagenes and Chariclea, 73, 3
Then (than), 152, 1
Threepin, 400, 4

Tigers in the New World, Aphra

Behn's, 187, 1

Tillotson's Sermons, 238, 3
Timæus, Plato's, 71, 1

Tirocinium, Cowper's, 330, 1
Titles on Ancient Books, 1, 1
Toom nits, 399, 3

Topic folio, 145, 2

Torres, Luis Vaez de, 116, 3
Touchstone, 127, 1

Townshend, Lord, and Sir
Robert Walpole, 258, 2
Tragedies, Addison on, 291, 1
Traverse (movable screen), 122, a
Triennial Parliaments, 134, 2
Trophy, 133, 6

True Briton, No. 45, Wilkes's

Notes to the, 300, 302.

Typhon, 145, +

[blocks in formation]
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