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out, by a small pause before the words, on Earth, and, in Heaven, as thus-thy kingdom' come" thy will' bè done' on earth' as it i`s' in Heaven'—with the emphasis on the word, be, and a pause before it, to correspond with the pause and emphasis, before, and on, the word, come; as there is the same reason for both, may, being here understood, as in the former case; may thy kingdom come" may thy will be done" and upon the absence of that optative, the emphasis, in order to supply its place should be transferred to the auxiliary, be, as it is in all other cases. By reading it in the usual way, misled probably by false pointing, they make these two, detached sentences, utterly independent of each other. Whereas in the other way, the latter is a consequence of, and closely connected with, the former. Thy kingdom' come" thy will' bè done' on earth' as it i's' in Heaven- and from this reading only can the true meaning of the passage be disclosed.--' Give us this da'y our daily bread'-Here the emphasis on the word, day, is unfortunately placed, both with regard to sound and sense. The ear is hurt, by the immediate repetition of the same sound, in the word daily- Give us this da'y our daily bread' -And the true meaning is not conveyed; for this is supposed to be a prayer to be daily used, and a petition to be daily preferred, composed for our use by him, who bade us take no thought for the morrow; wherefore it should be thus pronounced-Give us thi's day' our daily brea'd" And forgive us our who trespass against

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trespasses, as we forgive those,

us.' There are so many faults committed, in this

manner of reading the sentence, that to enter into a minute examination of them, would take up too much time unnecessarily; as I apprehend that the bare reading of it in the right manner will carry conviction with it, and needs no other comment. . And forgive us' oùr trespasses' a's we' forgive those who trespass against u's.' I must here, however, shew the necessity there is, for laying a strong emphasis on the little word, as, which is always slurred over; because that particle implies the very condition on which we expect forgiveness ourselves, that is, in like manner as we grant it to others. There is another fault committed by some, in removing the accent from the last syllable of the word, forgive, to the first; as, Give us this day our daily bread, and fo`rgive us our trespasses, &c.' by which they seem to make an opposition between the words, give and fo`rgive, where there is none intended; than which nothing can be more absurd and puerile.—' And leàd us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.'-It were to be wished, for obvious reasons, that the strong emphasis on the word, lead, were transferred to the word, temptation; instead of saying—' and leàd us not into temptation'— that it were read-and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.'-In this way of reading, the fine close of this admirable prayer, is changed in its movement, from the solemn and majestic, to a comic and cantering pace. For thine is the kingdom' and the power' and the glory' for ever' and ever.' The measure in this way, to

speak in the prosodial language, becomes purely amphibrachic, used only in comic poems and ballads; whereas by making a pause after the word, thine, and separating the other members of the sentence, the movement becomes chiefly anapastic, full of force and dignity. For thine' is the kingdom" and the power" and the glory" for ever' and ever.'

I shall now read the whole in the proposed manner.

'Our Father' who art in Heaven' hallowed be thy name=Thy kingdom' co`me" thy will' be done on earth' as it i's' in HeavenGive us thi's day' our daily brea'd"" And forgive us' oùr trespasses' a's we' forgive tho'se' who trespass against u's" And lead us not into temptation' but deliver us from evil-For thine' is the kingdom" and the power" and the glory" for ever' and ever=**

'O Lord open thou our lip's'—In this way of reading, the address to God seems only to be, to open our mouths, which surely does not require his interven

* Sheridan directs the following passage to be read thus; "thy will be done on earth' as it i`s' in Heaven," with the emphasis on the words "be" and "is ;" these, however, are not the emphatic words, and do not even exist in the original Greek, but are supplied by the translator; the latter of them might, indeed, be omitted without any detriment to the sense; thy will be done, as in Heaven, so also on earth," which is a more literal translation, is perfectly intelligible.-Whately.

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tion; but when the emphasis is placed right, as thus -O Lord' open thoù our lips'-the figurative meaning starts forth, which is, do thou inspire us with a true spirit of devotion, and our mouth shall shew forth thy praise.'

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'Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.'-To give a due solemnity to this, and to direct the hearer's attention to the three persons, to each of whom, glory is to be attributed, I would recommend a small pause, before the naming of the first person, and a longer one after that, and the second; as thus

'Glory be to the Father" and to the So`n" and to the Holy Ghost""

As it wàs' in the beginning" i's' now" and ever shall be' world without end""

Praise yè' the Lōrd"

The Lord's name bè praised='

Thus far I have been minute in my observations, because it will save me the trouble of commenting upon similar faults, when they occur in the rest of the service; and as those which are most generally committed throughout, have been laid open in the course of this discussion, I shall content myself hereafter, with reading and marking the remainder of the usual service, in a proper way; and shall reserve my comments only for such passages as are most difficult, or in which the most glaring faults are committed. For a discussion throughout, equally minute, would run these discourses to an unreasonable length.


'O come' let us sing unto the Lord" let us heartily rejoice in the strength of our salvàtion"

Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving" and shew ourselves gla`d in him' with psalms""

For the Lord' is a great Go'd" and a great King' above all Gods""

In hi's hand' are all the corners of the earth" and the strength of the hills' is hi's also"

The sea is hi's' and hè made it' and hi's hands prepared the dry land"

Ó come' let us wo`rship and fall do`wn" and kneel before the Lord our Maker""

For He' is the Lord oùr God" and we' are the people of hi's pasture' and the sheep of hi`s hand"

O worship the Lord in the beauty of hòliness" let the whole earth stand in awe of him""

For he cometh' for he cometh to judge the earth" and with righ'teousness to judge the world' and the people with his truth""


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