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" The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln. By J. Henry Lea and JR Hutchinson. (Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1909, pp. "
Code for Classifiers: Principles Governing the Consistent Placing of Books ... - Página 115
de William Stetson Merrill, American Library Association - 1928 - 128 páginas
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The American Historical Review, Volumen 14

John Franklin Jameson, Henry Eldridge Bourne, Robert Livingston Schuyler - 1909 - 944 páginas
...relations with men of all shades of opinion are the most interesting features of the book. JONAS VILES. The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln. By J. Henry Lea and JR Hutchinson. (Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1909, pp. xvi, 212.) By far -the most notable volume which...
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The American Historical Review, Volumen 14

John Franklin Jameson, Henry Eldridge Bourne, Robert Livingston Schuyler - 1909 - 960 páginas
...relations with men of all shades of opinion are the most interesting features of the book. JONAS VILES. The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln. By J. Henry Lea and JR Hutchinson. (Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1909, pp. xvi, 212.) By far the most notable volume which has...
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The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Volumen 40

Richard Henry Greene, Henry Reed Stiles, Melatiah Everett Dwight, George Austin Morrison, Hopper Striker Mott, John Reynolds Totten, Harold Minot Pitman, Charles Andrew Ditmas, Louis Effingham De Forest, Conklin Mann, Arthur S. Maynard - 1909 - 380 páginas
...style of impression, and the brown tint of the reading pages may be artistic but is trying to the eyes. THE ANCESTRY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By J. Henry Lea and JR Hutchinson. Cloth, Large Octavo, pp. 212. With Appendix and Index. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston and New York. 1909....
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Bulletin of the New York Public Library, Volumen 14

New York Public Library - 1910 - 828 páginas
...[¿Ле Fort Hill Press'} 1909. 76 p., 2 folded tables, I port. 8°. LINCOLN (Abraham), 16. près. US The ancestry of Abraham Lincoln. By J. Henry Lea and J. R. Hutchinson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1909. xvi, 212 p., I 1., 3 facsim., I map, II pi., 2 port., 3 tab. 4°. LOUISE...
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A Code for Classifiers: A Collection of Data Compiled for the Use of the ...

William Stetson Merrill, American Library Association. Committee on code for classifiers - 1914 - 262 páginas
...reproduction photographique complete... (Leyde, 1903-10. 13 v.) Class under Illumination if not kept separate. Family history. (a) Several generations, including...family history. Eg The ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, J.Henry Lea and JR Hutchinson (Boston, 1909) Class in genealogy. (b) Biography of a prominent or public...
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The Book of Lincoln

1919 - 458 páginas
...Greatest American. The foregoing "Introductory" (with notes) and the following "Family Tree" are from The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, by J. Henry Lea and JR Hutchinson. (Boston and New York, 1909: Houghton Mifflin Co.) By special permission of the copyright owners, Mrs. Ida F....
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History of the Lincoln Family: An Account of the Descendants of Samuel ...

1923 - 772 páginas
...descendants. The evidence discovered and presented by Mr. Shackford has since been more fully presented in "The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," by J. Henry Lea and JR Hutchinson, Boston, 1909; and "Abraham Lincoln, An American Migration," by Marion Dexter Learned, Philadelphia, 1909, to both...
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The Lineage of Lincoln

William Eleazar Barton - 1929 - 508 páginas
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The Bookman, Volumen 29

1909 - 726 páginas
...and thirty-six illustrations and numerous diagrams. MEMOIRS, BIOGRAPHIES Houghton, Mifíin Company; The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln. By J. Henry Lea and JR Hutchinson. By the aid of a fortunate find in the records of the English Chancery Court the authors have been able...
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First Editions Catalogue, Volumen 2

Duschnes, Philip C., Firm, Booksellers, New York - 1936 - 348 páginas
[ Lo sentimos, pero el contenido de esta página es de acceso restringido. ]
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