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And Re-Establishing HEALTH and VIGOUR,



Anti-Impetigines or Solomon's Drops.


It is of the utmost importance to those afflicted with the Scurvy, Leprosy, the Venereal Disease, or any disorder arising from an imstate of the blood, to their friends and relatives, as well as to the rising generation, that such hereditary complaints may be speedily. removed, and the blood purified from every degree of miasma---in every STAGE of those DISORDERS wherein SALIVATION has repeatedly failed, when no other means could restore the unhappy sufferer to that health he unfortunately lost, the ANTI-IMPETIGINES has been found the only effectual and radical remedy to re-establish health and vigour, These Drops may be taken without subjecting the patient to the least restraint in diet or exercise; and in slight CASES, where an early application is made, after discovery of the infection, they will perform a radical cure in the short interval of two days. They are most worthy a place in the cabinets of masters and captains of ships; the more so, for they will keep good in all climates any length of


These Drops are gradual, gentle, and almost imperceptible, in their operation---the best substitute that has ever been discovered for that dangerous mineral MERCURY, sweetening the blood, and stimulating it to expel all noxious and impure juices, giving strength and tone to the nerves, enlivening and invigorating both body and mind. Persons entering upon the holy state of matrimony, should consider, that "where the fountain is polluted, the streams that flow from it cannot be pure."

DR. SOLOMON, Gilead-House, near Liverpool, has, at great expence, brought the ANTI-IMPETIGINES to perfection, and into universal use and request. In particular cases it has not its equal for certainty, safety, and efficacy.... Mercury may perhaps be opposed against it, but the Anti-Impetigines enters the list willingly, for upon the wreck of this destructive mineral its fabric is erected, strong, firm, and lasting! Men of character, liberality, and education, possessing public confidence as clergymen of unsullied reputation, have recommended numerous objects of those cruel diseases, for which it is adapted, to Dr. Solomon's care, to whom this wonderful remedy has been applied with such unbounded success, that those who were reduced to the very jaws of death by mercury and disease, have been snatched from destruction, and restored to their relations and friends with renovated HEALTH and vigour. Such are the virtues of the

Anti-Impetigines, and such are its wondrous effects upon the human body!....the antidote to mercury, and the purifier of the blood and lymph.

** The Cordial Balm of Gilead, and Anti-Impetigines, are sold in Bottles, price eleven shillings each, or four in one FAMILY BOTTLE for 33s. by which one 11s. bottle is saved, duty included.With each bottle is given a copious bill of directions, in the English, French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese languages, containing select illustrations of the efficacy of these medicines, the Government label or stamp of which has the words" Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," engraven in its official impression, and uniformly pasted on the cork of each bottle, with a view to protect those who buy from the Medicine Venders from the intrusion of counterfeit imitations, and unless these words absolutely appear to form a real part of the stamp, the medicine cannot possibly be genuine; but if they do so appear, it infallibly identifies its purity; as the officers appointed by Government at Somerset-House, where those stamps are kept sacred to Dr. SOLOMON's use only, cannot be biassed; and it is felorry of the deepest die to imitate it.




Complexion Effectually Cleared

By the simple Application of

Solomon's Abstergent Lotion.

It also removes the most rancorous and alarming scurvy in the face, by applying it night and morning, or occasionally thrice a day. It is perfectly safe, yet powerful, and possesses all the good qualities of the most elegant cosmetics, without any of the doubtful and sometimes dangerous effects.

A rough, uneven skin, its shining appearance, and yellow and sickly paleness, are by this Lotion effectually removed. In the Shingles and Prickly Heat it is infallible, Suffice it however to say, it has been administered to many thousands without even a single complaint of its inefficacy. A small bottle will be sufficient to prove its value.

*S* Price 4s. 6d. per bottle, with directions. Each genuine bottle has the words "Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," engraved on the stamp.

As Dr. SOLOMON's very extensive practice, and constant engagements, occupy a considerable portion of his time and attendance, he expects, when consulted, the usual compliment of a One Pount Note. Letters of Advice, to be answered at his leisure, address for safety, thus:-" Money Letter. Dr. Solomon, Gilead-House, near Liverpool. Paid (double) postage." At any post-office an order may be obtained on the Post-Master at Liverpool for payment, which is a safe mode of remittance.

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It is not to be expected that Disorders of several years duration can

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be eradicated in a few weeks: in order therefore to encourage steady perseverance in the use of proper means, Dr. Solomon has adopted the plan of his boxes, packed up safe for any part of the country.And as an inducement for Patients to send to the Doctor (by which means they will be sure to have them genuine) for a remittance of a Five-Pound Bank Note he will return medicines purposely prepared for the patient, after the receipt of the state of the case, being thereby enabled to judge with greater precision what remedies are applica ble to each respective complaint.

Patients who correspond with Dr. Solomon should always preserve the same signature, which will facilitate and expedite the object required, as reference must be carefully had upon every occasion to the alphabetical arrangement of them;-consequently those who vary their signatures create much trouble and delay. And those who do not wish to have their names known, may have their letters or boxes directed for A. B. or W. Z. to be left at till called



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A NEW EDITION, with Additions, has just been printed, (Price Three Shillings)

Of that SCARCE, INTERESTING, and USEFUL FAMILY WORK, (with which is given an elegant Portrait of the Author, and a View of Gilead-House) entitled


Or, Advice to both Sexes, in a Variety of Complaints.

Containing a Treatise on Female Diseases, Nervous and Hypochondriac Complaints; also General Remarks on those Diseases with which the human body is most frequently afflicted; explaining the symptoms, mode of treatment, and remedies most properly adapted for each respective complaint.

To which is annexed, A Dissertation on the Properties and Effects of Hot and Cold Bathing; also an Essay on Secret Venery; and a Discourse on Impotency in the Male, and Sterility or Barrenness ineident to Females, &c. The whole illustrated with a variety of authentic cases of wonderful cures never before published,

To be had at Gilead-House, near Liverpool;

Of Sutton & Co. (late Dicey & Sutton) Bow Church-yard; Samuel Leigh,
No. 18, S raud; Bacon & Co. No. 150, Oxford-street; W. Martin, 8, Corn-
hill, Tutt & Bolton's, adjoining the Royal Exchange-Gates; Butler, No. 4,
Cheapside, London, and of the following Agents:
Beverley, M. Turner Gloucester, Roberts, Wal-j
Canterbry, Coutan & ker, Morgan, Hall
Colgare, Bates, Chris-ull, Peck, Rodford, Wil-
tian, Saffery
G. Turner


Leicester, Combe, Thomp.
son, Swinten & Co.
Leeds, Wright, Henton,
Cullingworth, Baines

Cheltenham, Paytherus pswich, Harmer
& Co. Smith, Gyde
Chichester, Phillipson
Edinburgh, Smith, North
Glasgow, Baxter, Candie-Liverpool. Billinge, Ed


wards, Wright, Oakes &

Foden, Steele, Wright &
Cruickshank, Kaye
Lancaster, Clarke, Min-
shull, Lutterworth
Manchester, Staines &
Co. Hargreaves, Lynch,
Macclesfield, Coates
Newcastle, Walker
Seaford, Obbinson
York, Wolstenholme

And of all Medicine Venders in Europe and America.



Drawing Magazine;








The principles of Geometry and Practical Perspective.

IN 24 Monthly Parts, at 7s. 6d. each; forming, when complete, Two handsome Volumes, Quarto; being a Collection of Progressive Lessons, calculated to aid the Student in the Art of Design.


Drawing Master, London, and Pupil of the Royal Academy in Paris.

Address to the Public.

The Art of Drawing is an Accomplishment the most useful to the Youth's Education, and, as such, it is universally cultivated in all Families, and respectable Seminaries. Nevertheless it is to be lamented, that no Work has hitherto appeared which can aid the Teacher, and, in some instances, supersede the necessity of one, that can be procured at a moderate expense. After an Experience of a number of Years in Teaching the first Nobility and Academies in this Country, the Author of this Work has combined a Plan which has been universally successful and approved, and this important Discovery will be communicated to the Public in the present Publication,

This Work is, therefore, particularly recommended to the Heads of Families, Schools, and to Ladies and Gentlemen. The examples will be Progressive, and distributed in each part so as to suit, at once, Students of different Ages and Attainments, The Pupil will be instructed in the Art of Copying Figures, Landscape, Flowers, Fruits, and prepared for Drawing from Nature in a Series of Progressive Lessons accompanied with a complete System on Light and Shade, and an entire new one on Colours, with a Treatise on the Art of Painting in all its various departments.

The Publication of Twelve Numbers, completing

will he finished on the 1st of Feb. 1815. The Pupil, prepared by the first rudiments contained in it, and by the rules of Practical Perspective, will find in


a new field for Exercise and Attainment of Knowledge in the noble Study of the Human Figure; Painting in Oil Colours; Historical and Portrait Painting; Miniature Painting; Rules for Composition; the Elements of Architecture; a further Dissertation on Perspective, Landscape, &c. Various Methods and Prae tices used by Artists, Secrets concerning the Art, &c. &c.

The Author is supported by the eminent Talents of Mr. Brighty, who will treat on the various Parts of the Figure in a Series of interesting Lessons and Dissertations, elucidated by a Variety of Compositions in Colours and Chalks, from original Drawings made on purpose for the Work, from passages in the most Popular Works of Walter Scott, Lord Byron, Crabbe, and others. An Historical Head in Chalk, expressive of the Passions and Characters, will also accompany each Part, which is to be composed of five subjects, arranged in the same order as in the First Part of Vol. II. viz:

1. A Plate on the Proportions.

2.. Plate of Progressive Lessons.

3. Head from Shakespeare in Chalk, on coloured Paper.
4. Composition in Colours, from W. Scott.

5. Historical Landscape in Colours.

The whole combined so as to be classed in order by an Index given at the end of each Volume.





Orders are received by the Publishers, G. and S. ROBINSON, 25, Paternoster Row; Messrs. COLNAGHI, and Co..Printsellers, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross; JAMES NEWMAN, Colourman, &c. 24, Soho Square; Messrs. REEVES and WOODYER, Holborn Hill; Mr. CLERKE, Bond Street; Mr. ORME, Bond Street, where Specimens may be seen; and Sold by all the Booksellers in London.

J. BAILEY, Printer, 13, Roll's Buildings, Fetter Lane.

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