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As Chairman of the Council of Trustees, I submit the Report for the year ended March 31, 1928.

The Library was open to the public on 292 days, having been closed, in addition to the public holidays for 12 days in the summer to permit of the usual annual cleaning and re-arrangement. The number of Readers during the year, as recorded by the Signature Book, amounted to 51,229, an increase of 13,895 on last year, made up as follows: Ordinary days, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., 28,345; 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. 20,638; Saturdays, 10 a.m. to p.m., 2,246 that is, an average of 224 for ordinary days and 44.9 for Saturdays, marking an increase of 73 on the daily average.

The volumes catalogued and added to the Library numbered 5,144. A table classifying them is given in the Appendix along with other statistics. In addition 7,520 publications of various Governments, British and foreign, have been received and registered, so as to be available for consultation.

The revision of the slips of the Joly Collection and older re-catalogued works proceeded to the end of the letter V, with which the printing kept pace. Seventy-one volumes (RECP-VERC), the preparation of which entailed the cutting up and laying down of 51,954 entries, were completed and placed in the Reading Room, bringing the total number of volumes to 419.

Concurrently, the printed entries for all works accessioned during the year were laid down both in the Author and Subject Index. As a measure of economy a new method of cataloguing has been put into practice, by which a single printed entry is, in the great majority of cases, made to do duty both for Author catalogue and for Subject Index. This has the advantage of providing the same information in both places, and saving the reader from having to refer to a main entry when requisitioning a volume. It has been found to work satisfactorily.

The List of Scientific and Technical Periodicals in Dublin Libraries," which it was hoped would be issued during the course of the year, has been held up, as considerable revision was found necessary on the titles and data supplied. This is now almost completed, and publication cannot be much longer delayed.

During the year the Library has again suffered the loss of Mr. Gerard Murphy's services, for reasons referred to in former reports. As a result much pressing work of a bibliographical nature could not be undertaken. Further, Mr. Thomas Evans, Senior Library Assistant, retired in July on attaining the age-limit, after 41 years service in the Library. Mr. Francis Blake, who entered the Library in 1898, was promoted to the vacant post. Mr. Henry J. Lorton, who was appointed 2nd class Library Assistant in 1924, left the Library Service to take up duty in another Government Department, as a result of a competitive examination. There are at present four vacancies among

the junior Library Assistants, which the Trustees are glad to note the Department has obtained sanction to fill by open competitive examination in July next. Shortage of staff has caused a falling off in the output of some departments during the year.

In the month of August the Copyright Act, known as "The Industrial and Commercial Property (Protection) Bill," came into operation. By its terms the publisher of every book first published in Saorstát Éireann is bound to deliver, within one month after publication, a copy to the Trustees of the National Library. This is a most important event in the history of the Library, which will benefit in certain departments in which it was before weak. Provincial newspapers, much fugitive and ephemeral literature of every kind, always difficult to trace, and often impossible to procure shortly after publication, are now being regularly received and registered, a great gain to the Library and to the public generally. Arising out of the Act, a Patent Office has been established in connection with the Department of Industry and Commerce, to which all the Patent Specifications and Journals in the Library have been transferred, with the sanction of the Department and in conformity with the Act.

In the month of September, during the Civic Week Celebrations, the Exhibition Room, referred to in the last Report, was opened to the public. The first exhibition has been exclusively devoted to books and manuscripts relating to Ireland. It includes the principal treasures of the Library, many being works of extreme rarity, comprising music, maps, posters, proclamations, and some examples of Irish binding. These are arranged in 14 cases, and on stands around the walls. So instructive a display has aroused no little interest. The exhibits will be varied from time to time. During Civic Week the Exhibition was open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., but the shortage of staff necessitated a curtailment in these hours. It is at present open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. These hours will be extended when the staff is at its normal strength.

The Trustees are gratified to note that the Board of Works replaced the Hydraulic Lift in the Book Stores, to the unsatisfactory nature of which they had occasion frequently to refer in former reports, by an electric lift, similar to that in the Eastern Extension. The Library Service has already been greatly expedited by the change, which will enable an important re-arrangement of the collection to be carried out during the summer closing.

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In the Appendix will be found a list of donors, also particulars of the more notable acquisitions. Here the Trustees desire to draw more particular attention to (1) the collection of autograph letters, upwards of 225, written by John O'Donovan, the eminent Irish scholar, to Daniel MacCarthy, between 1845 and November, 1861, acquired at Sotheby's; (2) nine additional letters, presented by his son Mr. Richard O'Donovan, of Prestatyn, through the Rev. Richard Aylward, P.P.; (3) the volume of miscellaneous correspondence addressed to Maurice Lenihan, author of the History of Limerick; (4) the volume of letters, petitions, and papers relating to the O'Lavry family, Lady Mary Viscountess Evagh, etc., 1610-91, purchased at Hodgson's, formerly Phillipps MSS. 8657; (5) the Roll of Freemen of the City of Dublin," 1468-1485, 1575-1774, edited by Gertrude Thrift, 4 vols. in typescript-the late Lord Iveagh's copy, purchased at Hodgson's. There is now only one other set, the third having perished in the fire at the Four Courts; (6) Merick's English Statutes in force in Ireland, 1617; Roth's Brigida Thaumaturga, 1620; Ryves' Regimen Anglicani, 1624; (7) the other rare Irish volumes acquired at the sale of the Earl of Leitrim's library at Carrigart, including Burke's Hibernia Dominicana, with the rare Kilkenny imprint, 1762; Caron's Loyalty asserted, 1662; Carve's Responsio Veridica, 1762; Lynch's Cambrensis Eversus, 1662, and his Alithinologia, 1664; Book of Common Prayer, Dublin, 1637; (8) upwards of 250 volumes from the library of the late Provost of Trinity College, Dr. J. H. Bernard, which supplied many deficiencies in the section of Biblical textual criticism and study; (9) the enrichment of the Irish music section by works of the late Sir Charles Stanford, Sir Hamilton Harty, Commendatore Esposito, and others; (10) and finally an endeavour has been made to complete the collection of Dublin Directories and Almanacks, and the Army Lists, particularly of the 18th and early 19th centuries, which are frequently enquired for. Mr. Francis Kelly kindly presented his copy of the rare first Dublin Directory of 1751.

I am, Sir,

June, 1928.

Your obedient Servant,

T. A. FINLAY, Chairman.



The number of volumes added to the Library and made accessible to readers during the year 1927-1928 amounted to 5,144. These included :—

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Subjoined is the account of books borrowed during the twelve months ending March 31, 1928, by Members of the Royal Dublin Society and by certain Officers of the Institutions of Science and Art:

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The following is a list of those from whom gifts have been received between April 1, 1927, and March 31, 1928:


Rev. R. Aylward, P.P.; Baha'i Library Committee, Washington; Rev. Patrick J. Barry; Dr. O. Bergin; Dr. R. I. Best; Martin J. Blake; Birmingham Public Library; Rev. Stephen Brown, S.J.; Carnegie United Kingdom Trust; Comisiunea Monumentelor Istorice, Bucuresti; The Connacht Tribune; J. C. Conroy; Rev. T. Corcoran, S.J.; Herbert Russell Cotes; The Danish Cousul, Dublin; E. R. McC. Dix; Peter Doyle; The Director, Dresdner Bank, Berlin; G. S. Eddy; Federation of Swedish Industries, Stockholm; Miss D. A. Ferguson; William Figgis; The Finnish Chargé d'Affaires; The French Consul, Dublin; E. J. French; The German Consul-General, Dublin; Mrs. Stopford Green; Senator Griffith; Tenison Groves; Senator H. S. Guinness; Henry Harden; Charles Montgomery Hathaway; Jewish Historical Society of England; H. Egan Kenny; Walter K. Lewis; Marcel Loumaye; R. A. S. Macalister; Sir Charles Macara; Thomas Hobbs Maginniss; H. C. Mangan; Miss E. Montgomery ; Captain F. C. Mullan; David Murray; The High Commissioner for New Zealand, London; Northern Banking Co., Ltd., Belfast; Colonel E. O'Brien; Richard O'Donovan ;

James O'Farrell; Francis O'Kelly; Rev. G. R. C. Olden; Art O Murnaghan; J. J. O'Neill, Mrs. Ilse O'Sullivan; Lt.-Col. D. C. Phillott; A. Powell; Dr. L. C. Purser; Charles Mason Remey; The Roumanian Legation, London; Royal Italian Consulate, Dublin; St. Andrew's University; Dr. R. Scharff; Rev. Dr. St. J. Seymour; Dr. Clark A. Slover; Dr. H. G. Smith; H. F. Tivy; Y. C. Whang Tsanhsi; Madame R. de la Villehervé; R. J. Welch; Rev. Dr. Newport White.

Gifts have been received from many public departments, including the British Museum and H.M. Stationery Office, Public Bodies, Public Institutions, and Learned or Literary Societies, whose titles have been recorded in previous years; and also Annual Reports, etc., from the principal Dublin Hospitals, Charitable and Religious Institutions, and many other Institutions throughout the country.

The following Societies present publications annually:-The Royal Society, London; The Royal Society of Edinburgh; The Royal Dublin Society; The Royal Irish Academy; Royal Society of Antiquaries; Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society; Belfast Naturalists' Field Club; Royal Institute of British Architects; Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland; Royal Society of Medicine, England; Institute of Bankers in Ireland; Royal Astronomical Society; Liverpool Botanical Society.

A number of periodical publications already recorded in previous reports, have been presented in the year 1927-8, either by the publishers, or by private donors, or by public bodies.


AN ACT for the three months' assessment in Ireland for the maintenance of the Spanish War . . . fol. London, 1657.

AN ACT for discovering, convicting and repressing of Popish recusants London, 1657.


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BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER: The Booke of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments. 268 leaves, 4to. Dublin, Society of Stationers, 1637. (Leitrim


BRITISH MUSEUM: Catalogue of Irish manuscripts, by S. H. O'Grady and Robin Flower. Vol. I.-II., 1926. Presented by the British Museum.

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BURKE (Thomas) Bp. of Ossory: Hibernia Dominicana... Kilkenniae, ex typogr. Jacobi Stokes, 1762. (Leitrim Sale.) Bound in red morocco, and inscribed on both sides : Smo Domino Nro Leoni XII P.M. humillime praesentatur." At foot of tp. Ex Libris Novitiatus SS. Xysti & Clementis de Urbe." Formerly in Heber Collection. The only copy known with this imprint.

CARLETON (William): Tales of Ireland, pls., 8vo. Dublin, 1834.

CARLETON (William): Denis O'Shaughnessy going to Maynooth, illustr., 8vo. London, 1845.

CARON (Raymond): Loyalty asserted, and the late Remonstrance or allegiance of the Irish clergy and layty, confirmed by the authority of Scriptures . London, 1622. (Leitrim Sale.)

· PP. 72, 4to.

CARVE (Thomas): Responsio veridica ad illotum libellum, cui nomen Anatomicum examen P. Antonii Bruodini Hiberni Ord. Min. strict. Observantiae, sub ementito nomine P. Cornelii o Mollonii editum. Data, a reverendo Domino Thoma Carve de Mobernante Tipperariensi sacerdote, & protonotario Apostolico, Viennae Austriae commorante, pp. 250, 12mo. Solisbaci, typis Abrahami Lichtenthaleri, sumpt. Michaël. & Johan. Friderici Endterorum, 1672. (Leitrim Sale.) Errata mentioned by Lowndes is wanting.

CHARLES II., King of Great Britain and Ireland: An Act for the better execution of His Majesties Declaration for the Settlement of Ireland, 1662. Extract. London, c. 1780.

CHARLES II., King of Gt. Britain & Ireland: An indenture containing a grant of all His Majesties revenue of Ireland to Sir James Shaen. . . Dublin, 1676.


COLLECTION of pamphlets, leaflets, songs, postcards relating to recent events in Ireland, and other works. Presented by Mr. Art O Murnaghan.

DAVIES (Sir John): A discoverie of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued . . . With the . author's life . . . 12mo. Dublin, 1761.

visited estates


Pp. 24, 12mo.

Peter Wilson,

DRAPERS' COMPANY, London: Report of the deputation who pls., 8vo. London, 1833.

in the county of Londonderry

DUBLIN DIRECTORY, The: for the year 1751 Dublin, 1751. Presented by Mr. Francis O'Kelly.

FITZRALPH (Richard) Archbp. of Armagh: Richardi Archiepiscopi Armachani Hyberniae primatis Defensorium Curatorum pp. 180, sm. 8vo. Parisiis, apud Petrum Billaine, 1633. (Leitrim Sale.)

FITZSIMON (Henry) S.J.: Britannomachia Ministrorum, in plerisque et fidei fundamentis, et fidei articulis dissidentium, pp. 380, 4to. Duaci, ex Officina Baltazaris Belleri, 1614. First issue, with woodcut vign. on title-page, and Dedication of second

issue inserted.

FOSTER (John L.): An essay on the principle of commercial exchanges particularly between Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. Hatchard, 1804.


FRENCH (Nicholas) Bp. of Ferns: The doleful fall of Andrew Sall, a Jesuit of the fourth vow from the Roman Catholick and Apostolick faith . . . pp. 264, 12mo. London, 1749. (Leitrim Sale.)

The bleeding Iphigenia.

Hodges and Smith, 1829.

Lovain, 1674. Dublin, reprinted on vellum, 8vo

Récit exact, & fidéle de la vente, & partage du Roiaume d'Irlande fait sous Charles II. par le comte de Clarendon pp. 110, 8vo. Milan, C. J. Quinto, 1714. (Leitrim Sale.)

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IRELAND: PARLIAMENT House of Commons: Report from the Committee of Secrecy of the House of Lords Dublin, 1798. (With the autograph of John Foster, Speaker of the House of Commons.) Presented by Miss E. Montgomery, Belfast.

JEANROY (Alfred) and A. Vignaux edd: Voyage au Purgatoire de St. Patrice, Visions de Tindal et de St. Paul, 8vo. Toulouse, 1903.

LETTERS from an Irish student in England to his father in Ireland. Vol. I.-II., 8vo. London, 1809.

LIMERICK, County: A list of the freeholders who voted . . . 25th August, 1783 pp. 33, 12mo. Limerick, pr. Andrew Watson, 1783.

LYNCH (John) Bp. of Killala: Alithinologia, sive Veridica reponsio (sic) ad invectivam mendaciis, falaciis, calumniis & imposturis foetam in plurimos antistites, proceres, & omnis ordinis Hibernos a R.P.R. F. C. Congregationi de Propaganda Fide 1659 exhibitam. Eudoxio Alithinologo authore [ps. i.e. J. Lynch]. 4to. [St. Malo]. Impress. An. 1664.

Supplementum Alithinologiae quod partes invectivae in Hibernos cusae in Alithinologia non õppugnatas evertit. 4to. [St. Malo] Impress. An. 1667. (Leitrim Sale.)

Cambrensis eversus, seu potius historica fides, in rebus Hibernicis, Giraldo Cambrensi abrogata. In quo, plerasque iusti historici dotes desiderari, plerosque naevos inesse ostendit Gratianus Lucius Hibernus [ps. i.e. J. Lynch], qui etiam aliquot res memorabiles Hibernicas veteris & novae memoriae passim é re nata huic operi inseruit. . . fol. [St. Malo], 1662. (Leitrim Sale.) Anthony Dopping, Bp. of Meath's copy, with autograph and marginal notes in his handwriting.

MACKAY (Hugh) General: Memoirs of the war carried on in Scotland and Ireland, MDCLXXXIX.-MDCXCI, 4to. Edinb., Bannatyne Club, 1833.

MARTIN (William): The stranger's & citizen's guide through Dublin Dublin, 1827.


MERICK (John): A compendious collection and breefe abstract of all the auncient English-Statutes (from the beginning of Magna Charta) which now are in force within

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