Modernist Cuisine: the Art and Science of Cooking Spanish Edition

Cooking Lab, 2011 - 2400 páginas
Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking is an encyclopedic treatment of cooking. Its six volumes of 2,438 pages explore the history of cuisine and explain the science of cooking in a way that's accessible to both professional chefs and home cooks. Created by a team of scientists, chefs, editors, and writers, these volumes explore research spanning the field of culinary science, with careful attention to practicality and applicability in the kitchen. Through gorgeous illustrations and otherworldly techniques, this set will inspire you to innovate in your own kitchen.

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Sobre el autor (2011)

Nathan Myhrvold is chief executive officer and a founder of Intellectual Ventures, a firm dedicated to creating and investing in inventions. In addition to stimulating the invention of others, Myhrvold is himself an active inventor, with more than 250 patents issued or pending--including several related to food technology. Until 1999, Myhrvold was the first chief technology officer at Microsoft, establishing Microsoft Research and overseeing many advanced technology projects. After working for two years as a stagier at Seattle's top French restaurant, Rover's, Myhrvold completed culinary training with renowned chef Anne Willan at the Ecole De La Varenne. In addition, he has worked as Chief Gastronomic Officer for Zagat Survey, publisher of the popular Zagat restaurant guidebooks. Myhrvold has contributed original research on cooking sous vide to online culinary forums, and his sous vide techniques have been covered in The New York Times Magazine, Wired, and Gourmet's Diary of a Foodie television series on PBS. Myhrvold's formal education includes degrees in mathematics, geophysics, and space physics from UCLA, and PhDs in mathematical economics and theoretical physics from Princeton University. In his post-doctoral work at Cambridge University, Myhrvold worked on quantum theories of gravity with the renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking. Sobre los autores: Nathan Myhrvold es el director general y uno de los fundadores de Intellectual Ventures, una empresa que invierte en innovacion. Ademas de estimular la capacidad creativa de otros, el propio Myhrvold es un inventor prolifico que cuenta con mas de 250 patentes expedidas o en proceso de aprobacion, incluidas varias relacionadas con la tecnologia de los alimentos. Tras dos anos de practicas en Rover's, el restaurante frances mas famoso de Seattle, completo su formacion culinaria con la prestigiosa chef Anne Willan en la escuela La Varenne. Myhrvold ha trabajado como director gastronomico de Zagat Survey. Nathan Myhrvoldes licenciado en Matematicas, Geofisica y Fisica Espacial por la UCLA y doctor en Economia Matematica y Fisica Teorica por la Universidad de Princeton. Chris Young abrio las puertas a la cocina experimental en The Fat Duck y trabajo bajo las ordenes del mundialmente famoso chef Heston Blumenthal durante cinco anos en el desarrollo de sus platos mas innovadores. Es licenciado en Matematicas y Bioquimica por la Universidad de Washington. Abandono su tesis doctoral para ser ayudante de cocina en uno de los principales restaurantes de Seattle. En The Fat Duck, Young impulso la cocina experimental y creo un equipo de mas de seis cocineros a tiempo completo. Coordino asimismo el trabajo de varios asesores cientificos. Ademas de crear nuevos platos para el menu de The Fat Duck, dirigio la elaboracion de recetas para las dos temporadas de la serie de la BBC Heston Blumenthal: In Search of Perfection. Maxime Bilet es licenciado en Escritura Creativa, Literatura y Artes Visuales por el Skidmore College y obtuvo matricula de honor en el Institute of Culinary Education de Nueva York. Despues de unas practicas en Jack's Luxury Oyster Bar, Jack Lamb lo contrato como jefe de cocina. Se fue a Londres y cepto unas practicas con el equipo de Heston Blumenthal en The Fat Duck. Tras haber formado parte del equipo de The Cooking Lab como jefe de investigacion y desarrollo, Maxime Biletlo ha dirigido a diario con el fin de crear y documentar las nuevas tecnicas y recetas, concibiendo asi la estetica original de las fotografias.

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