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In undertaking this work, the authors have been animated by the desire to present the true position of the British Empire in the world of music. A country is musical only by the music it produces for itself, not by what it takes from others. In this work, therefore, only what has been done by Britain's own sons and daughters is placed on record. It is probable that in no other nation is there, at the present time, greater musical activity, creative or executive, than is to be witnessed in our own; and this not only in the great centres of population and culture, but everywhere throughout the Empire. In this connection the work of provincial and colonial musicians has received its proper share of attention. The greater masters, already noticed at length in other similar publications, have been treated with brevity in order to afford space for mention of many worthy, if obscure, workers in the cause of Art, hitherto passed over by writers of biography. The very large number (probably over 40,000) of persons engaged in the musical profession at the present time will explain the apparent preponderance of notices devoted to living musicians. This part of the work, however, is intended rather to be representative than complete; and from various causes, in many cases only a bare outline could be accomplished. While some names may seem to have but slight claim to inclusion, it is hoped that no artist of eminence has been omitted. The book being written from an independent standpoint, matters of opinion have been subordinated to the presentment of facts; and its usefulness as a work of reference has been one of the main objects of the authors. Accuracy has been striven for as regards dates of birth and death; first performance of important works; and first appearances of artists, which have been carefully collated, where possible, from contemporary notices. Many of these differ from dates hitherto accepted. Still, faults and omissions may be detected, and any information in correction thereof will be gladly received. The work is issued by the authors themselves as a kind of experiment in publishing, their object being a patriotic desire to record the achievements of British workers in the field of musical art.

The authors are indebted to the following gentlemen for information or aid rendered during the progress of the work:- Mr. Reginald B. Moore, Exeter; Mr. J. A. Browne, editor of the British Musician; Dr. James C. Culwick, Dublin; Mr. Spencer Curwen, London; Mr. T. B. Dowling, Cape Town, South Africa; Mr. Emlyn Evans, Cemmes, Montgomery; Mr. John Glen, Edinburgh; Mr. W. J. Ions, King's Norton; Mr. E. P. Jones, Brisbane, Australia; Mr. J. A. Matthews, Cheltenham; Mr. C. F. South, Salisbury: Mr. C. J. B. Tirbutt, Reading; Mr. Herbert Thompson, Leeds; and Mr. F. H. Torrington, Toronto, Canada. Also to those artists who responded to the applications made to them for personal information. In addition to the catalogues of the British Museum and other public libraries, general newspapers, and other sources of information, the following works have been drawn upon for particular details:-Brown's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians; Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians; the works of Fétis and Mendel-Reissmann; Dictionary of National Biography; Love's Scottish Church Music; Baptie's Musicians of All Times, and Musical Scotland; Roll of the Union of Graduates in Music; Degrees in Music, Abdy Williams, etc. The chief authorities for dates within their period have been the Musical World, 1836-91; Dramatic and Musical Review, 1842-51; Musical Times, from 1844; Musical Standard, from 1862; besides the musical journals of more recent date. For many particulars of less-known musicians, bandmasters, and teachers, much has been gleaned from the Orchestral Times, British Musician, the Musical Herald, and other papers.

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Dates or words within square brackets, thus - [1846] are approxima. tions, or have been supplied from other sources to supplement undated țitle-pages, etc,

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