Redeem from broking pawn the blemish'd crown, Stay, and be secret, and myself will go. Ross. To horse, to horse! urge doubts to them thatfear. Willo. Hold out my horse, and I will first be there. SCENE II. [Exeunt. The same. A Room in the Palace. Enter Queen, BUSHY and BAGOT. Bushy. Madam, your majesty is too much sad: You promis'd, when you parted with the king, And entertain a cheerful disposition. Queen. To please the king, I did; to please myself, I cannot do it; yet I know no cause Bushy. Each substance of a grief hath twenty shadows, [8] This is a fine similitude, and the thing meant is this; among mathematical recreations, there is one in optics, in which a figure is drawn, wherein all the rules of perspective are inverted so that, if held in the same posi tion with those pictures which are drawn according to the rules of perspect. ive, it can present nothing but confusion and to be seen in form, and under a regular appearance, it must be looked upon from a contrary station; or, as Shakspeare says, ey'd awry. WARB. The perspectives here mentioned, were round crysta! glasses, the convex surface of which was cut into faces like those of the rose-diamond; the concave left uniformly smooth. These crystals-which were sometimes mourted on tortoise-shell box-lids, and sometimes fixed into ivory casesif placed as here represented, would exhibit the different appearances described by the poet. HENLEY. Finds shapes of grief, more than himself, to wail; seen : Or if it be, 'tis with false sorrow's eye, From some fore-father grief; mine is not so; Enter GREEN. Green. God save your majesty !-and well met, gentlemen: I hope, the king is not yet shipp'd for Ireland. Queen. Why hop'st thou so? 'tis better hope, he is ; For his designs crave haste, his haste good hope; Then wherefore dost thou hope, he is not shipp'd? Green. That he, our hope, might have retir'd his power, 2 And driven into despair an enemy's hope, At Ravenspurg. [9] The involuntary and unaccountable depression of the mind, which every one has sometimes felt, is here very forcibly described. JOHNS. [1] To possess a man, is, in Shakspeare, to inform him fully, to make him comprehend. To be possessed, is, to be fully informed. I therefore imagine the queen says thus: 'Tis in reversion-that I do possess: The event is yet in futurity-that I know in full conviction-but what it is, that is not yet known. In any other interpretation she must say that she possesses what is not yet come, which, though it may be allowed to be poetical and figurative language, is yet, I think, less natural than my explanation, [2] Might have drawn it back. A French sense. JOHNS. JOHN'S. Queen. Now God in heaven forbid ! Green. O, madam, 'tis too true: and that is worse, The lord Northumberland, his young son Henry Percy, The lords of Ross, Beaumond, and Willoughby, With all their powerful friends, are fled to him. Bushy. Why have you not proclaim'd Northumber land, And all the rest of the revolting faction Green. We have: whereon the earl of Worcester Queen. So, Green, thou art the midwife to my woe, And Bolingbroke my sorrow's dismal heir : Now hath my soul brought forth her prodigy ; And I, a gasping new-deliver'd mother, Have woe to woe, sorrow to sorrow join'd. Bushy. Despair not, madam. Queen. Who shall hinder me? I will despair, and be at enmity With cozening hope; he is a flatterer, A parasite, a keeper-back of death, Who gently would dissolve the pands of life, Which false hope lingers in extremity. Enter YORK. Green. Here comes the duke of York. Queen. With signs of war about his aged neck; For heaven's sake, speak comfortable words. Enter a Servant. Serv. My lord, your son was gone before I came. York. He was?-Why, so!-go all which way it will! The nobles they are fled, the commons cold, Sirrah, Get thee to Plashy, 3 to my sister Gloster ; Hold, take my ring. Serv. My lord, I had forgot to tell your lordship : York. What is it, knave? Serv. An hour before I came, the duchess died. Comes rushing on this woeful land at once! some carts, And bring away the armour that is there. [Exit Servant. Gentlemen, will you go muster men? if I know Is my kinsman, whom the king hath wrong'd; [3] The lordship of Plashy was a town of the duchess of Gloster's in Essex. THEOBALD. [4] That is, disloyalty, treachery. JOHNS. [5] None of York's brothers had his head cut off, either by the king or any one else. The Duke of Gloster, to whose death he probably allu ies, was secretly murdered at Calais, being smothered between two beds. RITSON. [6] This is one of Shakspeare's touches of nature. York is talking to the queen his cousin, but the recent death of his sister is uppermost in his mind. STEEV But time will not permit:- All is uneven, And every thing is left at six and seven. [Exeunt YORK and Queen. Bushy. The wind sits fair for news to go to Ireland, But none returns. For us to levy power, Proportionable to the enemy, Is all impossible. Green. Besides, our nearness to the king in love, Is near the hate of those love not the king. Bagot. And that's the wavering commons: for their love Lies in their purses; and whoso empties them, Because we ever have been near the king. Green. Well, I'll for refuge straight to Bristol castle; The earl of Wiltshire is already there. Bushy. Thither will I with you: for little office Bagot. No; I'll to Ireland to his majesty. Bushy. That's as York thrives to beat back Boling broke. Green. Alas, poor duke! the task he undertakes Is-numb'ring sands, and drinking oceans dry; Where one on his side fights, thousands will fly. Bushy. Farewell at once; for once, for all, and ever. Green. Well, we may meet again. Bagot. I fear me, never. SCENE III. [Exeunt. The Wilds in Glostershire. Enter BOLINGBROKE and NORTH UMBERLAND, with Forces. Boling. How far is it, my lord, to Berkley now ? I am a stranger here in Glostershire. |