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The first six chapters, about half the book, give the reader a pretty good idea of the social life and the political status of Russia, and enable him to understand the drinking conditions of that empire ending in the final overthrow of the monopoly.-A. D.

Jong, W. J. E. H. M. de. Hoe betalen wij onze oorlogslasten? een woord aan het Nederlandsche volk. 1914. Ref. 336 Jordan, D. S. Ways to lasting peace. [c1916.]

172.4 Kato, S., ed. History of the war in sixty-one cartoons. [1914.] 940.91 Katz, E. Die Freiheit der Meere im Kriege. 1915. Ref. 341.3 Kircheisen, F. M. Das Voelkerringen 1914/15. v. 1. 1915. 1 v. 940.91 Klein, F.

Diary of a French army chaplain; tr. fr. "La guerre vue d'une ambulance" by M. H. M. Capeo. 3d ed. [1915.] 940.91 By its emotional quality and its graphic simplicity it brings the war very close to the reader.-N. Y. Times bk.

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Levy, J. A. Volkenrecht; rede gehouden in de Vergadering, der Broederschap van candidaatnotarissen, te Amsterdam den 9 December 1914; met bijlagen: a. de Declaratie van Londen, in de eng. en de fr. taal; b. de motie der Nederlandsche Reeders-vereenigning, daartoe betreppelijk. 1915. Ref. 341.3 Lavisse, E., and Andler, C. German theory and practice of war; tr. by L. S. 1915. (Studies and documents on the war.) 940.91 Translation of Pratique et doctrine allemandes de la


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Takes the ground that there can be no hope for an industrial Ireland under the domination of England.-N. Y. Times bk. rev.

Mack, L. A woman's experiences in the great war. [1915.] 940.91

Vivid anecdotes by an Australian woman. Point of view strongly anti-German.-P. B. Malcolm, I. War pictures behind the lines. 1915. 940.91

By a Red Cross worker, with a good many illustrations from sketches made by French soldier artists.

En las filas alemanas; Maluquer, J., comp. cuadros de la gran guerra, 1914-1915. Ser. 1-2. July, 1914-Mar., 1915. [1914]-1915. 2 v.


Margueritte, P. Contre les barbares, 1914-1915. 940.91

Marshall, H. R. War and the ideal of peace; a study of those characteristics of man that result in war, and of the means by which they may be controlled. 1915. 172.4

Will be welcomed by the pacifists as furnishing a rational foundation for their attitude in the present war.-A. D. Martin, G. Les actes du Kronprinz depuis le début de la guerre. [c1915.] 97b

Martin, H. Kriegsanekdoten; eine Auslese von bezeichnenden Episoden aus dem grossen 940.91 Kriege. [1915.]

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Mille, P. Joffre chaps; tr. fr. the Fr. by B. Drillien.

Tells, in the manner of the conte, about the men in the trenches.-Pub. Wk.

Millioud, M. La caste dominante allemande; sa formation, son rôle. 2. éd. 1915. 914.3 The author is Professor of Sociology in the University of Lausanne. He begins by showing that Germany's ruling caste is composed of the old landed aristocracy and the new bourgeois capitalists, and that the ancient tool of militarism has been made to serve both elements.-N. Y. Times bk. rev.

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Nauta, P. Ons reisje naar de militairen in
September 1914. [1914.]
Ref. 940.91

New Statesman. Suggestions for the prevention
of war. 1915.
Ref. 341
Newbigin, M. I. Geographical aspects of
Balkan problems in their relation to the
great European war. 1915.

The author is the editor of The Scottish Geographical Magazine.

O'Connor, J. K. The Afrikander rebellion: South Africa to-day. [1915.]

968.2 Ohnet, G. Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris pendant la guerre de 1914. Pt. 7. c1914. 940.91 O'Leary, J. A. The fable of John Bull and Uncle Sam; illus. by L. H. Junker. [1915.] 940.91

Oordeel der volkeren over den wereldoorlog. 1915. Ref. 940.91 Ortynsky, S. S. Two pastoral letters pub. by the Ruthenian Daily Ameryka for the benefit of the Ruthenian widows and orphans. 1915. 940.91

Ostdeutsche Volkszeitung. Beitraege zum Einfall der Russen in Ostpreussen, 1914; aus der Russenzeit in Insterburg. 1914. Ref. 940.91 Reprints of posters put up by the Germans during the Russian invasion of east Prussia.

Palagi, G. A. Neutralità? note polemiche sull' atteggiamento presente e futuro dell' Italia. [1915.]


Papers for war time; [ed. by W. Temple.] 1st3d ser. 1914-1915. 3 v. 940.91

Parker, Sir G. Is England apathetic? A reply. 1915. 940.91

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Der Verfasser kennt seinen gewaltigen Stoff, kennt die Politik der Nation, kennt sein Volk.-Die Bergstadt. Powell, E. A. Vive la France! 1915. 940.91 Vivid sketches by a well-known correspondent with the French army. He shows great admiration for all the French have done.-P. B. Preziosi, G. La Germania alla conquista dell'Italia. 1915. 327

Prinzivalli, G. L'Italia; nella sua vita economica di fronte alla guerra. 1915. 314.5 Protection of neutral rights at sea. 1915. Ref. 341.3

Pujol, J. De Londres a Flandes; con el ejército alemán en Bélgica. 1915. 940.91 Pulitzer, R. Over the front in an aeroplane. [c1915.] 940.91

Quadrotta, G. Il papa, l'Italia e la guerra.


1915. Question religieuse en France pendant la guerre de 1914; documents. Ser. 1-3. Août, 1914Mars, 1915. [1914-1915.] 3 v. in 1. 274.4 R., H. v. Das Deutschtum in Russland und seine Zukunft. 1915. 325 Ratti, F. V. L'Adriatico degli altri. 2a ed. 914.96 [1915?] Reiss, R. A. How Austria-Hungary waged war in Serbia; personal investigations of a neutral; tr. by J. S. 1915. 940.91 Translation of Comment les Austro-Hongrois ont fait la guerre en Serbie. Richepin, J. Proses de guerre, août 1914-juillet 1915. 940.91 Ridder, H. Hyphenations; a col. of articles on the world war of 1914, wh. have appeared fr. time to time in the New Yorker Staats-Zeitung under "The war situation from day to day.' 1915. 940.91

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Sabatier, P. A Frenchman's thoughts on the war; tr. by B. Miall. 1916. 940.91 Salandra, A. Speech in the capitol of Rome, June 2, 1915, in reply to the Emperor of Austria and the German chancellor; tr., w. an introductory note, by T. Okey. [1915.] 940.91 Sanger, C. P., and Norton, H. T. J. England's guarantee to Belgium and Luxemburg. [1915.] 341.2

The conclusion-which the authors admit to be "lame and impotent"-is that Germany broke her treaty; that Belgium was justified in resisting Germany's incursion by force; and that the obligations of Great Britain under the treaties of 1839 and 1867 are "extremely doubtful.”—Spec. Sauer, A. Wehe den Besiegten! die wirtschaftliche Lage der kriegführenden Mächte. 1915.

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Steward, W. A. War medals and their history. [1915.] Ref. 737

The author is a well-known collector, and an expert authority on British medals, bars, etc., on sale-prices, fakes, and other points. He is mainly interested in the historical aspect of the study.-Lib. Assoc. Rec. Sturdza, D. La Rumenia e la guerra europea; testamento politico; traduzione italiana di T. Palamenghi-Crispi. [1915.] Ref. 327 Sturm auf England; die Zerstörung der britischen Weltmacht. [Vorw. 1915.] 942.08 Tablettes chronologiques de la guerre. 1., 3.-4. sér. Août-décembre, 1914, avril-septembre, 1915. 3 v.


Tazzoli, T. U. L'Inghilterra nel grande conflitto; un diario di cose vedute e udite. [Pref. 1915.] 940.91 Thompson, R. J. Der deutsch-englische Krieg im Urteil eines Amerikaners. 1915. 940.91 The author is American consul in Aachen. Thomsen, T. Einige Kapitel zur auswärtigen Politik. 1915. Ref. 327

Times (Lond.) History of the war. v. 1-3. Aug. 29, 1914-May 18, 1915. 3 v. Ref. 940.91 Toland, E. D. The aftermath of battle; w. the Red Cross in France; w. a pref. by O. Wister. 1916. 940.91 Tudesq, A. Sur les champs de bataille. [1915.] 940.91

U. S. and the war; President Wilson's notes on the Lusitania and Germany's reply; diplomatic corresp. bet. Germany, England and the U. S. on events preceding the sinking of the Lusitania, w. decrees and incidents affecting Amer. lives, property and rights in the war zone. 1915. (Eagle lib.) 940.91 Unus, W. England als Henker Frankreichs; ein Kampf um die Weltherrschaft und sein Ende. 1915.

327 Valter, M. P. C. Bijdrage tot de wordingsgeschiedenis van den grooten oorlog. 2. druk. 1915. met eenige gegevens vermeerderd. Ref. 940.91 Vecchi, P. de. Italy's civilizing mission in Africa. 1912. Ref. 945.09 Verhaeren, E. La Belgique sanglante. 7. éd. [c1915.] 940.91

War needlework; comforts you can make for the suffering non-combatants. c1914. 646 Washburn, S. Field notes from the Russian front. v. 2: Russian campaign, Apr.-Aug., 1915. [1915.] 940.91

Sent to the "Times" and to American newspapers, from Petrograd and the battlefields of Galicia and Poland. -Sat. R.

Waxweiler, E. La Belgique neutre et loyale.

1915. (La guerre de 1914.) 940.91 Wharton, Mrs. E. N. (J.) Fighting France; from Dunkerque to Belfort. 1915. 940.91 It is the united spirit of the people that impresses her everywhere; France is fighting as one man, with one purpose.-Bk. rev. dig.


Wilson, H. W., and Hammerton, J. A., eds. Great war. v. 3. 940.91 Wood, W., ed. Soldiers' stories of the war. 2d ed. (1915?] 940.91

The two dozen chapters are all eyewitness narratives related as nearly as may be in the works of the men themselves, and verified by them in the manuscript.-N. Y. Times bk. TeD.

Woods, F. A., and Baltzly, A. Is war diminish

ing? a study of the prevalence of war in Europe fr. 1450 to the present day. 1915. 940

The authors have made a scientific study of history, and find that man has fought practically half his time and yet improved the breed.-P. B.

Wundt, W. M. Die Nationen und ihre Philosophie; ein Kapitel zum Weltkrieg. 1915.

2. Aufl. 901.5

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940.91 940.91

Zurhellen, O. Kriegspredigten. 1915. Zwischen Krieg und Frieden. 19-26. 1915. 940.9

Contents:-19. Pályi. E. Deutschland und Ungarn;20. Kuelpe, O. Die Ethnik und der Krieg:-21. Harms, P. Die Parteien nach dem Kriege;-22. Salis, A. v. Die Neutralitaet der Schweiz;-23. Stresemann, G. Das deutsche Wirtschaftsleben im Kriege;-24. Schowalter, A. Buren, Englaender und Deutsche;-25. Pacher, G. v. Die Dreiverbandspresse;-26. Jastrow, I. Die mitteleuropaeische Zollannaeherung und die Meistbeguenstigung.

Numerous pamphlets by various authors and in various classes, belonging to the following named series, have also been added during the month.

Kriegshefte aus dem Industriebezirk. 9 vols.
Oxford pamphlets. 28 vols.

Pages actuelles, 1914-1915. 6 vols.
Problemi italiani. 18 vols.

Quaderni della guerra. 7 vols.

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v. 1-4. 1907-1912. 1909-[1913.] Ref. 010.5 Federn, R. Répertoire bibliographique de la littérature française des origines à nos jours. 1913. Ref. 015.44 Lloyd Library, Cincinnati. Bibliographical contributions. v. 1. Bibliography relating to the floras. 1911-1914. Ref. 016 Seligman, E. R. A., ed. List of books on the social evil; incl. pamphlets and leaflets published in the U. S. and foreign countries. [1912.] Ref. 016.176 Hasse, A. R. Index to U. S. docs. rel. to for. affairs, 1828-1861. Pt. 1. A-H. 1914. (Carnegie Inst. of Wash. Pubs. No. 185, pt. 1.) Ref. 016.327

Papworth, L. W., and Zimmern, D. M. Women in industry: a bibl. 1915. Ref. 016.3314 U. S. Library of Congress. Bibliography Div. List of references on water rights and the control of waters; comp. under the direction of H. H. B. Meyer, chief bibliographer. 1914. 016.3518

Pittsburgh. Carnegie Library. By-product coking; references to books and magazine articles. 1915. Ref. 016.6626 Reprinted fr. the Monthly bull., May, 1915. Arkwright, G. E. P. Catalogue of music in the library of Christ Church, Oxford; w. a pref. by T. B. Strong. Pt. 1. Works of ascertained authorship. 1915. Ref. 016.78

Concerned solely with manuscripts and passes over the rare and important printed books in the great collection. -Times (Lond.) lit. sup.

Altmann, W.

Kammermusik-Literatur; Ver

zeichnis von seit 1841 erschienenen Kammermusikwerken. 1910. Ref. 016.785 Drama League of America. Plays for amateurs; arr. by J. M. Clapp. c1915. 016.7931

Very useful for those looking for plays to present. Contains descriptions of about two hundred plays and instructions for amateurs on stage matters.-P. B. Lee, Sir S. L. A Shakespeare reference library. 1910. (English Assoc. Pamphlets. No. 15.) Ref. 016.82233

Goldsmith, P. H. A brief bibliography of books in English, Spanish and Portuguese; rel. to the republics commonly called Latin American; w. comments. 1915. Ref. 016.98 Hofmann-Bosse, E. Die Frau im Dienste der volkstümlichen Bibliothek. 1915. (Schriften der Zentralstelle für volkstümliches Buchereiwesen. Heft. 2.) 023

Barker, E. F. Where to sell your manuscripts. [c1915.]


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Givler, R. C. The psycho-physiological effects of the elements of speech in relation to poetry. [1915.] (Psychological review pubs. Psychological monographs. v. 19, no. 2.) 150 Titchener, E. B. A beginner's psychology.


Tuerck, H. The man of genius. 1914.



Art, G. Pour développer notre mémoire par l'audition, la vision, l'idée; préf. de E. Faguet. [c1914.]


Scholfield, S. The doctrine of mechanicalism. 1907. Carrington, H. True ghost stories. [c1915.] 133.1

Contains numerous "cases" resulting from investigations of psychical phenomena.-N. Y. Times bk. rev. Thompson, R. C., ed. Reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum; the original texts, printed in cuneiform characters, ed. w. translations, vocabulary, index, and an introd. 1900. 2 v. (Luzac's Semitic text and translation ser. v-vi-vii.) Ref. 133.5 Yost, C. S. Patience Worth, a psychic mystery. 1916. 134 Communications received by a St. Louis woman through the Ouija board.-J. M. S.

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An excellent survey of current tendencies. will find an excellent summary of the views of Shaw, H. G. Wells, Ellen Key, Ibsen et id omne genus.... Valuable to debating societies and to all who wish a bird's eye view of a broad field.-G. R. D.

Feigenbaum, B. Zu was toig Theatre. 1909. Crunden Branch 175

Dodson, G. R. The discipline of truth. n. d. Ref. 177.3

Beman, L. T., comp. Selected articles on prohibition. 1915. (Debaters' handbook ser.)


Shadwell, A., M. D. Drink, temperance and legislation. 1915. 178

International Anti-vivisection and Animal Protection Congress, Wash., D. C., 1913. Proceedings. [1913]. Ref. 179.4

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