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Question. How is a preacher to be admitted on trial into the traveling connection?

¶ 145. Ans. 1. By the Annual Conference. In the interval of the Conference he may be received and employed in the work by a Bishop, or the Presiding Elder of the District, until the sitting of the Conference.

146. Ans. 2. No one shall be admitted on trial unless he first procure a recommendation from the District Conference of his circuit, station, or mission, or from the Licensing Committee of the District Conference; nor shall a vote be taken upon the admission of any candidate who has not passed an approved examination upon the Course of Study prescribed by the Bishops, before a committee appointed by the Conference for that purpose.

¶147. Ans. 3. The Annual Conference may then admit him as a probationer, by a vote of the majority. Observe!-This relation of being on trial embraces the requisites of a competent pastorate, and must apply as well to proper administrative qualifications as to acceptable preaching ability. One on trial may be discontinued for want of efficiency in either of these respects, with

148. Ans. 4. The Committee on Adm shall require all applicants for admission on to agree to abstain from the use of tobacco.



Question 1. Who shall be admitted int Conference in full connection?

¶ 149. Ans. 1. No one except a preache has been employed at least two years in the re itinerant work (which is to commence fro being admitted on trial at the Annual C ence), and who is approved by the Annual C


¶ 150. Ans. 2. Before any preacher is adı into full connection, he shall pass an app examination upon the Course of Study pres by the Bishops for candidates for the min and in no case shall a vote be taken to adm one until he is recommended by the Exam Committee.

¶ 151. Ans. 3. A missionary employed foreign mission may be admitted into full nection, if recommended by the superintend the mission where he labors, without being p at the Annual Conference for examination.

Ques. 2. What method do we use in admit

very person proposed shall then be asked, before he Conference, the following questions (with any others that may be thought necessary), namely: Have you faith in Christ? Are you going on to perfection? Do you expect to be made perfect in love in this life? Are you groaning after it? Are you resolved to devote yourself wholly to God and his work? Are you willing to conform to the Discipline of the Church? Will you diligently instruct the children in every place? Will you visit from house to house? Will you recommend fasting and abstinence, both by precept and example? Are you in debt so as to embarrass you?

Will you especially observe the following directions?

1. Be diligent. Never be unemployed. Never be triflingly employed. Never trifle away time; neither spend any more time at any place than is strictly necessary.

2. Be punctual. Do everything exactly at the time. And do not mend our rules, but keep them; not for wrath, but for conscience sake.

3. Act in all things not according to your own will, but as a son in the gospel. It is therefore your duty to employ your time in the manner which we direct; in preaching, meeting the classes, visiting from house to house, and especially visit

ing the sick · in roading meditation and

yard, it is needful you should do that part work which we advise, at those times and which we judge most for his glory.

If he give satisfactory answers to these tions, the Conference, by a vote of the ma may admit him into full connection.



Question 1. How is a deacon constituted? ¶ 153. Ans. 1. By the election of a majo the Annual Conference, and the laying on hands of a Bishop.

¶ 154. Ans. 2. Before any traveling pread ordained deacon, he shall pass an approved ination upon the Course of Study prescril the Bishops for candidates for the ministry in no case shall a vote be taken to elect any deacon's orders until he is recommended 1 Examining Committee.

Ques. 2. What shall be the time of probat a traveling preacher for the office of deacon?

¶ 155. Ans. No one shall be so elected a dained who has not been two years in the r itinerant work, except such as may be selec the Bishop for the missionary work, whe Annual Conference shall have authority to

Ques. 3. What are the duties of a traveling deaɔn?

¶ 156. Ans. 1. To administer baptism and to olemnize the rite of matrimony in the absence of he elder.

¶ 157. Ans. 2. To assist the elder in adminisering the Lord's Supper.

¶ 158. Ans. 3. To do all the duties of a travelng preacher.



Question 1. How is an elder constituted?

¶ 159. Ans. 1. By the election of a majority of the Annual Conference, and the laying on of the hands of a Bishop and some of the elders that are present.

160. Ans. 2. Before any traveling preacher is ordained elder he shall pass an approved examination upon the Course of Study prescribed by the Bishops for candidates for the ministry; and in no case shall a vote be taken to elect any one to elder's orders until he is recommended by the Examining Committee.

Ques. 2. What shall be the time of probation of a traveling deacon for the office of elder?

¶ 161. Ans. Every traveling deacon shall exer

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