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inance of the Conference of which they are bers, or within the bounds of which the work ned them by the Conference lies; and be paid the proceeds of their office, or by such other as as the Conference may devise.



386. Each Annual Conference shall have a at Board of Finance appointed by the Presit of the Conference (unless otherwise ordered), he close of the Annual Conference next followthe General Conference, to hold office for four


387. Said Board when appointed shall consist ›ne clerical member of the Conference and one nan for each Presiding Elder's District: proed, however, that the removal of a clerical memfrom one District to another shall not operate. orfeiture of membership in the Board. They ll elect their own chairman, treasurer, and secary, and the Board shall fill all vacancies that y occur in the body: provided, that they do so keeping up an equal number of clerical and lay mbers.

388. It shall be the duty of the Joint Board,

same to the superannuated preachers, and the ows and orphans of deceased members of the ference, according to their best judgment of several necessities: provided, however, that in of equal necessity, the Board shall take in count the time of active service rendered b claimants: provided, further, that when a pro breaks down in the work, and is placed on t perannuated list, his claim shall begin fro time he ceases to receive any support from h charge.

1389. (2) They shall estimate the ar that will probably be necessary to meet the of the superannuated preachers, and the w and orphan children of deceased members Conference, and apportion the same to the ent Presiding Elders' Districts for collecti ensuing year.

¶390. (3) All matters relating to the fin interest of the Conference shall be referred Board, and be carefully considered and re


391. (4) They shall make a full report proceedings to the Conference, which shall approve, recommit, or amend their report.

1392. (5) The members of this Boar especially the chairman thereof, shall ca

Le pecuniary circumstances of the usual claimon the Conference funds as shall facilitate the ness of the Board at its annual meeting. 393. (6) The Recording Steward of each cirshall report to the Joint Board of Finance a account of the acts of the Board of Stewards preceding year. The Joint Board shall decide ssues that may exist between the stewards and Presiding Elder, or any of the preachers, in re1 to salaries, and their decision shall be final; in no case shall they allow any preacher to e a claim on the church he has served, as of t, after his pastoral connection has ceased.

394. (7) Each Annual Conference shall pt its own method of raising money to pay se who, by the rules and usages of the Church, e claims upon it: provided, that it does not erfere with the rights guaranteed to the Church nferences to adopt their own methods of raising ney to pay their liabilities.





¶395. ARTICLE I. The missionary operati the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for administered under the Board of Mission Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, an Woman's Home Mission Society, shall hereaf administered by a Board of Missions, which have charge of all foreign missions of the C and of such missions in the home field as a provided for by the Annual Conferences. Board shall carry on its operations under t partments-namely, the Department of F Missions, and the Department of Home Miss

396. ART. II. Said Board shall consis President, Vice President, a General Sec two Secretaries for the Department of F Missions, two Secretaries for the Departm Home Missions, two Educational Secretarie of these Secretaries in each instance shall woman), and thirty Managers, of whom ter be preachers, ten laymen, and ten women,

ry Council; the Bishops, the Treasurer of this rd, and an Assistant Treasurer (who shall be oman), the Corresponding Secretary of the rd of Church Extension, the President and eral Secretary of the Laymen's Missionary wement, and the Sunday School Editor, shall ex officio members. Said Board shall be elected adrennially by the General Conference, as fols: the President, Vice President, and Managers nomination of the Committee on Missions; the neral Secretary by ballot at the time of the elecon of other connectional officers; the members ected to continue in office until their successors e chosen. The Board shall fill all vacancies that ay occur. The Secretaries for Foreign Missions, e Secretaries for Home Missions, the Education

Secretaries, the Treasurer, and the Assistant 'reasurer, shall be elected quadrennially by the coming Board, the women on the nomination of he Woman's Missionary Council. The officers and nembers shall continue in office until their sucessors are elected.

¶397. ART. III. The Board shall be located in the city of Nashville, Tennessee, but its annual meeting may be held in such place and at such time as the Board shall determine.

¶ 398. ART. IV. The Board shall have authority to regulate its own proceedings; to appropriate

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