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the right of peremptory challenge of tw committee of five, and in like ratio for any


¶349. Ans. 4. The preacher in charg preside at the trial and decide all questions pertaining to the case. He shall at the mencement of the trial appoint a secretar shall take down regular minutes of the ev and proceedings. The minutes, when rea approved, shall be signed by the president a secretary.

1350. Ans. 5. If after sufficient notice t cused evade trial by absenting himself, th shall proceed as though he were present. W es from without shall not be rejected. If wi cannot be induced to attend the trial, the pr in charge shall appoint some discreet mem the Church to take the written statements witnesses, as provided in ¶ 323.

Ques. 2. What shall be done in case of im tempers, words, or actions, or disobedience order and discipline of the Church?

¶ 351. Ans. Let private reproof be given preacher in charge or by a leader; and if th an acknowledgment of the fault, and prom amendment, the person may be borne with; wise the preacher must take with him two or faithful friends, who shall labor to bring t

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them, and there be no sign of amendment, the der must be dealt with as in case of immoral

ues. 3. What shall be done when a member eminates doctrines contrary to our Articles of gion?

352. Ans. If a member of our Church endeavto sow dissension in any of our societies by inghing against either our doctrines or discipline, h person offending shall first be reproved by the acher in charge; and if there be persistence in -h practice, the offender shall be dealt with as case of immorality.

Ques. 4. What shall be done in case of disputes tween members of the Church?

353. Ans. 1. Should any dispute occur beeen two or more members of our Church conrning the payment of debts, or other matters, hich disputes cannot be settled by the parties oncerned, the preacher in charge shall inquire to the circumstances of the case; and shall recmmend to the contending parties a reference to committee of arbitration, consisting of members of our Church. One arbitrator shall be chosen by the plaintiff, another by the defendant, and the two arbitrators so chosen shall select a third.

354. Ans. 2. If one of the parties be dissatisfied with the judgment given, such party may

arbitration; and if that Conference see su reason it shall grant a second arbitration, in case each party shall choose two arbitrator the four arbitrators shall choose a fifth, the ment of a majority of whom shall be final; either person refuse to abide by the judgmen party shall be dealt with as in case of immor

1355. Ans. 3. If any member of our shall refuse, in cases of debt or other dispu refer the matter to arbitration, when recomm by the preacher in charge, or shall enter lawsuit with another member before these me are taken, he shall be dealt with as in case morality, unless the case be of such a natur require and justify a process at law.

¶356. In all cases of suspension or exp the accused shall have the right of appeal ensuing Quarterly Conference: provided, th tice is given to the pastor at the time of th demnation, or as soon as the party is officia formed thereof, of the intention to appeal.

357. Any traveling or local preacher, man, who shall hold public religious services in the bounds of any mission, circuit, or s when requested by the preacher in charge hold such services, shall be deemed guilty






358. There shall be a Committee of Appeals review and determine all cases of appeals by aveling preachers. The committee shall be comosed of one Bishop, to be selected by the College Bishops, having regard to the accessibility of e Bishop of that year, and also four traveling inisters who are elders, and three laymen, to be ected by the General Conference on the nominaon of the Committee on Itinerancy for a term xpiring with the close of the succeeding General onference.

1359. The Bishop shall preside at all meetings. of the committee, and a vote of four members of said committee concurring shall be sufficient to decide all questions.

360. No member of the committee shall sit at the hearing of a case in which he was a member of the trial committee or attorney for the accused or any person connected with the case nor in which he is personally interested.

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challenged, he shall withdraw, and the re of the committee shall decide as to whethe such a member is competent to sit in t The Bishop and four members of the co shall constitute a quorum.

[362. If a vacancy happens in the co by death, resignation, or otherwise, such shall be filled by the remainder of the co by appointment until the next General


¶362-A. Such committee shall sit for t ing of cases at the Publishing House in Na Tennessee, on the call of the presiding Bisl less for good reasons the Bishop shall desi different place.

1362-B. A session of the Committee peals shall be held once each year, unless no business before the committee, or unle business is continued by agreement of the p

¶362-C. When a case is called for hear appellant shall file a written statement of rors complained of by him and of the reas signed by him, and upon which he relies reversal of the decision. The appellant sha either in person or by his representative, s grounds of his appeal, and he shall be pe to make his argument without interrupt long as his defense is within the record of t

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