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membership fee of two dollars and fifty cents each society.

| 311. The Conference Board shall be related the Conference Epworth League in the following y, namely: (1) They shall make appropriations t of the Anniversary Day funds in their hands aid in defraying the expense of carrying on the ganization. (2) They shall constitute an Adsory Council to aid the Conference Epworth eague, and in case there should be no Conference pworth League organization, they are to bring Dout such organization and arrange for the holdng of its first annual meeting. (3) The President nd Secretary of the Conference Board shall be x officio members of the Cabinet of the Conference Epworth League.

312. Relations to other League organizations. The Board shall forward Epworth League work, especially by aiding in the formation of local societies, District Institutes, and City Unions. For this purpose the several members of the Board shall be especially appointed to care for the work in the several Districts of the Annual Conference, and shall report their work at the annual meetings of the Board. They shall by pen and voice advocate the young people's work, and shall assist the presiding elders in the District Conference func





Question 1. To whom is a Bishop amena his conduct?

313. Ans. To the General Conference has power to try him for improper conduct acquit, to suspend, or to expel him.

Ques. 2. What provision is made for the a Bishop, if he should be accused of immor the interval of the General Conference?

314. Ans. When a Bishop shall be u port, or be accused, of immorality, three ti elders shall, after notice to him, carefully into the case, and if they believe an inves necessary, they shall report the matter to Bishop; and it shall be his duty to call tog some convenient place not less than twelve ing elders, and also the witnesses by wh accusation is expected to be established; said elders shall be a committee for the in tion of the charge against the Bishop.

ference. The presiding Bishop shall cause an et record of the investigation, signed by the sident and secretary, to be transmitted to the neral Conference. By this record, and such. er testimony as may be obtained, the case shall considered and determined by the General Conence without the intervention of another comttee.

Ques. 3. What provision is made for the trial of Bishop if he should be accused during the seson of the General Conference?

315. Ans. 1. An accusation preferred during e session of the General Conference shall be reerred for investigation to a committee of twentyve members of the General Conference, to be seected by the president in the chair, and the committee shall report to the General Conference whether or not a trial is necessary. If the commitee of investigation decide that a trial is necessary, hey shall formulate charges and specifications, conforming them to the grade of offense involved in the accusation, and shall appoint one or more of their number to prosecute the case. The bill of charges and specifications shall be a part of the report of the committee to the General Conference, Every case to be tried under this process shall, upon the finding of a bill of charges, be referred

be final, save as to the right of appeal. T committee shall make a written report General Conference and deliver to the se the whole record of the case, with the d rendered.

1316. Ans. 2. A Bishop who shall be guilty by the Committee on Episcopacy sha a right to appeal to the General Conferenc in session, which shall finally determine the

317. Ans. 3. No charge against a Bisho be tried unless it be made in writing with cations signed by the accusers; and a copy charge, with the specifications, shall be de to the accused a sufficient length of time bef trial to enable him to make all necessary p tion for his defense.



Question 1. To whom is a traveling p amenable for his conduct?

¶318. Ans. To the Annual Conference, shall have power to try, and to acquit, to su or to expel him.

Ques. 2. What shall be done when a tra

ned by a minister or a member of our Church, it be in the interval of the Annual Conference which he is a member, in the absence of a Bishop e Presiding Elder shall call together at least ree traveling preachers to investigate the report accusation. If practicable, let him bring the cused and the accuser face to face before the mmittee. If the accused be an elder, the comittee shall be composed of elders, and if a deacon, e committee shall be either elders or deacons.

¶320. Ans. 2. If the committee, after hearing he testimony, offered by both the accuser and the ccused, judge a trial necessary, the accused shall De suspended until the next session of the Annual Conference of which he is a member, or until he shall have been acquitted by a trial committee as hereinafter provided for the trial of a traveling preacher in the interim of the sessions of the Annual Conference. The committee shall formulate a bill of charges and specifications against the accused, and shall present to him a copy of the same a sufficient length of time before the session of the Conference to enable him to make preparation for his trial. They shall also appoint some member of the Conference to prosecute the accused before the committee of trial.

¶321. Ans. 3. When a member of an Annual

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