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omhandlede mandtal, fordi han ved stortingsvalget i 1903 endnu ikke havde fyldt 25 aar eller havde været bosat i landet i 5 aar, men som senest paa den for stemmegivningen fastsatte dag fylder disse vilkaar, skal, om han besidder stemmeretsvilkaarene forøvrigt, indføres i mandtallet, saafremt han personlig fremsætter begjæring derom hos mandtals føreren paa sit bosted iden kl. 8 aften den 8de august. Andre end de her nævnte personer, som ikke staar i valgsognets mandtal, kan ikke indføres i dette.

4. Mandtallet skal uden at gjennemgaaes af mandtalsnævnd foranstaltes udlagt til almindeligt eftersyn fra kl.8 morgen til kl.8 aften den 10de og 11te august. I løbet af denne tid maa klager over mandtallets indhold være indgivne til styret for stemmemødet (d.e. valgstyret). Mandtalslovens forskrifter om istandbringelse af lister og afgivelse af meddelelser vedkommende klagebehandlingen m.v. kommer paa grund af den korte tid for folkeafstemningens afholdelse ikke til anvendelse.

5. Kjendelser angaaende mandtallets indhold afsiges af stemmemødets styre 12te august.

6. Stemmeberettiget, som ved sidste stortingsvalg var indført i mandtallet for et valgsogn. Som han senere er fraflyttet, skal afgive stemme i det nævnte valgsogn. Stemmegivningen kan da ske uden personligt fremmøde,

found in the state census because at the time of the election in 1903 he had not completed his twenty-fifth year, or had not yet been domiciled in the country for five years, but who fulfills these conditions at the latest upon the day set for the balloting, shall be included in the census, in case he fulfills the other conditions for voting, and in case he personally makes a request to this effect of the chief of the census in the place where he lives at 8 P. M. on the 8th of August. Other persons than those here named who are not in the census of the electoral district, can not be included in it.

4. The census lists shall, without being examined by the census committee, be exposed to public view from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M., on the 10th and 11th of August. Within this period of time complaints regarding the contents of the census lists must be handed to the election board. The regulations of the census law concerning the making of lists and the giving of information concerning the handling of complaints, etc., can not be carried out on account of the shortness of time for the taking of the plebiscite.

5. Judgments concerning the contents of the census are rendered by the election board upon the 12th of August.

6. A person entitled to vote at the time of the last election of the Storting who was included in the census list of an electoral district from which he is later removed shall cast his vote in the said electoral district. The

i hvilket tilfælde de for forfald gjældende forskrifter finder tilsvarende anvendelse.

7. Er valgsognet delt i eller mellem flere kommuner, skal der i stemmemødets styre være saa mange medlemmer af hvert formandskab, som det ved stortingsvalget i 1903 var tilfældet. Er der senere foregaaet del-. ing af kommune, bestemmer amtmanden, hvormange medlemmer der skal være fra hvert formandskab.

Er mandtalsførerens distrikt delt i eller mellem flere valgsogne, kan han i fornødent fald bemyndige et medlem af vedkommende stemmemødes styre til at forrette for ham i styre, hvori han selv ikke kan deltage.

8. Stemmegivningen bör, forsaavidt der ikke besluttes videregaaende deling af valgsognet, saavidt mulight foregaa i de samme dele af dette og paa de samme steder som ved sidste stortingsvalg. Hvor den ikke kan foregaa i samme lokale, bestemmes dette af stemmemødets styre.

9. Stemmesedlerne skal kun lyde paa enten ordet "ja" eller ordet "nei" (trykt eller skrevet). Er den stemmeberettigede enig i unionens opløsning, svarer han "ja," er han uening deri, svarer han "nei." Indeholder stemmeseddel andet end et af disse ord, skal den forkastes.

10. Naar stemmeoptællingen for det enkelte valgsogn er tilendebragt, skal styrets formand uopholdelig (om muligt telegrafisk) sende justisdepartementet indberetning om udfaldet.

voting may take place without appearing in person in which case the regulations concerning absentee voting are applied.

7. If the electoral district is divided between several communes the election board shall be made up of as many members from each communal board as was the case at the election of the Storting in 1903. If a division of the commune has taken place since then, the county magistrate decides how many members there shall be from each. If the district of the chief of the census is divided among several electoral districts, he may, in case of necessity, empower a member of the said election board to act for him where he himself can not be present.

8. The balloting should, in case further division of the election district is not decided upon, take place so far as possible, in the same parts thereof and in the same places as at the last election of the Storting. Wherever it can not take place in the same hall the place is decided upon by the election board.

9. The ballots shall merely be marked either with the word "yes" or "no" (printed or written). If the voter agrees to a dissolution of the union he answers "yes," if he disagrees he answers "no." If the ballot contains other than one of these words it shall be rejected.

10. When the counting of the votes for the separate electoral districts shall be finished, the chairman of the board shall immediately notify the department of justice (if possible by tele

Regjeringen afgiver derpaa snarest muligt meddelelse til stortinget om stemmegivningen for hele riget.

11. Regjeringen bemyndiges til at undfærdige de nærmere forskrifter, som udkræves til afstemningens iverksættelse samt til at foreskrive lempninger i de sedvanlige regler, forsaavidt det paa grund af særlige forhold vilde være forbundet med uforholdsmæssige ulemper et følge disse.

graph). The government thereupon notifies the Storting as quickly as possible regarding the vote for the whole kingdom.

11. The government is empowered to make more detailed provisions necessary for the carrying out of the balloting as well as to make modifications in the usual regulations, in so far as it would be fraught with disproportionate difficulties to follow these regulations on account of special conditions.

Circular of Instructions from the Department of Justice to the Registration Officers and Boards of Election. July 29, 1905 1

Stortinget har under 23de juli sidstleden fattet beslutning om, at der den 13de august førstkommende kl.1 eftermiddag for hele riget skal finde sted en folkeafstemning, hvorved de, som har stemmeret efter grundloven, skal give svar paa det spørsmaal, om de er enige i den sted fundne opløsning af unionen eller ikke. Regjeringen er anmodet om at træffe de fornødne forføininger til afholdelse af denne folkeafstemning, ved hvilken de regler, som den gjældende lovgivning indeholder om fremgangsmaaden ved stortingsvalg, skal finde tilsvarende anveldelse, med forskjellige i beslutningen angivne lempninger.

Denne beslutning er ved regjeringens resolution af s.d. befalet tagen tilfølge og dette departement overdraget at træffe de til afstemningens

1 Unionens Opløsing, p. 323.


The Storting on July 23 ult. resolved that on the next 13th of August, at 1 P. M., a general popular vote shall be cast for the whole kingdom, whereby those who have suffrage according to the Constitution, shall answer the question if they agree or do not agree to the dissolution of the Union, which has taken place. The Government has been requested to take the necessary steps towards the casting of this popular vote, in accordance with the rules legally valid for the election of members of the Storting, with various modifications, as stated in the resolution.

This resolution has been sanctioned by the Government resolution of the same date, and this Department has been charged with the duty of taking

fremme fornødne forføininger, derunder ogsaa at foreskrive yderligere fornødne lempninger i de almindelige regler om fremgangsmaaden ved valg.

Idet departementet lader følge aftryk af den nævnte stortingsbeslutning, hvortil henvises, skal man anmode hr. mandtals føreren om uopholdelig at besørge denne paa virksomste maade bragt til almindelig kundskab, saasom gjennem opslag paa forskjellige steder og læsning fra kirkebakken.

Departementet skal endvidere til nærmere underretning og veiledning for hr. mandtals føreren og valgstyret meddele følgende:

1. Ved afstemningen skal benyttes det mandtal, som blev istandbragt til stortingsvalget i 1903. Heri skal foretages de rettelser og ændringer, som omhandles i stortingsbeslutningens III, post 2, hvorhos der i sammes. post 3 aabnes adgang til indførelse af stemmeberettigede, som siden sidste stortningsvalgs afholdelse har fyldt 25 aar eller i samme tidsrum har fyldt vilkaaret at have været bosatte i riget i5 aar, og som personlig fremsætter begjæring derom hos mandtals føreren paa sit bosted inden kl.8 aften den 9de august. Derimod vil der ikke være adgang til at indføre andre personer i mandtallet, altsaa f.eks. ikke saadanne, som ved en forglemmelse ikke kom ind i mandtallet i 1903, eller personer, som senere har opnaaet æresopreisning.

Hvad angaar stemmeberettigede,

the necessary steps towards the casting of the vote, and also of prescribing the necessary changes in the ordinary rules for the procedure in case of elections.

The Department encloses for reference a copy of the said Resolution of the Storting, and requests the Registration Officer to make it public immediately and in the most effective manner, for instance by posting at different places and by announcement at Church service.

The Department in addition to this makes the following announcement, as a further instruction to the Registration Officers and the Board of Election.

1. For the casting of the vote the census list prepared in 1903 for the election of the Storting shall be used, with such corrections and changes as are mentioned in the Resolution of the Storting, No. III, article 2. In addition permission is granted by article 3 for the registration of voters, who have reached the age of 25 since the last election of the Storting, or during the same period have filled the condition of residence in the country for five years, and who personally submit a request to that effect to the election officer at their legal residence before 8 P. M. August 9. There will be no occasion to enter other persons in the census list, for instance such as by mistake failed to register in 1903, or persons who have been rehabilitated. since that time.

As regards citizens of age who have

som siden istandbringelsen af valgmandtallet i 1903 er flyttede fra et valgsogn til et andet, bliver der ingen forandring at foretage i mandtallet i anledning af den sted fundue flytning.

2. Den i overensstemmelse med forannævnte regler udbedrede og supplerede mandtal bliver ikke at gjennemgaa af nogen mandtalsnævnd, og mandtalslovens § 3 vil følgelig ikke for nogen del komme til anvendeelse ved denne anledning. Mandtallet skal være udlagt til almindeligt eftersyn paa mandtals førerens kontor fra 1.8 morgen til kl.8 aften den 11te august.

[blocks in formation]

moved from one election precinct to another since the registration of 1903, no change shall be made in the lists on account of such removal.

2. The corrected and supplemented registration record, in accordance with the preceding rules, shall not be revised by any Board of Election; consequently article 3 of the election law will in part not be applied on this occasion. The registration record shall be open to public inspection in the office of the registration officer from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. on August 11.

3. Complaints of the contents of the registration record must be submitted to the Board of Election (i. e. the ordinary Board of Election) before 8 P. M., August 11. No record of those affected by the complaints need be exhibited, and the notifications, prescribed in article 6 of the law, need not be made.

4. Decisions with regard to the complaints received shall be rendered by the Election Board in a meeting on August 12.

With regard to decisions of questions connected with elections it is common knowledge that the Registration law (article 13, last period) prescribes that the election officer shall always be present. On this account the Resolution of the Storting III, article 7, 2d part, decrees that an election officer, whose district is divided in or between several precincts shall be permitted in case of need to au

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