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promote his individual piety. For let us remember, that we need ourselves the same salvation which we are sending to others. He who is anxious, says Bishop Hall, to save the souls of the Heathen and neglects his own, is like a man, who leaves his own house in flames, and runs to quench his neighbour's-There is, however, no more promising method of reviving religion in our own minds, or of extending it amongst our families and connexions, than by persevering exertions to advance the cause of Missions. It is in this way, that the great increase of vital Christianity in our country, has gone hand in hand with the zeal for diffusing it abroad. It is in this way, we may hope, that the harvest in the heathen nations will bear some relation to the harvest in our own. It is in this way that a revival in the Protestant and other communions in Europe and America, may be a consequence of the exertions made to communicate the Gospel to heathen lands. The silent Mission of the Bible Society is admirably adapted for this purpose. We see, in the Russian Empire especially, stretching over half a world, this blessed effect 5. Soon will

5 It is impossible to give a just impression of the success of the British and Foreign Bible Society in every part of the world, and of the intimate connexion which its success has with the labours of the Missionary. In Russia, and other

reapers arise in this and the other quickened nations of Europe, to assist in gathering in the harvest of the heathen people. Once awakened themselves, they will lift up their eyes, and see waiting realms white for the harvest. Thus zeal in Missionary exertions, and the piety of those who make them, will go on mutually increasing each other. A further impulse will be given to the Societies which are already in operation. Other institutions of a similar nature will be raised up. The veil will fall from the heart of the ancient people of God, and the restoration of Israel be as life from the dead. The converted Jews will be the most effective Missionaries to the heathen, in every part of the world. Then shall the Church enter, in the completest sense, on the immensely extended harvest of mankind, and the fruit be abundantly gathered in, in every quarter. The kingdom of Christ shall at length fully come, and the stupendous mercies of redemption be accomplished. And thus all the numerous communities of Christendom engaged in the work of Missions, though differing in shades of sentiment and discipline, shall be the means of diffusing among all the nations of mankind one common salvation, like the waves

Christian nations, its effects in restoring the decayed profession of true religion are quite astonishing.

of the unwearied ocean, which, one in fact though under various names, surrounds and embraces the whole habitable globe.

Circumquaque porro infatigati fertur fluctus oceani; UNUS quidem, sed multis cognominibus instructus. DION.




Prayer and Homily Society,



On Thursday, May 6th, 1819,




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