Cafket. An empty casket, where the jewel of life, by fome damn'd hand, was robb'd and ta'en away A. S. P. C. L. King John. 51 407 1 59 Cafketted. I have writ my letters, casketed my treasure The very cafques that did affright the air at Agincourt Richard ii. 1 341717 Were it a cafque compos'd by Vulcan's skill, my sword should bite it Troil. and Cref. 4 2 887116 Caffandra. D. P. Caffibelan for him and his fuccession, granted Rome a tribute - Ibid. 857 Cymbeline. 31906|1|36| The fam'd Caffibelan, who was once at point (0, giglet fortune!) to master Cæsar's fword Caffio. D. P. Caffius. D. P. Ibid. 31 906 2 26 1043 Othello. Whilft I ftruck the lean and wrinkled Caffius Cafficks. Half of the which dare not shake the fnow from off their cafsocks, left they thake themselves to pieces Caft. The government I cast upon my brother - 88138 298 159 2259 His filth within being caft, he would appear a pond as deep as hell Meaf. for Meaf. 31 Though he took up my legs fometimes, yet I made a shift to cast him 2 Henry iv.1 Their villainy goes against my weak stomach, and therefore I must caft The city caft her people out upon her It is as proper to our age to caft beyond ourselves in our opinions The pale caft of thought Ant. and Cleep.21 I 2 714 1 27762 4 Hamlet. 2 110101 3 Othello. 2 3 10541 54 Hamlet. 3110172 6 However this may gall him with some check,-cannot with safety caft him Othello.1 Caft away. I would be loth to caft away my speech 11045 136 Twelfth Night.1 5 312 119 2 Henry vi. wretches, caft Like a forlorn and desperate caft-away do fhameful execution on herself Titus And. 5 3 3576114 Ricbard in. 2 Ant. and Cleop. 3 6 784 237 854164 384|2|31 57 125 330912 Mercb. of Venice. 2 9 2 Gent. of Verona. 2 3 What though care kill'd a cat, thou haft mettle enough in thee to kill care He fleeps by day more than the wild eat Some that are mad if they behold a cat With cat-like watch She thall have no more eyes to see than a cat But will you woo this wild cat Mid. Night's Dream. 3 2 Ibid. 4 1 215122 As You Like It. 4 3 244 244 Taming of the Shrew.1 2 258 25 I could endure any thing before but a cat, and now he is a cat to me A pox upon him, for me he is more and more a cat Here is a pur of fortune's, fir, or of fortune's cat Like the poor cat i' the adage Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd As melancholy as a gib cat A couching lion, and a ramping cat Hamlet. 4 My lady's a Cataian, we are politicians His good melancholy oft began, on the catastrophe and heel of pastime Tempeft. 4 1 1917 Merry W. of Windfor. 2 2 54119 Cat-log of the conditions of the perfons loved by Launce 2 Gentlemen of Verona. 3 1 35243 36113 Merry W.of Wind.2 I 521 58 315127 7 10322 33 946 235 1572 39 2 280139 1480 112 I 934 9 263112 Pat he comes like the catastrophe of the old comedy Catch. No doubt, but he hath got a quiet catch Shall we rouze the night-owl in a catch Taming of the Shrew. 2 Hector fhall have a great catch, if he knock out either of your brains Catches. Thy wit is as quick as the greyhound's mouth, it catches Catechifm. To fay, ay, and no, to these particulars, is more than to chifm M. Ado About Nothing. 4 Catechize. I will catechize the world for him coufins Caterpillars. The caterpillars of the common-wealth, which I have fworn pluck away Her wholesome herbs, swarming with caterpillars And caterpillers eat my leaves away All scholars, lawyers, courtiers, gentlemen, they call-falfe caterpillars, their death Mer. of Ven. 2 2 203 242 to weed and Caters. He that doth the ravens feed, yea, providently caters for the fparrow, be comfort to my age Caterwauling. What a caterwauling do you keep here Catlings. None unless the fidler Apollo gets his finews to make catlings on Tr.and Creff. 2 Care. Thou waft a soldier even to Cato's wish -young. D.P. Cattarrbs. Cattle. As boys and women are for the most part cattle of this colour As You Like It. 3 2 238 37 Cavalerses. I'll drink to master Bardolph, and all the cavaleroes about London 2 H. iv.5 3 5042 20 Cavaliers. That will not follow these cull'd and choice-drawn cavaliers to France H.v.3 cb 52014 Caucafus. Oh, who can hold a fire in his hand, by thinking on the frofty Caucafus R.. 3 418256 Caudle. A caudle, ho Cavil. You do not well in obftinaey to cavil in the course of this contract You cavil, widow; I did mean my queen Cavilling. Let's fight it out, and not stand cavilling thus Cauldron of witches, ingredients in Caufe. As thy cause is right, so be thy fortune in this royal fight But if the caufe be not good, the king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make No caufe! Thy father flew my father; therefore, die A ftrange tongue makes my caufe more strange Henry v.4 1 528223 3 Henry vi.1 36072 19 Richard .1 2 636211 Henry vii.31 686 254 The reft shall bear the business in some other fight as cause shall be obey'd Say that I wish he never find more caufe to change a master Ant. and Cleop. 4 5 792 131 And to my fortunes and the people's favour, commit my caufe in ballance to be weigh'd Bring him away; mine's not an idle caufe Timon of Athens. I 1 8321 32 21046 247 Richard iii. 4 4 66051 Hamlet. 1310041 56 Coriolanus. 41 726218 1748 115 Julius Cæfar. Cauterizing. For each true word a blifter, and each falfe be as a cauterizing to the root o' the tongue Caruder. Thane of Cawdor Timon of Athens. 5 3 827112 Ibid. I 3364249 Ibid. 1 336524 All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor - cearments Ceafe to perfuade Hamlet. 141006 137 2 Gent. of Verona. I Both fuffer under this complaint we bring, and both fhall cease, without your remedy Fall and ceafe 231 4 The cease of majesty dies not alone Hamlet. 3 965 1 31 3 1022 245 Importune him for my monies; be not ceas'd with flight denial Tim. of Athens. 2 1 809246 Gedar. Thus yields the cedar to the axe's edge 3 Henry vi. 5 He shall flourish, and, like a mountain cedar, reach his branches to all the plains about him Celestial. Give me thy hand terrestrial, fo;-give me thy hand celestial, so Cenfure. Fain would mine eyes be witness with mine ears to give their cenfure to thefe rare reports If you do cenfure me by what you were, not what you are Madam, the king is old enough to give his cenfure Say you confent and cenfure well the deed Will you go to give your cenfures in this weighty business Forgetting, like a good man, your late cenfure both of his truth and him He is, that he is; I may not breathe my cenfure To you, lord governor, remains the cenfure of this hellish villain Cenfured. Whofe equality by our beft eyes cannot be cenfured Ibid. 5 2 Henry vi. Ibid. 3 I 58253 223 510052 3 6 731223 3 551235 5702 2 3 576 1 35 15852 53 Richard iii. 2 2646229 Cenfurers. Malicious cenfurers; which ever, as ravenous fishes, do a veffel follow that is new trimm'd Henry vill.|1| |2| 675|1|35 Centaurs Centaurs. The battle of the Centaurs, to be fung by an Athenian eunuch to the harp A. S. P. C.L. 64 Mid. Night's Dream.5 1 192 Down from the waift they are Centaurs, though women all above Center. The center is not big enough to bear a school-hoy's top - Winter's Tale. 2 The heavens themfelves, the planets, and this center, obferve degree, priority, and place Turn back, dull earth, and find thy center out Treilus and Crefida. 1 Centinels. The fixed centinels almost receive the fecret whispers of each other's watch Centuries. If I do fend, dispatch thofe centuries to our aid Cerberus. Nay rather damn them with king Cerberus - 33 Henry v.4 ch 526 257 Coriolanus. 1 7 710119 Cymbeline. 4 2 918252 2 Henry iv. 2 4 485140 Titus Andronicus. 2 5 841224 And fell asleep, as Cerberus at the Thracian poet's feet Cerecloth. It were too grofs to rib her cerecloth in the obfcure grave Treilus and Crefida 2 1865238 Mer. of Venice. 27206250 266 147 • Taming of the Shrew. 3 2 Henry v.4 His ceremonies laid by, in his nakedness he appears but a man It id. 2 1 5281 53 I 742123 1748 233 2 750137 Your highness is not entertain'd with that ceremonious affection as you were wont Lear.T 4 93553 Ceremonicufly let us prepare fome welcome for the miftrefs of the houfe Mercb. of Venice. 5 1 -And what art thou, thou idol ceremony? what kind of god art thou Hanging his head at Ceres' plenteous load Gertain. If money were as certain as your waiting, 'twere fure enough Certes fhe did; the kitchen-vestal scorned you For, Certes, fays he, I have already chofen my officer Cefs. The poor jade is wrung in the withers out of all cefs Tell him he hath a match made with fuch a wrangler, that all the courts of France will be disturbed with chaces -Hold, Warwick, feek thee out fome other chace Henry v.1 2 2 Hemy vi. 5 2 Chafe. My husband will not rejoice so much at the abufe of Falstaff, as he will chafe Merry Wives of Wind. 5 3 How this Herculean Roman does become the carriage of his chafe Chaf'd. Being once chaf'd, he cannot be rein'd again to temperance 2 Hen. vi. 3 2 Tr. and Creff.1 588 133 3 771146 5 883 233 3 724 247 2 8602 6 9 208 112 Coriolanus.5 I 733140 Troil. and Creff1] 2 861133 Cymbeline.1 7 900 253 Julius Cæfar. 2743131 Merry W. of Windfor.5 I 70143 Comedy of Errors. An' if you give it her, the devil will shake her chain, and fright us with it Go, fir, rub your chain with crumbs O thou day o' the world, chain mine arm'd neck Chairs of order - This chair fhall be my ftate G4 I 1102 5 Ibid. 4 3 114259 A. S. P. C. L. Chair. Is the chair empty? is the sword unfway'd Richard .14 4 6632/58 Chair-days. And, in thy reverence, and thy chair-days thus to die in ruffian battle 2 H. vi. 5 2 601246 Chalice. This, even handed justice commends the ingredients of our poifon'd chalice to our own lips Take away these chalices Chalic'd flowers God bless me from a challenge Macbeth. 17 368 19 63215 Cymbeline. 2 3 902 243 Sir Toby's directions to Sir Andrew for writing the challenge And whofoe'er gainfays king Edward's right, by this I challenge him to fingle fight And make my challenge you fhall not be my judge Ibid. 4 7 627113 Henry viii. 2 4 684230 I have a roifting challenge fent amongst the dull and factious nobles of the Greeks Challengers. Why, 'tis a boisterous and a cruel stile, a ftile for challengers As You Like It. 4 To venture upon the charg'd chambers bravely That we our largest bounty may extend where nature doth with merit challenge Lear. 1| of Edmund proclaim'd by the herald Richard iii. 31 484 18 658121 14151 8 Chamber-lie breeds fleas like a loach Chamberlains His two chamberlains, will I with wine and waffel fo convince Champ, Richard du Champains. With fhadowy forefts and with champains rich'd Hemry viii. Cymbeline. 4 2 9182 33 Twelfth Night. 2 5 319 32 Champion. Thus your own proper wifdom brings in the champion honour on my part To heaven the widow's champion and defence Why then the champions are prepar'd, and stay for nothing but his proach Marshal, demand of yonder champion the cause of his arrival here in arms 2415260 Ibid. 1 3 416 141 2 Henry vi. 1 3 575 2 18 Lear. 5 1961 229 I can produce a champion, that will prove what is avouched there And fumm'd the account of chance, before you faid,-let us make head Whether defect of judgment, to fail in the difpofing of thofe chances which he was lord of In our sports, my better cunning fails under his chance Ibid. 4 7 732242 Ant. and Cleop.2 3 777130 Ibid. 3 786250 I'll yet follow the wounded chance of Antony Bring us to him and chance it as it may Ibid. 5 2 8c016 Tim. of Aibens. 5 3 827|1|2 Chance |