I will continue that I broach'd in jeft Bringing rebellion broached on his sword Brave thee? ay, by the best blood that ever was broach'd Broach'd with the steely point of Clifford's lance Britain. Hath Britain all the fun that shines? day, night, are they not, but in Britain ?| I'the world's volume our Britain feems as of it, but not in it; in a great pool a fwan's neft Brize. The brize upon her, like a cow in June The herd hath more annoyance by the brize, than by the tyger Broach. Or elfe this blow should broach thy dearest blood Whether even I did broach this bufinefs to your highness A. S. P. C. L. Cymbeline. 3 4 910225 1 Henry vi. 34 Breached. With blade, with bloody blameful blade he bravely broach'd his boiling bloody breaft For what hath broach'd this tumult, but thy pride Taming of the Shrew. 1 2 862126 559226 685151 8121 9 847 127 Mid. Night's Dream.51 1932 26 258132 537 121 598 226 61319 613159 The business you have broach'd here cannot be without you Ant. and Cleop.1 2 770125 1837 113 Broad Achilles 2 Henry iv. 2 Troi. and Cref. 1 Ant. and Cleop. 1 - That for her love fuch quarrels may be broach'd Broaches Bread-fronted Cæfar Bread-gate. And they'll be for the flowery way, that leads to the broad-gate, and the Broad-goofe. Which added to the goofe, proves thee far and wide a broad-goofe Rom. and Jul. Brocas Brock. Marry, hang thee, brock Brogues. And put my clouted brogues from off my feet Broil. It feems then that the tidings of this broil brake off our bufinefs for the holy land Stop, or all will fall in broil For thefe domestic and particular broils are not to question here Broiling. Where have you been broiling Broke. I have broke with her father, and his good will obtained Much Ado About Notb. 2 2 Gent, of Verona. 25 My mouth no more were broken than these boys, and writ as little beard All's Well 2 3 31247 286151 Winter's Tale. 5 1 359 241 Henry viii. 1 697 1 22 Troi. and Creff31 871228 Broken-joint. This broken-joint, between you and her husband, intreat her to splinter Orbel. 2 3 1057257 Broker. A goodly broker You fhall give me leave to play the broker in mine own behalf 511 891 118 All's Well 3 5 293111 Richard ii. 2 1 422 219 Brokes. And brokes with all that can in fuch a fuit, corrupt the tender honour of a maid Broking. Redeem from broking pawn the blemish'd crown Love's Lab. Loft 5 2 172135 Ibid. 5 2172136 12782 58 All's Well. Winter's Tale, 4 3 35527 Richard ii. 55 439 3 Hamlet. 4 10321/28 And love to Richard is a strange brooch in this all-hating world me Brood. Why what a brood of traitors have we here Ant. and Cleop. 4 3 796 235 2 Henry vi 5 1 600 220 There's fomething in his foul, o'er which his melancholy fits on brood Hamlet. 3 11018 145 Brook. A thousand more mifchances, than this one, have learn'd me how to brook this patiently 2 Gent. of Verona.5 3 This fhadowy defert, unfrequented woods, I better brook than flourishing peopled Such brooks are welcome to me, that overflow fuch liquor Ibid. 21 2 55152 Brooke F 3 Brook. My bufinefs cannot brook this dalliance A. S. P. C. L. Comedy of Errors.4) 1| 113; 4 Love's Labour Left. 4 2 159 110 Many can brook the weather, that love not the wind I can no longer brook thy vanities 1 Henry io. 4 1 464153 Ibid. 5 4 471150 I better brook the lofs of brittle life, than thofe proud titles thou haft won of me Ib. 5 4 Let him perceive, how ill we brook this treason For he is fierce, and cannot brook hard language I cannot brook delay 1 Henry vi. 13 1 2 Henry vi. 1 471158 5461 42 560 152 15731 32 9 598|1|34 Ibid. 5 1 600 122 My breast can better brook thy dagger's point, than can my ears that tragic hiftory Ib. 5 6 There was a Brutus once, that would have brook'd the eternal ftate in Rome as easily as a king Brooks. And then his ftate empties itself, as doth an inland brook Coriolanus. I Timon of Athens.3 5 817148 Titus Andronicus. 2 3 Henry vi. 1 1 837125 1 603 112 1256 117 1 63518 Tam. of the Shrew.1 2 743 229 1 220114 229 124 627 242 16254 1961 701 146 123246 948 249 110092 I Tempeft. 1 2 I am fent, with broom, before, to sweep the duft behind the door Mid. Night's Dream. 5 2 I saw him enter such a house of fale (videlicet a brothel) Brother. That a brother should be fo perfidious - Whom to call brother would even infect my mouth We came into the world, like brother and brother I know you are my eldest brother, and, in the gentle condition of Orlando did approach a man, and found it was his brother, his For the king's fon took me by the hand, and call'd me brother; For he to day that sheds his blood with me, fhall be my brother I have no brother, I am like no brother But for my brother.not a man would speak Hamlet. 2 Tempeft. 51 I 2251 202 6 Comedy of Errors.5 1 1202 45 blood, you should As You Like It. 1 I 2241 4 elder brother Ibid. 4 3 244 249 Twelfth Night. 3 4 326214 and then the two Winter's Tale. 5 2 361 132 Henry v.4 3 531215 3 Henry vi. 5 6 632137 Richard in. 2 1645134 Ibid. 5 4 6692|32 You a brother of us, it fits we thus proceed, or elfe no witness would come againft you Brotherhood. Finds brotherhood in thee no fharper spur Brother boods in cities Henry v.51 6972 39 Richard ii. 1 2415223 Troil. and Creff.1 3 862232 Richard ii. 4 419118 Cymbeline 36 Brought. How far brought you high Hereford on his way 913139 346 261 25217 Honeft as the skin between his brows Ibid. 3 4 123 135 136218 Praise cannot mend the brow Love's Lab. Left. 4 Thefe lilly brows Mid. Night's Dr. 5 As You Like It.3 2 236212 - Inky brows As You Like It.3 5 240 225 That is entertainment my bofom likes not, nor my brows Winter's Tale.1 2335138 I find it, and that to the infection of my brains, and hardening of my brows Brew. Against the brows of this refifting town In the frowning wrinkle of her brow Why do you bend fuch folemn brows on me And frowning brow to brow 474 2 LO Ibid. 475145 Henry v.31 520 136 31 51 1584 245 260229 This man's brow, like to a title-leaf, foretells the nature of a tragic volume 2 H. v. 1 Upon his brow fhame is afham'd to fit; for 'tis a throne where honour may be crown'd, fole monarch of the universal earth Romeo and Juliet. 3 2 984221 Who haft not in thy brows an eye discerning thine honour from thy fuffering Lear.42 954211 And didst contract and purse thy brow together Broton-bills. Bring up the brown-bills Brownift. I had as lief be a brownist as a politician Brown Paper. He's in for a commodity of brown paper and ginger Orbello. 3 3 1060225 Lear.4 6 95725 Twelfth Night.3 2 321230 952 12 772148 Much Ado About Notb. 5 1 141 243 Bruife. With grey hairs, and bruife of many days, do challenge thee to trial of a man Bruifing. Do you think that his contempt shall not be bruifing to you when he hath power to crush Coriolanus. 2 3 718152 Bruit. We will proclaim you out of hand; the bruit thereof will bring you many friends And am not one that rejoices in the common wreck, as common bruit doth put it The bruit is, Hector's flain, and by Achilles 3 Henry vi. 4 7 62711 Timon of Athens. 5 3 827225 Troi. and Creff: 510 890223 And the king's rouze the heaven shall bruit again, respeaking earthly thunder Ham. 1 21002240 Bruited. One of greatest note seems bruited His death being bruited once, took fire and heat away from the beft temper'd courage in his troops I find thou art no less than fame hath bruited Brunt. In the brunt of feventeen battles Brush. Forgets aged contufions and all brush of time 2 Henry iv. 1 a Henry vi. 23 475 8 552138 715239 6022 8 822 228 8872 36 Have with one winter's brush fell from their boughs, and left me open Tim Brushes. Tempt not yet the brushes of the war Brute. It was a brute part of him, to kill fo capital a calf there Hamlet. 3 2 1019226 Ricbard iii. 21 645126 Lear. 1 2 9332 2 Henry v2 2518223 2 Henry vi..41 592229 Coriolanus. Julius Cæfar. 703 741 For Brutus only overcame himself, and no man else hath honour by his death Ibid. 55 7652 9 Bubukles. His face is all bubukles, and whelks, and knobs, and flames of fire Hen..36 5242 6 Buck. I warrant you, buck; and of the season too, it shall appear Bucking. Throw foul linen upon him, as if it were going to bucking Buck-wafbing. You were beft meddle with buck-washing Buckets. To dive like buckets in concealed wells King John. 5 2 409117 That bucket down, and full of tears, am I, drinking my griefs, whilst you mount up on high Buckle. He cannot buckle his diftemper'd caufe within the belt of rule In fingle combat thou shalt buckle with me And hell too strong for me to buckle with But buckle thee with blows, twice two for one Buckles. His ftubborn buckles, with these your white enchanting fingers Buckle in. And buckle in a waist most fathomlefs, with spans and inches fo diminutive Bucklers. Give us the fwords, we have bucklers of our own I'll buckler thee against a million My buckler cut through and through But that the guilt of murder bucklers thee Much Ado About Noth. 5 2 144160 Ibid. 2 168015 Macbeth. 5 1 Henry vi. 1 2 546 148 566 119 608125 1872214 Troi. and Cref2 2 8671 4 Bucklerfbury. Smell like Bucklerfbury in fimple time Merry W. of Windor. 3 1 Henry iv. 2 Thou fay, thou ferge, nay, thou buckram lord Bud. As chafte as is the bud ere it be bloom As far from founding and difcovery as is the bud bit by an envious worm Even fuch delight among fresh female buds fhall you this night inherit, and my houfe Much Ado About Noth. 4 The moufe ne'er fhunn'd the cat, as they did budge from rafcals worse than they Cor. 1 6 7092 19 Romeo and Juliet. 3 1 982136 Budger. Let the first budger die the other's flave, and the gods doom Buffet. If I might buffet for my love The torrent roar'd; and we did buffet it with lufty finews Not a word of his but buffets better than a fift of France O, I could divide myself, and go to buffets Comedy of Errors. 4 2 Henry v.52 Ant. and Cleop.14 771245 A man, that fortune's buffets and rewards haft ta'en with equal thanks Buff-jerkin. Is not a buff-jerkin a moft fweet robe of durance Bugs. Tuh, tufh! fear boys with bugs 1 Henry iv. 2 3 450232 Hamlet. 3 21019 140 him after Coriol. 1 8 710135 Merry W. of Wind.5 2 70255 Ibid. 5 5 73141 1141 4 539163 743137 1 Henry iv. 1 2 4431 39 Tam. of the Sbrew.1 2 259146 The bug, which you will fright me with, I feek Winter's Tale. 3 For Warwick was a bug, that fear'd us all 3 Henry vi. 5 Hamlet. 5 2 1037 124 Troi. and Cref. 4 2 878248 Much Ado About Noth. 1 1123233 2 Henry .13478236 Henry viii. 2679238 Timon of Athens. 1805129 Ibid. 51 825 2 5 What is he that builds ftronger than either the mafon, the fhip-wright, or the car penter Nor build yourself a trouble out of his fcattering and unfure obfervance Do build on thee a better opinion than ever before Hamlet. 511033240 Ibid. 5 4 146 111 Ibid. 5 4 146 116 M. Ado About Noth. 1 11232 53 — Bull Jove, fir, had an amiable low, and some such strange bull leapt your father's Mid. Night's Dream. 4 1 190 237 1 Henry v.41 464247 And the goodly transformation of Jupiter there, his brother the bull The bull has the game-ware horns, ho! 3 Henry vi. 2 5615125 Trai. and Creff: 58842 34 1 Henry vi. 1 2 54529 Bull-bearing. For thy vigour, bull-bearing Milo his addition yield to finewy Ajax Ibid. 2 3 870 251 bull-calf 1 Henry iv. 2 4 454115 473 4 4532 55 671 3 131210 Henry viii. Bullets. Thefe paper bullets of the brain, awe a man M. Ado About Noth. 2 O you leaden meffengers, that ride upon the violent fpeed of fire, fly with false aim That being dead, like to the bullets grazing, breaks out into a fecond courfe of mischief Bullocks. That's spoken like an honest drover-so they fell bullocks M. Ado Ab. Noth. 2 What a coil's here! ferving of becks, and jutting out of bums Bumbard. Looks like a fat bumbard You are lazy knaves; and here you lie baiting of bumbards Bunch of grapes. 'Twas in the bunch of grapes Bung. Away, you cut-purse rascal, you filthy bung, away Twelfth Night. 3 4 Meaf. for Meaf. 2 I 81138 Bung-bole. Why may not imagination trace the noble duft of Alexander, till he find it |