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Voice. Pray God, your voice, like a piece of uncurrent gold, be not crack'd within the ring

[or Vote.] My voice is now the king's, my looks mine own The people must have their voices

A. S. P. C.L

Hamlet. 2 2 1014232 Richard iii. 14 642|2|46| Coriolanus. 2 2 716 1 29

Every one of us has a fingle honour in giving him our own voices with our own tongues

Ibid. 23 716243

For your voices bear of wounds two dozen odd; battles thrice fix Í have seen, and

heard of

Now you have left your voices, I have nothing further with you

I'll have five hundred voices of that found

Ibid. 2 3 717222
Ibid. 2 3 718118
Ibid. 2 3 718163

Mutt thefe have voices that can yield them now, and straight difclaim their tongues

Ibid. 3 1 719153

You that stood fo much upon the voice of occupation, and the breath of garlick


Voic'd. She is low voic'd

Whom the world voic'd fo regardfully

Void of all prophanation

Even fo void is your falfe heart of truth

If they will fight with us, bid them come down, or void the field
I'll get me to a place more void

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The holding every man shall bear, as loud as his strong sides can volly Ant. and Cleo. 2 7 781212 Volqueffen

Volfcian Senators. D. P.

Voltimand. D.P.

K. Jobn. 2 2 395157 Coriolanus.


Volubility. Say, he be mute, and will not speak a word; then I'll commend her volubility



Tam. of the Shrew. 21 261 224

Voluble. If voluble and sharp discourse be marr'd, unkindness blunts it more than marble hard

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The hand of time fhall draw this brief into as huge a volume
As an oftler, that for the poorest piece will bear the knave by the volume Coriolanus. 33
Read o'er the volume of young Paris face

Romeo and Juliet.1

And what obfcur'd in this fair volume lies, find written in the margin of his eyes

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1391213 7251 3 9712 37

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Rash, inconfiderate, fiery voluntaries, with ladies faces, and fierce dragons

Voluntaries. fpleens 1391135 Voluntary. Ajax was here the voluntary, and you as under an imprefs Troil, and Creff. 2 1 866153 Vomit. And now thou wouldst eat thy dead vomit up, and howl'st to find it 2 Hen. iv. 1 3 479 212 Votaries. Who are the votaries, my loving friends, that are now fellows with this virtuous duke Love's Labor Loft. 2 I 152144 Tim. of Athens. 5 3 819154

Votarift. I am no idle votarift

The jewels you have had from me, to deliver to Defdemona, would half have corrupted a votarift

Votary to fond desire

Othello. 4 2 1072147

Two Gent. of Verona. 1 I 241 14

Votrefs. The imperial votress paffed on in maiden meditation, fancy free
Vouch. My vouch against you, and my place i' the state

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M. N.'s Dr.2
Meaf. for Meaf2| 4|

86241 Ibid. 5 1 1002 47

Like a timorous thief, moit fain would steal what law does vouch mine own

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Did justly put on the vouch of very malice itself

Vouched from our coufin Austria

Voucher. Here's a voucher stronger than ever law could make

Veuches. A map that never yet did, as he vouches, misreport your grace

All's Well. 2 5 289 258 Henry vii. 1 1 673224 Hamlet. 5 110342 12 Othello. 131048119 Ibid. 2 11052259 All's Well. 1 2 279233

Cymbeline. 2 2 902156 M. for M.5 x 990137 Vouches


Fouches. To beg of Hob and Dick their needless vouches
Vouchsafe. Shall I vouchsafe your worship a word or two
I'll bring you thither, my lord, if you'll vouchsafe me
The mufick plays; vouchsafe some motion to it.Our ears vouchsafe it L.'s L. Loft. 5 2
That the vouchfafe me audience for one word

A. S. P. C. L.

Coriolanus.[2 3 717|2|11

Merry W. of Windfor.2 2
Much Ado About Noth. 3 2

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Ibid. 5 2

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If your back cannot vouchsafe this burden, 'tis too weak ever to get a boy H. viii. 2 3
Vouchsafed ear

169 122
682 258

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This vapour vow


Look, when I vow, I weep; and vows fo born, in their nativity all truth appears

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Your vows, to her and me, put in two fcales, will even weigh; and both as light

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as tales

I have toward heaven breath'd a facred vow
In fuch a night did young Lorenzo fwear he lov'd her well; stealing her foul with
many vows of faith, and ne'er a true one

Bleffings on your vows! and in your bed find fairer fortune, if you ever wed!

His vows are forfeited to me, and my honours paid to him

O let thy vow, first made to heaven, first be to heaven perform'd

made in the ages of fuperftition and chivalry

Now by my fceptre's awe, I make a vow

K. Jobn. 33982 9
Ibid. 4 3 406 127
1414 238

Richard ii.1

I do bend my knee with thine; and, in this vow, do chain my foul to thine

- My vows and prayers yet are the king's; and till my foul forfake me
bleffings on him

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Shall I be tempted to infringe my vow in the fame time 'tis made
To be entangled with thofe mouth-made vows, which break themselves

If fouls guide vows, if vows be fanctimony

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The gods are deaf to hot and peevish vows; they are polluted offerings
It is the purpose, that makes ftrong the vow; but vows to every purpose must not


O, men's vows are women's traitors

Ibid. 5 3 88712 20
Cymbeline. 3 4 909241

Since thou haft fought to make us break our vow, (which we durft never yet) Lear. 1 I 931125
Do not believe his vows; for they are brokers, not of that dye which their inveft-
ments fhew

That fuck'd the honey of his mufick vows

Hamlet. 1
Ibid. 3 11018133

Love's Labor Loft. 21 152145

Ibid. 5 1 165121

Vow-fellows. That are vow-fellows with this virtuous duke
Vowels. The third of the five vowels, if you repeat them; the fifth, if I
Vox. An your ladyship will have it as it ought to be, you must allow vox Tw. Night. 51331237
Voyage. If he fhould intend his voyage towards my wife, I would turn her loofe to


122 142


1172 4

Merry Wives of Windf. 2 1
Much Ado About Noth. 1 I
Com. of Errers. 5
Cymbeline. 2

That will make a voyage with him to the devil
Upbraidings. Thou fay'ft, his meat was fauc'd with thy upbraidings
Upcaft. When I kifs'd the jack, upon an upcaft to be hit away
Upboarded. If thou haft uphoarded in thy life extorted treasure in the

Uplifted. How were I then uplifted

womb of earth

1901 131

Hamlet.1 11001112
Troil, and Cref.3 2 874133

Upreared. Whofe high upreared and abutting fronts the perilous narrow ocean parts


His hair uprear'd

Upright. For all beneath the moon would I not leap upright

Henry v.1 ch 5092 4
2 Henry vi. 3 2 58827
Lear. 4 6

Uprighteously. You may, uprighteously, do a poor wronged lady a merited benefit

Measure for Measure. 31 89147

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Up-roux'd. Thou art up-rouz'd by some diftemp'rature Upshot. Then will she get the upshot by cleaving the pin

I cannot purfue this with any safety to the upfhot

And, in this upfhot, purposes mistook fall'n on the inventors heads

Up-Spring. The fwaggering up-spring reels

Upflart. I think this upstart is old Talbot's ghoft

Titus Andronicus. 5 3 854157

Rom. and Jul. 2 3

977 228

Love's Lab. Loft. 4

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Twelfth Night. 4 2
Hamlet. 5 2 1041 229

327 251

Ibid. 141005245 1 Henry vi. 5 1564253

Up-fwarm'd. And, both against the peace of heaven and him, have here up-fwarm'd


Urchins, Caliban threat'ned to be punished with urchins

Like urchins, ouphes, and fairies, green and white
Ten thousand fwelling toads, as many urchins

Urge you your petitions in the street

My brother never did urge me in his act
Urg'd. I cannot speak to her, yet the urg'd conference
Patience once more, whiles our compact is urg'd
Urgent. Please your highness to take the urgent hour
Urging. Befides her urging of her wreck at fea
Urinal. Shine through you like water in a urinal

I will knog his urinals about his knave's coftard
I will knog your urinals about your knave's cogs-combs
Urine. When he makes water his urine is congeal'd ice

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And others, when the bag-pipes fings i' the nofe, cannot contain their urine

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Urns. O, earth! I will befriend thee more with rain, that shall diftil from these two

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Urfa major. And my nativity was under Urfa major; so that it follows, I am rough and lecherous

Urfula. D. P.

And this to my old mistress Ursula, whom I have weekly fworn to marry, since I perceiv'd the first white hair in my chin

Urfwick, Christopher. D. P.

Ufage. Heaven me fuch usage fend, not to pick bad from bad; but by bad,


Othello. 4 3 1073257

Ufance. He lends out money gratis, and brings down the rate of usance here with us in Venice

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You have rated me about my monies and my ufances, ftill have I borne it with a patient fhrug

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Ibid. 1

- Supply your present wants, and take no doit of ufance for my monies, and you'll not hear me

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For use can almost change the stamp of nature, and either master the devil, or throw him out

Wed. Old fools are babes again, and must be used with checks

That he hath-us'd thee

Ufes. And made her ferve your uses both in purse and person My ufes cry to me, I must serve my turn out of my own

Ubers. These are the ufhers of Marcius

The wife of Antony should have an army for an usher

Ufbering. In ufhering mend him who can

Ufurer. He was wont to call me ufurer

I think, no usurer but has a fool to his fervant

The ufurer hangs the cozener

2 750349 210101 8

Ibid. 3 4 1025 152 Lear. 1 3 934230 Otbello. 5 2 10762 12 2 Henry iv. 2 1480 218 Timan of Athens.2 1809 250 Coriolanus. 2 I 713161

Ant. and Cleop.3 6 784242 Love's Labor Left. 5 2 169|1|39 Merch. of Venice. 31 I 209113 Tim. of Ath. 2 2 811128 Lear. 4 6 958145

Fie, fie! thou fham'ft thy shape, thy love, thy wit, which like an usurer, abound'ft in

all Ufurer's chain. Like an ufurer's chain

Romeo and Juliet. 3 3 986 146 Much Ado About Noth. 2 1127123 Winter's Tale.[4] 31 35233 Ujurian

Ufurer's wife was brought to bed with twenty money-bags at a burden

A. S. P. C. L.

Cymbeline. 3 3 90812/15

Ufuries. Did you but know the city's ufuries, and felt them knowingly
Ujurp. And, in that kind, swears you do more ufurp than doth your brother that hath ba-
nish'd you


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As You Like It. 2|| 1| 229|1|36|

I know the boy will ufurp the grace, voice, gait, and action of a gentlewoman

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Usurpers. For though ufurpers fway the rule a while, yet heavens are juft, and time

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Twelfth Night.

K. Jobn. 2

5 312134 1392131

2 95439

Ibid. 5

3 965244

31050 2 26

3 Henry vi. 3

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Love's Labor Loft.4

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K. John. 2

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Measure for Meajure. 3
Coriolanus. 1

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Timon of Atbens. 3
2 Henry iv.

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Much Ado About Noth. 3

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Midj. Night's Dr. 4
1 Henry iv. 2 3
Cymbeline. 5 5


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Utis. Then there will be old Utis: it will be an excellent ftratagem
Utter. I will, like a true drunkard, utter all to thee

Eat no onions, nor garlick, for we are to utter fweet breath
For I well believe, thou wilt not utter what thou doft not know
I am glad to be constrain'd to utter that which torments me to conceal
Utterance. Rather than fo, come, fate, into the lift, and champion me to the utterance



Macbeth. 31 3732 9

Of him I gather'd honour; which he, to feek of me again, perforce behoves me keep at utterance

But thefe cannot I command to any utterance of harmony

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Uttermeft. You do me now more wrong, in making question of my uttermoft, than if you had made wafte of all I have

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Much Ado About Nothing. 1
Twelfth Night.5
Troilus and Creffida. 1
Hamlet. 3

A bed-fwerver, even as bad as those that vulgars give bold'st titles
An habitation, giddy and unfure, hath he (that buildeth on the

Titus Andronicus.2
Love's Labor Loft. 4
Winter's Tale. 2

vulgar heart

1748 249

I 123137

3 863140 2 1019 157 1837139

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Vulture. There cannot be that vulture in you, to devour fo many as will to greatnefs dedicate themselves


Let vultures vile feize on his lungs alfo

2 Henry iv. 5 3 50529

Thus, while the vulture of fedition feeds in the bosom of such great commanders

She hath tied fharp-tooth'd unkindness, like a vulture, here Vy'd. Kifs to kifs the vy'd fo faft

1 Henry vi. 4 3 562154 Lear. 2 4 944125

Taming of the Shrew.2 I 262 248

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Wafture. But, with an angry wafture of your hand, gave fign for me to leave you

Wag. And forrow wag! cry, hem, when he should groan

Julius Cæfar. 2|
Mu. Ado About Noth.[5] 1

3 518122



107 2 57 621|2|46 1113144 2 872 239 2337251

I 746132 141|1|34|


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Merry Wives of Wind.12 3
Love's Lab. Loft. 5 2 167112
Mer. of Ven. 4 1 215152
As You Like It. 2 7 232218
2 Henry iv. 5 3 504143

You may as well forbid the mountain pines to wag their high tops

It is ten o'clock; thus may we fee how the world wags

'Tis merry in hall, when beards wag all

For well I wot, the empress never wags, but in her company there is a Moor

Titus Andron.5 2 852 221

What have I done, that thou dar'st wag thy tongue in noise so rude against me Ham. 3 4 1024 121
Until my eye-lids will no longer wag
Ibid. 5 1103642

Wage. No, rather I abjure all roofs, and choose to wage against the enmity o' the

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Lear. 2 4 9451 7

Neglecting an attempt of ease and gain, to wake, and wage, a danger profitlefs O:b. 1 31047141 Wag'd. He wag'd me with his countenance, as if I had been mercenary

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Wager. He, whofe wife is most obedient to come at first, when he doth fend for her, fhall win the wager


Tam. of the Shrew. 5 2 275 250

The wager thou haft won: and I will add unto their laffes twenty thoufand!


'Twas I won the wager, though you hit the white between Pofthumus and Iachimo

- I durft, my lord, to wager she is honeft, lay down my foul at stake

Wager'd. The king, fir, hath wager'd with him fix Barbary horfes

Ibid. 5 2 276144
Ibid. 5 2 276 259
Cymbeline.15 897246
Orbello. 4 2 1070 149
Hamlet. 5 21038247

Wages. And ere we have thy youthful wages spent, we'll light upon fome fettled low


Our praises are our wages

Wagging. Tremble and start at wagging of a straw

They are as gentle as zephyrs, blowing below the violet, not wagging

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Wagging of your beards, When you speak but unto the purpose, it is not wagging of your beards

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Waggish. Or, more truly, woman its pretty self into a waggish courage
Waggon. Our waggon is prepar'd, and time revives us

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Waggoner. Stab them, or tear them on thy chariot wheels; and then I'll come, and be
thy waggoner

Waggon-fpekes. Her waggon-fpokes made of long fpinners legs
Wagling. By the wagling of your head

Wagtail. Spare my grey beard, you wagtail

Wail. But wail his fall whom I myself struck down

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Wife men ne'er wail their prefent woes, but prefently prevent the ways to wail

All of us have caufe to wail the dimming of our fhining ftar
Had the no lover there that wails her abfence

Richard ii. 3 2 428 119
Richard iii. 2 2 646144
Troi. and Cre4 5 8841 5

Death, that hath ta'en her hence to make me wail, ties up my tongue Rom. and Jul. 45 992233 Wained. Then once more I fhall interchange my wained state for Henry's regal crown

3 Henry vi. 4 7 626145 Waining. Thou haft a lady far more beautiful than any woman in this waining age Induc. to Tam. of the Shrew.

Your father was a fool to give thee all, and in his waining age, fet foot under thy table

I feek not to wax great by others waining

22541 5

Ibid. 2 12632 33 2 Henry vi. 410 5982 S

Here in these confines flily have I lurk'd, to watch the waining of mine enemies

Wain-ropes. For oxen and wain-ropes cannot hale them together
Wainscot. This fellow will but join you together as they join wainscot
Waist and wafte, quibbles on the meanings of

His neck will come to your waift; a cord, fir

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When I was about thy years, Hal, I was not an eagle's talon in the waift 1 Hen. iv. 24 454 231

I would my means were greater, and my waist slenderer
Who is now girdled with a waist of iron

2 Henry iv. 1 2 477 47

1 Henry vi. 4 3 562123

And buckle in a waist most fathomlefs, with spans and inches fo diminutive as fears and reasons

Then you live about her waist, or in the middle of her favours

Troi. and Cref22| 867|1| 4
Hamlet.2 21012|1|16


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