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Touched. He hath not touched you yet

The life of all his blood is touch'd corruptibly you the bastardy of Edward's children

A. S. P. C. L.

Macbeth.43 380|2|24 K. Jobn. 5 7 41115 Richard it.3 7 654116

Nay then, farewel! I have touch'd the highest point of all my greatness Henry viii. 3 2 690230

It is lots to blanks, my name hath touched your ears
Shall no man else be touch'd but only Cæfar

Cæfar is touch'd

They have all been touch'd, and found bafe metal

I am no more touch'd than all Priam's fons

Coriolanus. 5 2 7341 Julius Cæfar. 2

1748 142 Ant. and Cleop. 5 1 798| Timon of Atb. 3 3 814148 Troil. and Creff. 2 2 867247

Hamlet. 4

If by direct or by collateral hand they find us touch'd, we will our kingdom give


Comedy of Errors. 4 1

Of many faces, eyes, and hearts, to have the touches deareft priz'd As You Like It. 3 2

113118 2361 4

Touches. This touches me in reputation

I do remember in this shepherd boy fome lively touches of my daughter's favour Ib. 5 4 248112 Mine's a fuit that touches Cæfar nearer.-What touches us ourself, fhall be last ferv'd


For not alone the death of Fulvia, with more urgent touches, do strongly speak to

Your majefty, and we that have free fouls, it touches us not Toucbeth. For this business, it toucheth us as France invades our land Touching. To treat of high affairs touching that time

What faid Northumberland as touching Richmond.

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Touze. We'll touze you joint by joint, but we will know this purpose

Toward. That is spoken like a toward prince

I perceive four feafts are toward

Here's a noble feast toward

Do you hear aught, fir, of a battle toward

We have a trifling foolish banquet towards

Towers. Cloud-capt towers

Tough. And I tough fignior, as an appertinent title to your old time Love's Labor Left. 1
O fides, you are too tough! will you yet hold

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Here's Beaufort, that regards nor God nor king, hath here diftrain'd the Tower to his ufe

Some day or two, your highness fhall repofe you at the Tower

I do not like the Tower of any place—did Julius Cæfar build that place
Ha, majefty, how high thy glory towers, when the rich blood of kings is

My lord Protector's hawks do tower fo well Tower-bill. The tribulation of Tower-hill, or the limbs of Lime-house, their dear brothers

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Towering. The bravery of his grief did put me into a towering paffion
Town-bull. Such kin as the parish heifers are to the town-bull
Town's-end. There's not three of my hundred and fifty left alive, and they are for the
town's-end, to beg during life

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That for a toy, a thing of no regard, King Henry's peers, and chief nobility, destroy'd themfelves

Thefe, as I learn, and fuch like toys as thefe

1 Hen. vi. 4 15611 3 Richard iii. 1 1634151

Hamlet. 1 41006211

If no unconftant toy, nor womanish fear, abate thy valour in the acting it R.74 1 990 248
The very place puts toys of desperation
Each toy feems prologue to fome great amifs

Ibid. 4 51028211

Toze. Think'ft thou, for that I infinuate, or toze from thee thy bufinefs, I am therefore no courtier

Trace. As we do trace this alley up and down

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Trade. My niece is defirous you should enter, if your trade be to her
Some way of common trade

His forward spirit would lift him where most trade of danger rang'd
Stands in the gap and trade of more preferments

Have you any further trade with us

Traders. And traders going to London with fat purfes

Tradition. Throw away respect, tradition, form, and ceremonious duty

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Traditional. You are too fenseless-obftinate, my Lord, too ceremonious, and traditional

Richard iii. 3 1 648 2 27

Traducement. 'Twere a concealment worse than a theft, no less than a traducement, to

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I give thee kingly thanks, because this is in traffic of a king

Traffick's thy god, and thy god confound thee

Tragedian. Tut, I can counterfeit the deep tragedian

Tragedy. For thousands more, that yet suspect no peril, will not conclude tragedy

As if the tragedy were play'd in jeft by counterfeiting actors Tragic. Look on the tragic loading of this bed

Tragic violence.

Traject. Bring them, I pray thee, with imagined speed unto the Trajec Trail. If I cry out thus upon no trail, never trust me when I open again your fteel pikes

Along the field I will the Trojan trail

Coriolanus. 19 710228 Tempeft. 2 I 8233 1 Henry vi. 5 4 567155 Tim. of Athens. 1 1 806 126 Richard iii. 35


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Or elfe this brain of mine hunts not the trail of policy fo fure as it us'd to do
How cheerfully on the falfe trail they cry

Trailt thou the puissant pike

Train our intellects to vain delight


Troilus and Creffida. 5 9 890213
Ham. 2 21010214
Ibid. 4 5102924
Henry v. 41 527237
Love's Labor Loft. 1 1148 119

Devilish Macbeth, by many of these trains, hath sought to win me into his power

Macbetb. 3 4 381225

Let our trains march by us; that we may perufe the men we should have cop'd withal

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― The very train of her worst wearing gown was better worth than all my father's lands

2 Henry vi. 13 5752 49

-Me feemeth good, that, with fome little train, forthwith from Ludlow the young prince be fetch'd

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Train'd. I train'd thy brethren to the guileful hole where the dead corps of Baffianus
Titus Andronicus. 51 851143
Training. His training such, that he may furnish and instruct great teachers H. viii. I 2 675213
Ibid. 1 1 672139

Tract. The tract of every thing, would by a good difcourfer lofe fome life which
action's felf was tongue to

Traitor. Thou art a traitor to say fo; thou would't make an abfolute courtier

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A traitor you do look like; but fuch traitors his majesty seldom fears

All's Well. 2

12841 9

To prove him in defending of myself, a traitor to my God, my king, and me If ever I were traitor, my name be blotted from the book of life, and I from banish'd

She's a traitor; and Camillo is a federary with her
When our actions do not, our fears do make us traitors

But cruel are the times when we are traitors, and do not know ourselves
What is a traitor?-Why one that fwears and lies

Thou art a traitor, and a mifcreant, too good to be so, and too bad to live
The more to aggravate the note, with a foul traitor's name stuff I thy throat
When I mount, alive may I not light, if I be traitor, or unjustly fight
A recreant and most degenerate traitor

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Why have you not proclaim'd Northumberland, and the reft of the revolted faction,

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A. S. P. C. L. R.15 3437|1|36 Ibid. 5 5 437 210

Traitor. My liege, beware, look to thyself; thou haft a traitor in thy presence there
The traitor lives, the true man's put to death
That can I witnefs; and a fouler fact did never traitor in the land commit 2 H. vi. 1 3

He can speak French, and therefore he is a traitor
Who's a traitor? Glofter he is none

Ibid. 4 2

576 239 594156

Ibid. 31


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Richard ii. 3 5


Ibid. 35



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He was the covert'ft shelter'd traitor that ever liv'd

The subtle traitor this day had plotted, in the council house, to murder me
By day and night, he's traitor to the height

I have this day receiv'd a traitor's judgment, and by that name must die
He has spoken like a traitor, and shall answer as traitors do
Thou art a traitor: falfe to thy gods, thy brother, and thy father
Trammel. If the affaffination could trammel up the confequence
Trance. 'Tis time to ftir him from his trance

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Henry viii. 1 2

Coriolanus. 31 720-46
Lear. 5 3 96324
Macbetb. 1 7 3681 1

Tam. of the Shrew.11 256226


Ibid. 2 1263146

What he purposes to fettle on his wife
Tranfcendence. In a most weak-and debile minifter, great power, great tranfcendence

All's Well. 2 3 286124

Transfigur'd. All their minds transfigur'd fo together, more witneffeth than fancy's

Transform me then, and to your power I'll yield
Transformation. My transformation has been wash'd and cudgell'd

Their transformations were never for a piece of beauty rarer

Transform'd. I am transform'd, mafter, am I not

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I think he is transform'd into a beast; for I can no where find him like a man

Tranfgreffion. He puts tranfgreffion to't

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The flat tranfgreffion of a school-boy

Heaven lay not my tranfgreffion to my charge

Tranflate. Happy is your grace, that can tranflate the ftubbornnefs of fortune into fo quiet and fo fweet a ftile

thy life into death, thy liberty into bondage

I can with ease translate it to my will

Wherefore do you so ill tranflate yourself out of the speech of peace

his malice toward you into love

As You Like It. 2

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And, with private foul, did in great Ilion thus translate him to me
There's matter in thefe fighs, thefe profound heaves; you must translate
Tranflated. Were the world mine, Demetrius being 'bated, the rest I'll give to be to you

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Transported. He cannot be heard of, out of doubt he is transported
Tranfpofe. That which you are, my thoughts cannot tranfpofe
Trans-fhape. Thus did she an hour together trans-shape thy particular virtues

Much Ado About Nothing. 51

Trap. God, and your majesty, protect mine innocence, or I fall into the trap is laid for



970 250

96 119




1912 33

380 238


Henry viii. 51 698121 Mu. Ado Abt. Netb.

-Some Cupid kills with arrows, fome with traps
Trapped. Thy horses shall be trapp'd, their harness studded all with gold and pearl

Trappings. Ay, fir, we are fome of her trappings

Thefe but the trappings and the suits of woe Trapt. Four milk-white horfes, trapt in filver Trash. Whom to trai for overtopping

J 132/2/29

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Trah. Lay hands upon these traitors, and their trash


If this poor trafh of Venice, whom I trash for his quick hunting, stand the putting

Travail. Twenty-five years have I but gone in travail of you, my fons

Ido fufpect this trash to be a party in this injury

But on this travail look for greater birth

Obey our wills, which travails in thy good

· God fafely quit her of her burden, and with gentle travail

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Travel. Here's a young maid, with travel much opprefs'd, and faints for fuccour

After a demure travel of regard

I was bred and born not three hours travel from this very place
Call it a travel that thou takeft for pleasure

But to stand stained with travel, and sweating with defire to see him
Is all our travel turn'd to this effect

And is very likely to load our purposes with what they travel for
I have had my labour for my travel

Twelfth Night.2 5 318126
Ibid. 1 2308130

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1 Henry vi. 5


5862 18

Tim. of Arb.5

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Troilus and Creff1

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Cymbeline. 3

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immaculate valour

And what he learns by this may prove his travel, not her danger
Travel-tainted. And here travel-tainted as I am, have in my pure and
taken Sir John Colevill, of the dale
Travelled. He and myself have travell'd in the great shower of your gifts
Travellers ne'er did lie, though fools at home condemn 'em

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Love's Labor Loft.1
Ibid. 4

As You Like It. 2

15125 1491 7

3 163|2|24


4 1241256

All's Well. 2



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Have wander'd with our traverst arms, and breath'd our sufferance vainly

; go; provide thy money

Traytor. He doth espy himself love's traytor

6 828212

2 Henry iv. 32| 491|2| 9
T.of A. 15
Othello. 1 31051|1

King John. 2

Though those that are betray'd do feel the treason sharply, yet the traytor stands in
worfe cafe of woe

Tray-trip. Shall I play my freedom at tray-trip, and become thy bond slave
Treachers, by fpherical predominance

Treachery. Against fuch lewdfters, and their lechery, those that

He is compos'd and fram'd of treachery



23951 32

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Left that the treachery of the two, fled hence, be left her to perform
O, treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly

Paying the fine of rated treachery, even with a treacherous fine of all your lives

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King John 54 410110
Richard ii. 1 I 4132 2
Hamlet. 5 2 1040 2 47

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Timon of Athens. 3 2
Love's L. Loft. 4



1632 9

Then confefs what treafon there is mingled with your love.-None, but that ugly
treafon of mistrust

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There may as well be amity and life 'tween fnow and fire, as treafon and my love Ib.



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As You Like It. 1 3 228135

Thefe terms of treafon doubled down his throat

Confefs thy treafons, ere you fly this realm

Shall we buy treafon? and indent with fears

For treafon is but trufted like the fox

Richard ii.

3 3652 16


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34461 $ 246919

And you, lord archbishop, and you, lord Mowbray,-of capital treason I attach you

2 Henry iv.4 2 4961 6 H.v2 2 516{2}{47

➡ and murder ever kept together, as two yoke-devils fworn to either's purpose

Q ૧૩

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Treafon. Gave thee no inftance why thou should't do treason, unless to dub thee with the name of traitor

I will give treafon his payment into plows, I warrant you

A. S. P. C.L.

Henry v.2 2 516256
Ibid. 4 8 535227

And, by his treason, stand'st not thou attainted, corrupted, and exempt from ancient gentry

Condemn'd to die for treafon, but no traitor

Hold, Peter, hold! I confefs, I confess treafon

1 Henry vi. 2 4 553142 Ibid. 2 4 553147

2 Henry vi. 2

3 582119

Our kinfman Glofter is as innocent from meaning treafon to our royal perfon, as is the fucking lamb, or harmless dove

Ibid. 3 1 584112

The pureft fpring is not fo free from mud, as I am clear from treafon to my fovereign

Let them not live to taste this land's encreafe, that would with treason fair land's peace

Beaten for loyalty excited me to treason

O heavens! that this treason were not, or not I the detecter

O treafon of the blood

Treafoncus. Against the undivulg'd pretence I fight of treasonous malice
Treasures of your body

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Befides, you wafte the treasure of your time

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Even now, I might have look'd upon my queen's full eyes; have taken treasure from her lips

Antony hath fent after thee all thy treasure, with his bounty over-plus

Or your chafte treasure open to his unmafter'd importunity

Treasury. All my treafury is yet but unfelt thanks

Treatife. I would have falv'd it with a longer treatise
Treble. The treble jars

thee o'er

Trebonius. D. P.

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Tree. Thou prun'ft a rotten tree, that cannot so much as a bloffom yield, in lieu of all thy pains and husbandry

As You Like It. 2

Thefe trees fhall be my books, and in their barks my thoughts I'll character
Truly the tree yields bad fruit


92 %


3 230210 Ibid. 3 2 234156 Ibid. 3 2 235220

And, that I love the tree from whence thou fprang'ft, witness the loving kiss I give the fruit

The royal tree hath left us royal fruit

We take from every tree, lop, bark, and part o' the timber

The trees, by the way, should have borne men



3 Henry vi. 57
Richard iii. 3 7 655211
Henry viii. 12
Ant. and Cleop.3 6 784 244

The trees, though fummer, yet forlorn and lean, o'ercome with mofs, and baleful misletoe

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Then was I as a tree, whose boughs did bend with fruit

Will these moist trees that have out-liv'd the eagle, page thy heels Tremble. We furvive to tremble under Titus threatening look

Cloten, thou double villain, be thy name, I cannot tremble at it

Trembling. I know it by thy trembling

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If trembling I inhabit, then protest me the baby of a girl
You have brought a trembling upon Rome
Tremor cordis. I have tremor cordis on me :-my heart dances; but not for joy W. T.12
Trencbant. Let not the virgin's cheek make soft thy trenchant fword Tim. of Athens. 4 3
Trenched in ice

Safe in a ditch he bides, with twenty trenched gashes on his head Trencher. Stand between her back, fir, and the fire, holding a trencher Serve with thy trencher hence

8211 7 36252

Two Gent. of Verona. 3 2
Macbeth. 3 4 375213
Love's L. Loft.5 2 170237
Coriolanus. 4 5 728248
789 215

I found you as a morfel, cold, upon dead Cæfar's trencher
And my estate deferves an heir more rais'd than one that holds a trencher T. of A. 1
He shift a trencher! he scrape a trencher!

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Antony and Cleop. 311

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Romeo and Juliet. 1 5

973 141 8182 4

Tim, of Athens. 3 6

Love's Lab. Loft.5 2 170223

Much Ado Ab. Notb. 1 I 122 111
Titus Andronicus.52 852116

Trent. I'll have the current in this place damm'd up, and here the smug and filver

Trent shall run, in a new channel

You fhall have the Trent turn'd

Trefpafs. Wilt thou not hide the trefpafs of thine own, have we more fons

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1 Henry iv. 3 1 45813
Ibid. 3 1 458 138
Richard ii.5 2436216
Ibid. 1 1 414259

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