A. S. P. C. L. 2 Henry vi. 3 2 589|2|13 471 47 Merry Wives of Wind. 1 Mu. Ado About Netb. 2 3 1312 9 - What is thy fentence then, but speechless death, which robs my tongue from breathing native breath And, with strain'd pride, to come betwixt our sentence and our power Sententious. He is very fwift and fententious And the hath the prettieft fententious of it, of you, and rofemary Sepulcbre. What is it but to make thy fepulchre, and creep into it far My heart, fweet boy, shall be thy fepulchre Sequel. So you will fay, when you have feen the fequel And mark how well the fequel hangs together Is there no fequel at the heels of this mother's admiration Sequence. Cut off the fequence of posterity Richard ii. 34172 47 Lear. I 1931128 As You Like It 5 4 248210 Romeo and Juliet.2 4980157 before thy time 3 Henry vi. 11{ 6061 Mu. Ado Ab. Noth. 3 2 Be not thyself, for how art thou a king, but by fair sequence and fucceffion of degree Sequent. Immediate fentence, then, and fequent death He hath fram'd a letter to a fequent of the ftranger queen's O Lord, fir, is very fequent to your whipping Yet nature finds itself fcourg'd by the fequent effects 9 134 1 4 6532 50 1022 1 2 K. John. 21 3912 6 R.. 2 1 4212/29 Timon of Athens. 5 3 827245 Titus Andron. 4 1845 146 Meaf. for Meaf.5 1 Love's Labor Loft.4 2 2 160125 2852 24 Lear. I 2933 234 Hamlet. 521037226 The gallies have fent a dozen fequent meffengers this very night at one another's heels Othello. 1 2 10461 25 Sequefter. This hand of yours requires a fequefter from liberty Sere. He is deformed, crooked, old, and fere Ibid. 1 31050 231 The clown fhall make those laugh, whofe lungs are tickled o' the fere As You Like It.2 671 21041| 1|23 I 229125 1 2691] 81214 my heart Tim. of Atb. 2 2 Mu. Ado About Netb. 5 1 1421 9 Thus did he strangle ferpents in his manus France, thou may`st hold a serpent by the tongue I I 49 Merch. of Venice. 41215144 He is a very ferpent in my way; and wherefoe'er this foot of mine doth tread, he lies before me Ibid. 3 3 4001 I Forget to pity him, left thy pity prove a ferpent that will fing thee to the heart Their touch affrights me as a ferpent's fting Were there a ferpent feen with forked tongue, that flily glided towards jekty They will guard you, whe'r you will or no, from fuch fell ferpents as falfe Suffolk 16.3 2 5892 1 Who 'fcapes the lurking ferpent's mortal fting Not Afric owns a ferpent I abhor more than thy fame and envy And kindly creatures turn all to ferpents Your ferpent of Egypt is bred now of your mud by the operation It is given out, that fleeping in my orchard, a serpent stung me 3 Henry vi.2 2 611 210 Coriolanus. 1 8 710133 Antony and Cleop. 15772247 Ibid. 2 5 778144 of your fun 16.27 78025 Romeo and Juliet. 41 990 2 6 Hamlet.151007 1/25 Serpent. Serpent's egg. And therefore think him as a ferpent's egg Serpent. The ferpent that did fting thy father's life, now wears his crown Hamlet. A. S. P. C. L. 5/10071/28 If any wretch hath put this in your head, let heaven requite it with the ferpent's curfe Othello. 4 2 10702 I Julius Cæfar. 2 Troilus and Creffida. 2 3 869 138 30227 Ibid. 4 3 41137 Mer. W. of Winds. 2 2 54147 Serpigo. Do curfe the gout, ferpigo, and the rheum, for ending thee no fooner M. for M.3 Servant. Too low a mistress for fo high a fervant I cannot be true fervant to my mafter, unless I prove falfe traitor to myself Let me be your fervant; though I look old, yet I am strong and lufty There's not a one of them, but in his houfe I keep a fervant fee'd Comedy of Errors. 4 2 1132 3 Peace, plenty, love, truth, terror, that were the fervants to this chofen infant, fhall I had rather be a fervant in my way, than fway with them in theirs Ibid. 5 4 70228 Coriclanus. 2 I 7141 4 enemy Ib. 2 3 718126 Cymbeline. 51 9201 24 Othello. 1 11044 116 Coriolanus.5 2 734 230 Servanted. My affairs are fervanted to others He is my good lord: whom I ferve above, is Serv'd. Had I but ferv'd my God, with half the zeal I ferv'd my king Service. He hath done good service - Much Ado Ab. No.b. 1 I The constant service of the antique world, when fervice fweat for duty, not for meed] The pooreft fervice is repaid with thanks 2641 6 All's Well. 2 3 288 122 Ibid. 4 2 2961 54 Richard iii. 14 41 661127 990 24 1451 23 692 259 122 1 8 She that would alter fervices with thee, the fortunate unhappy All our fervice in every point twice done, and then done double, were My gracious lord, I tender you my fervice, fuch as it is, being tender, young I know not whether God will have it fo, for fome difpleafing fervice I have done The fervice that I truly did his life, hath left me open to all injuries And do fome fervice to Duke Humphrey's ghost Is it even fo? repays he my deep fervice with fuch contempt Your last service was fufferance, 'twas not voluntary If it be fo to do good fervice, never let me be counted ferviceable I have done the ftate fome service, and they know it Serviceable. Be ferviceable to my fon, quoth he Henry viii. 32 Cymbeline 3 2 907 146 Tam. of the Shrew.|1| Lear. 4 Timon of Athens. Servitors. Thus are poor fervitors constrain'd to watch in darkness, rain, and cold Set. In good fet terms And shall I now give o'er the yielded fet Who fets me elfe? by heaven, I'll throw at all on your foot; and with a heart new-fir'd, I follow you As fure a card as ever won the fet Sir, my life is yours, I humbly fet it at your will Thou may'st not coldly fet our fovereign process He'll watch the horologe a double fet A. S. P. C. L. As You Like It. 7 2322112 Serebos. His art is of fuch power, it would controul my dam's god Setebos 11043210 Ibid. 2 3 10561 8 Tempeft. 12 5243 1 Henry iv. 2 2449230 Setting. And from that full meridian of my glory, I hafte now to my setting Henry viii. 3 2 690232 Settle your fine joints Settled. I am fettled, and bend up each corporal agent to this terrible feat Severally. The counterchange is feverally in all Sever'd. Well, the king hath fever'd you and prince Harry Romeo and Juliet. 3 5 988 244 368243 2 Henry vi. 32 588156 Henry viii. 3 2 688 Romeo and Juliet.4 5 992224 Lear. 4 7 960243 Much Ado About Nothing. 2 1 1282 4 11541 19 3362 2 Severing. What envious streaks do cafe the fevering clouds in yonder eaft Sex. Think you I am no ftronger than my sex, being fo father'd and fo Richard iii. 3 2 1 Henry iv. 3 Much Ado About Notb. 121 Ibid. 4 2 140 142 Quaff'd off the muscadel, and threw the fops all in the fexton's face Tam. of the Sbr.32 Seymour, Lord Seyton. D. P. 'Sfoot. 266 152 Richard ii. 2 3 424228 Macbeth. Troilus and Creff23 868223 Shadow. I am but a shadow, and to your shadow will I make true love 363 'Tis fuch as you, that creep like fhadows by him, and do figh at each his needless heavings So many of his shadows thou haft met, and not the very king D. P. I am your fhadow, my lord; I'll follow you 180140 Winter's Tale. 2 3 341260 We must have a number of fhadows to fill up the mufter-book That are the fubftance of that great fhadow I did reprefent We'll yoke together, like a double shadow 1 Henry iv. 5 4 470252 2 Henry iv. 473 Ibid. 2 2482232 Ibid. 3 2 490 144 foldier 16.3 2 490 130 1 Henry vi. 2 3 Ibid. 55 5521 19 568251 2 Henry vi. 1 571 2 4 3 Henry vi. 4 6 625240 Richard . 4 4 660110 Ibid. 5 3 667260 . I call'd thee then, poor fhadow, painted queen To-night have ftruck more terror to the foul of Richard, than can the fubftance of ten thousand foldiers Such a nature, tickled with good fuccefs, difdains the fhadow which he treads on at Shaft. I'll make a shaft or a bolt on't - A. S. P. C. L 6224 Merry Wives of Windfor.[3] 1982 49 When I had loft one shaft, I shot his fellow off the felf-fame way Merch. of Venice. 1 He would have clapp'd i' the clout at twelve score, and carried you a fore hand fhaft a fourteen and fourteen and a half 2 Henry iv. 3 248927 848 217 All your fhafts into the court, we will afflict the emperor in his pride Titus Andron. 4 3 Shag-ear'd. Thou ly'st, thou shag-ear'd villain Shake your shaking Go apart, Adam, and thou shalt hear how he will shake me up Macbeth. 4 2 380156 2 11152 Be pleas'd that I shake off these names you give me 3372111 Troil. and Creff3 3 875133 Othello. 3 3 10612 33 When the feem'd to shake, and fear your looks, the lov'd them most Shallowly. Moft shallowly did you these arms commence Shambles. Far be it from the thoughts of Henry's heart, to make a fhambles of the parliament houfe Shame. A paffing shame Better fhame than murther 2 Henry iv. 4 2 496|1|17| I bear the fhame most patiently Two Gent. of Verona. 1 2 25126 2 97 49 106253 2 110237 Tender shame No man that hath a name, but falfehood and corruption doth it fhame Com. of Er.2 1 hath a baftard fame My cunning fhall not shame me Shame her with what he faw o'er-night Ibid. 3 Mu. Ado Abt. Noth. 2 2 129 128 A thousand innocent fhames, in angel whitenefs, bear away thofe blushes Ibid. 33 135 54 Ibid. 4 1 138146 Ibid. 4 1 138232 Ibid. Some of my fhame; if you will know of me what man I am -No shame but mine: I must, forfooth, be forc'd to give my hand oppofed against my heart I 143150 Mer. of Venice. 1 3 2012 24 244 223 Upon them shall the caufes of their death appear, unto our shame perpetual W.Tale. itfelf? why do you make fuch faces Macbeth. 34 376 3 His mother fhames him fo, poor boy he weeps That thou may'ft prove to fhame invulnerable, and ftick i' the wars like a great fea mark So thy cheek pays fhame, when fhrill-tongu'd Fulvia fcolds Shame. Go, and fay, we purpose her no shame What a wounding fhame is this that they wanted cunning, in excefs hath broke their hearts A. S. P. C. L. Ant. and Cleop5 | 798|1|40 Timon of Athens.5 6 828 239 The disdain and shame whereof hath ever fince kept Hector fafting and waking Treil. and Creffida. 1 And think them shames, which are, indeed, nought else but the protractive trials of great Jove -'s a baby The shame itself doth speak for inftant remedy How, mak'st thou this fhame thy paftime Let fhame come when it will, I do not call it A fovereign fhams fo elbows him That burning fhame detains him from Cordelia 2859148 Ibid.1 3 861 258 Ibid. 3 2 873113 Lear.I 4 937 142 Ibid. 2 4 942244 Ibid. 2 4945124 Ibid. 4 3 955211 Ibid. 4 3 955215 Romeo and Juliet-3 2 9842 20 Iago knows, that the with Caffio hath the act of shame a thousand times committed Othello. 5 2 1078133 Sham'd. Wherein if I be foil'd, there is but one sham'd that was never gracious Shame-fac'd. Seize on the shame-fac'd Henry, bear him hence on me Shameless-defperate. Grew fhameless desperate Shameft. But, perhaps, my son, thou shamest to acknowledge me in mifery I 118 8/2/25 Love's Lab. Loft. 5 2 9245 171125 119 235 4 9212 5x Mu. Ado About Notb.3 132 218 An if my brother had my shape, and I had his, Sir Robert's his, like I'll move the king to any shape of thy preferment He'll shape his old courfe in a country new Titus Andronicus. 4 4 849 231 Thy noble shape is but a form of wax, digreffing from the valour of a man Romeo and Juliet. 3 3 986149 Weigh what convenience, both of time and means, may fit us to our shape Ham. 4 71032241 Othello. 2 110521 4 Shap'd. The more of you 'twas felt, the more it shap'd unto my end of stealing them Shard-borne. The fhard-borne beetle, with his drowsy hums Cymbeline. 5 5 927141 Macbeth. 3 2 374 236 Cymbeline. 3 3 908 140 Ant. and Cleop.3 2 7822 6 For charitable prayers, shards, flints, and pebbles, should be thrown on her Hamlet.511035248 Shards. They are his fhards, and he their beetle Sharper. This life is beft, if quiet life be beft; fweeter to you that have a fharper known Cymbeline. 3 3 908152 Sharp-provided. With what a fharp-provided wit he reafons! to mitigate gives his uncle the fcorn he Sharp-tooth'd unkindness Share. Now, by God's mother, priest, I'll have your crown for this Shaven. Like the thaven Hercules Shaw, Dr. Sheal'd. That's a fheal'd peafcod Shears. You have fhore with fhears his thread of filk Richard iii. 3 1649/2/13 Lear. 2 4 944 125 1578255 1 Henry iv. 3 Much Ado Abt. Noth. 3 3 135120 Richard 3 5 653242 Lear. 1 4 936248 Midf. Night's Dream.. I 1952 6 2 Henry vi. 4 2| 5941 19 Sheath 2 Henry vi. 2 3 462132 |