Enlarge the man committed yesterday, that rail'd against our person Railer. Take that, thou likeness of this railer here Ibid. 2 3 1312 6 3 Henry vi. 55 Rom. and Jul. 3 3 Comedy of Errors.5 516,1,28 630261 986 141 117 2 2 Nor no railing in a known difcreet man, though he do nothing but reprove Tw. N. 1 5 Rain. Let the sky rain potatoes 311152 Raife. We are to speak in publick: for this business will raise us all—to laughter, as J take it Whom we raife, we will make faft within a hallow'd verge Trail. and Cre4| 4| 880137 Rainbow. I was beaten myself into all the colours of the rainbow Merry W. of Windfor. 4 5 692 42 To add another hue to the rainbow is wasteful K. J bn. 4 2 403135 Ant.&Cles. 2 Ram thou thy fruitful tidings in mine ears, that long time have been barren As You Like It.3 2 235138 Never was any thing fo fudden, but the fight of two rams So that the ram, that batters down the wall, for the great fwing and rudeness of his Ramps. Whiles he is vaulting variable ramps, in your despight, upon your purfe Cym. 1 7 90026 14222 8 1474 215 3732 4 141512 2 Henry vi. 1 15731 The broken rancour of your high fwoln hearts, but lately splinted, knit, and join'd This fudden ftab of rancour I mifdoubt Richard ii. 2 2 646 2 Rang'd. Ay Celia; we stay'd her for your fake, else had the with her father rang'd along As You Like It.13 228142 Ranges. Whatsoever comes athwart his affection, ranges evenly with mine Much Ado About Nothing. 2 2128243 And bury all which ftill diftinctly ranges, in heaps and piles of ruin Coriolanus. 3 1721147 Ranging. If once I find thee ranging, Hortenfio will be quit with thee, by changing . Ranks. Bring in thy ranks, but leave without thy rage - To weaken and difcredit our exposure, how rank foever rounded in with danger - Achilles Breaking forth in rank, and not to be endured riots Ranker. Or I fhould think my honefty ranker than my wit Troil. and Creff. 386328 Ibid. 1 3 864/2/20 Nor will it yield to Norway, or the Pole, a ranker rate, fhould it be fold in fee Ham. 4 Rankle. Fell forrow's tooth doth never rankle more, than when it bites, but lanceth not the fore And when he bites, his venom tooth will rankle to the death Rankly abused Rankness. I will phyfick your rankness 12421 59 4 1027248 Richard .134191 Richard iii. 1 3 640223 Hamlet. 151007127 As You Like It. I I Let him fay to England, that we fend to know what ransom he will give Henry v.3 66142 224 148 Henry viii. 41 693 2 53 I 719 2 41 358 113 868 110 4 I 4201 45 My ransom is, this frail and worthless trunk Ibid. 3 6 525 110 I come to know of thee, King Harry, if for thy ransom thou wilt now compound, before thy moft affured overthrow Ibid. 4 3 531 242 The world shall not be ransom for thy life 2 Henry vi. 3 2 589236 For me, the ransom of my bold attempt shall be this cold corpfe on the earth's cold face Ranfom'd. 'Would he were here alone; fo fhould he be fure to be ranfom'd But when our throats are cut, he may be ransom'd, and we ne'er the wiser 529128 - If Rome have law, or we have power, thou and thy faction shall And rape, I fear, was root of thine annoy I am rapt, and cannot cover the monstrous bulk of this ingratitude, with any fize of words Ibid. 5 2 826 132 I was much rapt in this Troil. and Creff 3 3 875 250 Ibid. 41 8452 5 53224 O She rapt 'em o' the coxcombs with a stick, and cry'd, down, wantons, down Lear. 24 944110 Rapture. Your prattling nurfe into a rapture lets her baby cry, while the chats him Cor. 2 If we be English deer, be then in blood: not rafcal-like, to fall down with a pinch Ib. 4 2 Rafh young mafter Ibid. 5 4 1 Henry vi. 12 505248 545240 561250 Jul. Cæfar. 4 3 759 225 1 Henry iv. 2 443238 1420 122 I could do this; and that with no rafh potion, but with a ling'ring dram W.'s Tale. 12 337149 His rafh fierce blaze of riot cannot laft Treil, and Cress. 4 2 879|1|24| Lear.1 I 932249 Othello. 3 4 1065212 Rafber. If we grow all to be pork-eaters, we shall not have a rasher on the coals for money Rafbnefs. These are the fruits of rashness Mer. of Venice. 3 5 2141 7 1645 144 19311 I Reverse thy doom, and in thy best confideration, check this hideous rafhnefs Lear.1 What if my house be troubled with a rat, and I be pleas'd to give ten thousand ducats to have it ban'd Mer. of Venice. 4215118 I was never fo be-rhimed fince Pythagoras' time, that I was an Irish rat AsY.L.It. 3 3 Like a rat without a tail For want of means, poor rats, had hang'd themselves 236 132 Macbeth. 1 3 364 213 Richard iii. 5 3 66917 Coriolanus. 1 1 705113 Ibid. 1 1 706111 Cymbeline. 5 5 926136 Lear. 2 2 941134 Ibid. 3 4 949 128 Hamlet. 3 4 1023 2 59 Rome and her rats are at the point of battle, the one fide must have bale Like rats, oft bite the holy cord in twain Rats-bane. I had as lief they would put rats-bane in my mouth as offer to stop it with Rated. In the Rialto have you rated me about my monies and my usances 2 Henry vi. 3 2 3 Henry vi. 2 2 587161 612127 Ant. and Cleep.1 4 7721 S Romeo and Juliet. 3 5 9891 4 2011 51 We had not rated him his part o' the ifle Great reason that my lord be rated for faucinefs Titus Andronicus. 2 838237 897132 Richard ii. 4 1 433223 Merry W. of Windfor. 1 3 $5.43 49/126 An amber-colour'd raven was well noted Hh3 Mu. Ado About Noth 2 3 1301 2 Love's Labor Loft.[4] 3 161|1|51 Raven. Raven. Who will not change a raven for a dove A. S. P. C. L. Midf. Night's Dream.|2|3| 182,2|23 And he that doth the ravens feed, yea providently caters for the sparrow, be comfort to my age As You Like It. 2 3 230150 I'll facrifice the lamb that I do love, to spight a raven's heart within a dove Tw. N. 5 And vaft confufion waits (as doth a raven, on a fick fallen beast) A moulten raven For he 's difpofed as the hateful raven Came he right now to fing a raven's note The raven rook'd her on the chimney top crows, and kites, fly o'er our head Here nothing breeds unless the nightly owl, or fatal raven 'Tis true the raven doth not hatch a lark Some fay that ravens fofter forlorn children Did ever raven fing fo like a lark The raven chides blacknefs Macbeth. 5 367111 K. John. 4 3 4071 3 1 Henry iv. 31 458 156 2 Henry vi. 3 1 584119 Ibid. 3 2 587145 3 Henry vi.5 6631261 Julius Cæfar. 5 1 762 252 Titus Andronicus.23 838 256 Ibid. 2 3 839,153 Troilus and Creffida.23 870210 'Would, I could meet that rogue Diomed! I would croak like a raven That dawning may bear the raven's eye Dove feather'd raven The croaking raven doth bellow for revenge As doth the raven o'er the infected house, boding to all Ibid. 5 2 887141 Cymbeline. 2 2 902/28 Rom. and Jul. 3 2 9842 2 Hamlet. 3 21021150 Othello. 411067130 Cym. 1 7 899212 Ravening. The cloy'd will, ravening firft the lamb, longs after for the garbage Ravenous fenfe. Feed not thy fovereign's foe, my gentle earth, nor with thy fweets comfort his ravenous fenfe Ravenfpurg. Away, with me, in poft to Ravenspurg - Richard ii. 32 426|2|20 The banish'd Bolingbroke repeals himself, and with uplifted arms is fafe arriv'd, at haven Ibid. 2 2 423137 3 Henry vi. 47 626249 Raught. The moon was a month old when Adam was no more, and raught not to five weeks, when he came to five score me his hand, and with a feeble gripe, fays Thirstiefs ambition, that wilt ravin up thine own life's means Like rats that ravin down their proper bane Ravish. Able to ravifh any dull conceit - You have holp to ravish your own daughters With that fuit upon my back will I ravish her firft kill him Naughty lady, thefe hairs, which thou doft ravish from my chin, will quicken and accufe thee Ravi'd. Now is his foul ravish'd Lear. 3 7 951241 Mu. Ado About Noth. 2 3 129236 And when we almost with ravish'd lift'ning, could not find his hour of fpeech a minute Ravifher. As war in fome fort may be faid to be a ravisher Raw. I have in my mind a thousand raw tricks - God make incifion in thee, thou art raw And yet but raw neither, in respect of his quick fail Rarely. Some, upon their children rawly left Raronefs. Why in that rawnefs left you wife and child Ray'd. Was ever man so beaten? was ever man fo ray'd fhoes Henry viii. 1 2675221 Tam. of the Shrew. 41267126 Raze. Having wafte ground enough fhall we defire to raze the fanctuary, and pitch our evils there Raz'd. Thou com'ft not, Caius, now for tribute; that, the Britons have raz'd out Cym.5 5 9242 5 My good intent may carry through itfeif to that full iffue for which I raz'd my likenefs Lear.1 4 934249 Nothing of that wonderful promise, to read him by his form And, because they could not read, thou haft hang'd them And those about her, from her fhall read the perfect way of honour not my blemishes in the world's report By her election may be truly read, what kind of man he is To write and read be henceforth treacherous Who is't can read a woman And recks not his own read Readiness. Yet it will come: the readiness is all Realm. The earl of Wiltshire hath the realm in farm 31004 236 Ibid. 5 2103935 Richard ii. 2) I 422132 Thou shalt think, though he divide the realm, and give thee half, it is too little Ibid. 5 1 435 140 Your realms in one! as man and wife, being two, are one in love Reap. But little 'vantage fhall I reap thereby This is a thing, which you might from relation likewife reap Reap'd. What sudden anger this? how have I reap'd it Reapers, fpirits. D. P. Rear. I'll not rear another's iffue She is as forward of her breeding, as he is i'the rear of birth up his body Cafca, you are the first that rear your hand Let us rear the higher our opinion Rear'd aloft the bloody battle ax Rearmice. Some war with rearmice for their leathern wings to make my finall elves coats Mid. Night's Dream. 2 Rearward. Myfelf would, on the rearward of reproaches, ftrike at thy life 3 1812 15 1138158 984252 devoured by admiration Ibid. 51 I 20235 But with a rearward following Tybalt's death, Romeo is banished Reefon. Returning reafon, compared to the effect of the tide -- Reasonless to reason thus There is no reafon but I fhall be blind I will do, as it fhall become one that would do reafon Nor do not banish reafon for inequality Two Gent. of Verona. 2 4 312 8 Your reafons at dinner have been sharp and fententious; pleasant witty without affection, audacious without impudency Ibid. 2 4 31217 without fcurrility, Love's Labor Loft.5 The will of man is by his reafon fway'd; and reafon fays you maid becomes the martial of my will are the worthier and love keep little company together now-a-days my fon fhould chufe himself a wife 2272 36 3022 16 Were fuch things here, as we do speak about? or have we eaten of the infane root that takes the reafon prifoner The receipt of reafon a limbeck only Strong reafons make ftrong actions Our griefs, and not our manners, reafon now King Jbn. 3 4 401246 If reasons were as plenty as blackberries, I would give no man a reafon upon compulfion 1 Henry iv 24 453248 And ftop all fight-holes, every loop from whence the eye of reafon may pry in upon us |