Pight. When I diffuaded him from his intent, and found him pight to do it A. S. P. C. L. Lear. 2 1 939/2/29 M. for M. 3 2 902 1 M. Ado Ab. Notb. 2 1127243 King Jobs. 5 2 409112 Lear. 4 6 9582 5 To whip this dwarfish war, these pigmy arms Piked. My piked man of countries Twelfth Night. 2 3 314222 Pikes. You must put in the pikes with a vice, and they are dangerous inftruments for maids M. Ado Ab. Noth. 5 2 144|2| 2 The foldiers should have tofs'd me on their pikes, before I would have granted to that act Trail your fteel pikes 3 Henry vi. 1 Pilate. Though fome of you, with Pilate, wash your hands, fhewing an outward pity; yet you Pilates have here deliver'd me to my four cross Ricbard ii. 4433234 How fain, like Pilate, would I wash my hands of this most grievous guilty murder Pilchards. And fools are as like husbands, as pilchards are to herrings Richard .14 643245 Twelfth Night. 3 1 320 129 Rom. and Juliet. 31 9822 4 Hamlet. 511036118 Pild. I had as lief be a lift of an English kerfey, as be pil'd as thou art pil'd, for a Foundation is pil'd upon his faith, and will continue the standing of his body W.Tale. 1 2 I am St. Jaques's pilgrim, hither gone There are pilgrims going to Canterbury, with rich offerings Pilgrimage. For that's the utmost of his pilgrimage Two Gent. of Verona. 2 7 1 Henry iv.1 Meaf. for Meaf. 2 32225 4 2921 1 2444146 21 801145 I 198 229 3416233 I 421145 What lady is the fame, to whom you swore a secret pilgrimage 1 Henry vi. 2 5 554245 Moft mirable hour, that time c'er faw in lafting labour of his pilgrimage R. & 7.4 5 992249 Pill. Large-handed robbers your grave mafters are, and pill by law Pillage. Thy fons make pillage of her chastity Tim. of Athens.4 1 818158 Titus Andronicus. 2 3 838158 Pillar. I charge you by the law, whereof you are a well-deferving pillar, proceed to judgment Brave peers of England, pillars of the state Merch. of Venice. 4 1 1216249 572155 And from these shoulders, these ruin'd pillars, out of pity, taken a load would fink a navy Pill'd. The commons hath he pill'd with grievous taxes, and quite loft their hearts R. ii. 2 I 422 120 And craved death rather than I would be fo pill'd esteemed Hear me, you wrangling pirates, that fall out in fharing that which you have pill'd from me Pillory. And there I stood amazed for awhile as on a pillory, looking through the lute Pillow. One turf fhall ferve as pillow for us both And, though unskilful, why not Ned and I for once allow'd the skilful pilot's charge Ibid. 5 4 6301 3 Thou defperate pilot, now at once run on the dashing rocks, thy fea-fick weary bark Romeo and Juliet. 5 3 995117 Pilt's thumb. Here I have a pilot's thumb, wreck'd as homeward he did come Macb. 1 3 364227 2254141 918 217 Pimpernell Henry Pin. Tut, a pin Then will the get the upfhot by cleaving the pin Induc. to Tam. of the Shrew. Pin. Wishing all eyes blind with the pin and web And with a little pin bores through his castle wall, and-farewel king A. S. P. C. L Winter's Tale.11 2337116 For his apparel is built upon his back, and the whole frame stands upon pins: prick him no more He gives the web and the pin The very pin of his heart cleft with the blind bow-boy's but-shaft Pin's fee. I do not fet my life at a pin's fee Pinch. Fairy-like, to pinch the unclean knight And till he tell the truth, let the supposed fairies pinch him found Pinch Doctor. D. P. 2 Henry iv. 3 2 490154 Lear. 3 4 949 111 Rom. and Jul. 2 4 978150 Hamlet. 1 41006157 68142 68 146 Merry W. of Wind.4 4 — As they pinch one another by the disposition, he cries out, no more' Ant. and Cleo. 2 7 There cannot be a pinch in death more sharp than this Cymbeline. 1 2 Pinched. What, have I pinch'd you, Signior Gremio Tam. of the Shrew.2 780138 8951 1 4 9451 9 12632 5 1339158 Tempeft. 5 1 1912 65 Henry viii. 23 682157 Macbeth.1 3364222 Weary seven nights, nine times nine, shall he dwindle, peake and pine Thus droops this lofty pine, and hangs his fprays - This pine is bark'd that over-topp'd them all Pinion him like a thief Winter's Tale. 21 2 Henry vi. 23 Ant. and Cleep. 410 Jul. Cafar. Love's Labor Loft.1 7411 1147,2 6 1 215151 3391 39 581218 794 122 Lear.37 951,220 Pinion'd. Master Ford, you are not to go loose any longer; you must be pinion'd Merry W. of Wind. 2 2 50134 Ant. and Cleop. 27 Romeo and Juliet. 2 4 Merry W. of Wind.1 3 Pinned. Our gates, which yet seem shut, we have but pinn'd with rushes Pint-pot. Peace good pint-pot, peace good tickle-brain Coriolanus. 1 4 7081 35 That they are not a pipe for fortune's finger, to found what stop 310154 2 179,2/27 7 525155 There be land-rats and water-rats, water-thieves and land-thieves, I mean pirates Hear me, you wrangling pirates, that fall out in sharing that which you have pill'd from me - I must rid all the fea of pirates Pifa, renown'd for grave citizens, gave me my being Pijanio. D, P. Pish. And made a pish at chance and fufferance Ff Rickard iii. Cymbeline. 1 255115 893 Mu. Ado About Notb. 5! 1 141|1|57 Pub Pifh for thee, Iceland dog Pifmires. Nettled and stung with pifmires Piffing while Two Gent. of Verona. 4 Piftol. He that rides at high speed, and with his pistol, kills a fparrow flying 1 H. iv. 2 4 454248 Ibid. 5 3 470153 characterized Piftol-proof. She is piftol-proof, fir; you fhall hardly offend her Pitch. Having waste ground enough, shall we defire to raze the fanctuary, and pitch How high a pitch his refolution foars What a pitch she flew above the rest And bear his thoughts above his falcon's pitch Richard ii. 1 I 414 2 29 2 Henry vi. 2578135 Ibid. 2 1 578141 - All men's honours lie like one lump before him, to be fashion'd into what pitch he please These growing feathers pluck'd from Cæfar's wing, will make him fly an ordinary pitch To mount aloft with thy imperial mistress, and mount her pitch Pitch and pay. The word is, pitch and pay ;-truft none Mu. Ado About Noth. 3 3 134 2 6 3 I am toiling in a pitch; pitch that defiles; defile! a foul word Pitecus. In an act of this importance, 'twere most piteous to be wild Winter's Tale. 2 551119 1340231 M. for M.15 792 29 1 256 114 Taming of the Shrew.1 Hamlet. 3 1101727 Pitied. Much he spoke, and learnedly for life; but all was either pitied in him, or for A fight moft pitiful in the meanest wretch; paft fpeaking of in a king 'Twas pitiful, 'twas wondrous pitiful Pitifully. He beat him moft pitifully Pittance. At fo flender warning, you're like to have a thin and flender pittance Pittikins. Ods pittikins Pity. I cannot chufe but pity her I fhew it most of all, when I fhew juftice, for then I pity those I do not know M. for M.2 If ever from your eye-lids wip'd a tear, and know what it is to pity, and be pitied As You Like It.2) 7 233157 Piy 131|2|32 Ibid. 5 4 146 213 Love's Lab. Loft.4 1 1571 37 214155 A. S. P. C. L. Macbeth.17 368|1|19 Ricbard ii. 51 434160 Forget to pity him, left thy pity prove a ferpent that will fting thee, to the heart Ibid. 5 3 *, 2 Henry ui. 3| | 437 155 585|1|57 601 2 54 3 Henry vi. 3 6072 9 607213 Ibid. 2 2 6112 5 After this process, to give her the avaunt! it is a pity would move a monster Prol. to H. viii. 67115 - Men must learn now with pity to dispense; for policy fits above conscience T. of A.3 909|249 Pix. For he hath stol'n a pix, and hang'd muft'a be But if there be yet left in heaven as small a drop of pity as a wren's eye Let pity not be believed This judgment of the heavens, that makes us tremble, touches us not with pity Ibid. 5 Ibid. 4 2 91819 Place. This is no place, this house is but a butchery As You Like It. 2 3 230132 Who were below him he us'd as creatures of another place All's Well. 1 2 280 122 Be pilot to me, and thy places shall still neighbour mine Winter's Tale. 12 When yet you were in place, and in account nothing so strong and fortunate as 1H.iv. 51 "Tis but the fate of place 3382 31 468 16 Henry viii. 1 2 Tr. and Cr. 2) leffens and 675132 3 869 146 Left, perchance, he think we dare not move the question of our place -Confider, when you above perceive me like a crow, that it is place which fets off Due reference of place Placed. My refolutions plac'd Plackets. Dread prince of plackets Will they wear their plackets, where they should wear their faces You might have pinch'd a placket, it was fenfeless 31049 2 15 30 Cymbeline. 3 3 908133 The bone-ache! for that, methinks, is the curse dependant on those that war for a placket - Keep thy foot out of brothels, and thy hand out of plackets Plague. O plague right well prevented This fandy plot is plain Of how unnatural and bemadding forrow the king hath caufe to plain Henry v.3 2 Ant. and Cleop.2 6779221 Com. of Errors.11 104113 Richard . 3417250 Plainly. You must report to the Volfcian lords, how plainly I have borne this bufinefs Cor. 5 3 735114 After our fentence plaining comes too late Plainnes. Your plainnefs and your fhortnefs pleafe me well Plaintiffs. Come, bring away the plaintiffs Planetary. Be as a planetary plague Plant. I will plant you two This plaintiff here, the offender, did call me afs Plaints. Bootlefs are plaints, and cureless are my wounds Plaited cunning Planched. And to that vineyard is a planched gate Planet. I was not born under a rhyming planet It is a bawdy planet that will strike where 'tis predominat There's fome ill planet reigns What? fhall we 'cufe the planets of mishap Hath this lovely face rul'd, like a wandering planet, over me Be oppofite, all planets of good luck, to my proceeding Whofe med'cinable eye corrects the ill afpects of planets evil [their ill effects] As if fome planet had unwitted men Meaf. for Meaf.4 M. Ado Ab. Noth. 5 Winter's Tale.1 Ibid. 2 1 Henry vi. 2 Henry vi. 4 4 Richard in.44 Troil. and Creff Drunkards, lyars, and adulterers, by an enforc'd obedience of planetary influence Lear. 1 2 Plank. Do not fight by fea; trust not to rotten planks I 2 2 93211 144 2 22 336130 I 339261 I 544110 5951 3 663134 3 862218 Ibid. 1 3 862 222 Othello. 2 3 1056|2|19| Timon of Athens 4 3 I have begun to plant thee, and I will labour to make thee full of growing Macbeth. 1 4 Ant. and Cleop. 3 7 Twelfth Night. 2 3 820253 933 254 7861 8 316134 366 145 3 Henry vi. 11 Ibid. 5 5 6041 24 631128 Some o' their plants are ill-rooted already; the leaft wind i' the world will blow them down He hath fo planted his honours in their eyes, and his actions in their hearts Cor. 2 2 149 17 7151 6 268 254 Ibid. 11 255 128 Richard ii. 1 2 416124 Ibid. 2 2423 222 Coriolanus. 1 4 708158 Hamlet. 3 11017 125 2 Henry iv. 2 1 4811 2 Ant. and Cleop.5 2 799 2 12 Richard ii. 1 341629 Aut. and Cleop."| I 767 19 All's Well. I 2 280135 Ibid. 4 1 295150 Hamlet. 1 41006 117 Ibid. 2 2/10142 5 1922 16 The beft in this kind are but fhadows: and the worft are no worfe, if imagination] amend them Good plays prove better by the help of good epilogues Go, play, boy, play;-thy mother plays, and I play too Would't not play falfe, and yet would'ft wrongly win Shall we have a play extempore out the play: I bave much to fay in behalf of that Falstaff Midf. Night's Dr.15 1 Ibid. 5 1 Epilogue te As You Like It. 194 144 250 114 2 336114 5 366 246 Winter's Tale.1 Macbeth. 1 1 Henry iv. 2 445437 Ibid. 2 4 456|1|34 Play. |