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Pigbt. When I dissuaded him from his intent, and found him pight to do it

Pigmalion. Is there none of Pigmalion's images, newly made woman

Pigmies. Do you any embaffage to the pigmies

[blocks in formation]

M. Ado Ab. Norb. 2 1 127 243
King John. 5 2 409 1 12

To whip this dwarfish war, these pigmy arms
-Arm it in rags, a pigmy's straw doth pierce it
Pegrogrometus. Thou spokest of Pegrogrometus, of the Vapians passing the equinoctial

of Queubus

Piked. My piked man of countries

Lear. 4 6 958 25

Twelfth Night. 23 314 222
King Jobn. 1 1 389/2/15

Pikes. You must put in the pikes with a vice, and they are dangerous instruments for


M. Ado Ab. Notb. 52 144 23

-The foldiers should have tofs'd me on their pikes, before I would have granted to that act

[blocks in formation]

Pilate. Though fome of you, with Pilate, wash your hands, shewing an

yet you Pilates have here deliver'd me to my four cross

-How fain, like Pilate, would I wash my hands of this most grievous

[blocks in formation]

3 Henry vi. 1 1606 117

Coriolanus. 5 5 739 229

outwatd pity;

Richard ii. 4 1 433 234

guilty murder

Richard ii. 14 643 245

Twelfth Night. 3 1 320 129 Rom. and Fuitet. 3 1 982 2 4 Hamlet. 5 11036 118

Pild. I had as lief be a lift of an English kersey, as be pil'd as thou art pil'd, for a

French velvet

Measure for Measure. 1 2 76252 - Foundation is pil'd upon his faith, and will continue the standing of his body W.Tale. 1 2 338 2 11 Piles. What piles of wealth hath he accumulated to his own portion Pilgrim. A true devoted pilgrim is not weary to measure kingdoms with his feeble steps

[blocks in formation]

What lady is the fame, to whom you swore a fecret pilgrimage
For Mowbray and myself are like two men that vow a long and weary
The ripest fruit first falls, and fo doth he, his time is spent, our pilgrimage must be Ib. 2 1 421145

In prifon hast thou spent a pilgrimage

1 Henry vi. 25 554245

Most merable hour, that time e'er faw in lasting labour of his pilgrimage R. & 7.45 992 249

Pill. Large-handed robbers your grave masters are, and pill by law
Pillage. Thy fons make pillage of her chastity

Pillar. I charge you by the law, whereof you are a well-deferving

- Brave peers of England, pillars of the state

[blocks in formation]

Tim. of Athens. 4 1 818 158

Tirus Andronicus. 23838 158 pillar, proceed to

Merch. of Venice. 4 1 216 249


Pill'd. The commons hath he pill'd with grievous taxes, and quite loft their
-And craved death rather than I would be so pill'd esteemed

2 Henry vi. 1 1 572 155 would fink a

Henry viii. 3 2 692 142 hearts R. ii. 2 1 422 120 1 Henry vi. 14 548156 have pill'd Richard iii. 1 3 639146 Lear. 34 948/2/28

Hear me, you wrangling pirates, that fall out in sharing that which you Pillicock fat on Pillicock-hill

from me

Pillory. And there I stood amazed for awhile as on a pillory, looking through the lute

Pillow. One turf shall serve as pillow for us both

Taming of the Shrew. 2 1 2612 3 Midf. Night's Dream. 2 3 182 13

In thy youth thou wast as true a lover as-ever sigh'd-upon a midnight pillow AsY. L.It. 2 4 230258 A good foft pillow for that good white head were better than a churlish turf of France

Pluck stout men's pillows from below their heads

Who is this, thou mak'st thy bloody pillow

Pilst. Be pilot to me, and thy places shall still neighbour mine

Yet lives our pilot still: is't meet, that he should leave the helm

Henry v. 4 1 52729 Tim. of Ath. 4 3 82014 Cymbeline. 4 2 918/2/17 Winter's Tale. 1 2 338 231 3 Henry vi. 5 4 629 252

- And, though unskilful, why not Ned and I for once allow'd the skilful pilot's charge

Ibid. 5 4 6301 3

Thou defperate pilot, now at once run on the dashing rocks, thy fea-fick weary


Pilt's thumb. Here I have a pilot's thumb, wreck'd as homeward he did come

Pimpernell Henry

Pin. Tut, a pin

-Then will she get the upshot by cleaving the pin

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Pin. Wishing all eyes blind with the pin and web

- And with a little pin bores through his castle wall, and-farewel king - My wretchedness unto a row of pins

- For his apparel is built upon his back, and the whole frame stands upon

[blocks in formation]

- described by Antipholis of Ephesus

A.S. P. C. L.

Winter's Tale. 1

2 337 116

Richard ii. 3

2 428 1 10

[blocks in formation]

2 Henry iv. 3 2 490154

Lear. 3 4 949 111

Rom. and Jul. 2 4 978 150.

Hamlet. 14


Merry W. of Wind. 4 4

Ibid. 4 4

68 142 68146

[blocks in formation]

Cymbeline. 1 2 8951 1

Lear. 2 4 94519

- As they pinch one another by the disposition, he cries out, 'no more' Ant.and Cleo. 27 780138

- There cannot be a pinch in death more sharp than this

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

- Weary seven nights, nine times nine, shall he dwindle, peake and Pine [tree] You may as well forbid the mountain pines to wag their high

- Behind the tuft of pines I met them

- Thus droops this lofty pine, and hangs his sprays

- This pine is bark'd that over-topp'd them all

Pinion him like a thief

Winter's Tale. 2 1 330139 5812 18

2 Henry vi. 2 3 Ant. and Cleop. 4 10 794 1/22

Pinion'd. Master Ford, you are not to go loose any longer; you must be pinion'd

[blocks in formation]

Know, fir, that I will not wait pinion'd at your master's court

Pink. This pink is one of Cupid's carriers

- Plumpy Bacchus with pink eyne

- Nay, I am the very pink of courtesy

Pinnace. Sail like my pinnace to these golden shores

Ant. and Clexp. 5



799 118 2 50134

Ant. and Clevp. 2 7 781217

Romeo and Juliet. 2 4 978,244 Merry W. of Winds. 1 3 4912/22

Pinned. Our gates, which yet seem shut, we have but pinn'd with rushes

- Whilst our pinnace anchors in the Downs

Pint-pot. Peace good pint-pot, peace good tickle-brain

Pioneer. A worthy pioneer

Pionied. Thy banks with pionied and twilled brims

Pious Sir.

Pip. Being, perhaps, for ought I fee, two and thirty, a pip out

Pipe. Rather hear the tabor and pipe

- Thy small pipe is as the maiden's organ, shrill, and found

2 Benry vi. 41501140
Coriolanus. 1 4 708 1.35
I Henry iv. 24 455.147
Hamlet. 1 5 1008 2 17
Tempest. 4 1

Measure for Meajure. 1 4

16 253 78:222

Tam. of the Skrew. 12 257 240

Mu. Ado About Noth. 2 3 129149
Twelfth Night. 1 4 310154
Titus Andronicus. 4 3 848139

Then we may go pipe for justice

- That they are not a pipe for fortune's finger, to found what stop - Why, do you think that I am eafier to be play'd on than a pipe Pipes of corn. Playing on pipes of corn, and verfing love

she please Ham. 3 21019143 Ibid. 3 2 1022 147

Mid. Night's Dream. 2 2 179,227

Pipe of Hermes. The bafest horn of his hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes H. v. 37 525155 Pipe wine. I shall drink in pipe wine first with him; I'll make him dance M.W. of W. 3 6011

[blocks in formation]

There be land-rats and water-rats, water-thieves and land-thieves, I mean pirates

[blocks in formation]

- Hear me, you wrangling pirates, that fall out in sharing that which you have pill'd

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Pish for thee, Iceland dog
Pifmires. Nettled and stung with pismires

Piffing while

A.S. P. C.L.

Henry v.2 1 514/2/43
1 Henry iv. 1 3 447153

Two Gent. of Verona. 4 3 401 3
1 Η. iv. 2 4 454 248

Pistol. He that rides at high speed, and with his pistol, kills a sparrow flying
- Nay, Hal, if Percy be alive, thou get'st not my fword; but take my piftol, if thou

[blocks in formation]

Ibid. 53 470153

Henry v. 3 2 520 242
2 Henry iv. 2 4 4842 35

2 Henry iv. p. 473.

Henry v.

fanctuary, and pitch

Pitch. Having waste ground enough, shall we defire to raze the

our evils there

[blocks in formation]

Julius Cæfar. 5 5 76514

Measure for Measure. 2 2


Richard ii. 1 1 414 229

2 Henry vi. 2 1578 1 35

Ibid. 2 1 578 14

- All men's honours lie like one lump before him, to be fashion'd into what pitch he

[blocks in formation]

These growing feathers pluck'd from Cæfar's wing, will make him pitch

- To mount aloft with thy imperial mistress, and mount her pitch

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[blocks in formation]

Mu. Ado About Nath. 3 3 134 2 6
Love's Lab. Loft. 4 3 1602 1

1 Hen. iv. 2 4 45528

Place barrels of pitch upon the fatal stake, that fo her torture may be shorten'd 1 H. vi. 55 568 138

Convers'd' with fuch as, like to pitch, defile nobility

[blocks in formation]

2. Henry vi. 2 1 580138 Othello. 2 3 105822 Love's Lab. Loft. 3 1 156 240 Tim. of Athens. 1 2 809 131 Tam. of the Sbrew. 4 4 272 2 24 Richard iii. 2 4 647 229 3 Henry vi. 56 632142 All's Well. 4 4 300 131 1 Henry vi. 2 2 551119 Winter's Tale. 2 1 3402 31 M. for M. 1 5 792 29 Taming of the Sbrew. 1 1 2561 14 Henry v. 3 ch 52011 Hamlet. 3 1 101727

- Night is fled, whose pitchy mantle over-veil'd the earth
Pitecus. In an act of this importance, 'twere most piteous to be wild
Pith. And that's my pith of business 'twixt you and your poor brother

- Perhaps you mark'd not what's the pith of all

Or past, or not arriv'd to, pith and puissance

And enterprizes of great pith and moment

Let it feed even on the pith of life

Ibid. 4 1 1026 131

Pitied. Much he spoke, and learnedly for life; but all was either pitied in him, or for

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- A fight most pitiful in the meanest wretch; past speaking of in a king

[blocks in formation]

King John. 4 3 405 113
I Henry vi. 3 1 556 118
Henry viii. 4 2 694257
Lear.4 6 95911

Othello. 1 3 1048231

M. W. of Wind42

Pittance. At so slender warning, you're like to have a thin and slender pittance

Pittikins. Ods pittikins

Pity. I cannot chuse but pity her


Taming of the Sbrew. 4 4 272 2/33

Cymbeline. 4 2 917 252

Tavo Gent. of Ver.4 3 4119 832/42

I shew it most of all, when I shew justice, for then I pity those I do not know M. for M.2 2
If I do not take pity of her, I am a villain

- I take pity for thee

Not wounding pity would not let me do't

An inhuman wretch uncapable of pity

M. Ado Ab. Noth. 2 3 131 232
Ibid. 5 4 146 2 18

Love's Lab. Loft. 4 1 157137
Mer. of Venice. 4 1 214 155

If ever from your eye-lids wip'd a tear, and know what it is to pity, and be pitied

As You Like It. 2 7233 157

Pity. And pity, like a nakod new-born babe

- Yet look up, behold; that you in pily may diffolve to dew?

A. S. P. C. L.

Macbeth. 7 368/1/19 Richard ii. 5 1 434 160

- Forget to pity him, left thy pity prove a ferpent that will fting thee to the heart Ibid. 5

-Too tull of foolish pity

Henceforth I will not have to do with pity

-Such pity as my rapier's point affords

Thou hast one fon, for his fake pity me

[blocks in formation]

Those that can pity, here may, if they think it well, let fall a tear

2 Henrý vi. 3


437 155

1 585157

Ibid. 5 2 601254

3 60729

3 Henry vi. 1
Ibid. 1 3 607 2 13
Ibid. 2 2 6112 5
Ibid. 4 8 627 226

Richard iii. 1 2 636 1 12

[blocks in formation]

- After this process, to give her the avaunt! it is a pity would move a monster - So much the more must pity drop upon her


[blocks in formation]

Ibid. 2 3 682221

[blocks in formation]

- And pity to the general wrong of Roine (as fire drives out fire, so pity, pity) hath

done this deed on Cæfar

-All pity choak'd with custom of fell deeds

- You feel the dint of pity

Men must learn now with pity to dispense; for policy fits above conscience T. of A. 3 2 814 136

- For pity is the virtue of the law, and none but tyrants use it cruelly

Let's leave the hermit pity with our mother

Whilft I am bound to wonder, I am bound to pity too

Your caufe doth ftrike my heart with pity, that does make me fick

Took pity from true wretchedness

Ibid. 3 5 816 147.

Troil. and Creff. 5 3 887 250

But if there be yet left in heaven as small a drop of pity as a wren's eye

Cymbeline. 17900 12

Ibid. 17 900 147

Ibid. 3 4 909 249
Ibid. 4 2 918 19

- When I defired their leave that I might pity him, they took from me the use of mine own houfe

Let pity not be believed

- This judgment of the heavens, that makes us tremble, touches us not with Is there no pity fitting in the clouds, that fees into the bottom of my grief

- That he is mad, 'tis true; 'tis true, 'tis pity; and pity 'tis, 'tis true Puty-wary.

Pix. For he hath stol'n a pix, and hang'd must 'a be

Place. This is no place, this house is but a butchery

Who were below him he us'd as creatures of another place

Be pilot to me, and thy places shall still neighbour mine

Lear. 3 3 947 229

Ibid. 4 3 955153

pity Ibid. 5 3 964 2 47 R. & Jul. 3 5 989/138 Hamlet. 2 210111 13 Merry W. of Winds. 3 1 5819 Henry v. 36 523251 As You Like It. 2 3 230 1 32 All's Well. 1 2 280122 Winter's Tale. 12 338 231

When yet you were in place, and in account nothing so strong and fortunate as 1 1H.iv. 5 1 468 16

- "Tis but the fate of place

- Lest, perchance, he think we dare not move the question of our place
- Confider, when you above perceive me like a crow, that it is place which

fets off

- Due reference of place

Placed. My resolutions plac'd

Plackets. Dread prince of plackets

- Will they wear their plackets, where they should wear their faces

- You might have pinch'd a placket, it was senseless

[blocks in formation]

- The bone-ache! for that, methinks, is the curse dependant on those placket

- Keep thy foot out of brothels, and thy hand out of plackets

Plague. O plague right well prevented

- They have the plague, and caught it from your eyes

- How now? even so quickly may one catch the plague


[blocks in formation]

Lear. 3 4

Mu. Ade About Noth. 3 2


Love's Lab. Loft. 5 2 170 129
Twelfth Night. 1 5 313 2 8
Ibid. 3 4 325146
3 Henry vi. 55 630249
Coriolanus. 4 708


Ibid. 4 2 727 112 Treil. and Creff. 2 1 865 144 Ibid. 5 11 890245 Lear. 1 2 932230 Ibid. 4195322 Ibid. 24 945123


- This plaintiff here, the offender, did call me afs

Plaints. Bootless are plaints, and cureless are my wounds

Plaited cunning

Planched. And to that vineyard is a planched gate
Planet. I was not born under a rhyming planet

M. Ado Ab. Notb. 5 2
Winter's Tale. I 2

Plain fong. The plain song is most just, for humours do abound

Plainness. Enjoy thy plainness, it nothing ill becomes thee

Plainig. And piteous plainings of the pretty babes

[blocks in formation]

This fandy plot is plain

A. S. P. C.L.

King John. 2 1 392 140
86 112

Meas. for Meas. 24
Titus. Andron. 41 845230

- Of how unnatural and bemadding forrow the king hath cause to plain Plain dealing. Not so well as plain dealing, which will not coft a man a doit

Lear. 3946 157

T. of A. 1 805 256

Henry w. 3 2 520213

Ant. and Cleop. 2 6 779 221 104 113

Com. of Errors. I 1

- After our fentence plaining comes too late

Richard ii. 1 3 417250

Plainly. You must report to the Volscian lords, how plainly I have

[blocks in formation]

Plainness. Your plainness and your shortness please me well

Tam. of the Shrew. 44

272 29

Plaintiffs. Come, bring away the plaintiffs

Mu. Ado About Noth. 5 1

143 2 3

[blocks in formation]

Meaf. for Meas. 4 I


144 222 336 130 339261

[blocks in formation]

- It is a bawdy planet that will strike where 'tis predominant

There's some ill planet reigns

What? shall we 'cuse the planets of mishap

Hath this lovely face rul'd, like a wandering planet, over me
Be opposite, all planets of good luck, to my proceeding

Whofe med'cinable eye corrects the ill aspects of planets evil

Ibid. 2 1

- Drunkards, lyars, and adulterers, by an enforc'd obedience of planetary influence Lear. 12 933 254

I have begun to plant thee, and I will labour to make thee full of growing Macbeth. 1 4 366 145

- I'll plant Plantagenet, root him up who dares

- How sweet a plant have you untimely cropp'd

- Some o' their plants are ill-rooted already; the least wind i' the world will blow them down

Thofe that are revolted in the vant

Plantage. As true as steel, as plantage to the moon

Plantagenet Edward. D. P.

Plantain. A plain plantain

2 Henry vi. p. 571.

- Your plantain leaf is excellent for that

Planted. A man in all the world's new fashion planted

- He hath so planted his honours in their eyes, and his actions in Planteth. It engenders choler, planteth anger

Plafh. As he that leaves a shallow plash, to plunge into the deep Plasby. Bid him, oh, what?-with all good speed at Plashy visit me - Get thee to Plashy, to my sister Glofter

Plafter. Herds of boils and plagues plafter you o'er

Plaft'ring. The harlot's cheek, beauty'd with plast'ring art
Plate. I am loth to pawn my plate, in good earnest, la

[blocks in formation]

Love's Labor Loft. 3 11552 2

Romeo and Juliet. 1 2 9702 6

Love's Labor Lift. 1 1 14911 Cor. 2 2 7151 6 268254

their hearts

Tam. of the Sbrew. 4 I

Ibid. 1 1 255 128

Richard ii. 1 2 416 124 Ibid. 2 2 423 223 Coriolanus. 1 4 708158 Hamlet. 3 1 1017125 2 Henry iv. 2 14811 2 Ant. and Cleop. 52 799 2 18 Richard ii. 1 3 4162 9 Ant. and Cl op. 1176719 280135

All's Well. 12

Ibid. 4 1 295 150

Hamiet. 1 4 1006 117

Ibid. 2 2 101425

Midf. Night's Dr. 51 192 2 16

The best in this kind are but shadows: and the worst are no worse, if imagination

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