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Aye. Thy faints for aye be crown'd with plagues

A. S. P. C. L.

Timon of Athens.|5|2| 826|1|19

Yet rich conceit taught thee to make vast Neptune weep for aye on thy low grave

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2 Gent. of Verona. 1 2

166 6157 261 I

134 145

For the watch to babble and talk, is most tolerable, and not to be endur'd

Much Ado About Nothing-3 3
Twelfth Night. 1 5 313111

Babbling. The babbling goffip of the air
Babes. So holy writ in babes hath judgment shown, when judges have been babes

A daughter; and a goodly babe, lufty, and like to live
Here is the babe as loathsome as a toad

Finger of birth-ftrangl'd babe, ditch deliver'd by a drab
Richer, than doing nothing for a babe

Old fools are babes again

All's Well. 2
Winter's Tale. 2
Titus Andron. 4 2
Macbeth. 4 1

Those that do teach young babes, do it with gentle means, and easy tasks Baboons. Elfe you had looked through the grate, like a geminy of baboons

-'s blood

— I would change my humanity with a baboon Baby beats the nurse



341 129 847 17

378 117

Cymbeline. 3 3


Lear. 1 3 934230 Otbello. 4 2 1071213

Merry Wives of Wind. 2||2| 53253
Macbeth. 41 378124

You'll kiss me hard; and speak to me as if I were a baby still Doft thou not fee my baby at my breast, that sucks the nurse asleep - Think yourself a baby

Baccare! you are marvellous forward

Bacchanals. The riot of the tipfy bacchanals, tearing the Thracian

Bacchus. Love's power proves dainty Bacchus grofs in taste
-Plumpy Bacchus, with pink eyne

Othello. 1 3 1050155

78236 338 259

Meaf. for Meaf. 14
Winter's Tale. 2 1
Ant. and Cleop. 5 2 801253
Hamlet. 31005143

Tam. of the Shrew. 2
finger in their rage
Mid. Night's Dream. 5

Bachelors. This youthful parcel of noble bachelors stand at my bestowing All's Well 2
Wifely, I fay, I am a bachelor

Back. A ftraight back will stoop


1922 32

Love's Labour Loft. 4


164 I I

Ant. and Cleop.2

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Jul. Cæfar. 3 3


Henry v.


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O, many have broke their backs with laying manors on them for this great journey

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Ibid. 23 682252

If your back cannot vouchsafe this burden, 'tis too weak ever to get a boy
I love, and honour him; but muft not break my back, to heal his finger Tim. of Atb. 21 809254
Upon my back to defend my belly

The army broken, and but the backs of Britons seen

I have years on my back, forty-eight

Quarrel, I will back thee-How? turn thy back and run? Backbite. They are arrant knaves, and will backbite


No worse than they are back-bitten

Back-door. Having found the back-door open of the unguarded hearts
Backed. Great Jupiter upon his eagle back'd appear'd to me
Back-friends. How now, back-friends

Trei. and Cref. 2 861155
Cymbeline. 5 3 920251
Lear. 1 4 935 131

Romeo and Juliet. 1 968117

2 Henry iv. 51| 501140
Ibid. 5 I 501141
Cymbeline. 5 3 921131
Ibid. 5 5 928121

As You Like It. 3 2 236112

Backing. Call you that backing of your friends? a plague upon fuch backing 2 Henry iv. 2 4


· Come, Warwick, backing of the duke of York

3 Henry vi. 2

Back-fward's man. He greets me well, fir; I knew him a good back-sword's man

Back-trick. I have the back-trick, fimply as ftrong as any man in Illyria

Back-ward. In the dark back-ward and abyfm of time

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4531 7

2 6121 5

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1 Henry iv. 1 2 Henry iv. 5 3 Twelfth Night.51 3322 6 Richard ii. 1 1415131

Bag and baggage. No barricado for the belly, it will let in and out the enemy, with

bag and baggage

Baggage. You baggage

You baggage, let me in

-Out, you baggage! you tallow-face

Bagot. D. P.


Winter's Tale. 1 2 336135 M.W. of Wind.4 2 Comedy of Errors.3 1 109 240 Romeo and Juliet.35 988247 Richard ii. 413 Merchant of Venice. 4 1 215123 Ibid. 4 1 215131 Winter's Tale. 4 3 35129 443 234

Bag-pipes. And others, when the bag-pipes fings i' the nofe, cannot contain their

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1 Henry iv. 1 2

Bag-piper. Some [men] will evermore peep through their eyes, and laugh like parrots at a bag-piper

Mer. of Venice.11 1981 3

Bajazets. Tongue, I must put you into a butter woman's mouth, and buy another of
Bajazet's mule

Bail. I do obey thee, till I give thee bail

Bailiff defcribed


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All's Well.41 295222 Comedy of Errors.4 113127 Ibid. 4 2 113246

Ibid. 4 3 114157 Winter's Tale-42349154 Comedy of Errors 2106235

Much Ado About Noth. 2 3 130130

Have you with these contriv'd to bait me with this foul derision

Whilft that my wretchedness doth bait myself

Are these thy bears? we'll bait thy bears to death

And the steals love's sweet bait from fearful hooks

Baited. How he hath been baited

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Are there balance here to weigh the flesh

Ibid. 3| 1| 131260

Ibid. 3 1 13214

Mid. Night's Dr. 3 2 1862 57 Richard 4433233 2 Henry vi. 51 600 2 28 Romeo and Juliet.15 974248 Love's Labour Loft. 5 2 172153 Coriolanus. 4 2 727155

M. Ado About Noth. 5 1 143 14 Mer. of Venice. 421714 nor misdoubt

Which hung fo tottering in the balance, that I could neither believe,

― But in the balance of great Bolingbroke, befides himself, are all the
and with that odds he weighs king Richard down
Therefore ftill bear the balance, and the fword

All's Well. 3 281227 English peers,

Richard 3 4 431211 2 Henry iv. 5 2 503124

If the balance of our lives had not one scale of reason to poise another of fenfuality

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Bale. Rome and her rats are at the point of battle, the one fide must have bale Cor.

1 Henry vi. 2

1232 34 1 705114 1 550134

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Ibid. 5 5

568 240

Baleful. Contriv'd by art and baleful forcery

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2 Henry vi. 3 2 587153

Baleful weeds. I muft up-fill this ofier cage of ours with baleful weeds Rom. and Jul. 2 3 977154 Balked in his own blood

Ballad. Is there not a ballad, boy, of the king and the beggar

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A. S. P. C. L.

Ballads. Traduc'd by odious ballads

He utters them as he had eaten ballads

I love a ballad but even too well

I love a ballad in print, a'-life; for then we're sure they are true

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- Here's another ballad, of a fish, that appear'd upon the coaft, on fourfcore of April

Wednesday the

Ibid. 4 3 352 145

2 449 2 24

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- If I have not ballads made on you all, and sung to filthy tunes, let a cup of fack be my poison

1 Henry iv. 2

"I will have it in a particular ballad elfe, with mine own picture on the top of it

-And fcal'd rhimers ballad us out of tune

2 Henry iv. 4 3 495220 Ant. and Cleo.5 2 8011 r 1123244

Ballad-maker's pen. Prick out mine eyes with a ballad-maker's pen
Ballad-mongers. I had rather be a kitten and cry-mew, than one of these same metre

Mu. Ado A. Netb. 1

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Ballefling. And fo more equal ballasting to thee, Pofthumus
Balm his foul head with warm distilled waters.

With mine own tears I wash away my balm

Thy balm wash'd off, wherewith thou waft anointed

I pour the helpless balm of my poor eyes

913235 1252146

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Richard ii. 4
3 Henry vi. 3
Richard iii. 1 2 635210
Cor. 1 6 709243

- I could with you were conducted to a gentle bath and balms applied to you
➡ As sweet as balm, as soft as air, as gentle,—O Antony!
- of your age

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Ant. and Cleop. 52801256
Lear. 1 1931 228

Bale'd. Oppreffed nature fleeps:-this reft might yet have balm'd thy broken senses

Lear.3 6 951123

Baimy breath. O balmy breath, that doth almost persuade Justice herself to break her fword

Othello. 5 2 10752 50

Balmy flumbers. 'Tis the foldier's life, to have their balmy flumbers wak'd with ftrife

Balfam. Is this the balfam, that the ufuring fenate pours into captain's wounds

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Sometimes with lunatic bans, sometimes with prayers, inforce their charity Lear.2

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I will not bandy with thee word for word; but buckle with thee blows, twice two for one

One fit to bandy with thy lawless fons

· Do you bandy looks with me, you rascal?

'Tis not in thee to grudge my pleasures, to cut off my train, to

My words would bandy her to my sweet love, and his to me Bandying. This factious bandying of their favourites

3 Henry vi.14 608124 Titus Andronicus.1 2834221 Lear.1 4 935 226

bandy hafty words

Ibid. 2 4 944 2 17 Romeo and Juliet. 25 9802 22 1 Henry vi. 4 1 561154

The prince exprefsly hath forbid this bandying in Verona ftreets Romeo and Juliet. 3 1 982 212

Bane. Like rats that ravin down their proper bane

Muifure for Meajure.{1} 31



Bane. I will not be afraid of death and bane

And bane to thofe that for my furety will refuse the boys
Let Rome herself be bane unto herself

'Twill be his death; 'twill be his bane; he cannot bear it Banes. 'Tis fhe is fub-contracted to this lord, and I her husband,

A. S. P. C.L Macbeth. 5 3 384/2/42

2 Henry vi. 51 Titus Andronicus. 5 3 Troil. and Cref. 4 2

contradict your banes

600 152 854 162

8792 2

Lear. 5 3 963133

Bangd. The defperate tempest hath so bang'd the Turks, that their defignment halts

Othello. 2


Banish. Therefore we banish you our territories, you coufin Hereford upon pain of death

Richard ii. 1 3


I banish thee on the pain of death,-as I have done the rest of my misleaders 2 H. iv. 5 5 -me? banish your dotage; banish usury, that makes the senate ugly Banished from hence, from Silvia, and from me thy friend

Tim. of Atb. 3 5 2 Gent. of Verona. 3 1 Thy fon is banish'd upon good advice, whereto thy tongue a party-verdict gave

417213 506 2 16 817127 35141

Richard ii. 1 3 418 152

Thus is poor Suffolk ten times banished. Once by the king, and three times thrice by thee

That one word-banished, hath flain ten thousand Tybalts Banishment. When time fhall call him home from banishment

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Eating the bitter bread of banishment

Freedom lives hence, and banishment is here

Then banishment is death mis-term'd

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Banked. Have I not heard these islanders shout out, vive le roy, as I have bank'd their

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Bankrout. Time is a very bankrout and owes more than he's worth to feafon

Comedy of Errors.4 2 114123
Love's Lab. Loft. I

Wherefore do you look upon that poor and broken bankrupt there
Be York the next that must be bankrupt fo

The king's grown bankrupt like a broken man

hold faft; rather than render back, out with your knives, and cut your trufters'


O break, my heart!-Poor bankrupt, break at once!

Banners. Dancing banners

Timon of Athens. 4
Romeo and Juliet. 3 2
King Jobn. 2

Bankerout. Dainty bits make rich the ribs, but bankerout the wits
Bankrupt, wit.

I 147 2 2

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Henry v.4 2

393 26 550254

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I will a banner from a trumpet take, and use it for my haste

Bannerets. Yet the scarfs, and the bannerets, about thee, did manifoldly

from believing thee a veffel of too great a burden Banning. Fell, banning hag! Enchantrefs hold thy tongue Banns. With multiplying banns

Banquet brought in by spirits

Let us to the banquet

The mind fhall banquet, though the body pine
Vifit his countrymen and banquet them

My banquet is to close our stomachs up

It is a banquet to me

Befides the running banquet of two beadles

We have a trifling foolish banquet towards

diffuade me

[ocr errors]

Much Ado About Nothing. 2

Love's Labor Loft. 1
Taming of the Sbrew. 1

Ibid. 5 2 275144 Macbeth. 1 4 3662 19

Henry viii. 5 3 7012 3 5 9742 14

Banqueting. If you know that I profefs myself in banqueting to all the rout, then hold me dangerous

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Romeo and Juliet. 1

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Baptifm. That what you speak is in your confcience wash'd as pure as fin with bap

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The lottery of my destiny bars me the right of voluntary chufing Mer. of Venice. 2

O! thefe naughty times put bars between the owners and their rights

62143 2128240

1202136 Ibid. 3 2 209|2|63 Bars

A. S. P. C. L.

As You Like It. I 223 124

Bars me the pleasure of a brother

Peace, ho! I bar confufion

• a thousand harms, and lengthens life.

Since this bar in law makes us friends

I will bar no honest man my house, nor no cheater - Harry England, that sweeps through our land, with pennons painted in the blood of Harfleur

Ibid. 5


240 141

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254 241

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256 137

2 Henry iv. 2 4


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To bring your most imperial majesties unto this bar, and royal interview
Which obloquy set bars before my tongue

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If you cannot bar his access to the king, never attempt any thing on him And to bar your offence herein too, I durst attempt it against any lady in the world Cym. 1 — For your claim, fair fifter, I bar it in the interest of my wife Barbara. My mother had a maid, call'd-Barbara; fhe was in love, and he she lov'd, prov'd mad

Henry viii. 3


688 2 2

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Barbarians. I would they were Barbarians, (as they are, though in Rome litter'd :) Cor. 31
Barbarifm. I have for barbarism spoke more, than for that angel knowledge you can

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Barbary. When Bolingbroke rode on roan Barbary, that horfe that thou fo often had

Barbary borfe. You'll have your daughter cover'd with a Barbary horse
Barbafon, [founds] well

Barbazon. I am not Barbazon; you cannot conjure me
Barb'd. It was the defire of the penitent to be fo barb'd before his death Meaf. for Meaf.4
Barbed-feeds. Instead of mounting barbed steeds

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Richard iii. 1

Barber. He may keep it still as a face-royal, for a barber shall never earn fixpence out of it

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951 33


2 476 125

Ham. 2 210152 I All's Well. 2 2285 146 Lear. 2 2 940238

Barbury ben. He will not swagger with a Barbury hen, if her feathers turn back

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Ant. and Cleop.2

2779 2 16

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It was a bare petition of a state, to one whom they had punish'd Bare-bone. Here comes lean Jack, here comes bare-bone

Bare Chriftian.

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1 Henry iv. 2 3 2 Gent. of Verona.3 1

Bare-gnawn. My name is loft; by treason's tooth bare-gnawn, and canker-bit Lear. 5 3

Bargain. Upon what bargain do you give it me

The boy hath fold him a bargain

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No bargains break, that are not this day made

But in the way of bargain, mark ye me, I'll cavil on the ninth part of a hair

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Bargulus. This villain here being captain of a pinnace, threatens more than Bargulu

the ftrong Illyrian pirate


2 Henry vi.14

592/1156 Baring.

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