- O, mickle is the powerful grace that lies in plants, herbs, ftones Microcosm. If you fee this in the map of my microcofm Middle earth. I smell a man of middle earth A. S. P. C. L. Julius Cæfar. 2 1 748/1/20 - I do think, there is a mettle in death, which commits some loving act upon her Ant. and Cleop. 1 2 769251 - Whose self-fame mettle, whereof thy proud child, arrogant man is puft, engenders the black toad, and adder blue - And every Greek of mettle, let him know - Why, now I fee there's mettle in thee Mew. Why, will you mew her up, fignior Baptifta, for this fiend of hell Tam. of the Sbr. 1 Should move you to mew up your tender kinsman Micher. Shall the blessed fun of heaven prove a micher, and eat blackberries Miching. This is miching malicho Mickle blame - An oath of mickle might Henry v. 2 - If I to-day die not with Frenchmen's rage, to-morrow I shall die with mickle age 1 H. vi. 4 - In duty bend thy knee to me, that bows unto the grave with mickle age 2 H. vi. 5 Romeo and Juliet. 2 Coriolanus. 2 1 Merry W. of Winds. 5 5 K. Jobn. 4 2 4032 17 shall not be anoy'd Tam. of the Shrew. I 1 256 235 Richard iii. 1 1 634124 Romeo and Juliet. 3 As You Like It. 2 Meas. for Meas. 1 5 79223 1 Henry vi. I 3545 2 12 2 Henry vi. 571 3 I 1092 19 1515120 I 6 563232 1 600255 9772 I 712 2 13 72 116 67254 133260 1952 29 1 - To be up after midnight, and to go to bed then, is early; so that to go to bed after Might. What poor duty cannot do, noble respect takes it in might, not merit M. N. Dr. 5 I 2 4812 13 492 47 193 121 - I have a man's mind, but a woman's might Julius Cæfar. 2 3 Mighty. Though mean and mighty rotting together in one dust Cymbeline. 4 2 7512 18 917146 Milan, Duke of. D. P. Tavo Gent. of Ver. 23 -shall not behold thee Milch. Would have made milch the burning eyes of heaven, and paffion in the gods Ham. 2 Mildew'd. Here is your husband; like a mildew'd ear, blasting his wholesome brother Milderos the white wheat Lear. 3 4 949 1 12 Mildly. What we did was mildly as we might, tend'ring our sister's honour and our own Mildness. My mildness hath allay'd their swelling griefs Mile. Ask them how many inches is in one mile Titus Andronicus. I 2 836 123 3 Henry vi. 48 627227 Love's Labor Loft. 5 2 167 243 - These high wild hills, and rough uneven ways, draw out our miles, and make them Mile-end. He had the honour to be the officer at a place there, call'd Mile-end Militarift. You are deceiv'd, my lord, this is Monfieur Parolles, the gallant militarift Milk. Yet do I fear thy nature; it is too full o' the milk of human kindness - Come to my woman's breasts, and take my milk for gall, you murd'ring The milk thou fuck'ft from her did turn to marble 907223 208 130 Mach. 1 5 366 242 minifters Ib. 1 Titus Andron. 2 5 367 122 3 839 147 Lear.11 930143 Milk 1 376 Milk-liver'd man Milk-maid. Thy head stands so tickle on thy shoulders, that a milk-maid, if she be in love, may sigh it off Milk-fops 78138 Measure for Measure. 1 3 A milk-fop, one that never in his life felt so much cold as over shoes in snow R.ii. 5 3 669 11 Milk-white bosom of thy love Hamlet. 2 2 1015 135 Two Gent. of Verona. 2 I 28 1,34 Winter's Tale. 4 2 349 116 Julius Cæfar. 4 758 146 Hamlet. 2 2 1014 241 Richard iii. 3 641 140 860 144 For the play, I remember, pleas'd not the million Mill-wheels. As fast as mill-wheels strike Mince. Hold up your head and mince Ibid. 1 4 643 27 Troil. and Creffida. 1 2 Tempest. 1 2 Merry Wives of Windfor. 5 1 I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to fay-I love you - Mince not the general tongue Ant. Tim. That minces virtue, and does shake the head to hear of pleasure's name - Thy honesty and love doth mince this matter Minc'd. Ay, a minc'd man: and then to be bak'd with no date in the pye 4252 70146 Henry v. 5 2 539 149 and Cleop. 1 2 769 27 of Athens. 4 3 821116 Lear. 4 6 958 247 Othello. 2 3 1057 133 Tr. and Cr. 1 2 861150 : Henry iv. 31 458 136 Henry viii. 2 3 682237 Hamlet. 2 2 1015/2/18 Tempest. 4 1 17257 Two Gent. of Ver. 5 3 43 118 Merry Wives of Windfor. 1 5 49 113 Hard-handed men, that work in Athens here, which never labour'd in their minds till now A golden mind stoops not to shows of dross Mids. Night's Dream. 51 192 257 Not fick, my lord, unless it be in mind! nor well, unless in mind For 'tis the mind that makes the body rich She bore a mind that envy could not but call fair There's no art to find the mind's construction in the face No mind, that's honest, but in it shares some woe Infected minds to their deaf pillows will discharge their secrets Ibid. 3 2 211251 Taming of the Shrew. 43 272 1 3 Twelfth Night. 2 1 313 242 Macbeth. 1 4 366 127 Ibid. 4 3 3822 5 - The mind I sway by, and the heart I bear, shall never fagg with doubt, nor shake with fear Ibid. 51 383 229 Ibid. 5 3 384 139 Your mind is all as youthful as your blood Ibid. 5 3 384/2/20 King Jobn. 3 4 401135 1 Henry iv. 4 1 46117 For there's no better fign of a brave mind, than a hard hand "Tis but a base ignoble mind that mounts no higher than a bird can foar 2 Henry vi. 2 1 578143 Henry v.4 3 531226 Ibid. 4 2 593 112 I mind to tell him plainly what I think Let thy dauntless mind still ride in triumph over all mifchance 3 Henry vi. 3 3 6192 3 Ibid. 41 622 118 I shortly mind to leave you Fearless minds climb fooneft unto crowns Ibid. 4 1 622 131 Ibid. 47 6262 61 636146 Thou wast provoked by thy bloody mind, that never dreamt on aught but butcheries Ib. 1 you are -By à divine instinct, mens minds mistrust ensuing danger You bear a gentle mind, and heavenly blessings follow fuch creatures My mind's not on't, you are too hard for me 'I is meet that noble minds keep ever with their likes 2 Richard iii. 1 3 639 117 Ibid. 2 3 647 136 Henry viii. 2 3 683116 Ibid. 3 2 689 2 17 Ibid. 5 1 697 135 Julius Cæfar. 1 2 745112 Our fathers minds are dead, and we are govern'd with our mothers spirits - I have a man's mind, but a woman's might 261 Ibid. 1 3 7452 Mind. Mind. Have mind upon your health, tempt me no further - That man might ne'er be wretched for his mind Never mind was to be so unwife, to be so kind A.S. P. C. L. Jul. Cæfar. 4 3 75913 Timon of Athens. 1 2 808211 Ibid. 2 2 810121 - My mind is troubled like a fountain stirr'd, and I myself fee not the bottom of it -'Would the fountain of your mind were clear again sway'd by eyes, are full of turpitude Thy mind to her is now as low, as were thy fortunes Troil. and Creff 33 877 231 Ibid. 3 3 877235 Ibid. 5 2 886 2 10 Cymbeline. 3 2 907 140 Ibid. 3 4 910233 - If you could wear a mind dark as your fortune is - When the mind's free, the body's delicate A troubled mind drave me to walk abroad A mote it is, to trouble the mind's eye In my mind's eye Lear. 3 6 951134 Romeo and Juliet. 11968257 For to the noble mind rich gifts wax poor, when givers prove unkind - I faw Othello's visage in his mind - But to be free and bounteous to her mind Minded. To know how you stand minded in the weighty difference between and you - I minded him, how royal 'twas to pardon when least it was expected - One minded like the weather most unquietly Mine. Quibbling on that word -'s my gentility, with my education Hamlet. 111000243 Ibid. 1 2 1003159 Ibid. 3 11017226 Otbello. 1 3 1049233 Ibid. 1 3 1049247 the king Henry-vii. 3 1 68717 Lear. 3 Much Ado About Nothing. 4 As You Like It. 1 - For look you, the mines are not according to the disciplines of the war - Every man that stood, shew'd like a mine - Thou mine of bounty Minerva. Hark, Tranio! thou may'st hear Minerva speak Mingle. O heavenly mingle Mingled. Her fortunes mingled with thine entirely Minikin mouth Henry v. 3 I 733 126 1946 1 17 1 138 2 7 1 2232 1 2 521 1 14 Henry viii. 1 1 672 1 18 Antony and Cleop. 46 792215 Taming of the Sbrew. 1 1 255238 Ant. and Cleop. 1 5 7732 2 Ibid. 412 795113 Lear. 3 6 950 2 14 Romeo and Juliet. 2 4 978 24 Love's Labor Loft. 3 1 155133 Midf. Night's Dream. 32 188 1 17 Like valours minion, carved out his passage, till he fac'd the flave 17135 - Then in a moment, fortune shall cull forth, out of one fide her happy minion K.Jubn. 2 2 394134 -Who is sweet fortune's minion, and her pride 1 Henry iv. 1 1 442 2 17 Ibid. 1 2 443 122 Let us be-Diana's foresters, gentlemen of the shade, minions of the moon - Give me my fan: what, minion! can you not - Go rate thy minions, proud insulting boy Is this the Athenian minion, whom the world voic'd so regardfully - This minion stood upon her chastity - The exile of her minion is too new; she hath not yet forgot him - your dear lies dead, and your fate hies apace 2 Henry vi. I 3 576 159 3 Henry vi. 2 2 612 127. 8202 14 Tim. of Ath. 4 3 Titus Andronicus. 23 839125 9031 6 Cymbeline. 2 3 Otbeilo. 5 1 1074152 Minifter. Shall we ferve heaven with less respect than we do minister to our gross selves Measure for Measure. 2 2 - Make me to know the nature of their crimes, that I may minister to them accord ingly -How sweetly do you minister to love -Will minister such assistance And over-joy of heart doth minister Much Ado What did this vanity, but minister communication of a most poor issue - What his high hatred would effect, wants not a minister in his power -To him the other two shall minifter - Which the time shall more favourable minister Minstrelfy. I will use him for my minstrelsy Minnock. Forth my minnock comes 83225 Love's Labor Loft. 1 1 1491 19 Mids. Night's Dream. 3 2 185136 Minnow, That low-fpirited swain, that base minnow of thy mirth Love's Labor Loft. 1 1 149238 A. S. P. C.L. Minnorus. Hear you this Triton of the Minnows Minos Minotaurs. There minotaurs and ugly treasons lurk : Minstrels. I would bid thee draw, as we do the minstrels; draw to pleasure us -Tush, none but mimstrels like of sonneting Confort! what, dost thou make us minstrels Mint of phrafes Minute. I must hear from thee every day i' the hour, for in a minute there are many - Great floods have flown from fimple fources: and great feas have dry'd, when mi -But you have done more miracles than I; you made, in a day, my lord, whole towns to fly - Yet who this should be, doth miracle itself Miraculous barp. His word was more than the miraculous harp Miranda. D. P. Mirror. Your chang'd complexions are to me a mirror - Let it command a mirror hither straight; that it may shew me what a face I have, fince it is bankrupt of his majesty - Following the mirror of all chriftian kings How far'ft thou, mirror of all martial men - Two mirrors of his princely semblance, are crack'd in pieces by malignant death - When such a specious mirror's set before him, he needs must see himself Ant. & Cle. 5 1 798 15 - Call him, bounteous Buckingham, the mirrour of all courtefy Henry viii. 2 1 679 2 15 Mirth. One fading moment's mirth, bought with twenty watchful, weary, tedious Frame your mind to mirth and merriment, which bars a thousand harms, and lengthens life Induc. to Tam. of the Shrew. Macbeth. 3 4 375155 - Be large in mirth; anon, we'll drink a measure the table round 683 2 20 Love's Lab. Loft. 2 1 152 2 24 Romeo and Juliet. 5 3 996 255 Mifadventured piteous overthrows Ibid. 96717 Misanthropos. I am mifanthropos, and hate mankind Misbegotten. And free from other misbegotten hate Misbecame. Speak in your state, what I have done that misbecame my place 2 Henry iv. 5 2 503120 Timon of Athens. 43 820 130 Richard ii. 1 1 414 1 13 Misbelieving Moor Titus Andronicus. 5385517 Mifcarry. If thou marry, hang me by the neck, if horns that year miscarry I would not have him miscarry for the half of my dowry Love's L. Loft. 4 1 158129 Twelfth Night. 3 4 323 138 - What mifcarries shall be the general's fault, though he perform to the utmost of a man Coriolanus. 1 1 706133 Lear. 51 961230 - If you miscarry, your business of the world hath so an end, and machination ceases Mifchance, Make yourself ready in your cabin for the mischance of the hour Tempeft. I -Hood-wink thy mischance 121 18155 Mifcbances. Ibid.14 1 Mifchances. A thousand more mifchances than this one, have learn'd me how to brook this patiently Nimble mischance, that art so light of foot - View these letters, full of bad mischance - Farewel, York's wife, and queen of fad mischance - Mean time forbear, and let mischance be flave to patience Mischief. Do that good mifchief - A moral medicine, to a mortifying mischief - Will it ferve for any model to build mischief on O, mischief, strangely thwarting A. S. P. C. L. In the temple, in the town, the field, you do me mischief Midf. N.'s Dr. 2 2 181133 641 19 As prone to mifchief, as able to perform it Henry viii. thou art a-foot, take thou what course thou wilt Julius Cafar. 3 1 673228 2757137 That with the mischief of your person it would scarcely allay !thou art fwift to enter in the thoughts of defperate men Romeo and Jul. 5 Lear. 1 2 934 140 1994130 - To mourn a mischief that is paft and gone, is the next way to draw new mischief Mifcreant. Thou art a traitor and a mifcreant, too good to be fo, and too bad to live R. ii. 1 - O, vaffal! mifcreant I Lear. 1 1 563138 4141 19 931116 Mifcreate. With opening titles mifcreate, whose right suits not in native colours with the truth Henry v. 1 2 511137 Misdemeanors. If you can feparate yourself and your misdemeanors, you are welcome to the houfe Twelfth Night. 2 3 31524 Misdoubteth. The bird that hath been limed in a bush, with trembling wings mifdoubteth every bush -Whose miferies are to be smil'd at, their offences being so capital - No misery makes sport to mock itself He covers less than misery itself would give -Willing mifery out-lives incertain pomp The gods out of my mifery hath fent thee treasure - Plot some device of further misery, to make us wondered at in times to come Tit. An. 3 - 'Twas yet fome comfort, when misery could beguile the tyrant's rage and frustrate Winter's Tale. 43 357 135 Mis'bav'd. But like a mis'hav'd and a fullen wench, thou pout'st upon thy fortune 2 B2 Mifprifing. |