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In a better hour let what is meet be faid, it must be meet
It is not meet you know how Cæfar lov'd you

Meer the truth

A. S. P. C. L.

All's Well-13 51 292|2|50

Meered. At fuch a point, when half to half the world oppofed, he being the meered

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Induc. to Tam. of the Shrew.

2 1291 6 2254236

Coriolanus. 3

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7. Cafar. 3



Let's withdraw; and meet the time, as it seeks us
Let me, if not by birth, have lands by wit: all with me's meet, that I can fashion fit

Cymbeline. 4 3

9191 53

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He therefore fends you, meeter for your fpirit, this tun of treasure Meeteft. I am a tainted wether of the flock, meeteft for death

Henry v.1

2 513142

Mer. of Venice. 4 1
2 Henry vi. 1 3

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York is meetest man to be your Regent in the realm of France
There at your meeteft vantage of the time, infer the baftardy of Edward's children

Meet food. Hath fuch meet food

Meetly. You can do better yet; but this is meetly
Mebercle-if their fons be ingenious

2152 31 567226

Richard iii. 35 653211

Mu. Ado Ab. Notb.1
Ant. and Cleop.1
Love's Labor Loft. 4
Lear. 2

Meiny. On whose contents, they summon'd up their meiny, straight took horse
Melancholies. How melancholies I am

as a lodge in a warren

Mer, W. of Windf.3

I 122229

4 943125


3 771141 1592 8



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comfortless despair

Ibid. 2

Ibid. 3

Ibid. 5

Love's Labor Loft.1


Ibid. 1


Ibid. 3

149 2 21 150 149 155145

Turn melancholy forth to funerals, the pale companion is not for our pomp

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They say you are a melancholy fellow,-I am fo; I do love it better than laughing


5 231 236 2237 138

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If I lose a scruple of this sport, let me be boil'd to death with melancholy
The king is not at the palace: he is gone aboard a new ship o purge melancholy,
and air himself

Winter's Tale. 4 3 357 3

- I am as melancholy as a gib cat, or a lugg'd bear, or an old lion, or a lover's lute, or the drone of a Lincolnshire bag-pipe.—What saith thou to a hare, or the melancholy of Moor ditch

If that furly fpirit, melancholy, had bak'd thy blood, and made it heavy And given my treasures, and my rights of thee to thick ey'd mufing melancholy

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- O, melancholy! who ever yet could found thy bottom? find the ooze, to shew what
coaft thy fluggish crare might easiest harbour in

Melford. Against the Duke of Suffolk for enclosing the commons of Melford
Mell. Men are to mell with, boys are but to kifs

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A. S. P. C. L.

Twelfth Night 2| 3| 315|1 I

Mellifluous voice

Mellow. And might not be deliver'd to the world, till I had made mine own occafion


Profperity begins to mellow, and drop into the rotten mouth of death Mellow'd. Even in the downfall of his mellow'd years

Mellow bangings. But in one night a storm, or robbery, call it what you will, fhook down my mellow hangings

Mellowing. Delivered upon the mellowing of occafion

Melt. Nay, if you melt, then will the run mad

I melt, and am not of stronger earth than others
Melun, a French Lord. D. P.

Members. As fefter'd members rot but by degrees, 'till bones and flesh and finews fall
Memorial. And fighs, and takes my glove, and gives memorial dainty kiffes to it, as I
kifs thee

Memorize. Or memorize another Golgotha
Memoriz'd. From her will fall fome bleffing to this land, which shall in it be memoriz'd

Made fuch a finner of his memory to credit his own lie
And leave no memory of what it was

These are begot in the ventricle of memory

Ibid. I 2

308 51

Richard iii. 4 4


3 Henry vi. 33

620 145

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1 Henry iv. 3 1

459 110

Coriolanus. 5 3

735 145

King Jobn.


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And quite divorce his memory from his part

Ibid. 5


167 156

Unbreath'd memories

Mid. Night's Dream. 5

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192 259

O you memory of old Sir Rowland

As You Like It.23


That memory, the warden of the brain shall be a fume


368 225

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384 221

Therefore will he wipe his tables clean, and keep no tell-tale to his memory 2 H. iv. 4

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494 2 20

Their memory fhall as a pattern or a measure live
That ever living man of memory Henry the fifth
Blotting your names from books of memory

Ibid. 4


498 135

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562 158

Yet he fhall have a noble memory

2 Henry vi. 1 1
Coriolanus. 5 5

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Why should I write this down, that's riveted, screw'd to my memory
But our great court made me to blame in memory

Memories. Thefe weeds are memories of those worfer hours

The memory be green

'Tis in my memory lock'd, and you yourself shall keep the key of it From the table of my memory I'll wipe away all trivial fond records

If it live in your memory

Then there's hope, a great man's memory may outlive his life half a year

Cymbeline. 2 2
Ibid. 3 5
Lear. 4 7 9601 7

912 238

Hamlet. 1 2 1001 2 8

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I have fome rights of memory in this kingdom, which now to claim my vantage doth invite me

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3 2 1019 2 53

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Mercade. D. P.

Love's Lab. Loft.

Mercatante. A mercatante, or a pedant, I know not what, but formal in apparel

Mercatio the rich

Mercenary. My mind was never yet more mercenary

Tam. of the Sbrew. 4
Two Gent. of Verona. 1
Merch. of Venice. 4

For many of our princes (woe the while) lie drown'd and soak'd in mercenary blood

2 25 120 1218 155

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A. S. P. C. L.

Merchandise. The merchandise, which thou hast brought from Rome, are all too dear]

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Antony and Clep.|
Timon of Atb.

5 778 215 803


Merchant. Now I play a merchant's part, and venture madly on a desperate mart


This is a riddling merchant for the nonce
Cæfar's no merchant, to make prize with you of things that merchants fold A. & C.5 2 800 210
Let us, like merchants, fhew our fouleft wares

Taming of the Shrew. 2 12631 8
1 Henry vi. 23 552125
Troil. and Creff1 38655
Rom. and Juliet. 2 4

Merchant-marring rocks. And not one veffel 'scape the dreadful touch of merchant-mar

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Who being, as I am, litter'd under Mercury, was likewise a snapper-up of unconfidered trifles

Be Mercury, fet feathers to thy heels, and fly like thought

Rife from the earth like feather'd Mercury

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979 233

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But he, poor man, by your first order died, and that a winged Mercury did bear; fome tardy cripple bore the countermand

Apollo, Pallas, Jove, or Mercury, infpire me

And fly like chidden Mercury from Jove

loofe all the ferpentine craft of thy caduceus

A station like the herald Mercury, new-lighted on a heaven-kiffing hill Mercutio. D. P.

Mercy is not itself, that oft looks fo

644 2 48 1845225 2 867 120

Ibid. 2 3
Hamlet. 3 4

Romeo and Juliet.


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Meaf. for Meaf. 2


You might pardon him, and neither heaven nor man grieve at the mercy · characterized by Isabella

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Ibid. 2
Ibid. 2
Ibid. 2



There is a devilish mercy in the judge

Ibid. 3 1


83141 83154 86143 881 6

Thy fin's not accidental, but a trade mercy to thee would prove itself a bawd
This would make mercy fwear, and play the tyrant

Ibid. 3 1


Ibid. 2


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When vice makes mercy, mercy's fo extended, that for the fault's love, is the offender friended

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Were I not the better part made mercy, I should not seek an abfent argument of my revenge

As You Like It. 3 1 234126

He tells me flatly, there is no mercy for me in Heaven, because I am a Jew's daughter

Mer. of Venice. 3 5 214|1|16|

If I talk to him, with his innocent prate he will awake my mercy, which lies dead

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The mercy that was quick in us but late, by your own counsel is fupprefs'd and kill'd

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There's no hop'd-for mercy with the brothers more than with ruthlefs waves, with fands and rocks

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If e'er thou ftand at mercy of my fword, name Creffid, and thy life fhall be as fafe as Priam is in Ilion

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You have a vice' of mercy in you, which better fits a lion than a man
If he should write, and I not have it, 'twere a paper loft as offer'd mercy is
but murders, pardoning those that kill

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Romeo and


Mercy. Whereto ferves mercy, but to confront the vifage of offence

Mere. To the mere undoing of all the kingdom

The mere perdition of the Turkish fleet

Merely. We're merely cheated of our lives by drunkards
Things rank and grofs in nature poffefs it merely

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Othello. 21054221 Tempeft.1 I 215 Hamlet.1 210031 3

Meridian. And from the full meridian of my glory I hafte now to my fitting Henry viii. 3 2 690 232 Merit. And, when we fall, we anfwer others merits in our names

Ant. and Cleop.5 2


Praise him more than ever man did merit
Much Ado About Notb.
Who shall go about to cozen fortune, and be honourable without the stamp of merit

8024 1131249

O that clear honour were purchased by the merit of the wearer
Whoever ftrove to fhew her merit, that did mifs her love

Merchant of Venice. 2
Ibid. 2

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All's Well. 1

I 279 217

But that the merit of fervice is feldom attributed to the true and exact performer Ib. A dearer merit, not fo deep a maim, as to be caft forth in the common air have I deferved

Richard ii. 3417231


O, if men were to be fav'd by merit, what hole in hell were hot enough for him

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Her cloaths spread wide; and, mermaid-like, awhile they bore her up

Merriman. Brach Merriman

Merriment. They do it but in mocking merriment

d. 2 21802 2
3 Henry vi. 3 2 619 124
Ant. and Cleop.22 776158
Hamlet. 4 71033117

Induc. to Tam. of the Shrew.
Love's Labor Loft.5

- Put on your boldest suit of mirth, for we have friends that purpose merriment

I 25219



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Merrinefs. Be it as the ftile fhall give us caufe to climb in the merrinefs Love's L. Left. 1
Merry as the day is long

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If you can be merry then, I'll say, a man may weep upon his wedding day

Prol. to Henry viii.

He would have all as merry as first-good company, good wine, good welcome, can make good people


Ibid. 146772 4
Ibid. 14 677257

That noble lady, or gentleman, that is not freely merry, is not my friend
He was not merry; which feemed to tell them, his remembrance lay in Egypt
with his joy

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Meh. And hath woven a golden mesh to entrap the hearts of men, fafter than gnats in cobwebs

Merch. of Venice. 3 2 210251 Mefbes. Such a hare is madness the youth-to skip o'er the meshes of good counfel the cripple

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Meffages. Sometimes from her eyes I did receive fair speechless meffages Mer. of Ven.
Messala. D. P.

Meflenger. Many-coloured messenger

I have another messenger to your worship

I am but as a guiltless messenger

-Art thou a meffenger, or come of pleasure

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-2 Hen. vi. p. 571.

Othello, p. 1043.

A. S. P. C. L.

Julius Cæfar.
Tem eft. 41
Merry W. of Windf. 2 2
As You Like It. 4 3

2 Henry vi. 5 1

-Hen. v. p. 509.

Ricb. ii. p. 413.

Ant. and Cleop. p. 767.

-Cym. p. 893.

Meaf. for Meaf.

some more test made of my metal

To put metal in restrained means to make a false one

So much against the metal of your fex

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199 113 741

17110 54 242 243256

599 140

176134 Ibid. 2 4 85/2/29

Twelfth Night. 513321 3

Oh, it grieves my soul, that I must draw this metal from my fide, to be a widowmaker

King Jobn. 5 2 408 111

That bed,that womb,that metal,thatself-mould,that fashioned thee,made him a man R. ii. 1 2415238 For from his metal was his party fteel'd

Now I feel of what coarse metal ye are moulded,-envy
See, whe'r their baseft metal be not mov'd

Brutus, thou art noble: yet, I fee, thy honourable metal may be wrought, from
that it is difpos'd

The fineness of which metal is not found in fortune's love

2 Henry iv. 1 1 475110

They are as children, but one step below, even of your metal, of your very blood

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Metaphor. If your metaphor stink, I will stop my nofe; or against any man's metaphor

Wherefore sweetheart? What's your metaphor

Metaphyfical. Which fate and metaphyfical aid doth feem to have thee

Macbeth. 15 366 255

Metaphyficks. The mathematicks and the metaphyficks, fall to them as you find your ftomach ferves you

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Meteor. I will awe him with my cudgel; it shall hang like a meteor o'er the cuckold's

Of his heart's meteors tilting in his face
Makes me more amaz'd, than had I feen the vaulty top of heaven figur'd quite o'er
with burning meteors

Meteors fright the fixed ftars of heaven

Do you fee these meteors? do you behold these exhalations

And be no more an exhal'd meteor

I mifs'd the meteor once, and hit that woman, who cry'd out, clubs

King John. 5 2
Richard ii. 2 4

425 244

1 Henry iv. 2 4 4542 18 Ibid. 51467248 Henry viii. 5 3 701141

It is fome meteor that the fun exhales, to be to thee this night a torch-bearer

Mete-yard. Take thou the bill, give me thy mete-yard, and fpare not me

Metheglin. Metheglin, wort, and malmsey: well run dice

Methinks. Methinks you are fadder

Method. I will beat this method in your sconce

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Where have they this mettle? is not their climate foggy; raw, and dull
He was quick mettle, when he went to school



142 159


368 234


1 Henry iv. 2 4 454251 Ibid. 4 3 466|1|41 Ibid. 5 4 470243 2 Henry iv. 5 3 504147 Henry v.3 5 5231 2 Jul. Cæfar.12744|2|58


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