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A. S. P. C. L.

Hamlet. 5110332:59
Othello. 1 3 1051215

Afs. Your dull afs will not mend his pace with beating
And will as tenderly be led by the nofe as affes are
Make the Moor thank me, love me, and reward me, for making him egregiously an

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Ibid. 2 11054210 Mid. Night's Dream. 3 1 184 133 Ibid. 3 2 185134

Twelfth Night. 513311

3 Henry vi.

Hamlet. I


1604 148

5 897 222


Macbeth. 3 2 374 233

As You Like It. 1 3 228|2|34 Twelfth Night. 3 4 324241 Cymbeline. 23

Affails. But he affails; and our virginity, though valiant, in the defence yet is weak

Affaffinations. If the affaffination could trammel up the confequences
Afault. I will make a complimental affault upon him
Ajay. That he dares in this manner affay me


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Bid herself affay him

He hath made an affay of her virtue

9031 4

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All's Well.
Macbeth. 1 7 367253
Troilus and Creffida. 3
1 871216
Merry W. of Windfor. 2 I 51244
Meafure for Meafure. 1 3

Till I have brought him to his wits again or lofe my labour in afsaying it

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Ibid. 31


891 6

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He wrote this but as an affay, or taste of my virtue

of bias

Never more to give the affay of arms against your majesty

Did you affay him to any paftime

This cannot be, by no affay of reafon

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Aflayed. What, if we affay'd to steal the clownish fool out of your father's court

The rebels have affay'd to win the tower

As You Like It. 1 3 228251 2 Henry vi. 4 5 59528

Ambiance. Care I for the limb, the thewes, the ftature, bulk and big affemblance of

a man

Affemblies. And held in idle price to haunt affemblies
Align. I pray your highness to affign our trial-day

2 Henry iv. 3 2 Meaf. for Meaf. 14 Richard ii.1

Six French rapiers and poniards, with their affigns, as girdle, hanger, and fo

491 150 78215 1415110

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And fuch affurance ta'en as fhall with either part's agreement stand

Expect they are bufied about a counterfeit affurance, take you affurance of her Ibid. 4 4 272264

Give me modeft affurance, if you be the lady of the house

A defperate affurance

I'll make affurance double fure, and take a bond of fate

Twelfth Night.15 312127
Ibid. 2 2 314111
Macbeth. 4 1378 230

By this knot thou shalt so surely tie, thy now unfured affurance to the crown

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They are fheep, and calves, which feck out affurance in that

Affur'd. Swore I was affur'd to her

I am well affur'd, that I did fo, when I was firft affur'd

Affyrian. O base Affyrian knight what is thy news

Affyrian flings. As fwift as ftones enforced from the old Affyrian flings
Aftonifh'd. Enough, captain; you have aftonish'd him
Aftrea. Bright Aftrea's daughter

K. Jobn. 2 2 394258 2 Henry iv. 2 476 132 Timon of Aibens. 2 2 812|1|13| Hamlet.5 11034221 Comedy of Errors. 3 2 111251

K. John. 2 2 3952 4 2 Henry iv. 5 3 505115 Henry v.4 7 534 53 Henry v.51 537425 1 Henry vi6 549 33 Aftringer

A. S. P. C. L.

Afringer. Enter a gentle aftringer

ftronomers. When he performs aftronomers foretel it

All's Well. 5
Troil. and Cref. 51

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You have a nimble wit; I think it was made of Atalanta's heels
Atchieve. I burn, I pine, I perish, Tranio, if I atchieve not this young modest girl

O, learned indeed were that aftronomer, that knew the stars, as I his characters Cym. 3 Atalanta's better part


907 2 4

As You Like It. 3

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Ibid. 3

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No certain life atchiev'd by others death
Bafely yielded upon compromise, that which his ancestors atchiev'd with blows R.. 2
He hath atchieved a maid

Atchievement. For all the foil of the atchievement goes with me into the earth
And for atchievement, offer us his ransom

K. Jobn. 4 2

404 110

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Othello. 2

110521 12

2 H. iv. 4


500 24

Henry v.3


523 150

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is, command

How my atchievements mock me

Troi. and Cref 1



Ibid. 4



Hamlet. 1

410061 8

Much Ado About Nothing.2

3 127 2 27

K. John. 2

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Julius Cæfar. 31

7542 30

Love's Laber Loft.5


127 249

Tim. of Athens. 4




Lear. 3 4


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Athens. The common-wealth of Athens is become a foreft of beasts
Athenian. Come, good Athenian

Atbol, Earl of

Atbwart. The baby beats the nurse and quite athwart goes all decorum
Whatsoever come athwart his affection, ranges evenly with mine
Nor never lay'd his heaving arms athwart
Quite traverse, athwart the heart of his lover

1 Henry iv. 1
Meaf. for Meaf. 1
M. Ado Ab. Noth. 2 2
Love's Labor Left. 4 3
As You Like It. 3 4
news 1 Hen.iv. 1 1
Henry v.5 cb
3 Henry vi. 51

When all athwart, there came a poft from Wales loaden with heavy
Heave him away upon your winged thoughts athwart the fea

Atias. Thou art no Atlas for fo great a weight

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Do bravely, horfe! for wot'ft thou whom thou mov'ft? the demy atlas of this earth

Atomies. It is as eafy to count atomies, as to refolve the propofitions of a lover


Drawn with a team of little atomies

Atomy. Thou atomy, thou

Atone. Since we cannot atone you, you shall see, juftice decide the victor's chivalry

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Richard ii. 1

I 4152 8

Coriolanus. 4 6 7312 7

Timon of Athens.5 6 829121
Cymbeline. 1
Othello. 4

Merry Wives of Windfor. 1

- If we do now make our atonement well, our peace will, like a broken limb united, grow ftronger for the breaking

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5896 248

1 1069|2|26

I 461 7

2 Henry iv. 4 1 494240 3 6381 38

He defires to make atonement between the duke of Glofter and your brothers R.. Atropos. Come, Atropos, I fay

Attach. Or I'll attach you by this officer

Either confent to pay the fum for me, or I attach you by this officer
Every man attach the hand of his fair mistress

2 Henry iv. 2 4 485229 Comedy of Errors.4 1 112139 Ibid. 4 1 113119 Love's Labour Loft. 4 3 164213 W. Tale. 5 1 359 2 2 Richard ni. 2 3425213 Romeo and Juliet.5 3 996233 Tempeft. 3 2

Defires you to attach his fon; who has his dignity and duty both caft off

By him that gave me life I would attach you all

whome'er you find

Attach'd with weariness

Attaint. What fimple thief brags of his own attaint

But chearful looks, and over-bears attaint


Comedy of Errors. 3 2 1102 34 Henry v.4 ch 527131

My tender youth was never yet attaint with any paffion of inflaming love 1 5 6 570 1 I Nor any man an attaint, but he carries fome ftain of it

Troil. and Creffid.1 2 859|1|38

Attainted. My father was attached, not attainted

Attainture. Hume's knavery will be the duchefs' wreck; and her attainture will be
Humphrey's fall

A. S. P. C.L.

1 Henry vi.

4 553 1146

2 Henry vi. 1

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All's Well. 1

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Ibid. 1 3 282 256 Macbeth. 2 2369241

Attempt. Neither my coat, integrity, nor my profeffion can attempt you Meaf. for Meaf 4
Impoffible be strange attempts, to those that weigh their pain in sense
-I'll stay at home, and pray God's bleffing into thy attempt
The attempt, and not the deed, confounds us :-hark!-
Such poor, fuch bare, fuch lewd, fuch mean attempts
Attemptible. And lefs attemptible, than any the rareft of our ladies in France
Attend. Doft thou attend me

1 Henry v.32 4601 I Cym. 1 5 897114 Tempeft. 2 2263

No port is free; no place, that guard, and most unusual vigilance does not attend my taking

Lear. 2 3 942213

Attendance. To dance attendance on their lordships' pleasures, and at the door H. viii. 5 2 6982 53 Why might not you, my lord, receive attendance from those that the calls fervants, or from mine

Attended. The crow doth fing as sweetly as the lark, when neither is attended

I am attended at the cypress grove

I do condemn mine ears, that I have so long attended thee

Lear. 2 4 945145

Merchant of Venice. 5 1 220120
Coricianus. 110 711245
Cymbeline. 17 900216

Attendants. You tempt the fury of my three attendants, lean famine, quartering fteel,
and climbing fire

Attent. Seafon your admiration for a while with an attent ear
Attire. He hath fome meaning in his mad attire

What are thefe, fo wither'd, and fo wild in their attire
Attir'd. I am so attir'd with wonder, I know not what to say

Why are you then attir'd, Andronicus

Attires. I'll fhew thee fome attires

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Attornies are deny'd me, and therefore perfonally I lay my claim to my inheritance

of free defcent

As fit as ten groats is for the hand of an attorney


117232 242 2 9

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- I could be well content to be mine own attorney in this cafe Be the attorney of my love to her

1 Henry vi. 5 4

5671 57

Richard iii. 4



I by attorney, bless thee from thy mother

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Attorney'd. I am still attorney'd at your service

Meaf. for Meaf.5
Winter's Tale. I

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Their encounters, though not personal, have been royally attorney'd Attraction. Setting the attraction of my good parts aside, I have no other charm

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Hamlet. I
Troi. and Cre: 31

1 Henry iv. 4

Avail. I charge thee, as heaven shall work in me for thine avail, to tell me truly

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After this process, to give her the avaunt! it is a pity would move a monfter Hen.viii. 23
Traitors avaunt! where is the emperor's guard?

you curs!

Hence, avaunt!

Audacious. Audacious without impudency

Away with that audacious lady!

Audacity. Arm me, audacity, from head to foot

Titus Andron. 1 2 834144

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Audience. And you yourself have of your audience been moft free and bounteous

Audit. To make their audit at your highness pleasure

Hamlet. 1 31005 129 Macberb. 6367/2/39

Audit. You have fcarce time to steal from spiritual leisure a brief span, to keep your earthly audit

— Yet I can make my audit up

• If you will take this audit, take this life, and cancel these cold bonds

And how his audit ftands, who knows, fave heaven?

Auditor. A kind of auditor

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Ave's. Their loud applause and Ave's vehement

A. S. P. C. L.

Henry viii. 3 2 689 2 54
Coriolanus. I 17042 51
Cymbeline. 5 4 922 111
Hamlet. 3 310232 2

1 Henry u. 2

Henry viii.

As You Like It.
Meaf. for Meaf.

Ave-maries. But all his mind is bent on holiness, to number ave-maries on his beads

Numbring our ave-maries with our beads

Avenged. If God will be avenged for the deed, O know you yet he doth it publickly R.. 1
Averdupois. The weight of an hair will turn the fcales between their averdupois

Averring notes of chamber hanging, pictures
Avert. Avert your liking a more worthier way

I 448222

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2 Henry vi.

3 Henry vi. 2

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2 Henry iv. 2
Cymbeline. 5
Lear. I

4 4862 4 5 925243 1931 223

Aufidius. Tullus. D. P.



Augers and understood relations, have by magot pies, and choughs, and rooks, brought forth the fecret'st man of blood

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Aught. If your love can labour aught in fad invention
-If you know aught which does behove my knowledge thereof to be inform'd; im-
prifon it not

Much Ado About Noth. 5



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He for his father's fake fo loves the prince, though he will not be against him

Augre-bole. Our fate, hid within an augre-hole, may rush and seize us
Augurer tells me, we shall have news to-night

The augurers fay, they know not-they cannot tell,-look grimly, and dare not
fpeak their knowledge

-You are too fure an augurer what you did fear is done

won to aught

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Augury. If my augury deceive me not

We defy augury

Avis'd. Are you avis'd of that

Auld. Then take auld cloak about thee

Aumerle. Duke of. D. P.

2 Gent. of Verona. 4
Hamlet. 5

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Merry Wives of Windfor.



Othello. 2
Richard i.

3 1055229


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Aunt. The wifeft aunt telling the faddeft tale

The thrush and the jay are summer songs for me and my aunts

Avoid, no more


Avouch. I fpeak and I avouch

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Merry Wives of Windfor.2


Meaf for Meaf.4 2


Avsuches. If this, which he avouches, does appear, there is no flying hence, nor tarrying here

• I could with bare-fac'd power fweep him from my fight, and bid my will avouch

This avouches the shepherd's fon


And dare not avouch in your deeds any of your words

Macbeth. 3 1 374110

Mid. Night's Dream. 1 1
Winter's Tale. 4 2


348 234

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The thoughts of your heart with the looks of an emprefs

What I have faid I will avouch

I dare avouch it, fir

Henry v.51

5381 6

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I might not this believe, without the sensible and true avouch of mine own eyes

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Avoided. What cannot be avoided, 'twere childish weakness to lament or fear 3 5 4 630121

What can be avoided, where end is purpos'd by the mighty gods

Julius Cæjar. 212) 750151

Auricular. And by an auricular affurance have your fatisfaction

Aurora. Yonder shines Aurora's harbinger

A. S. P. C.L.

Lear. 1 2 933|2|19

Mid. Night's Dream. 3 2 1882 14

Aufterely. Might'st thou perceive aufterely in his eye, that he might plead in earnest

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Comedy of Errors.4 2
K. Jobn
Tam. of the Shrew. 4 4
K. Jobn. 3 1

[blocks in formation]

All's Well.23


Merry Wives of Wind. 2

Troilus and Creffida. 1 3 862236
Richard ii. 1 3 416255

Author. Oh, thou the earthly author of my blood

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But ftand as if a man were author of himself, and knew no other kin
Authorities. When two authorities are up, neither fupreme, how soon confufion may
enter 'twixt the gap of both, and take the one by the other
Idle old man, that still would manage those authorities that he has given away Lear. 1
The demi-god authority
Measure for Meafure.1

Coriolanus. 5 3

7351 54

[blocks in formation]

772 37

My authority bears a credent bulk, that no particular scandal once can touch, but it confounds the breather

- Though authority be a stubborn bear, yet he is oft led by the nose with gold

though it err like others, -hath yet a kind of medicine in itself that skins the vice o' the top

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There thou might'st behold the great image of authority: a dog's obey'd in office

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Awak'd. My mafter is awak'd by great occafion, to call upon his own Tim. of Athens. 2
Awaking. Such as you nourish the cause of his awaking
Awards. The court awards it, and the law doth give it
Away. Trudge, plod, away, o' the hoof

[blocks in formation]

Mer. of Venice.4 1217153 49225

Merry Wives of Wind.1 3

1 Henry iv. 4 2 465240 2 Henry iv. 3

Troilus and Creffida. 4 2

2 490248

Much Ado About Noth. 2 3


Richard ii. 1 1


Julius Cafar. 4 3

[blocks in formation]

2 Gent. of Verona. 4 I


2 Henry iv.4 1

494 151

3 Henry vi. 2

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Awkward. And twice by awkward wind from England's bank drove back again unto my native clime

2 Henry vi. 3 2 587 228

Awl. I meddle with no trade,-man's matters, nor woman's matters, but with awl

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Axe. Nor ftir at nothing, till the axe of death hang over thee, as, fure, it shortly will

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Whilft your great goodness, out of holy pity, abfolv'd him with an axe
Axle-tree. Strong as the axle-tree on which heav'n rides

Ay. To the perpetual wink, for ay might put this ancient morfel
Ay and no too, was good divinity

[blocks in formation]

Lear. 4 6 957225

Mid. Night's Dream.1 I


Ibid. 1 I



379131 Aye.

Mid. Night's Dream. 3 2
Macbeth. 4

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