A. S. P. C. L. Love. Ah me! how fweet is love itself poffeft, when but love's fhadows are fo rich in 'Tis a question left us yet to prove, whether love leads fortune, or else fortune love 994 Hamlet. 3 2 1020 233 I lov'd Ophelia; forty thousand brothers could not with all their quantity of love make up my fum Ibid. 5 1 10362 3 It is merely a luft of the blood, and a permiffion of the will From hence I'll love no friend, fith love breeds fuch offence All my fond love thus do I blow to heaven Love-devouring death Love-feat. And every one his love-feat will advance Yield up, O love, thy crown, and hearted throne to tyrannous hate dation with woman, than report of valour Love's counsellor fhould fill the bores of hearing to the smothering of the fenfe Cymbeline. 3 2 Love-in-idleness, a flower fuppofed to have been changed from milk white to purple by Love-juice. Haft thou yet latch'd the Athenian's eyes with the love-juice Love-letter from Armado to Jaquenetta Love's Labor Left. 2 Romeo and Juliet. 3 2 983236 Love's majefty. I that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty Love-fhaft [Cupid.] Loos'd his love-fhaft smartly from his bow, and madmen have fuch feething brains, fuch shaping fantafies, that apprehend more than cool reafon ever comprehends Lovers break not hours except it be to come before their time The lunatic, the lover, and the poet, are of imagination all compact I am thy lover's grace - ever run before the clock -- cannot fee the pretty follies that themselves commit Though in thy youth thou waft as true a lover, as ever fighed upon a midnight pillow It is as eafy to count atomies as to answer the propofitions of a lover Troil. and Creff32 All lovers fwear more performance than they are able This unbound lover, to beautify him, only lacks a cover - can fee to do their amorous rites by their own beauties Loving-jealous. And with a filk thread plucks it back again, fo loving jealous of his liberty Lour. Why at our juftice feem'st thou then to lour Ibud. 2 2 977129 Richard .1 3418154 Rom. and Jul. 4 5 993139 Tr. and Cr.[5] 1] 884|2|46 Leufes. The heavens do lour upon you for fome ill Loufe, For I care not to be the loufe of a lazar, fo I were not Menelaus Hang nothing but a calfs-fkin, most sweet lout If that thy gentry, Britain, go before this lout, as he exceeds our lords, the odds is, that we scarce are men, and you are gods Louvre. He'll make your Paris louvre shake for it Cymbeline. 5 2 920222 Mu. Ado About Noth. 31 519227 132 139 351135 holland Low-crooked curtfies Lower-place. A lower place, note well, may do too great an aft Lon. With that he call'd the taylor-lown Lowness. Nothing could have fubdu'd nature to fuch a lownefs, but his unkind Loreth. How impatience lowreth in your face Pronounce thee a grofs lowt, a mindlefs flave And you will rather fhew our general lowts how you can frown, than spend a fawn upon 'em Lowted. And I am lowted by a traitor villain Loyal. Longer than I prove loyal to your grace, let me not live to look upon your grace 2 Henry iv. 2 2 481210 75226 78214 17471 7 3 1055225 Take notice, lords, he has a loyal breast, for you have feen him open 't Henry viii. 3 Loyalty. And then end life, when I end loyalty 2 6902 2 Both to defend my loyalty and truth, to God, my king, and his fucceeding iffue R. 1 3 416160 1600 248 2 674 237 Lezel. And Lozel, thou art worthy to be hang'd, that wilt not stay her tongue W. Tale. 2 3 Ant. and Cleop.. 311 788231 9271 39 342 2 34 If you will measure your lubber's length again, tarry Tw. Night.4 1 326156 3 8761 7 935 235 Merry W. of Wind. 5 5 73128 Ibid. I 452 5 Ibid. 1 1 45211 the younger. D. P. Titus Andron. p.831. Luck. If we have unearned luck Mid. Night's Dream. 5 2 196221 I hear him mock the luck of Cæfar, which the gods give men to excuse their after wrath Lacrece. And Roman Lucrece for her chastity Lulls. And lulls him while fhe layeth on her back Lullaby to your bounty, till I come again - 1 Henry iv. 54472132 Tim. of Atb. 3 6 818127 Titus Andronicus. 4 2 8461 7 The day frowns more and more; thou art like to have a lullaby too rough W. Tale. 3 3 As is a nurse's fong of lullaby, to bring her babe to sleep Lunatick. 'Oman, art thou lunaticks Titus Andronicus. 2 3 346 247 838143 2 Henry vi. 5 1 600 238 Two Gent. of Verona. 3 2 Merry W. of Wind. 4 1 372 7 65 146 Ibid. 4 2 66223 The lunatick, the lover, and the poet, are of imagination all compact M. N.'s Dr. 5 192 127 To wish me wed to one half lunatick, a mad-cap ruffian, and a swearing Jack Ibid. 2 The terms of our estate may not endure hazard fo near us, as doth hourly grow out of his lunes On the Lupercal I thrice presented him a kingly crown, which he did thrice refufe Ibid. 3 Lurch. Am fain to fhuffle, to hedge, and to lurch Mer. Wives of Windf. 2 54117 Lurch'd. And, in the brunt of feventeen battles fince he lurch'd all fwords o' the garland Coriolanus. 2 2715239 Lure. And, 'till fhe ftoop, fhe muft not be full-gorg'd, for then she never looks upon Lurking. His foldiers lurking in the towns about Tam. of the Shrew. 4 1 269 117 3 Henry vi. 4 2 623248 Tempeft. 2 I Luft. The best way were to entertain him with hope, till the wicked fire of luft have melted him in his own grease 7248 52128 72136 Comedy of Errors. 2 2 108 121 Serv'd the luft of my miftrefs' heart, and did the act of darkness with her -Though to a radiant angel link'd, will fate itself in a celeftial bed, and garbage Luft-dieted. Let the superfluous and luft-dieted man, that flaves your ordinance Lear. 4 1953 228 Luft-fain'd. Thy bed, luft-ftain'd, shall with luft's blood be spotted Luft-wearied. The ne'er luft-wearied Antony Luftick, as the Dutchman fays Othello. 5 110742 3 Ant. and Cleop. 2 1774 1 10 All's Well. 2 3 286131 Luftier. With luftier maintenance than I did look for of fuch an ungrown warrior 1 H. iv. 54 470240 Luftily. Let's tune, and to it luftily awhile Luftrous. And the clear stones towards the south north are as luftrous as ebony Luffy. It is a lufty wench; I love her ten times more than e'er I did - Iron may hold with her, but never lutes A. S. P. C. L Twelfth Night. 4 2 3272 17 T. of the Sbr. 2 126127 Much Ado About Noth. 5 1 141255 Troil. and Greff. 2 2 867126 M. Ado Ab. Noth. 2 Taming of the Shrew. 2 Then thou canst not break her to the lute?-Why, no; for fhe hath broke the lute to me As on a pillory, looking through the lute Melancholy as a lover's lute Take thy lute wench; my foul grows fad with troubles Julius Cæfar. 1 2 743 138 126 144 1261 155 Lute-cafe. Bardolph stole a lute-cafe; bore it twelve leagues, and fold it Lutheran. Yet I know her for a spleeny Lutheran Luxu y. Fie on luft and luxury Urge his hateful luxury To't luxury pell-mell, for I lack foldiers Let not the royal bed of Denmark be a couch for luxury and damned inceft Hamlet. 1 And fo to the lye circumftantial, and the lye direct Ibid. 5 4 248 229 Ibid. 5 4 248 239 Shall Cæfar fend a lye Julius Cæfar.2 2 750 236 Ant. and Cleop. 5 2 799 217 Cymbeline. 36 9131 4 — If I do lye, and do no harm by it, tho' the gods hear, I hope they'll pardon it Ibid. 4 2 Lying. For, lying fo, Hermia I do not lie Winter's Tale. 4 If I could add a lye unto a fault, I would deny it - How, did you find the quarrel on the seventh cause?-upon a lye seven times removed 2 Henry iv. 3 2 491243 Hamlet. 3 2 1022 133 King John. 31397 128 175 Mid. Night's Dream. M ·shall never vanquish'd be, until great Birnam wood to high Dunfinane hill shall come against him - With these borne before us, instead of maces, we will ride through the streets 2 Henry vi. 4 7 597 115 Julius Caefar.43| 761|2|16 - O murd'rous flumber! lay'ft thou thy leaden mace upon my boy, that plays the mufick Masedon A. S. P. C. L. 3 Macedon. I think, it is in Macedon, where Alexander is porn and Monmouth compared Henry v.14 71 5341) 72 Machination. If you miscarry, your business of the world hath fo an end, and machina Lear. 5 1961 232 M. Wives of Wind. 3 1 Macbine. Thine evermore, moft dear lady, whilft this machine is to him Mackerel. You may buy land now as cheap as stinking mackerel Maculate. Moft maculate thoughts 1 Henry vi55 Hamlet. 2 1 Henry iv. 2 582 48 568149 6191 31 21011141 4 4551 3 509 Love's Labor Loft.1 2 151125 Maculation. I will throw my glove to death himself, that there is no maculation of thy heart If they were but a week married, they would talk themselves mad M. Ado Ab. Notb. 2 Then you are mad, indeed, if you are no better in your wits than a fool Ibid. 4 2 3281 9 Winter's Tale. 3 2 345238 world, mad kings, mad compofition King John. 2 23952 34 - - I am not mad-I would to heaven I were, for then it's like I fhould forget myself Ib. 3 1 Henry iv. 1 Ibid. 2 4 456|1|46 He's mad, that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horse's health, a boy's love, or a whore's oath - I am but mad north-north-weft: when the wind is foutherly, I know a hawk from a hand-faw -- as the fea, and wind, when both contend which is the mightier There the men are as mad as he Hamlet. 2 210141 30 Madams. Our madams mock at us; and plainly say, our mettle is bred out; and they will give their bodies to the luft of English youth, to new store France with bastard warriors Henry v.3 5 523115 — The madams, too, not us'd to toil, did almost sweat to bear the pride upon them - Well then, once in my days I'll be a mad-cap The venom clamours of a jealous woman poison more deadly than a mad dog's tooth Never defir'd it to be ftirr'd; but oft have hindred, oft, the paffages made toward it Twelfth Night. 3 4 323126 347 218 |