The References are to the Play, Act, Scene, Page, Column, and Line: D. P. ftands for Dramatis Perfona, and ch. for Chorus. АВО Abate. O weary night, O long and tedious night, abate thy hours AARON. D. P. • His confeffion . His fentence A. B. C. Book. Then comes anfwer like A. B. C. book Abandon the fociety of this female; or Clown thou perishest He hath abandoned his physicians Titus Andronicus.] Ibid. A. 9. P. C. L. 831 1 851137 Ibid. 5 3 8552 8 K. Jobn. 113892 18 As You Like It. 5 1 246116 2 254217 Induc. to Taming of the Shrew. All's Well. 1 1 Abafe. And will the yet abase her eyes on me, that cropp'd the golden prime of this fweet prince 277 120 310140 Richard iii. 12 637233 Mid. Night Dream. 3 2 1891 23 Cor. 3 3 7261 5 Abatement. There's great abatement of kindness Lear. 1 4 935154 Abbies. Our abbies and our priories fhall pay this expedition's charge K. John. 388 119 Ibid. 3 Abel. Which blood like facrificing Abel's cries Abergavenny, Lord. D. P. committed to the tower Richard ii. 1 14142 24 Henry viii. 671 Ibid. 1 16741 34 Abet. And you that do abet him in this kind cherish rebellion, and are rebels all R. ii. 2 3 4252 4 There's no virtue whipp'd out of the court; they cherish it to make it stay there, and yet it will no more but abide Let no man abide this deed, but we the doers - If it be found fo, fome will dear abide it Abides. Your provost knows the place where he abides Our feparation fo abides Abject. His eye revil'd me as his abject object We are the queen's-abjects, and must obey Abilities. Your abilities are too infant-like for doing much alone But altogether lacks the abilities that Rhodes is dress'd in I will do all my abilities in thy behalf Ant. and Cleop.1 3 771216 Henry viii. 1 1673148 Othello.1 31047 136 Twelfth Night. 3 4 3261 2 343 141 Ability. Out of my lean and low ability I'll lend you something 789 247 Ant. and Cleop.311 Abjured. For whofe dear love, they say she hath abjur'd the fight and company of men A. S. P. C.L. M. W. of Wind. 1 3 491130 M. Ado ab. Notb. 4 2 14027 Hamlet. 2 2 1016211 2 Henry iv. 3 2 4912 20 Mer. of Ven. 1 3 201246 Richard iii. 4 3 6591 8 Sweet peace condut his sweet soul to the bosom of good old Abraham Richard .41 432212 The fons of Edward sleep in Abraham's bofom Abram. D. P. Abridge. Staying will abridge thy life Romeo and Juliet. 967 2 Gent. of Ver.33 35214 Jul. Cafar. 3 753123 1922 19 Abridged. So we are Cæfar's friends, that have abridg'd his time of fearing death Abridgment. What abridgment have you for this evening This fierce abridgment hath to it circumftantial branches, which diftinction fhould be rich in Look where my abridgment comes Cymbeline. 5 5 927225 Abroach. Alack, what mischief might he fet abroach, in shadow of such greatness - 2 Henry iv. 4 2 495113 The fecret mischief that I fet abroach, I lay unto the grievous charge of others Who fet this ancient quarrel new abroach Abfence. I will not be absence at the grace Her husband would be absence from his house His abfence, fir, lays blame upon his promise Abfent. An abfent argument of my revenge Abfolved. Whilft your great goodness out of holy pity abfolv'd him with an axe Henry viii. 3 2 961118 Abfolute. Be abfolute for death; either death or life fhall thereby be the sweeter Abstract. He hath an abstract for the remembrance of fuch places Abused. Though all the world could fee, none could be fo abus'd in fight as he You are a great deal abus'd in too bold a perfuafion Why haft thou abus'd fo many miles with a pretence It cannot be but that my master is abus'd Being apt to have his ear abus'd Then Edgar was abus'd Cure this great breach of his abused nature 992 33 100 1 19 487 120 1 578 240 3 621129 Othello. 1 310512 8 Ibid. 4 2 1070 151 Ibid. 4 3 10732 4 her delicate mouth with drugs or minerals that weaken motion 'Tis better to be much abus'd, than but to know 't a little The Moor's abus'd by fome most villainous knave A. S. P. C.L. Lear.|4|7| 960|2| 8 Romeo and Julien 4 1 990112 Abuses. If these be good people in a common weal, that do nothing but use their abuses in common houses, I know no law For the poor abuses of the time want countenance Cries out upon abuses, seems to weep upon his countries wrongs 802 I Meaf. for Meaf2| 1| Abufing. Here will be an old abufing of God's patience, and the King's English Abutting. Whofe high upreared and abutting fronts, the perilous narrow ocean parts afunder M.W. of Wind. 4 5019 Henry v.1cb. Mid. Night Dr.3 2 Tempeft.1 2 2127 Love's Labour Loft-4 3 1632 19 Mid. Night Dr.5 193126 Your accent is fomething finer than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling And with an accent tun'd in self fame key, returns to chiding fortune Trui. and Creff: He that beguiled you in a plain accent, was a plain knave Accept. If you accept them, then their worth is great Accepted. In most accepted pain Acceffible is none but Milford way Accidents happened Ibid. 2 2 9412/24 Romeo and Juliet. 2 4 978 212 Tam. of the Shrew.2 12611 3 Troi. and Creff3 3 8751 6 Cymbeline. 3 2 908112 Tempeft. I 21233 Ibid. 15 I Meaf. for Meaf43 Much Ado About Nothing. 2 1 But as the unthought-on accident is guilty to what we wildly do Accite. We will accite, as I before remember'd, all our state Winter's Tale. 4 3 Troilus and Creff 3 3 2 Henry iv. 52 Titus Andronicus. 1 Accites. And what accites your most worshipful thought to think fo we lack Accomplishing the knights 22211 96 129 127119 503231 18321 3 2 481249 2489 227 2 Henry iv. 2 Ibid. 31 with what Mer. of Venice. 3 4 213215 Accomplishment. Turning the accomplishment of many years into an hour-glafs Henry v. 4cb. 52714 Henry v. 1cb. 509 214 As You Like It. 1 1224 124 Ibid. 5 4 249151 Henry v.52 538243 Titus Andron. 5 2 852110 Troilus and Creffida. 1 3 863 253 Hamlet. I 210022 36 2 124217 This gentle and unforc'd accord of Hamlet fits smiling to my heart Accordant. If he found her accordant Much Ado About Nothing. 1 According. Within her scope of choice lies my confent, and fair according voice Romeo and Juliet.1 2 970130 Accordingly. He is very great in knowledge, and accordingly valiant Accoft. Good mistress Accoft, I defire better acquaintance Account. To make account of her life That to stand high in your account, I might in virtues, beauties, livings, friends, exceed account Sir, their speed hath been beyond account Merchant of Venice. 3 2 211129 3 343 234 The princes both make high account of you,-for they account his head upon the A. S. P. C. L. Romeo and Juliet.151 994 39 Account. And about his shelves a beggarly account of empty boxes - Accufe. By falfe accuse doth level at my life good tongue 6871 3 584250 Accus'd. For, as she has been publickly accus'd, so shall she have a juft and open trial Accufer. My accufer is my prentice Winter's Tale. 2 3 343242 Accufing. That he had received a thousand ducats from Don John, for accufing the Lady Much Ado About Nothing. 5 1 Ach. Charm ach with air-and agony with words - 140 231 195129 1951 31 141145 3771 8 Titus Andronicus. 43 848160 The starry welkin cover thou anon with drooping fog as black as Acheron Aches contract and starve your fupple joints !— Midfummer Night's Dream. 3 2 188150 Smells fo fweet, that the fenfe aches at thee Achilles. D. P. Whose smile and frown, like to Achilles' fpear, is able with the change to kill and cure - a drayman, a porter, a very camel Achitopbel. A whorefon Achitophel 121113 857 Aconitum. Shall never leak, though it do work as strong as aconitum, or rash gunpowder Mid. Night's Dream. 3 I faw him hold acquaintance with the waves, fo long as I could fee Twelfth Night. 1 188118 2362 33 2 55 7 1255139 2308 123 71031138 17115 19 2 57 60147 Hamlet. 4 Merry Wives of Wind. 3 3 Is wicked meaning in a lawful deed, and lawful meaning in a lawful act: where both not fin, and yet a finful fact So fhould I be a great deal of his act It fhall become thee well to act my woes 78135 All's Well. 3 7 2952 6 Ibid. 4 3 297153 Twelfth Night.1 4 310147 Winter's Tale. 4 3 351120 The dignity of this act was worth the audience of kings and princes; for by fuch was it acted The tyrannous and bloody act is done Ibid. 5 2 360 228 Richard iii. 4 3 658225 Hamlet. 5 11033141 And an act hath three branches; it is, to act, to do, and to perform:- her At of Sport. When the blood is made dull with the act of sport Divulge Page himself for a fecure and wilful Acæon Thy temples should be planted presently with horns, as was Actœon's Afted. How many ages hence, shall this our lofty scene be acted over in states unborn, and accents yet unknown Julius Cæfar. 31 Alting. Or that the refolute acting of your blood 80119 Action. |