A. S. P. C. L. As You Like It.3 2 238|1|11 Apter. Which I warrant fhe is apter to do, than to confefs she does Aqua-vitæ Like aqua-vitæ with a midwife Some aqua-vitæ, ho! Aquilon. Puff'd Aquilon Aquitain. About furrender up of Aquitain 1475251 Cor. 4 3 7272 37 Cymbeline. 2 3 Comedy of Errors. I I 113 137 903 114 Twelfth Night. 2 5 Love's Labour Loft. 1 1 148236 Romeo and Juliet.4 5 Troi. and Cref. 45 Ibid. 2 1 152114 A plea of no lefs weight than Aquitain a dowry for a queen Ibid. 2 1 1531 37 I'll give you Aquitain, and all that is his, an you give him for my fake but one Arabia. The Hyrcanian deserts, and the vaftly wilds of wide Arabia 154214 Ibid. 21 If the be furnish'd with a mind fo rare, fhe is alone the Arabian bird Arabian trees. Drop tears as fast as the Arabian trees their med'cinable gum Arachne. Admits no orifice for a point, as subtle as Arachne's broken woof, Arbitrate. But certain iffue ftrokes must arbitrate Trei. and Cref.5 2 886257 Can arbitrate this caufe betwixt us twain There fhall your fwords and lances arbitrate Arbitrating that, which the commiffion of thy years and art could to no iffue of true honour bring Arbitrator. But now, the arbitrator of despairs, just death, kind umpire of men's miferies Romeo and Juliet. 4 1 990153 Arbitrement. The knight is incens'd against you even to a mortal arbitrement The noble duke my master, my worthy arch and patron comes to night Arch-mock. O, 'tis the spight of hell, the fiend's arch-mock Arch. Watery arch 875246 Lear. 2939223 Othello. 4 11068 110 Tempeft. 41 171 4 King John.33972 52 Henry viii. 51 Arch-beretic. Let go the hand of that arch-heretic 697 120 8262 31 785110 128 230 668 8229 669 116 333 Archer. If we can do this, Cupid is no longer an archer Much Ado about Nothing. 2 - Our archers shall be placed in the midst Winter's Tale. Architect. Chief architect and plotter of these woes Argal, the drown'd herself wittingly Argier Henry viii. 1 1 671 228 Argafies. Your mind is toffing on the ocean: there, where your argofies with portly fail, like figniors and rich burghers on the flood He hath an argofy bound to Tripolis ➡ As doth ́a sail, fill'd with a fretting gust, command an argosy to stem the waves A. S. P. C. L. Arguing. If arguing make us fweat, the proof of it will turn to redder drops Jul. Caf. 5 1 762|2|7 If thou wilt hold longer argument do it in notes Ibid. 2 3 129 230 Love's Labor Loft. 5 2 If you have any pity, grace, or manners, you would not make me fuch an argu ment An abfent argument of my revenge, thou present Ibid. 3 1 132218 166 245 347 259 It would be argument for a week, laughter for a month, and a good jeft for ever And fheath'd their fwords for lack of argument Where is your argument ?-here, in my scabbard And try the argument of hearts by borrowing 1 Henry iv. 2 2 4501 30 Henry v.31520146 1 Henry vi. 2 4 5531 4 Tim. of Athens. 2 2 812110 I cannot fight upon this argument; it is too ftarved a fubject for my sword All the argument is-a cuckold and a whore Then will Ajax lack matter if he have loft his argument I had good argument for kiffing once Ear-kiffing arguments Have you heard the argument? Is there no offence in't? Aries. The bull being gall'd, gave Aries such a knock that down fell both the rams horns in the court Titus Andronicus.43 8482 28 Arion. Like Arion on the Dolphin's back, I saw him hold acquaintance with the waves Ark. There is, fure, another flood toward, and these couples are coming to the ark A whole armado of collected fail is fcattered, and disjoin'd from fellowship Armagnac, Earl, proffers his daughter to Henry VI. in marriage For I come hither arm'd against myself: ftay not, be gone Armour. I have known when he would have walked ten miles a foot to fee a good I'll give thee armour to keep off that word Add proof unto mine armour with thy prayers Like a rich armour worn in heat of day that fcalds with fafety 3 78132 The armour that I faw in your tent to-night, are thofe ftars, or funs, upon Hen. v.3 7 525253 A. S. P. C. L. Armourers. Now thrive the armourers Henry v. 2 ch 5141 5 The armourers accomplishing the knights, with busy hammers closing rivets up Ibid. 4 ch 5271 4 Ant. and Cleap. 4 4 719222 How quickly should this arm of mine, now prisoner to the palfy, chastise thee Whofe arms were moulded in their mother's wombs And pithless arms like to a wither'd vine 4/146 3891 6 Richard ii. 3 425 120 1 Henry iv. 1 1 442111 1 Henry vi.12 545248 Ibid. 2 5 553248 This arm is for the duke of York, and this for Rutland; both bound to revenge While life upholds this arm, this arm upholds the house of Lancaster 3 Henry vi. 2 3 613248 620 147 To whip this dwarfish war, these pigmy arms The arm our foldier For he can do no more than Cæfar's arm, when Cæfar's head is off And dare avow her beauty and her worth in other arms than hers Strike in their numb'd and mortify'd bare arms pins, wooden pricks, rosemary Was he [Adam] a gentleman ?—He was the first that ever bore arms Arms (Coats of.) From mine own windows torn my houshold coats - Of England's coat one half is cut away And if no gentleman, why, then no arms Arms (weapons.) And arms her with the boldness of a wife nails, fprigs of - You came in arms to fpill mine enemies blood, But now in arms you strengthen it with yours 652159 7. Cæfar. 2 Troil, and Creff.1 1704 216 17482 14 3 864 132 Lear. 2 3 9422 24 1 Henry vi. 1 I 10332 32 1426 130 Taming of the Shrew. 2 - To fright our native peace with felf born arms Ibid. 2 3 4242 57 The king of heaven forbid, our lord the king should so with civil and uncivil arms be rush'd upon Ibid. 3 3 429 160 The arms are fair, when the intent for bearing them are just 469 2 34 I must change arms at home and give the distaff into my husband's hand Lear. 4 2 954 126 His army is a ragged multitude of hinds and peasants, rude and merciless 2 Hen. vi. 4 4 Army of good words Argint, thee, witch! the rump-fed ronyon cries Mercb. of Venice. 35 127 218 595123 214 2 12 3642 5 A-row. Beaten the maids a-row Areynt thee, witch, aroynt thee Lear. 3 4 949 118 Arragon. Then go I toward Arragon Much Ado About Nothing. 3 Much Ado about Nothing.13 1252 8 Heat me these irons hot, and look thou stand within the arras Go hide thee behind the arras The arras figures Be you and I behind an arras Behind the arras I'll convey myself Array. Who gave me fresh array and entertainment - Put on your best array Is marching hitherward in proud array Set not thy sweet heart on proud array In all her beft array bear her to church Taming of the Shrew. z C 3 Merch. of Venice. 197 Merry W. of Windfor. 3 3 60245 1263 134 King Jobn.41 401 163 Mid. Night's Dream. 3 2 186 1 13 1991 2 If you please to shoot another arrow that felf way which you did fhoot the first Merch. of Venice.1 I - fhould, in their own confines, with forked heads, have their round haunches gor'd As You Like It. 2 I 229132 - fled not swifter towards their aim, than did our foldiers, aiming at their fafety, fly from the field Do you think me a swallow, an arrow, or a bullet As many arrows, loofed feveral ways, fly at one mark 2 Henry v.1 I 4751 17 1 Henry iv. 4 3 4692 4 Henry v.12 512252 Hamlet. 4 710312 2 Ibid. 5 2 1040 115 So that my arrows, too flightly timber'd for fo loud a wind, would have reverted to my bow again That I have fhot my arrow o'er the house and hurt my brother Art. If by your art, my deareft father, you have put the wild waters in this roar, allay The art of our neceffities is ftrange, that can make vile things precious Artemidorus. D. P. Arteries. Univerfal plodding prifons up the nimble spirits in the arteries - duke of Bretagne, his claim to the crown of England by the ambaffador of France Prodigies fuppofed to be seen on account of his death Articulate. Send us to Rome the beft, with whom we may articulate Artillery, Turn thou the mouth of thy artillery; As we will ours against thefe faucy O, had I but follow'd the arts !-then hadft thou had an excellent head of hair K. Jobn. 2 2 394 147 582 54 152 153 Taming of the Sbrew. 1 2551 7 One that feeds on objects arts and imitations Arviragus. D. P. As You LIKE IT. Afcanius. To fit and witch me, as Afcanius did Afcenfion-day. That, ere the next afcenfion-day at noon, your highness should deliver up your crown K. Jobn. 4 2 404161 Did not the prophet say, that, before afcenfion-day at noon, my crown I fhould give off Ibid. 5 2 407 143 Afcent. His afcent is not by fuch eafy degrees as thofe who have been fupple, and courteous to the people Afbes. My afhes, as the phoenix, may bring forth a bird that will revenge upon you all 31 A. S. P. C. L. Henry viii. 5 4 70212 5 Romeo and Juliet.3 2984140 2 Henry vi. 3 2 588158 Mid. Night's Dream. 1 2 178120 What shall you ask of me, that I'll deny; that honour fav'd, may upon asking give Twelfth Night. 3 4 324-23 Afkance. Thou canst not look askance, nor bite the lip, as angry wenches will Merchant of Venice. 21 107260 2021 28 403235 405 22 418127 That close aspect of his does fhew the mood of a much troubled breast But taking note of thy abhorr'd aspect -Thy fad afpect, hath from the number of his banish'd years, pluck'd four away - Malevolent to you in all aspects Richard ii. 1 1 Henry iv. 1 Ant. and Cleop. With an afpect of iron, that, when I come to woo ladies, I fright them There would he anchor his aspect, and die with looking on his life Afperfion. No fweet afperfion 14422 32 Henry v.52 540132 Henry viii.5 2 697217 5772256 2 Timon of Aibens.2 1 81C1 Afpicious. Our watch have, indeed, comprehended two afpicious perfons Afpick. Have I the afpick in my lips Afpiration. That spirit of his in afpiration lifts him from the earth Troilus and Creffida. 4 5 881152 ➡ If thou art chang'd to ought, 'tis to an ass—'Tis true she rides me and I long for grafs I am an ass, indeed: you may prove it, by my long ears - Do not forget to specify when time and place shall serve Mid. Night's Dream.3 1 184138 I fee their knavery: this is to make an afs of me - Man is but an afs, if he go about to expound this dream Did you never fee the picture of we three ?-welcome afs I was not made a horse, and yet I bear a burden like an afs Henry 3 2 521 25 When I find the afs in compound with the major part of your fyllables Coriolanus. 21 71228 He fhall but bear them as the afs bears gold The afs more captain than the lion If thou wert the afs, thy dulnefs would torment thee What a thing it is to be an afs Julius Cæfar. 4 1 758115 Timen of Athens. 3 5 816232 Ibid. 3 823146 That fuch a crafty devil as his mother should yield the world this afs May not an afs know when the cart draws the horse Titus Andronicus. 4 2 846216 |