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Glow-worms. Light them at the fiery glow-worm's eyes


A. S. P. C.L.


184 238

51007 2 24 2 5112 1

Midf. Night's Dream. 3 The glow-worm shews the matin to be near, and 'gins to pale his uneffectual fire Ham. 1 Glaze. Which falique land the French unjustly gloze to be the realm of France Hen. v. 1 Thus it shall become high-witted Tamora to gloze with all Titus Andronicus. 4 4 Glez'd. And on the cause and queftion now in hand have gloz'd, but fuperficially T. & Crej. 2 2 Glazes. Now to plain dealing lay those glozes by Love's Labor Loft. 4 3 16427

Glut. To glut him

Tempeft. 1

8492 4

868 125

2 Henry iv.1 Meaf. for Meaf.2

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Glutton. Let him be damn'd like the glutton
Gnarl'd. The unwedgeable and gnarl'd oak
Gearling. For gnarling forrow hath lefs power to bite, the man that mocks at it, and
fets it light

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And wolves are gnarling who shall gnaw the first Grats. When the fun fhines, let foolish gnats make sport, but creep in crannies when he hides his beams

- Hath woven a golden mesh to entrap the hearts of men, fafter than gnats in cob-

And whither fly the gnats but to the fun
Nay, follow'd him, 'till he had melted from the smallness of a gnat to air Cym. 1
Her waggoner a small grey-coated gnat
Graw. That he could gnaw a crust at two hours old, 'twas full two years ere I could
get a tooth

The thought whereof doth, like a poisonous mineral, gnaw my inwards
A halter pardon him; and hell gnaw his bones

- Alas, why gnaw you so your nether lip? fome bloody paffion shakes your very


1 585 1 21

Comedy of Errors. 2


1071 37

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There is one goat for you, will you be fo goot, fcald knave, as eat it
Hence, old goat

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Henry v.4 4 532215

Ibid. 5 1


Coriolanus. 31 7211 6

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Grawed. A thousand men that fishes gnaw'd upon
Gnawing. Till gnawing with my teeth my bonds in funder
Gnawn. My bed fhall be abus'd, my coffers ranfack'd, my reputation gnawn at M.W.of W.2
Graws his lip. The king is angry; see, he gnaws his lip
Goad. Most dangerous is that temptation that doth goad us on to fin in loving virtue

Goaded with most sharp occasions, which lay nice manners by

This shall seem, as partly 'tis, their own, which we have goaded onward Cor. 2 Goal. But to the goal

And can get goal for goal of youth

Geary. Never shake thy goary looks at me

Goat. Gall of goat

Winter's Tale.1

Ant. and Cleop.48 793121

Goatifb. An admirable evasion, of whoremaster man, to lay his goatish disposition to the change of a star

Gebbers. Over-gorg'd with gobbets of thy mother's bleeding heart

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Orbello. 3 3 1064 1
Ibid. 4 11070 1 5


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Into as many gobbets will I cut it as wild Medea young Absyrtus did
Gobbo. D. P.
Go-between. Even as you came in to me, her affiftant, or go-between parted from me

Goblets. My figur'd goblets, for a dish of wood

Thou didst fwear to me upon a parcel gilt goblet
Goblins. Charge my goblins that they grind their joints with dry convulfions Tempeft.4 1
We talk with goblins, owls, and elvish sprights

A fad tale's best for winter, I have one of sprights and goblins
I'll haunt thee like a wicked confcience ftill, that mouldeth goblins

Be thou a fpirit of health, or goblin damn'd
With, ho! fuch bugs and goblins in my life

God damn me. That's as much as to fay, God make me a light wench

God and the rope-maker bear me witness

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19 1 3 Comedy of Errors. 2 108223 Winter's Tale. 2 I 339 126 fwift as frenzy

Trei and Creff511891111
Hamlet. 1 41006 129
Ibid. 5 2 1037 1 24
Com. of Errors. 4 3 114235
Ibid. 4 4 116 1 I

Much Ado About Nothing.1 I 124 111
Love's Labor Loft. 1 I 148 1 6
Much Ado About Nothing.2.1 126 156


Gad amend us --fhield us

God's my life

- fort all

mend me

'ild you fir

A. S. P. C.L.

Love's Labor Loft.|4| 3| 161|1|35
Mid. Night's Dream.31 183145
Ibid. 4 1 1912 8

Merchant of Venice. 5 1 2201 58
As You Like It.4 1243 47
Ibid. 5 4 248|1|42

He that of greatest works is finisher, oft does them by the weakest minister All's Well. 21 284150 One cry'd, God bless us! and amen, the other

with him above to ratify the work

's foldier be he

If he ferve God, we'll serve him too, and be his fellow fo

Macbeth. 2 2 37018 Ibid. 3 6 377 223 Ibid. 5 7 386224 Richard ii. 3 2 4271 59 Ibid. 3 3 4291|36

Shew us the hand of God that hath dismiss'd us from our stewardship omnipotent, is mustering in his clouds, on our behalf, armies of peftilence

fave the king! will no man say, amen

Now I to comfort him, bid him 'a should not think of God

for Harry! England! and St. George

God-den to your worship, good captain Jamy

Yet, God before, tell him we will come on

We are in God's hand, brother, not in theirs

's arm ftrike with us! 'tis a fearful odds

Ibid. 3 3 429|1|44
Ibid. 4 1 433124,

Henry v.2 3
Ibid. 3 1

Ibid. 3 2

517 245
520 2


Ibid. 3 6


Ibid. 3 6 525127

Ibid. 4 3 531112

Now, foldiers, march away;—and how thou pleaseft, God, difpofe the day Ibid. 4 3 532144

The day is yours.-Praised be God, and not our strength for it

Got plefs and preserve it, as long as it pleases his grace and his majesty too
O God thy arm was here! and not unto us, but to thy arm alone, afcribe we all
Take it, God, for it is only thine

Ibid. 4 7 534222
Ibid. 4 7 534247
Ib. 4 8 536224
Ibid. 4 8 536229

is our fortress; in whofe conquering name, let us refolve to scale their flinty bulwarks

shall be my hope, my stay, my guide, and lanthorn to my feet - O thou eternal mover of the heavens, look with a gentle eye upon this wretch Ibid. 3 on our fide, doubt not of victory

and St. George for us

I thank God and thee; he was the author, thou the inftrument

O God! I fear, thy justice will take hold on me, and you, and mine, for this

is much displeas'd, that you take with unthankfulness his doing

and our innocency defend and guard us

Had I but ferv'd my God with half the zeal I ferv'd my king, &c.

fhall be truly known

By God's-lid

mark thee for his grace

fhall mend my foul

ye good den

- lady dear

-- ye good den

's bread

- fhield

be wi' you

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Godfathers. Thofe earthly godfathers of heaven's lights, that give a name to every fixed ftar

Love's Labor Loft. 1 1

148 136 There is a fair young maid, that yet wants baptifm; you must be godfather Hen. viii. 5 2 700 222 Gedded. Lov'd me above the measure of a father; nay, godded me, indeed Cor. 5 3 735124 Goddefs. To call me goddess, nymph, divine and rare, precious, celeftial M. Night's D.3 2 1871 25 Titled goddess; and worth it, with addition All's Well. 4 2 296135 Had I a fifter were a grace, or a daughter a goddess, he should have his choice T.& Cref.1 2 861126 Goddess-like. And undergoes, more goddess-like than wife-like, such assaults as would take in some virtue

Gods. The hot-blooded Gods affift me

Cymbeline. 3 2 907138 Merry Wives of Windfor. 5 5 We, Hermia, like two artificial Gods, have with our neelds created both one flower


Midf. Night's Dream. 3 2 1871 Could not move the Gods to look that way thou wert Winter's Tale. 3 2 346 The Gods themselves, humbling their deities to love, have taken the shapes of beasts Upon them Ibid.

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Geds. You Gods look down; and from your facred vials pour down your graces upon my daughter's head

From a God to a bull? a heavy defcenfion! it was Jove's cafe


A. S. P. C. L.

Winter's Tale. 5 3 362228 2 Henry iv. 22 482247

O that I were a God, to shoot forth thunder upon these paltry, fervile, abject drudges

2 Henry vi. 41

592152 7312 30. 737144 1773140

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Ibid. 5 4

He is their God; he leads them like a thing made by fome other deity than nature Cor. [4] He wants nothing of a God, but eternity, and a heaven to throne in If the great Gods be just, they shall affist the deeds of justest men Ant. and Cleop.2 For, were your godheads to borrow of men, men would torfake the Gods Tim. of Atb. 3 6 818111 -Wilt thou draw near the nature of the Gods? draw near them then in being merciful

Therefore thou shalt vow by that fame God, what God foe'er it be

Which is that God in office, guiding men

Have the Gods envy

Last night the very Gods fhew'd me a vision

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Think that the cleareft Gods, who make them honours of mens impoffibilities, have

preferved thee

Goers backward

Gees. But goes thy heart with this

Gegged. An you smile not, he's gogg'd

Gold. The rocks [of twenty feas] pure gold
Fond fhekels of the tefted gold

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Her hairs were gold, crystal the other's eyes
Therefore, thou gaudy gold, hard food for Midas, I will none of thee Ven. 3 2



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Peace; thou know'ft not gold's effect
This is fairy gold, boy, and 'twill prove fo
And by the merit of vile gold, drofs, duft, purchase corrupted pardon of a man K. John. 3397224
Bell, book, and candle fhall not drive me back, when gold and filver becks me to

come on

To gild refined gold

Ibid. 3 3 399210
Ibid. 4 2 40332

For this they have engroffed, and pil'd up the canker'd heaps of ftrange atchieved gold

lefs fine in carrat, is more precious, preferving life in medicine potable That almost might'ft have coin'd me into gold

For me, the gold of France did not feduce

Put forth thy hand, reach at the glorious gold

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Golden-cars. To fee the fish cut with her golden-oars the filver stream Mu. Ado Abt. Noth. 3 1 131259

Golden opinions

Golden forrow. And wear a golden forrow

Macbeth. 7 368134 Henry v.2 3 682225

Golden tungue. I had as lieve Helen's golden tongue had commended Troilus for a copper


Goldfmith. There did this perjured goldsmith fwear me down

Have you not been acquainted with goldfmiths wives, and conn'd

Golgotha. Or memorize another Golgotha

Troil, and Creff:1
2 860 11
Comedy of Errors-51 118252
them out of rings

As You Like It.3 2 237 14
Macbeth. 1 2364 114
Richard ii. 4 1 432 253
M.W.fW.SI 70235

And this land be call'd the field of Golgotha and dead mens fculls Geliab. In the fhape of man I fear not Goliah with a weaver's beam Galiaffer. For none but Sampsons' and Goliaffes', it fendeth forth to skirmish 1 Hey, vi. |1|2| 545|2|38|


Goneril. D. P.

I will scarce think you have fwam in gondola

A. S. P. C.L.

Gondola. In a gondola were feen together Lorenzo and his amorous Jeffica Mer. of Ven. 2 8 207131

Gone. But Tuesday night laft gone

I am gone, though I am here

As You Like It. 4 1 242 112 Meaf. for Meaf. 5| 1|


M. Ado About Noth. 4 1


I have no further gone in this than by a single voice
Think upon these gone

Hen. viii. 1


675 126

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-'s profeffion of love of her father

letter to Edmund

Gonzago. Can you play the murder of Gonzago

- is the duke's name

Gonzalo an honeft old councellor of Naples. D. P.

Good. What I told you then, I hope, I shall have leisure to make good
It were not good the knew his love left she make sport of it
in every thing

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Saw'st thou not, boy, how Silver made it good
To do good, fometimes accounted dangerous folly
The apprehenfion of the good gives but the greater feeling to the worse Richard ii. 1
Thy overflow of good, converts to bad
Glofter and good devil were alike


3 418260 Ibid. 5 3 437 2 3 Henry vi. 56 631212

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What good is cover'd with the face of heaven, to be discover'd that can do me good

The good I ftand on is my truth and honesty grows with her


Richard iii.
Henry viii. 51 697259
Ibid. 5 4 702130
Cor. 31

Not having power to do the good it would, for the ill which doth controul it
The good is oft interred with their bones

Some good I mean to do, defpight of mine own nature
Good caufe. Hoping you'll find good cause to whip them all
Good deed. How far that little candle throws his beams, fo fhines a good deed to a
naughty world

Julius Cafar. 3 2
Lear. 5 3

720243 755227 9651 2

Meaf. for Meaf.21


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O monument and wonder of good deeds evilly bestow'd
If one good deed in all my life I did I do repent it from my very foul Titus Andren. 5 3
Good den, Sir Richard, God-a-mercy fellow
Good-fac'd. No, good-fac'd fir; no, sweet fir
Goodfellow Robin. D. P.

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Timon of Athens. 51

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K. John. 11
Winter's Tale. 4 2

3892 7 349119

Midf. Night's Dream.


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Ibid. 2

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God-Friday. Sir Robert might have eat his part in me, upon Good-Friday, and ne'er broke his faft

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Good-jere. What the good-jere! one must bear, and that must be you

What the good-jere! do you think I would deny her

3 124235 2 Henry iv. 2 4 484125 Ibid. 2 4 4852 4

Goodlier. I would, he lov'd his wife; if he were honefter, he were much goodlier

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Goodman boy. He shall be endur'd; what, Goodman boy !—I say, he shall

Grodman John, petition against

Good manners.

unwash'd too

6941 8 955138

70 140 134 110


2002 10 22542 5 5 974|1|15

3 575128

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When good manners fhall lie all in one or two men's hands, and they

Good-morrow. A thousand times good-morrow

Give your worship good-morrow

Good name. God hath blefs'd you with a good name

Much Ado About Nothing. 3 3 1341 22

in man and woman, dear my lord, is the immediate jewel of their fouls Otbello. 3 3 1061125

But he, that filches from me my good name, robs me of that, which not enriches

him, and makes me poor indeed Good nature.

on his evils

Ibid. 3 31061129

Or his good nature prizes the virtue that appears in Caffio, and looks not



Goodness. Print of goodness

31056113 2 5/2/17 Goodness.

Goodness. And when old time shall lead him to his end, goodness and he fill up one mo

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A. S. P. C. L.

Henry viii. 2
Ibid. 3 2 691140

1 680112

Antony and Cleop. 5 2 8012 2

Hamlet. 4

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2 Henry iv. 3
Richard iii. 4

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Mid. Night's Dream. 2


182 2 39

Two Gent. of Verona.1 3


Timon of Atbens.3 6


Mid. Night's Dream. 2 3


M. W. of Wind.1

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Taming of the Shrew.5

2751 6

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Have you married my daughter without asking my good-will
I will do my good-will, fir; you can have no more
He, that has but effected his good-will, hath overta'en mine act
When good-will is fhew'd, though it come too short, the actor may

plead pardon Ant. and Cleop. 2 Merchant of Venice. 3 1 208151

Goodwins. The Goodwins I think they call the place
Goodwin-Sands. The great fupply, that was expected by the Dauphin here, are wreck'd
three nights ago on Goodwin-Sands

King Jobn. 5 3 409221

And your fupplies, which you have wish'd so long, are caft away and funk on
Goodwin Sands

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But that my fear is this-fome galled goofe of Winchester would hifs Troi.and Creff. 511

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if I had you upon Sarum Plain, I'd drive you cackling home to Camelot Lear. 2 2 Good goofe bite not

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4591 33 8912 19 941143 979112 477 2 21

Hamlet. 2

3841 43 210132 43


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Gordian knot. Turn him to any caufe of policy, the gordian knot of it he will unloofe, familiar as his garter

- As slippery as the gordian knot was hard

Gor'd. Oh, let no eye profane a tear for me, if I be gor'd with Mowbray's spear

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Gorge. He cracks his gorge, his fides, with violent hefts

She whom the fpital-house and ulcerous fores would caft the gorge at

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If only to go warm were gorgeous, why, nature needs not what thou wear'ft

Tempeft. 41 1 Henry vi. 54 5662



Lear. 2 4 945215


Tr.and Cr.1
Macbeth. 2

Gorget. And with a palfy-fumbling on his gorget, shake in and out the rivet
Gorgon. Approach the chamber, and destroy your fight with a new gorgon
Though he be painted one way like a Gorgon, the other way he is a Mars A. & C.2

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3863 146 3 371145 778230

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