Imágenes de página

Gentlewoman. It was the death of the most virtuous gentlewoman, that ever nature had praife for creating

Gntly. What's am.fs, may it be gently heard

A. S. P. C. L.

All's Well. 5 5 30024 277424 Cym. 5 2 9202 22

Ant. and Cleop. 2

Gentry. If that thy gentry, Britain, go before this lout, as he exceeds our lords

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- St. George, that fwing'd the dragon, and e'er fince fits on his horfe-back at mine hoftets door

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Hamlet. 2 21010 139

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King Jobn. 2
Richard ii. 1

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Richard ii. 5

393142 3417110 3 668155

Ibid. 5 3 669 128

- Our ancient word of courage, fair St. George, infpire us with the fpleen of fiery dragons

Ge mane. The phrafe would be more germane to the matter, if we could carry a cannon by our fides

Hamlet. 5 21039|1|10

Germaine. Thofe that are germaine to him, though removed fifty times, fhall all come under the hangman

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Winter's Tale. 4 3
Merry Wives of Windfor.4 5
Much Ado About Notb. 3 2
Mer. of Venice.1|

Germens. All germens fpill at once, that make ingrateful man
Germins. Though the treasure of nature's germans tumble all together
Gertrude, Queen of Denmark. D.P.

Geft. To let him there a month, behind the geft prefix'd for his parting
Gefture. If you do love Rofalind fo near the heart as your gefture cries it out


To the dumbness of the gefture one might interpret
Never before this child did I get any thing

357 115




2001 8

3 Henry vi. 4 8 627136 Lear. 3 2 946|2|40

Macbeth. 41


378 155


Wint. Tale. I 2 334156
As Y. Like It. 5 2 246|2|41|
Timon of Athens. 1 1 804 12
Henry viii. 53
Richard .35

Ghafily looks are at my service, like enforced fmiles
Groft. Her brother's ghost his paved bed would break, and take her hence in horror

Meaf. for Meaf. 5

And yonder fhines Aurora's harbinger, at whose approach ghosts wandering here and there, troop home to church-yards

Were I the ghoft that walk'd, I'd bid you mark her eye

He will look as hollow as a ghost

702226 652259

102 1 I

Midf. Night's Dream. 3 2 1881 15
Winter's Tale. 5358152
K. Jobn. 3 4 400 2 53

Never, never, do his ghost the wrong, to hold your honour more precife and nice

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Giant. It is excellent to have a giant's ftrength, but it is tyrannous to ufe it like a giant

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Giant-rude. Woman's gentle brain could not drop forth fuch giant-rude invention

Giantess. I had rather be a giantefs, and lie under Mount Pelion

Gib cat. As melancholy as a gib cat


As You Like It. 4 3 244113 M.W. of Windfer. 2 I 52139 1 Henry iv. 1 2 4432 33 Hamlet.341025|2|22


A. S. P. C. L.

Gibber. And the sheeted dead did fqueak and gibber in the Roman streets Hamlet 111cc0|2|46
Gibbet. Hang no more about me, I am no gibbet for you
Mer. W. of Windfor. 2 2 541 8
And told me, I had unloaded all the gibbets, and prefs'd the dead bodies 1 Hen. iv. 4 2 465217
Come off, and on, swifter than he that gibbets on the brewers bucket 2 Henry v. 32491155
Gibbet-maker. Ho! the gibbet-maker? he fays that he hath taken them down again
Titus Andronicus. 4 3 8482 41

Giber. You are well understood to be a perfecter giber for the table, than a necessary
bencher in the capitol

Gibes. A loufy knave, to have his gibes, and his mockeries

You are wife, and full of gibes and vlouting-ftogs

With taunts did gibe my miffive out of audience

Where be your gibes now

Mark the fleers, the gibes, and notable scorns

Gibing. That's the way to choak a gibing spirit

Gibingly. Which most gibingly, ungravely, he did fashion


7122 34 62130

Coriolanus. 2
Merry W. of Windfer. 3 3
Ibid. 4 5

Ant. and Cleop.2|

692 2

2 7751 18

Hamlet. 511035 156
Othello. 4 I 1068 124

Love's Labor Loft. 5 2 174141

Cori lanus. 23 718216

Giddily. The parts that fortune hath bestow'd upon her, tell her I hold as giddily as fortune

Giddinefs. Neither call the giddiness of it in queftion

Giddy. Art not thou thyself giddy with the fashion too

More giddy in my defires than a monkey

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Twelfth Night 2 4 317138 As You Like It.52246139 Mu. Ado Abt. Noth. 3 3 135133 As You Like It. 4 1 2431& Tam. of the Shrew. 4 3

Henry v.1 3 Henry vi. 4

Richard iii. 2

3162 5 34135 46135


Ibid. 5 2

275 156

K. Jobn. 4

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Romeo and Juliet. 1

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Tw. Night. 2


Two Gent. of Verona. 3


Mer. Wives of Windfor. 1


Ibid. I


46 137

Mu. Ado About Nothing.2


126 227

[blocks in formation]

232 233

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Your gifts are fo good, here is none will hold you

Taming of the Shrew.1

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If both gain all, the gift doth ftretch itself as 'tis received, and is enough for both

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His prefent gift shall furnish me to those Italian fields, where noble fellows ftrike Ib. 2
And hath all the good gifts of nature

The gifts, the looks from me, are pack'd, and lock'd up in my heart
My lord, I claim the gift, my due by promise
A gift, that heaven gives for him, which buys a place next to the king
No gift to him, but breeds the giver a return exceeding all use of quittance
And as rich men deal gifts, expecting in return twenty for one
The fecrets of neighbour Pandar have not more gifts in taciturnity
Gigg. To fee great Hercules whipping a gigg

Thou difputeft like an infant; go, whip thy gigg

Giglet fortune

Giglots. Away with those giglots too, and with the other confederate

Young Talbot was not born to be the pillage of a giglot wench
Gild. I will make faft the doors, and gild myself with some more ducats
If he do bleed, I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal, for it must seem their
Shall gild her bridal bed

England shall double gild his treble guilt

Gilded. Where should they find this grand liquor that hath gilded them
Your day's fervice at Shrewsbury hath a little gilded over your night's

- ferpent

Gilded puddle. Thou didst drink the stale of horses, and the gilded puddle which beafts would cough at

Gilders. I am bound to Perfia, and want gilders for my voyage

Gilliams. Is Gilliams with the packet gone


Ant. and Cleop.1 4
Comedy of Errors. 4

1 Henry iv. 2
Comedy of Errors 31


109/1/48 Gilly-firer.

1283112 32882 8

Twelfth Night. 1
Winter's Tale. 4
Richard iii.4
Henry viii. 1
Tim. of Ath. I


308 2 46


3531 23



Ibid. S

1 672216 1806 2 28 1825145

Troi. and Cref. 4 2
Love's Labor Lt. 4 3
Ibid. 5
Cymbeline. 3

8791 39 162 128


165134 1906 227

Meaf. for Meaf. 5
1 Henry vi. 5
Mer. of Ven. 2
guilt Macb.2 2
King Jobr. 2 2
2 Henry iv. 4 4
Tempeft. 51
exploit on
2 Henry iv. 1
Lear. 5 3





206129 370 45

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1121 36

A. S. P. C. L.

Gilly-flower. The fairest flowers of the season are our carnations and streak'd gilly-f
flowers, which fome call nature's bastards
Winter's Tale. 4 3 350211
Ibid. 4 3 350231

Then make your garden rich in gilly flowers, and do not call them bastards
Gilt. Have for the gilt of France (O guilt indeed!) confirm'd confpiracy with fearful

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When thou waft in thy gilt, and thy perfume, they mock'd thee for too much

— And shew to dust, that is a little gilt, more laud than gilt o'er-dusted
Gift two-pences. If you do not all shew like gilt two-pences to me
Gimmals. I think, by some odd gimmals or device, their arms are set like clocks, still to
ftrike on

[ocr errors]

Henry v.2 ch

514 128

Timon of Aib.ns. 4 3
Tr. and Cr. 3 3
2 Henry iv. 4 3

823117 876146 496223

1 Henry vi. 1 2

5452 47

Henry v. 4
Twelfth Night.25


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Gimmal bis. In their pale dulf mouths the gimmal bit lies foul with chew d grass, still and motionless

Gin. Now is the woodcock near the gin
Giney's cafe. Vengeance of Giney's cafe

Ginger was not much in request, for the old women were all dead

Merry Wives of Windfor. 4 1
Meaf. for Meaf. 43
Mer. of Venie. 3
1 Henry iv. 2

I would the were as lying a goffip in that, as ever knapt ginger

I have a gamon of bacon, and two razes of ginger Gingerly. What is't that you look up fo gingerly

Ginning in the middle

Two Gent. of Verona. 1

Prologue to Trei. and Creffida.

Gins. As whence the fun gins his reflexion, fhipwrecking storms and direful thunders break

1448 131

2 25228 857 212

Macbetb. 1 2 363222

Giply. Like a right gipsy, hath, at fast and loose, beguil'd me to the very heart of lofs

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An your waist, miftrefs, was as flender as my wit, one of these maids' girdles for
your waist should be fit

I'll put a girdle round about the earth in forty minutes
Doft thou think, I'll fear thee as I fear thy father? nay, an

Love's Labor Loft. 4 1572 5 Mid. Night's Dream.


if I do,'let my girdle

1 Henry iv. 3 3

Other times, to fee the beachy girdle of the ocean too wide for Neptune's hips 2 Hen. iv. 3 1
Suppofe, within the girdle of thefe walls, are now confin'd two mighty monarchies H.v.16
Knock me down with 'em, cleave to the girdle

463125 488 145 5092 2

Timon of Athens.3 4815256
Lear. 4 6 9581 6

But to the girdle do the Gods inherit, beneath is all the fiends
Girdled. For they are all girdled within maiden walls, that war hath never enter'd Hen. 6.5 2

Who is now girdled with a waist of iron

1 Henry vi. 4 3 Timon of Athens.41 Richard 4 3

541 112 562123 818146 658 234


Girdleft. O thou wall, that girdleft in those wolves
Girdling one another within their alabaster innocent arms
Girls. Thofe girls of Italy, take heed of them, they fay, our French lack language to

'Tis a girl, promifes boys hereafter

Girt. One girt fix times pieced

All's Well. 2
Henry viii. 51 698151
Taming of the Shrew. 3 2 265137

My fovereign, with the loving citizens,—like to his island, girt in with the ocean 3 H. vi. 4 8 627154 Gis. By gis, and by faint charity

Give. Did give himself all thin, and naked to the numb-cold night

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Gladded. That my kingdom, well worthy the beft heir o' the world, fhould not be

Given. And too well given, to dream of evil

He's a noble Roman, and well given

Unwifely, not ignobly, have I given

gladded in 't by me

Gladding. To the gladding of your highness with an heir
Glamis. All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Glamis

Ibid. 5

685245 697 1 57



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Glafs. And like a Prophet looks in a glass

Methinks you are my glass, and not my brother
What wicked and diffembling glass of mine made me compare with Hermia's fphery


"Tis not her glass, but you, that flatters her
I my brother know yet living in my glass

If this be fo, as yet the glass seems true
Give me that glass, and therein will I read

Meaf. for Meaf. 2
Comedy of Errors. 5



[ocr errors]

120 235

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Oh, flattering glass, like to my followers in profperity thou doft beguile me
He was, indeed, the glafs wherein the noble youth did dress themselves 2 Henry iv. 234831 22
Ere the glafs that now begins to run, finish the process of his fandy hour 1 Hen. vi. 4561234
I must be married to my brother's daughter, or else my kingdom ftands on brittle


And like a glafs did break i' the rinfing

Richard iii. 4 2 658 19
Henry viii. 1 673234

I, your glafs, will modeftly difcover to your felf, that of your felf which yet you know not of

Julius Cafar.12742255

But more in Troilus thousand fold I fee than in the glass of Pander's praise may be

Troilus and Creffida. 1 2 861 2 20

-You go not, 'till I fet you up a glafs where you may fee the inmoft part of you Ham. 341023253

Glaffes. Even in the glaffes of thine eyes I fee thy grieved heart

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And to gather, fo much as from occafion you may glean
Gleaned. How much low peasantry would then be gleaned from the true feed of honour

Girding the gleaned land with hot affays

Gleaning. Yes, that goodness of gleaning all the land's wealth into one,' into your own hands

Meaf. for Meaf. 2
Henry v.1
Hamlet. 2


841 3

1 510 210 21010 132

[blocks in formation]

Gleeful. Wherefore look'st thou fad, when every thing doth make a gleeful boaft Tit. And. 2
Gluck. I can gleek upon occafion


[blocks in formation]

1842 8

Romeo and Juliet. 4

[blocks in formation]


[ocr errors][merged small]

558 117

Richard ii.3

1 Hen. iv.

426 153 441

No money, on my faith, but the gleek
Gleeking. I have feen you gleeking and galling at this gentleman twice or thrice Hen. v.
Gleeks. Where are the baftard's braves, and Charles his gleeks
Glendower. To fight with Glendower and his complices

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Glew'd. My love and fear glew'd many friends to thee

Glews. Thy tears would wash this cold congealed blood, that glews my lips

Glib. I had rather glib myself, than they should not produce fair iffue

Thefe encounters fo glib the tongue

If for I want that glib and oily art to speak and purpose not

Glides. With indented glides did flip away into a bush

3 Henry vi. 26 615149 Ibid. 5 2 629 160 Winter's Tale. 21340152 Troilus and Creff:45 881244 Lear. 1931 238

As You Like It.43 244 24

If one of mean affairs may plod it in a week, why may not glide thither in a day Cym.32 907234 Glimmer. That it will glimmer through a blind man's eye Glimmering night

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Gliftering. And make stale the glistering of this prefent, as my tale now feems to it W.'sTale. - grief Glete. She is spherical, like a globe; I could find out countries in her Com. of Errors.[3] 2||111|2|23


[ocr errors]

Globe. While memory holds a feat in this distracted globe
Glooming. A glooming peace this morning with it brings
Glories. But fhall we wear thefe glories for a day? or shall they last

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Glory grows guilty of detefted crimes

So doth the greater glory dim the lefs

[blocks in formation]

Much Ado About Nothing.3

Till I have fet a glory to this hand, by giving it the worship of revenge
A brittle glory fhineth in this face, as brittle as the glory, is the face
- is like a circle in the water

Lo, now my glory smear'd in dust and blood
Farewell thou woeful welcomer of glory

O, the fierce wretchedness that glory brings us
Were it not glory that we more affected than the performance of our heaving fpleens

9981 1

6572 2

Henry viii. 3 2

692 2 10 1132235

Love's Labor Loft. 4

1 157140

Mer. of Venice. 5

[ocr errors][merged small]

K. John. 4

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Richard ii. 4 1

434 125

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3 Henry vi. 5 2


Richard iii.41


Timon of Athens. 4 2

8191 53

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Glofe. He that no more must say, is liften'd more, than they whom youth and eafe have
taught to glofe

Glofs. In the new glofs of your marriage

The only foil of his fair virtue's glofs, if virtue's glofs will stain in any foil Love's L. Loft. 2
I fear me, lords, for all this flattering gloss
Your painted glofs difcover to men that understand you, words, and weakness Hen. viii. 5
Glofter. Humphry, duke of. D. P. 2 Henry iv. p. 473. Duke. D. P.
Duke. D. P.

Here's Glofter too, a foe to citizens

charge in parliament against the bishop of Winchester

The bishop's answer

Humphry, duke of. D. P.

509 543

Duke, his dream

commitment compared by the king to the butcher fetching a calf

[blocks in formation]

Ibid. 1585142
Ibid. 31584 145

Ibid. 32 586252
31 2588156


Ibid. 6 616 217
Ibid. 56 631257
Ibid. 6632124

Richard iii.

Ibid. I

633 2637214


Dutchefs of. D. P.

Richard ii.


2 Henry vi. 1

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Merry Wives of Wind. 1

[ocr errors][merged small]

M. Ado About Not. 3

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Love's Lab. Loft.5


Mer. of Venice. 41

1701 17 121824

These gloves the count fent me, they are an excellent perfume

I here proteft, by this white glove

Give me your gloves, I'll wear them for your fake

She has a leathern hand, a freestone-coloured hand; I verily did think that her old
gloves were on

This woman is an eafy glove, my lord, fhe goes off and on at pleasure

A fentence is but a cheveril glove to a good wit

As You Like It. 4 3 244110 All's Well. 5 3 305126 Twelfth Night.3 132014

He would unto the stews, and from the common'ft creature pluck a glove and wear
it as a favour

This is my glove, by this hand I will take thee a box on the ear
Soldier, why wear'st thou that glove in thy cap

Here uncle Exeter, fill this glove with crowns, and give it to this fellow
Keep it fellow; and wear it for an honour in thy cap

Then there's my glove; defcend, and open your uncharged ports
You fur your gloves with reafon

[blocks in formation]

For I will throw my glove to death himself, that there's no maculation in thy heart 16.44
Wore gloves in my cap
O, that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek Rom. and Jul. 2
Glover's paring knife. Doth he not wear a great round beard like a glover's paring knife
Merry Wives of Windfor. 1 4 50125
Glowing. This lies glowing, I can tell you, and is almoft mature for the violent break-
ing out

Glow-worms. Twenty glow-worms shall our lanthorns be

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