Ibid. 4 1 693150 Armexment. When it falls, each small annexment, petty confequence attends the Hamlet. 3 3 10222 5 3 Henry vi. 57632259 Richard iii. 5 3 667151 Titus Andron. 4 1 8452 5 Macbeth. 5 1 383232 Hamlet. 4 71032230 Anointed. Giv'ft thy anointed body to the cure of those physicians that first wounded thee Com'ft thou because the anointed king is hence Richard ii. 2 1420239 Anointed let me be with deadly venom; and die, ere men can fay-God fave the queen! Richard iii. 4 1 Meafure for Meafure. 4 1 M. Ado About Noth. 5 You shall never take her without her anfwer, unless you take her without her tongue But for me, I have an answer will serve all men All's Well. 2 6571 2 59254 65251 93 191139 451/250 1 143138 As You Like It. 4 1 243130 2285141 Ibid. 2 2 2852 1 It must be an answer of most monstrous fize, that must fit all demands Anfwered. Our hopes are answered An't like your majesty Cymbeline. 5 3 921214 Julius Caefar. 5 1 76215 2 Henry vi. 51 599258 Ant. We'll fet thee to school to an ant, to teach thee there's no labouring in the winter Ambropophagi. The anthropophagi and men whofe heads do grow beneath their shoul ders Anthropophaginian. He'll speak like an anthropophaginian unto thee Othello. 1 197 M.W. of Wind. 4 5 68243 Coriolanus. 1 6| 709230 Ibid. 3 3 724 215 And that the spoil got at the Antiates was ne'er distributed Antic. And there the antic fits, fcoffing his ftate, and grinning at his pomp Ibid. 5 5 738229 Rich. .3 2 4281 3 Henry vi. 4 7 564118 Hamlet. 2 21013142 1132137 1 165257 M. Ado About Noth. 3 We can contain ourselves, were he the verieft antick in the world Induc. to Taming of the Shrew. What, dares the flave come hither, cover'd with an antlck face As I, perchance, hereafter shall think meet to put an antick killed by a bear Anticipating time with starting courage Troilus and Creffida. 5 3 888140 Auriepa. 23 Whilft we are wand'ring with the antipodes -Thou art as oppofite to every good, as the antipodes are unto us. Antique. Oh, good old man! how well in thee appears the conftant Antiquity. Hadft thou not the privilege of antiquity upon thee And every part about you blasted with antiquity forgot, cuftom not known, the ratifiers and props of every ward Antoniad. The Antoniad, the Ægyptian admiral with all their fixty, fly Antonio, brother to Profpero, and ufurping duke of Milan, D. P. How have ye run from flaves that apes would beat You fhew'd your teeth like apes, and fawn'd like hounds And monkies 'twixt two fuch fhe's, would chatter this way, and contemn with D. P. - - -Nor believe he can have every thing in him, by wearing his apparel neatly My gay apparel for an alms-man's gown Apparent. Next to thyself, and my young rover, he's apparent to my heart Winter's Tale. 1 Were it not here apparent, that thou art heir apparent I'll draw it is apparent to the crown Apparitions. I have mark'd a thousand blushing apparitions to start into her face Apollo. [Love.] Sweet and musical, As bright Apollo's lute, strung with his hair I have dispatch'd in poft to facred Delphos to Apollo's temple The great Apollo fuddenly will have the truth of this appear Bring forth, and in Apollo's name, his oracle 2253236 Appendix. To bid the priest be ready to come against you come with your appendix 25 A. S. P. C. L. Taming of the Shrew. 4 4 273111 Appertaining. The reason that I have to love thee doth much excufe the appertaining Appertainments. We lay by our appertainments vifiting of him Appetite of her eye did feem to fcorch me up like a burning glass Romeo and Juliet. 3 1 982147- M.W. of Wind. 13 Scarce confeffes that his blood flows, or that his appetite is more to bread than stone Fit thy confent to my sharp appetite-lay by all nicety Mer. of Venice.2 1502 4 492 7 Measure for Measure.1 Much Ado About Noth. 2 the palate Who rifeth from a feaft with that keen appetite that he fits down Belike then, my appetite was not princely got Urge his hateful luxury and beftial appetite in change of luft Dexterity fo obeying appetite, that what he will he does Troilus and Creffida.|1| 3 862249 Ibid. 5 5 889129 Cymbeline. 3 6 913137 She would hang on him, as if increase of appetite had grown by what it fed on Even as her appetite fhall play the god with his weak function Applaud the name of Henry with your leader Apples. There's a small choice in rotten apples The prince once fet a dish of apple-johns before him, and told him, there were five more Sir Johns Apple-tart. Carv'd like an apple-tart 1 Henry iv. 3 3 461225 Appliances. Thou art too noble to conferve a life in bafe appliances Henry viii. 1 Diseases desperate grown by defperate appliance, are relieved Appointed. What, fhall I be appointed hours; as though, belike, I knew not what to take or what to leave It fhall be fo my care to have you royally appointed - Suppose, that you have seen the well-appointed king at Hampton pier embark his royalty Taming of the Shrew.1 12561 5 Winter's Tale. 4 3 355161 Henry v.3 ch. 519 157 The Dauphin, well appointed, ftands with the fñares of war to tangle thee Appointment. Therefore your best appointment make with speed That good fellow, if I command him, follows my appointment Meaf. for Meaf.3 87,2,53 Richard ii. Apprenticebood. Muft I not ferve a long apprenticehood to foreign paffages ftance A. S. P. C. L. 3/418/2/31 Winter's Tale. 5 1 358222 For our approach shall so much dare the field, that England shall couch down in fear and yield Henry v.4 2 530223 Cymbeline. 2 4 904222 Approached. He was expected then, but not approach'd Winter's Tale. 2 1 340226 How many now in health, fhall drop their blood in approbation of what your reverence fhall incite us to And with most profperous approbation Henry v.11 511140 Coriolanus. 2 1 'Would I had put my eftate, and my neighbour's on the approbation of what I have spoke Approof So in approof lives not his epitaph, as in your royal speech As my furtheft band fhall pafs on thy approof 7131 2 Appropriation. He makes it a great appropriation to his own good parts Approve. To approve Henry of Hereford, Lancaster, and Derby, to God, and to him, difloyal He may approve our eyes If you did, it would not much approve me Ant. and Cleop.3 2 782215 Ant. and Cleop.1 Titus Andronicus. 2 1 836240 Lear. 2 4 944228. 3 417141 1768133 Cymbeline. 5 5 926 133 Two Gent. of Ver.5 Ibid. 5 21038235 But the main article I do approve in fearful fenfe Approved. Oh, 'tis the curfe of love, and still approv'd Approvers. Their difcipline (now mingled with their courages) will make Appurtenance. The appurtenance of welcome is fashion and ceremony 1.255 112 Go, bind thou up yon dangling apricocks, which, like unruly children, make their fire ftoop with oppreffion of their prodigal weight A day in April never came fo fweet, to fhew how coftly fummer was at hand, as this fore-fpurrer comes before his lord Men are April when they woo, December when they wed The April's in her eyes; it is love's fpring, and thefe the fhowers, to bring it on I told him what I thought; and told no more than what he found himfelf was apt |