37 A. S. P. C. L. Alliance. Good lord, for alliance Is this the alliance that he seeks with France Allicbelly. She is given to allicholly and mufing Alligator. An alligator stuff'd, and other skins of ill-shap'd fishes All-bolland eve. All-licens'd fool. Much Ado Abt. Nath.|2| 1| 128|1|26 3 Henry vi. 3 3 621117 Merry W. of Windfor. 14 51215 Rom. and Juliet. 5 1 994138 Meaf. for Meafure. 2 I 81135 Lear. 14 936149 Allot. Five days we do allot thee for provifion to fhield thee from difafters of the world Lear. 1 Allottery. Give me the poor allottery my father left me by teftament: with that I will go buy my fortunes Allow. That will allow me very worth his fervice If your sweet sway allow obedience 19311 31 As You Like It. I Twelfth Night. Allowance. But baftards and fyllables, of no allowance, to your bofom's truth His pilot of very expert and approv'd allowance 223133 23082 8 Lear.2 4 944241 Cor. 3 2 72329 Othello. Aliero'd. Generally allow'd, for your many war-like, court-like and learned preparations Go, you are allow'd with abfolute power 11051257 56115 Merry W. of Windfor.2 2 All-feer. That high all-feer whom I dally'd with hath turn'd my feigned prayer on my head All-feuls. All-foul's day is my body's dooms'-day All-worthy Lord!-all-worthy villain Allycbelly. Methinks you're allycholly Almanack. Here comes an almanack of mine own date a calendar, a calendar, look in the almanack 1702 39 - They are greater storms and tempests than almanacks can report As with a man by his own alms impoison'd Ant. and Cleop.1 2769258 Much Ado About Nothing 2 3 130 220 Let your study be, to content your lord; who hath receiv'd you at fortune's alms Lear. I I 932143 Love's Lab. Loft.5 1 1651 7 Alm's-bafket. They have lived long on the alm's-basket of words You, his falfe hopes, the truft of England's honour, keep off aloof with worthlefs emulation Stand'ft thou aloof upon comparison Hence, and stand aloof Romeo and Juliet. 5 3 994263 Ibid. 5 3 995131 Alphabet. But I of these, will wreft an alphabet, and by ftill practice, learn to know the meaning Titus Andronicus. 3 2 844 218 Alps. And talking of the Alps and Apennines, the Pyrenean and the river Po - And meet him were I ty'd to run a foot, even to the frozen ridges of the Alps Whofe low vaffal feat the Alps doth spit and void his rheum upon Altars. To whofe ingrate and unaufpicious altars my foul the faithfull'ft offerings hath breath'd out And to his hand when I deliver her think it an altar Alter. There is no power in the tongue of man to alter me Twelfth Night.5 1329252 Troilus and Creffid. 4 3 879233 Merch. of Venice. 41 2162 52 Alteration. How chances mock, and changes fill the cup of alteration with divers liquors -He's full of alteration, and self-reproving That the affrighted globe should yawn at alteration 2 Henry iv. 3 1 488147 Lear. 51 961|1| 1120 Othello. 5 21076|256 Altbea. Althea. Away, you rafcally Althea's dream, away A. S. P. C. L. 2 Henry iv. 2 2 482115 dream'd fhe was deliver'd of a fire-brand, and therefore I call him her dream Ibid. 2 As did the fatal brand Althea burnt, unto the princes heart of Calydon 2 Hen. vi. 1 Altitude. And to be partly proud, which he is even to the altitude of his virtue Ten mafts at each make not the altitude, which thou haft perpendicularly fallen Amain. From Ireland am I come, amain Therefore hence, amain 2 482118 I 573 240 Coriolanus. 1 Lear. 46 957 1|18 Flamed amazement -Put not yourself into amazement, how these things should be And wild amazement hurries up and down, the little number friends Cymbeline. 4 2 Meaf. for Meaf. 4 2 of your doubtful K. John. 5 Amazon. The bouncing amazon, your buskin'd miftrefs, and your warrior love Thou art an Amazon, and fighteft with the fword of Debora 95162 1407 1 54 Ibid. 1 4 Amazonian chin. When with his amazonian chin, he drove the briftled lips before him Ambassadors to the king of England. D. P. The lord Ambassador sent from a fort of tinkers to the king And hither make, as great ambassadors from foreign princes Amber. Her amber hair for foul hath amber coted 608 236 Art not without ambition, but without the illness should attend it I have no fpur to prick the fides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition Ill-weav'd ambition, how much art thou fhrunk. Go forward and be choak'd with thy ambition Thy ambition, thou scarlet fin, robb'd this bewailing land of noble Buckingham Henry viii. 3 2 6911 9 Ibid. 3 2 692 243 Julius Cæfar. 3732252 Ibid. 3 2 755243 Troilus and Creffid.2 3 870223 Cæfar's ambition, which fwell'd fo much, that it did almoft ftretch the fides o' the world. No blown ambition doth my arms incite Cymbeline. 31 906 245 4 I hold ambition of fo airy and light a quality, that it is but a shadow's shadow Ham.2 210131 5 Ambition. Ambition. And thews a most pitiful ambition in the fool that uses it Whofe fpirit, with divine ambition puft A. S. P. C. L. Hamlet. 3 11019 113 Ibid. 4 410281 19 Farewell the plumed troop, and the big wars, that make ambition virtue Othello. 3 31063160 Ambitious ocean Julius Cafar.1 3 745 139 Cæfar was ambitious; if it were so, it was a grievous fault, and grievously hath The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream Amble. You jig, you amble, and you lisp Ibid. 3 2 755230 Hamlet. 2 210131 2 Ibid. 3 11018|1|18. Ambled. The fkipping king, he ambled up and down with fhallow jesters, and rafh bavin wits Ambles. Your wit ambles well, it goes easily Amiling. To ftrut about a wanton ambling nymph Give me a torch, I am not for this ambling 1 Henry iv. 32 460 150 Much Ado About Nothing.5 1 142225 Merch. of Venice. 3 1: 208 247 Romeo and Juliet. 4 5 9922 Induc. to Taming of the Shrew. Ames-ace. I had rather be in this choice, than throw ames-ace for my life All's Well. 23 M.W.of Windf.2 2 Amifs. For that, which thou haft fworn to do amifs, is't not amifs, when it is truly done 56122 2231 783115 The amity, that wisdom knits not, folly may easily untye How, in one houfe, fhould many people, under two commands, hold amity Lear. 2 4 945144 Amorous. For, but I be deceiv'd, our fine musician groweth amorous Taming of the Shrew. 3 1264160 I will believe (come lie thou in my arms) that unsubstantial death is amorous Amort. What, fweeting all amort Romeo and Juliet.5 399613 Taming of the Shrew. 4 3 270239 A-mart. Now where's the bastard's braves, and Charles his gleeks? what all a-mort Ample. I know your hoftefs as ample as myself Shall not behold her face at ample view You fee, my lord, how ample you are belov'd Now and then an ample tear trill'd down her delicate cheek 558118 1 Henry vi. 3 2 Amplify. Is't not meet that I did amplify my judgment in other conclufions Amurath. Not Amurath an Amurath fucceeds, but Harry, Harry An he were As he should An it like you - if I live Lear. 4 3 955132 Cymb. 16 898137 Lear. 5 3 964|2|13 693137 Henry viii.41 2 Henry iv. 5 2 502210 Much Ado About Nothing. 1 1| 122140 Ibid. 23 130 220 Taming of the Shrew.4 4 272 227 fhould the empress know Anatomize. To anatomize in the vulgar -Should I anatomize him to thee as he is, I must blush and weep, and thou must look pale and wonder Ibid. 4 1846 120 Love's Labor Loft. 4 1157 230 Apatemiz'd. The wife man's folly is anatomiz`d even by the fquandring glances of the fool A. S. P. C.L. Anatomixed. I would gladly have him fee his company anatomized Anatomy. A meer anatomy If you find fo much blood in his liver as will clog the foot of a flea, I'll eat the reft of the anatomy And rouse from fleep that fell anatomy, which cannot hear a lady's feeble voice In what vile part of this anatomy doth my name lodge? Ancestors that come after him All's Well-14 3 297|1|38 Comedy of Errors. 5 1 11913 Twelfth Night. 3 2 32214 King John. 3 Meafure for Meafare. 2 Anceftry. For being not propt by ancestry (whose grace chalks fucceffors their way) Anchifes. As did Æneas old Anchises bear Anchor is deep Anchors. Whilft my intention hearing not my tongue-anchors on Isabel You had much ado to make his anchor hold, when thou caft out, it ftill came The cable broke, our holding anchor lost Is not Oxford here, another anchor Ibid. 4 3 355 31 3 Henry vi. 5 4 629 250 Ibid. 5 4 629 259 Ibid. 5 4 629|2|62 There would he anchor his aspect, and die, with looking on his life Ant. and Cleop. 15772256 Then is all fafe, the anchor's in the port Titus Andronicus. 4 4 8492 7 Ancient. Ten times more difhonourably ragged, than an old fac'd ancient Cymbeline. 5 5 927 238 Hamlet. 3 2 1020 250 Richard iii. 4 4 6612 9 1 Hen. iv. 4 2 465211 Othello. I 110441 2 Ancient of war. Let us then determine with the ancient of war on our proceedings Ancientry. Full of state and ancientry Lear. 51 9612 13 Much Ado About Nothing. 2 1126 123 Andirons. Her andirons (I had forgot them) were two winking Cupids of filver Andramadio. Of Dun Andramadio Andrew. And fee my wealthy Andrew deck'd in sand, vailing her high-top lower than her ribs, to kiss her burial Meafure for Meafure. 2 841 5 2 1671 7 Ibid. 5 2 1671 9 Mid. Night's Dream. 3 1 184 148 What angel shall bless this unworthy husband are bright ftill, though the brightest fall If angels fight, weak men must fall, for heaven still guards the right There is a good angel about him,—but the devil out-bids him too More wonderful, when angels are so angry Ye have angels faces, but heaven knows your hearts Sir, as I have a foul, she is an angel Capable of our flesh, few are angels For Brutus, as you know, was Cæfar's angel But, near him, thy angel becomes a fear Courtiers, as free, as debonair unarm'd, as bending angels All's Well. 3 4 292124 1 Henry iv. 4 2 465|1|41| 2 Henry iv. 2 4 487 143 Henry v. 52 539 129 Richard iii. 1 2 636 116 Henry viii. 31 687 248 Ibid. 4 1 6932 34 Angels. 'Tis thought, the old man and his fons were angels and minifters of grace defend us! A. S. P. C. L. Cymbeline.15 3 921221 - I tell thee churlish priest, a miniftring angel fhall my fifter be, when thou lieft howling - O, the more angel she, and you the blacker devil! Angel-like perfection - Hamlet. 5 11036 1 4 How angel-like she fings 2 Gent. of Verona. 2 4 30147 915118 Angel. [a piece of money.] Here are the angels that you fent for, to deliver you Comedy of Errors. 4 3 Much Ado About Notb. 2 3 1142 20 1292 6 Noble, or not I for an angel Angels. Imprisoned angels, set at liberty Angel. You follow the young prince up and down like his ill angel weighing Angela. D. P. D.P. Measure for Measure. King Jobn. 3 3 3992 6 2 477 211 Ibid. 1 Anger. With anger so much distempered Comedy of Errors. 103 2 Gent. of Verona. 4 3 17239 40118 Winter's Tale. 2 2 Red look'd anger 341 139 Never anger made good guard for itself ➡'s my meat; I sup upon myself, and so shall starve with feeding To be in anger, is impiety: but who is man that is not angry? Touch me with noble anger is like a full hot horfe; who being allow'd his way, felf mettle tires him Henry viii. 1 May be, he hears the king does whet his anger to him 673 154 Ibid. 3 2 689148 Coriolanus. 4 2 7272 6 Ant. and Cleop. 41 790 147 Tim. of Atb. 3 5 816239 2 895153 Lear. 2 2 491 129 Ibid. 2 4 945224 Ibid. 3 7 952135 K. Jobn. 387 Addrefs of King John to the Citizens of Angiers, on his right to the Crown of But, I fear, the angle that plucks my fon thither did angle for And fell fo roundly to a large confeffion, to angle for your thoughts Angled. One of the prettieft touches of all, and that which Angling. The pleasant'st angling is to fee the fish cut with her ftream, and greedily devour the treacherous bait Anna. That art to me as fecret and as dear, as Anna to the Queen of Carthage was Anne St. By St. Anne -Princess of Wales. D. P. All's Well. 5 3 3042 12 1348 155 for mine eyes, 360 231 131258 3361 5 89149 |