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Shall I, fays he, that have fo oft encounter'd him with scorn, write to him that I love him

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Troil, and Creff 4
Comedy of Errors. I I




Much Ado About Nothing. 2

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- How goes the world, that I am thus encounter'd with clamorous demands of broken bonds

Encountering. Like vaffalage at unawares encount'ring the eye of majefty
Encumbered. With arms encumber'd thus

End. You always end ere you begin

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- Let all the ends, thou aim'ft at, be thy country's, thy God's, and truth's

Richard ii. 2

2 Henry iv. 2

1419 261 2481 234

Henry viii. 2
Ibid. 3

1 679 155


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Were there worse end than death, that end upon them should be executed Tit. And. 2 4
The end crowns all

Gone she is to death or to dishonour; and my end can make good ufe of either Cym. 3 5
Endeavour. Ufe thou all the endeavour of a man
Which went beyond all man's endeavours

Mer. of Venice.
Henry viii. 32 690 123

- Where their appointment we may best discover, and look on their endeavour

Their endeavour keeps in the wonted pace

Endow. Even all I have; ay, and myself and all, will I withal endow a

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Endowed. Though she were endowed with all that Adam had left him before he trans-

Endowments. Bafe men by his endowments are made great
Endurance. Paft the endurance of a block

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Endymion. How the moon fleeps with Endymion, and would not be awak'd
Enemy. Be able for thine enemy rather in power, than use

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Why, Harry, do I tell thee of my foes, which art my near'ft and dearest

- Now, quiet foul, depart when heaven shall please; for I have seen

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127 210

M. of Ven. 5

I 220127

1 278115 3418 110

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All's Well. 1
Richard ii. 1

our enemies

1 Henry vi. 32 558 3 Richard iii. 4 2 658120 Hen. viii. 3 2688216 Ibid. 5 16981 5

I know, thou hadst rather follow thine enemy in a fiery gulf, than flatter him in a bower

Coriolanus. 3 2 723 248

-O, that men fhould put an enemy in their mouths, to steal away their brains Orbello. 2 31057221 Enfeoff'd himself to popularity

Enfetter'd. His foul is so enfetter'd to her love, that she may make,

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More than I have faid, loving countrymen, the leisure and enforcement of the time

forbids to dwell upon

Enfranchife. Silvia this night I will enfranchise thee
Enfranchifement. His golden uncontroul'd enfranchisement

Enfreedoming thy person

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Merch. of Venice. 3
Hen. iv.5

Engaged. I have engag’d myself to a dear friend, engag'd my friend to his meer enemy

2 212118 2469 147 7 233163 Love's Labor Loft. 4 3 163211 Tam. of the Shrew.41 268 254

And Westmoreland, that was engag'd did hear it
Engender'd. And wip'd our eyes of drops that facred pity hath engender'd As You Like It. 2
Engenders. Abftinence engenders maladies

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No one, but he, should be about the king; and that engenders thunder in his breast

1 Henry vi. 3555148 Ibid. 31 556225 186 247 Coriolanus. 5 4 737 138

The presence of a king engenders love amongst his fubjects
Engilds. Who more engilds the night than all yon fiery O's, and eyes of light M.N.'sD.3 2
Engine. When he walks, he moves like an engine

But let him, like an engine not portable, lie under this report

Tr. and Creff2 3 869242
Lear. 1 4 937213

Which like an engine, wrench'd-by frame of nature, from the fix'd place

Engirt. My body round engirt with misery

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2 Henry vi. 31 585132
K. Jobn.11387
Ibid. 2

I 390 242
K. Jobn. 2 1391215
Ibid. 3 4 400 133

Ibid. 4 3 406|2|53

- And England now is left to tug, and fcamble and to part by the teeth, the unow'd intereft of proud swelling state


Ibid. 4 3 406 256

This England never did, nor never fhall, lye at the proud foot of a conqueror, but when it first did help to wound itself

Nought fhall make us rue if England to itself do rest but true

As were our England in reverfion his, and he our fubjects' next degree in hope Italy, whofe manners ftill our tardy apifh nation limps after in bafe imitation defcribed by John a' Gaunt on his death bed

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Landlord of England art thou now, not king state of, compared to an uncultivated garden

Ibid. 3 4


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divifion of, into three parts, by the rebels Mortimer, Percy and Glendower 1 Hen. iv. 3 Nor can one England brook a double reign, of Harry Percy and the prince of Wales

Ibid. 5 4 471141

O England!-model to thy inward greatnefs, like little body with a mighty heart H.v. 2 cb 514 118 That ifland of England breed very valiant creatures

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Miferable England! I prophefy the fearful'st time to thee, that ever wretched age

hath look'd upon

hath long been mad, and fcarr'd herself

In faith, for little England you'd venture an emballing

There the men are as mad as he

I learn'd it in England, where (indeed) they are moft potent in potting

English traveller characterized by Portia

Sure they are bastards to the English; the French ne'er got them
Fly noble English, you are bought and fold

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Where'er I wander, boaft of this I can, though banish'd, yet a true born English


I can speak English, lord, as well as you
This is the English not the Turkish court

And then give them great meals of beef, and iron and steel, they will eat
and fight like devils

Richard .1 3419110 1 Henry iv. 3 1 458 124 2 Henry iv. 5 2 50229 like wolves

That English may as French, French Englishmen, receive each other fituation of, before Bourdeaux, compared to deer bounded in a pale Superiority of the English in drinking, to the Dane, Almain and Hollander Engluts. That it engluts and fwallows other forrows

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Henry v.37 526 237
Ibid. 5 2 541218
Henry vi. 4 2 561246
Orbello. 231055214

Englutted. Thou art fo near the gulf, thou needs must be englutted

A. S. P. C. L.

Henry 4 3 531.245

How many prodigal bits have slaves, and peasants, this night englutted Tim. of Arb. 2 Engoal'd. Within my mouth you have engoai'd my tongue, doubly portcullis'd with my teeth and lips

Richard .1

2 811252


Engrofments. This bitter taste yields his engrosments to the ending father 2 Henry iv. 4 4 499211
Engrefs. Not fleeping to engross his idle body
Engreffed opportunities to meet her

Ricb.i.37 €54236

Merry Wives of Wind. 2 2

55 2 42 291122 996 115 Lear. 5 1961250 Macbeth. I 3 365224 Troil. and Creff2 3 870151 Julius Cæfar. 4 2 758243

Romeo and Juliet. 5 3

Engreffeft. If thou engroffeft, all the griefs are thine, thou robbest me of a moiety All's W. 3 2
Engreffing. A dateless bargain to engroffing death
Enjoy'd. Neither can be enjoy'd, if both remain alive
Enkindle. That, trusted home, might yet enkindle you unto the crown
Enlard. That were to enlard his fat-already pride
Enlarge your griefs and I will give you audience
Enlargement. Yet you are curb'd from that enlargement by the confequence o' the


Enmef. And out of her own goodness make the net that shall enmesh them all Othello. 2
Enmity. 'Tis death to me to be at enmity

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Enormity. In what enormity is Marcius poor, that you two have not in abundance Cer. 2 1
Enormous. And shall find time from this enormous state
Enough. No, 'tis not fo deep as a well, nor fo wide as a church door; but 'tis enough
Romeo and Juliet.|3|
Empearted. I am too fore empearced with his shaft, to foar with his light feathers Ib. 1 4
Enrapt. And I myself am like a prophet suddenly enrapt
Enridged fea

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Earings. The female ivy fo enrings the barky fingers of the elm Mid. Night's Dream. 4 1
Enrobe the roaring waters with my filks
Enroll'd penalties

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1| 982223 972 132 888 114 957 39 190 19 1| 197213 78131

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Enscheduled. Whose tenours and particular effects you have, enschedul'd briefly, in your

Enfconce. And yet you, rogue, will enfconce your rags
I will ensconce me behind the arras

Merry W. of Wind. 2 2 54118
Ibid. 3 3 60/2/44

Enfconcing ourselves into seeming knowledge, when we should submit ourselves to an unknown fear

Enfear thy fertile and conceptious womb

All's Well. 2 3 285251

Timon of Abens.4

Enfield. These black marks proclaim an enshield beauty ten-times louder than beauty could difplay'd

Enforines. Burgundy enshrines thee in his heart

Enfign. Let a Roman and a British enfign wave friendly together
Enfky'd. I hold you as a thing ensky'd and fainted


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Enfnar'd. Demand that demi-devil why he hath thus enfnar'd my foul and body Orbelle. 5 2 1079 129

Enftate. We do enstate and widow you withal

Exfleep'd. Traitors enfteep'd to clog the guiltless keel
Enfue. Let not to-morrow then enfue to-day

Enterchange. This enterchange of love, I here proteft, upon my part shall

Enterprize. She'll take the enterprize upon her, father, if you advife it
Do not stain the even virtue of our enterprize
Entertain. O noble English that could entertain with half their forces


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But entertain it, and though you think me poor, I am the man, will give thee all the
Entertained. For they have entertained cause enough to draw their swords
Entertainment. I fpy entertainment in her

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M. W. of Win.13

Ibid. 4 5



Meaf. for Meaf.3 2 921 9
As You Like It. 2 4 231146

3 7281 3 31005213

If that love or gold, can in this defert place buy entertainment
He must think us some band of strangers i' the adversaries entertainment All's Well. 4 1295137
The centurions and their charges diftinctly billetted, already in the entertainment Cor. 4
Set your entertainments at a higher rate, than a command to parley
The queen defires you to ufe fome gentle entertainment to Laertes, before you fall
to play

N 2

Hamlet. 1

Ibid. 5 2103912 15

Entertainment. Note, if your lady ftrain his entertainment with any strong, or vehement importunity

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Entbron'd. Cleopatra and himself in chairs of gold were publickly enthron'd A. and C. 3
Enthralled. So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape

Entire point

Entrails. Old, cold, wither'd, and of intolerable entrails

And shews the ragged entrails of this pit

Entrance. For an entrance to my entertainment

A. S. P. C.L.

Othello. 3

1062 141

7841 55

Mid. Night's Dream. 3
Lear. I

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Taming of the Sbrew.2

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72 248 840 127 260 210

No more the thirsty entrance of this foil fhall daub her lips with her own children's blood

Entrap. Sought to entráp me by intelligence

1 Henry iv. 1 144123 Ibid. 4 3 4671 1

The fraud of England, not the force of France, hath now entrapt the noble-minded Talbot 1 Henry vi. 4 4 562245 Entreat. The general state, I fear, can scarce entreat you to be odd with him T. and C. 4 5 883 238 Entreated. The queen is at your house, for heaven's fake, fairly let her be entreated

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Entreaties. When for a day of king's entreaties, a mother would not fell him an hour
from her beholding
Entrench'd. One captain Spurio with his cicatrice, an emblem of war,
fter cheek; it was this very fword entrench'd it

here on his fini-
All's Well. 2

Envellop. The best and wholesomest spirits of the night envellop you
Leaving his body as a paradife, to envelop and contain celestial spirits
Envenom him with words

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Meaf. for Meaf. 4
Henry v.1

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K. Jobn. 31

396 231

Hamlet. 4 71032139

Romeo and Juliet. 3 2
3 Henry vi. 1
Meaf. for Meaf.1| 4|
Mer. of Ven. 41
of thy fharp

And that no lawful means can carry me out of his Envy's reach
But no metal can, no, not the hangman's ax, bear half the keenness


By Envy's hand and Murder's bloody axe

Rival-hating Envy

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9841 22 606 115



Ibid. 4


215 245

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4172 5 469|2|11

5901 I 620213 6801 2

Tit. Andron. 2

Ibid. 151 2 699153 1836139

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Men that make Envy, and crooked Malice, nourishment, dare bite the best
Advanc'd above pale Envy's threatning reach

Thou art as full of envy at his greatness as Cerberus is at Proferpina's beauty

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Ibid. 5 1884 148 Coriolanus. 33 725 223

Enwheel The grace of heaven, before, behind thee, and on every hand, enwheel thee round

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Entombed. I am your mother; and put you in the catalogue of thofe that were en wombed mine

Enwraps. Though 'tis wonder that enwraps me thus, yet 'tis not madness Tw. Night. 4
Ephefian. It is thine hoft, thine Ephefian, calls

Ephefians, my lord, of the old church

Epbefus. Sir, I fhall have law in Ephefus

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Merry Wives of Windfor. 4 5
2 Henry iv. 2 2
Comedy of Errors. 4 1
Macbeth. 5 3





W. of Windfor. 2
Ant. and Cleop. 2

384137 2 56218

I773 2 49

Julius Cæfar. 51

Epicures. Then fly, falfe Thanes, and mingle with the English epicures
Epicurean rafcal

cooks, sharpen with cloylefs fauce his appetite

Epicurus. You know that I held Epicurus ftrong, and his opinion
Epidamnum. By prosperous voyages I often made to Epidamnum

Epidaurus. Of Corinth that, of Epidaurus this
Epigram. Doft thou think I care for a fatire or epigram
Epilepfy. My lord is fallen into an epilepfy; this is his fecond fit
Epileptic. A plague upon your epileptic vifage


Comedy of Errors. 1 1 103215
Ibid. 4 1 113133
Ibid. 1 11041 34

Much Ado About Nothing.5 4 146228
Othello. 4 11067227
Lear. 2 2 941141

Epilogue. Will it please you to see the epilogue or to hear a bergomask dance M. N. Dr. 51 1952 19 Epitaphs. On your family's old monument hang mournful epitaphs M. Ado About Noth.{4|



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Epirbeton. I spoke it, tender Juvenal, as a congruent epitheton

fhew like all yourself

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150 2 2

Coriolanus. 5 3

7352 32

Henry viii. 2


682 16

1929 19

798 121

Epitome. This is a poor epitome of yours, which by the interpretation of full time may

Equal. Two equal men

Equalities are fo weigh'd, that curiofity in neither can make choice of either's

Equainefs. That our stars, unreconcilable, should divide our equalness to this
Equinox. Do but see his vice, 'tis to his virtue a just equinox
Equipage. I will retort the fum in equipage

Equity. For this down-trodden equity

And equity exil'd your highness' land

And you his yoke-fellow of equity, bench by his fide

Equivocator characteriz'd

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Not Erebus itself were dim enough to hide thee from prevention Erect. And on him erect a second hope, as fairly built as Hector Erection. They mistook their erection

Lear. 1

A.& C.51
Orbello. 2 3 1056 1 I

Plague all; that your activity may defeat and quell the fource of all erection

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Merry W. of Windfor. 3



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Merry W. of Windfor. 5
Ant. and Cleop.

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Richard ii. 2

1 422 2 8

Henry v.
Macbeth. 5


4 384 259

I will go on the flightest errand now to the Antipodes
The whiteness of thy cheek is apter than thy tongue to tell thy errand 2 Henry iv. 1
Errant. And divert his grain tortive and errant from his courfe of growth

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Erroneous vaffal

Erring. An erring barbarian

Error. One error fills man with faults

Othello. 1 31050 242

Richard iii. 1


643 116


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44123 108 217

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Erpingbam, Sir Thomas

- D. P.

Err. And make discovery err in report of us

Errand. So that my errand due upon my tongue, I thank him, I bare home upon my] fhoulders

To make a faithlefs error in your ears

Two Gent. of Verona. 5
Comedy of Errors. 2
Much Ado About Nothing. 4

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K. Jobn. 2

1392 236

'Coriolanus. 2 3 717 2 14

7. Cafar. 53

7641 9

Ibid. 5 3

764 111

Ant. and Cleop. 311

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Troilus and Creffida. 5 2
As You Like It. 3 5
burnet and


Henry v.5 2 5382 20
2 Henry vi. 2 4 582150
Titus Andronicus. 4 1 845221
Ibid. 5 3 8542 5
Love's Labor Loft. 5 1165223
Romeo and Juliet.
Comedy of Errors. 5
Twelfth Night. I

- What I do next, fhall be, to tell the king of this escape, and whither they are bound

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2 308 126

Winter's Tale.43 356122
Tit. And. 4 2 847 155

Merry Wives of Windfor. 5 5 73238
Hamlet. 2 21013 245
Henry viii. 3 2 690241
Hamlet. 5110362 9
1 Henry iv.152 469245

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