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Josephus thought that the appearance of departed persons is" a most certain proof of the immortality of the soul, and of divine providence.'


marrying a common female scold of the last | pug-puppy from Paris that is in the world :'
class, with a refined male babbler of the first and Mrs. B. a sweet cat in her establishment.'
and thus effect, by artificial methods, what wis- Their talk only breathes honey, essence of
dom, with all her old endeavours, could never Tyre, bloom of Ninon, violet washes, and a
work by any means-an improvement of talk- thousand essences that are advertized in the
ers generally.
newspapers. They die of a rose in aromatic'
anguish, and are recovered by lavender-water,
and other soft appliances' fifty times an hour,
in their over-exquisite' moods. I would soon-
er sit at an opera with five Jews in the same
box, or be in a small room with three French-
men, than talk with one of these.

There is, however, a pleasure in holding up a few of the first classes of talkers to attentive notice, somewhat similar to that which a Dutch tulip-fancier feels, when he displays to the curious, wondering eyes of one not in the fancy, (who had perceived, on being shewn a bed of them, that they were all tulips, but did not discern the nicer streaks of difference between them,)

'Some faultless tulip which the Dutch ne'er saw.'

The third are those of the objective class. Be your opinions what they may, however undeniable, correct, settled, or well-digested, they will chew them over, and object to them. They will find flaws in diamond-wit of the first water, motes in the brightest rays of the mind, and beams in the eyes of Truth. I know such an one. If you would take an advantage which throw down a bad pun, as burglars toss a bribe tage ground of them, and he instantly drops of meat to a house-dog who is getting the 'vanthe argument, (as that fabulous dog dropped his substantial meat in the river for the shadow of it,) to tear the poor pun to pieces, anathan nothing; and when he has satisfied himlyzing nothing, till he proves that it is no more self to conviction, that a bad pun is not a good one, he is obliged, after all, from politeness, to laugh reluctantly at the joke.

he is gaining in argument, out of his mouth,

"That the dead are seen no more,' observes Johnson, I will not undertake to maintain, against the concurrent and unvaried testimony of all ages, and of all nations. There is no people, rude or learned, among whom apparitions of the dead are not related and beThe first and most common class of talkers, lieved. This opinion, which perhaps prevails, is composed of common babblers. There are as far as human nature is diffused, could become universal only by its truth: those, that several varieties of these; but the most disanever heard of one another, would not have greeable is the long-tongued babbler. One of them is sufficient to set a whole village at war, agreed in a tale which nothing but experience can make credible. That it is doubted by privacy. Rather than be silent, he will wound or disturb the peace and sacredness of virtuous single cavillers, can very little weaken the his dearest friend, with a tongue, which, like general evidence; and some who deny it with Laertes' foil, poisons wherever it touches; and their tongues confess it by their fears."-Ras- sometimes even him who first used it. From selas, Chap. 31. Jones's finery, and Miss Jenkins's faux pass this sort of talker you learn the origin of Miss the state of Mr. Tomkins's embarrassment, &c. &c. Or if you fear what the world thinks of your own character for virtue or folly, you may have entire dissatisfaction. He publishes a pernici- your opinions to-day be to the letter what your misgivings confirmed to your The fourth is the contradictory class. Let and follows the sound of his own rumour, as a ous piece of truth or scandal in the morning, their's were yesterday, and they will instantly run an opposition-coach against your's, upset wether-mutton follows his own bell. Another you on the mud-bank of their own opinions, variety is the dull, or harmless babbler. He and leave you, sprawling and bespattered, to talks in his turn and out of his turn, in season get up as you can. and out of season, and yet has nothing to say, When you have run them You may, perhaps, learn from him that it rained fixed on agreeing with them, and they cannot to a stand on one point, and they find you are yesterday; and backed by the boldness of his object to the matter of your opinions, they fears, you may get some credit for weather wis-hare still a resource left, in objecting to your dom, if you doubt whether it will not rain to- manner of uttering them. You speak unaffectmorrow. He is Francis Moore's counterpart. edly, and they censure you for mediocrity, a bald plainness, and want of spirit and imagination.

When the chairman had finished reading, another member after drinking off his glass, as if conscious that it required more courage than he naturally possessed, to defend a notion which is generally regarded as rather ridiculous, declared that he did believe in supernatural visitations. He assured us that he had several times had appeals made to his senses in the way in question; and, though very desirous to think differently he could not resist a belief in ghosts. "You may, gentlemen," said he, smile at the confession," (for some of the members were beginning to titter,) "but what I have seen and heard, under very peculiar circumstances, and without, I may say, the possibility of deception, I cannot disbelieve." He then detailed some very striking particulars. "I have hardly known a family, said he in conclusion, "into whose confidence. I have been admitted, who have not had some inexplicable intimation of the death of a near relative, or a bosom friend."

Many other remarks were made, during the evening, on both sides of the question; but, as they did not seem to contain much force or novelty, it is not thought necessary to length en this paper by repeating them.

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The second class are the small talkers. These are tea-table appendages, and sometimes hang by the dexter bend of ladies elbows! and are usually 'prim, puss gentlemen,' all prettiness and pettiness. Ceaseless tonguers of words of no tone,' they lisp, or cultivate some delicate mispronunciation of one of the fourand-twenty letters, or of a few well-selected syllables. They have a chicken's perseverence in picking up the smallest grain or chaff of The chairman is suspected to be quite a con- tea-table intelligence, yet are not greedy in the vert to the notion he supported, though, contrary to his custom, he affected to be dubious; hand nothings at less than the cost trouble. possession of it: you may have their secondin support of the suspicion it was particularly Their wit is as an island in a vast sea of three noticed that, when the speaker last alluded to, months' sail; you may steer round it, and by had concluded, the chairman smiled very kind-it, and never make it or if you think you ly upon him by way of encouragement, and said he should be glad to drink his health over again, which he did accordingly.


J. T.

There are as many varieties of talkers as there are of tulips; to classify them would require the nice discernment and patient perseverance of an ethical Linnæus ; and when done, it would be an useless classification, unless, indeed, Taste could be brought to have a love for the cultivation of them, with an ulterior view to the improvement of the several classes, by

The fifth class consists of the talkers in admirations. I heard one of these, the other day. His conversation, if such it might be called, and was made up of a due jargon of Good-Gods! was all exclamation, like a German drama God-bless-mes! Is-it-possibles! Who'd-havethought-its! You-astonish-mes! &c.

talk is all question: I should think their tongues The sixth are the interrogative class. Their were shaped like a note of interrogation. I know him, as a catechized charity-boy does, when he one of this genus. You feel, in conversing with is asked what his godfather promised not to do for him. Talk an hour dead with one of this class, and you will only hear from him such interrogatory affirmations as these following:

And so Jones is well?-and Johnson's marrifret?-and you seriously deny that alderman Curtis is the author of Junius ?-and affirm that Dr. Watts did not write The Frisky Songster ?

descry it in the offing, you may tack for it, and
hope to drift to its shore; but when you really
see it under your bow, you may coast round it,
and cast out your grapple-anchor to hold by it;ed?-and you really now prefer Pope to Pom-
but you might as soon tie your hose or your
horse up with a sunbeam, or get a will o' the
wisp to light you like a well-bred watchman to
your lodgings, as make ground there. The
light of their minds need not be hidden under
a bushel: a one-pill box would be a dome of
ample space and verge enough' for it. Like
one good deed in a naughty world,' it might
shine far and wide therein, and yet not glid it's
confinés. Their most delicate, prim mouths
are like a perfumer's shop, for they breathe no-
thing but sweets. Miss A. has the sweetest

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The seventh, and most insufferable class, are the exclusive talkers. One of these will undertake to talk for all the company present. If you impatiently throw in but one little word, it is like flinging a large stone into a quick current-it disturbs, but cannot impede it, and rather impels it still faster onward :-or like striking a spark into a barrel of gunpowder

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Solution of No. 2, by Mercurius.

Let x the side of the cube; then we have, by -3 a maximum. the question, x Hence, dr 3x2dx, or, 3x2➡ 1.

That is, x =


the cube required.

=.5773502, the side of

Answers were received from Mr. W. M. Laurie,

and Amicus.

Solution of No. 3, by X, Y.




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a fresh explosion of words spreads a hubbub dancing after a month's gout; or like that and confusion all around it. Though he tells delicious giggle some schoolboy uncorks when you every thing you already know, you cannot the grim hush-compelling usher turns his tell him any thing that he does not know. He back; or like the laugh, politeness has supcan tell you what a new book contains that is pressed, till one has got rid of some troubleto come out next Tuesday, as well as if he was some puppy or pedantic blockhead; or like an himself Wednesday; or anticipate the merits olive to the palate of a winebibber, sickly in of a great picture on the easel. If you mean itself, but giving a gusto to the old port of the to see the new tragedy, he has seen it, and he mind, or to the brisk, bubbling champaignedestroys all the delight you would have in its wine of wit. I was companied with an exagnewness, by repeating the best points of it, gerator but yesterday, who was very seriously and by unravelling its plot. If you set out with remonstrated with by a sage old maiden lady an anecdote, he snatches it out of your mouth, for a short indulgence in this lighter sort of as a covetous dog would a desired bone from nonsense. Madam,' he replied, any man his best boon companion and dearest puppy-arrived at the door of discretion, who would friend, and tells it for you. You object that talk sense and seriousness during the gloomy your's was a different version of the same story, month of November, would shew his entire and gently persist in telling it your own way: want of it; and I should either suspect him to -he knows the other version as well as you do, be suicidally inclined, or as insane as my friend and re-relates it for you, but thinks his own Phipps, who went into Drury-lane theatre the best. If you persist, after all, in telling it last night, expecting to be rationally amused. for yourself, he will insinuate to-morrow that Such a man would light home his mother with you are in your anecdotage, and declare that a dark lantern, or read metaphysics to a manyou are the worst teller of a good thing since milliner, or sing Mozart's requiem to a mileGoldsmith. You could not have done a worse stone. Amateur nonsense-talkers are your only. thing than start an anecdote in his hearing, for sensible men.' There could be no serious re-b-MD; a=ND; x=CE; and y=DE. Then, by that one is too sure of reminding him of a plication to such diverting lightness as this; so hundred others; and the last one of that first my gentleman had his way, and on he went century of good things is so nearly related to like a falconer.' the first of the second century, that he cannot choose but relate it, and you dare not choose but hear it. If you commence a favourite quotation, he takes up the second line, goes on with it, and ends by quoting twice as much as you intended. This invariably leads him to recollect another poem by the same author, which no doubt you have heard, but Mrs. Jones, who is present, would perhaps like to hear; and then he begins it without farther prelude, and you can, if you please, go to sleep ad interim, if you have no fear of his reproach for want of taste, &c. before your eyes, to keep them open. You have been to Paris, and he informs you of your expenses on the road:-or you are going to Scotland, and he narrates most pathetically the miseries of a German inn. Of all talkers these are the worst.

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b: x :: a.: There are several other classes, which I shall notice in brief. There are the slow talkers, as And, (by 47 Euclid I B.) tedious as the music of Te Deum; the quick y2 (DE2) + talkers, as hasty as a postman's knock, and perhaps not so full of information; the loud Hence, y2 = x (b2-x2). talkers, to a nervous man as agreeable as the ding-dong din of a dustman's bell, or a death- Or, y2: a2 :: b2-x2 : b2, and, since, by the naknell in November; and the talkers of taste, ture of the question a, will evidently represent an orwhose language is of no country, but is a jargon dinate, and b, an abscissa, of the curve, we deduce of all countries, and consists of parrot-like refrom the equation a common property of the Ellipse. petitions of virtu, gusto, tout-ensemble, contour, Cor. When the point D is in the middle of the chiaro oscuro, Titianesque bits of colour, Tur-line MN the curve will be a circle, nerian crispness and clearness, Claudean melAnswers were received from Mr. Wilson, and lowness, Tintoretto touches, &c. &c. affecting term on term to the degrading of taste into a chaotic cant of words. N. M. M.


gratify their curiosity. Many persons of distinction,
were present on the occasion. Sig. Barbbiti, an ex-
cellent Italian performer, accompanied the young
musician on the piano. For one piece alone Master
Minasi was encored five times. He was the idol
of the company.
Italian literature, then of London, but now of Edin-
Sig. Bugni, public Lecturer on
bargh, a person distinguished alike by the manners
of a gentleman, and the genius of a scholar, hap-
pened to be one of the party, Having been desired
to deliver a piece of extempore poetry, after the
manner of the Italian Improvisatori, in honour of
the little musical prodigy, he immediately rose, and
placing himself in the middle of the drawing-room,
with bis eyes fixed upon Master Minasi, he uttered
the following beautiful Madrigale.

The eighth class are the exaggerators, not the professional, but amateur fibbers. These In the early part of the year 1819, the Countess are a pleasant set of talkers: you must not, to and Lord Oxford, being very desirous to hear this be sure, take them literally. It is a humour juvenile Orpheus, who was then only four years and that even witty persons cannot always appre-a half old, applied to his father, who was willing to ciate; to your thoroughly sensible and oneand-one-make-two sort of minds, it is a stumbling-block and a reproach.' It is, perhaps, as to its conversational value, mere nonsense: it is what an ingenious punster (fracturing a French word in pieces) considers bad-in-age, and not very good in youth. But, most sensible reader, shut not thine ears against it: if thou wouldst enjoy sense at any time, listen sometimes to his less capable brother, Nonsense. After the mind has been wearied by abstruse studies, or worldly carkings, or imaginary ills, or positive griefs, is not nonsense like letting a long-strained bow relax; or giving slackness to a lute-string? Nonsense is to sense, like shade unto light, making, by strong contrast, what is beautiful, still more beautiful: it is like an intended discord in a delicious melady, making the next concord the sweeter; or like silent sleep after sorrowful wakefulness; or like that calm which succeeds a storm; or like cheerfulness after care; or like condescension after hauteur; or like the freedom of a night-gown or slippers to the cramping of tight boots and bursting buttons; or like a night's

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A li-ar, is that despicable thing
You hint at, or I incorrectly sing.
The Ver-ger, is the easy office meant,
If he esteem it such, then I'm content.
A po-ney, is a very useful beast,
Though sometimes, where most useful, prized least.
The ol-ive, is a symbol of sweet peace,
May that and plenty in this land ne'er cease.
Th' italics shew a place of much renown,
Fair Liverpool, my much lov'd native town.
April 2nd, 1822.

Answer to John Swilbrig's Enigma in our last.

A German Flute.


In a considerable town in this country may be found, a national calamity-a pledge of union and half of a dead sheep.

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AH! chide me not, that o'er my cheek No tears of silent sorrow steal, Nor deem the ardent passion weak,. My bosom long has learnt to feel No words my secret flame reveal,

No sighs the tale of love impart, Yet looks of outward peace conceal The sadness of a bursting heart. Yet do not blame me, if awhile

I wear the semblance of repose, And who a fleeting summer smile, To gild the darkness of my woes : Oh! 'tis the lingering ray that throws O'er the dim vale a blaze of light, And bright in parting splendour glows The herald of a cheerless night.


They say, fair Niobe of yore
Became a rock on Phrygia's shore;
And Pandion's hapless daughter flies,
In form a swallow, through the skies.
--Had I the power to change, like they,
Heaven knows I'd change without delay;—
I envy all that marks the place
Which Rosabella deigns to grace ;-
The shawl that keeps her shoulders warm;
The stream, that bathes her angel form;,
The gems, that on her bosom blaze;
The mirror, where she's wont to gaze;
The perfumes, on her hair she sheds;
The very dust, on which she treads.


On the Death of Christina, Queen of Sweden. The tree, which shaken of its royal boughs

Gave with its trunk a shelter and a shadeWhose broad and towering top to heaven arose, High, as in earth its roots were deeply laidWhere men the nest of all their hopes had made, Whence Virtue sought support amidst her woes, The branches of whose glory broadly spread From the far West to where the Caspian flowsYields, as its massy roots are rent away,

And in its mighty ruin buries all That in the shelter of its shadow lay. It sinks as if the solid world gave way, Majestic in the thunder of its fall, And mighty, e'en in ruin and decay. To Italy. Where is thine arm, Italia?-Why shouldst thou Fight with the strangers?-fierce alike to me Seem thy defender, and thine enemy; Both were thy vassals once-though victors now. Thas dost thou guard the wreath that bound thy brow, The wreck of perish'd empire ;-When to thee Virtue and valour pledged their fealty, Was this thy glorious promise, this thy vow? Go then reject thine ancient worth, and wed Degenerate Sloth: 'midst blood, and groans, and cries,

Sleep on, all heedless of the loud alarms. Sleep vile adulteress from thy guilty bed,

Too soon th' avenging sword shall bid thee rise, Or pierce thee slumbering in thy minion's arms.


Delicate Spirit, thou wert made
For the gentle Viola :
And rue and rosemary to braid,

With poor Ophelia :

Or with sweet Juliet's faith to prove
The aye-enduring power of love.

Every softer, kindlier glow,

Finds its resting-place in thee:
So sweetly dost thou speak of woe,
It seems thy fitting ministry,
For ever thus the plaints to tell
Of maidens who have loved too well.

In Sorrow's touch so lightly press'd,
And Hope still lighter, burning still,
Where young Love liv'd, and Beauty bless'd
The fond enthusiast of his will,
We mark the changing thoughts that prove
The maid who " never told her love."

Or with Ophelia's fleeting mind,

To shrink at once before the blast;

To wither in an hour, and find

But one short grief,--the first and last : To view the desolation wide,

And yield, nor dare to stem the tide.

Or, in fond Julia's shape to tell,
What woman's heart can do and dare,-
What tale hath ever told so well

The tyraut thrall that lovers bear? And while I look on thee I feel 'Twere rapture at some shrines to kneel

Delicate Spirit thou wert made

Thus to breathe thy noiseless spell,
That hovers round like fairy braid,

And binds, although invisible.
Delicate Spirit, fare thee well,
Oh! breathe, for ever breathe thy spell.



The Turkish Ambassador, who was at Paris in 1798, bought a diamond of a jeweller in that city. While the bargain was concluding, one of his people stole a ring. A little child saw it, and told his father after the Turk was gone. The jeweller immediately wrote to the Ambassador, who sent him word that he should wait twenty-four hours. After the expiration of this time, the jeweller received a box directed to him, which be opened, and found in it the head of the thief, with the ring between his teeth!


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To parody a famous expression of Mirabeau, it may be said that the French language is making the tour of the world.' A French Journal is now printed at Smyrna, under the title of the Spectateur Oriental; and another is published in the Russian empire, at Odessa; two French papers appear at Madrid, the one entitled the Regulateur,' and the other the Boussole, England has its Courier de Londres;' and several French Journals appear in various parts of Germany and Switzerland. Such are the accounts of the French themselves of their language. Let us compare them with the English, destined perhaps one day to exceed all other languages in universality :In Paris, one paper; in Brussels, one; in Canada, several; in America, between three and four hundred; in the different West India Islands, seven or eight at least; in New South Wales, two and a magazine; in India, five or six, and also one or two periodical works; at the Cape of Good Hope, and in our other Colonies, one, paper at least. While 15,000,000 of persons in the West Indies and America, 20,000,000 at home, and half a million or more in the different Colonies of the East and in Europe, making a total of 35,000,000 inhabiting every climate, speak the

English tongue from childhood; besides all those foreigners whom Literature or Trade induce to study it. The increase of the English language in America, in the East, and in New South Wales, will only be limited by a territory which far exeeds one quarter of the globe, when its population shall be at a stand— a more permanent memorial of Britain than all her martial triumphs, and destined to make her remembered and admired when they are long forgotten!

FASHIONS FOR APRIL. [From 'Ackerman's Repository of Arts, Fashions,' &c.] PROMENADE DRESS.

A French gray poplin round gown, made to fasten behind; the bust is ornamented on each side with chenille to correspond, in a scroll pattern, in such a manner as to form a stomacher à l'antique. Long 'tight sleeve with a full epaulette, consisting of two falls disposed in bias, and stiffened at the edges, so as to stand out from the long sleeve: they are lightly embroidered at the edge in chenille. The bottom of the long sleeve is pointed, and finished at the edge with chenille. The trimming of the skirt consists of a rouleau of gros de Naples to correspond at the bottom, surmounted by a trimming of gros de Naples, quilted in the middle, and set on in a serpentine direction. The pelisse worn over this dress is composed of a colour between a peach blossom and a red lilac lutestring; it meets in front, and is tied up with bows of bound latestring. The bottom of the skirt is finished by a broad band of velvet to correspond with branches of leaves issuing from it, disposed in a scroll pattern, and bound with latestring. The body is ornamented on each side of the bust with French folds, finished at one end by a rosette of crimped cord, and at the other by a bullion frog. The back is tight, and the hips are ornamented with frogs to correspond. Tight sleeve, finished at the hand in a rich pattern of lutestring leaves edged with satin. Full epaulette, slashed across in an oval form, and the middle of each slash ornamented with lutestring leaves. Head dress, a bonnet of white figured gros de Naples, trimmed with amber gauze, disposed in drapery folds across the back of the crown, and brought round to the bottom of the crown in front: the edge of the brim is finished by narrow folds of ponceau and amber satin. A full bunch of flowers adorn the crown, and white gros de Naples strings tie in a full bow on one side. Black shoes. Limerick gloves.


The evening dress is composed of gray silk; the trimming of the skirt is of net, laid on full, and divided into compartments by narrow sattin rouleaus, terminating at the top in points, each point flushed by three white satin leaves; a double rouleau of white satin goes round the edge of the bottom of the skirt. The corsage is of net; it is full on each side of the bust, the fullness confined in the middle by a narrow band of satin; it is sloped down at each side to form the shape of the bosom, and is edged by a singularly pretty satin trimming, which also goes round the bust. The corsage is cut low and square round the bust; the waist is of the usual length; a net sash, richly wrought in steel, is tied on one side. Short full sleeve, composed of Urling's net, finished at the bottom by a narrow satin band, and ornamented with satin in the form of bat's wings. Hair dressed low behind, full on the temples, and less divided on the forehead than usual. Head-dress a double wreath of

spring flowers. Necklace and ear-rings, pearl. White kid gloves. White gros de Naples slippers.


The favourite articles in jewellery are necklaces of several rows of pearls, twisted and fastened with richly-ornamented ring of polished steel.


The favourite colours are jonquil, milk chocolate, Egyptian reed, and Parma violet: the fast approaching spring will, no doubt, make all these favourite colours more general.


I fear I have a little turn for șatire. BEPPO.

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It was one o'clock. My master is gone to town, said the servant: But Mrs. Penlove is at home?" interrogated the Doctor. I will ask, gentlemen; with you send in your names?' said the servant. Panacey and Volatile gave their cards to the man and he carried them to his mistress. O! to be sure,' said Mrs. Penlove; but she followed the servant into the hall. I must really beg your pardon; but William is quite new, and thought, I suppose, that no one could be admitted when we were at breakfast.' We,' said Volatile, who have you with you? Miss Annesley!' ejaculated he, entering the room, who thought of seeing Miss Annesley!' Salutations of surprize and pleasure were now mutually given, and the party resolved itself into a morning committee

of scandal.

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pretty handsomely now :-Mrs. Penlove you seemed
to cut the Saltlins last night, and there was the whole
cry of them there." Say hue and cry," observed
the Doctor,' for I never saw such complexions in
my life.' Like daffodils dissolved into their stems,'
said Miss Annesley, if I had such a green and
yellow melancholy' affliction I would not scruple to
tinge it with the rose.' Were not you insufferably
hot Doctor?' said Mrs. Penlove, I am sure I must
have looked ghastly with it myself.' And I am
sure that Miss Saltlins ought to thank you for that
speech,' said Volatile. Mrs. Benbee manages such
things the best,' said the Doctor, no variation of
temperature seems to affect her-hot or cold she is
always the same.' She did not look well a few
weeks ago,' said Mrs. Penlove, but I am glad to
see she is recovered.' Did she call you in Doctor,'
said Volatile. No-Stoby-' said Miss Annesley.
For shame, for shame desist!' said Mrs. Penlove,
really Mary I wonder you will join in or encourage
such calumnies: I beg of you to desist-see Mrs.
Finnikin and daughters are coming up the avenue;
now Doctor and you incorrigible Volatile, I pray you
to be silent.' Nay,' said Volatile, I am sure I
have been quite inoffensive this morning.' Why for
once perhaps you have not been acting yourself, but
you have prompted my sister and Panacey: I assure
you Mrs. Finnikin has a shocking opinion of you,
and the girls declare they dare not open their mouths
before Mr. Volatile, he is so very satirical.'
they say so, for once then they shall think me agree-
able and polite.'

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Why did we not see you last night?' said the Doctor, addressing Miss Annesley. I only came this morning-I dare say that is the reason,' rejoined the lady. For my part," said Volatile, I am very glad you did arrive a day after the fair.' After the fair Miss Annesley could not come,' said the Doctor. Condescending to pun,' said. Volatile, its an odious vulgarity. At least a courteous retort to a proverb,' said the lady, but why do you rejoice at my absence, I pray you?' From pure motives of humanity I assure you, fifty people's characters will be spared at In padded Mrs. Finnikin and in slided the Graces least two days to come.' If I possessed any wit,' said her daughters. Good morning Mrs. Penlove-glad Miss Annesley, there was nothing to exercise it last to see Miss Annesley-hope Mr. Volatile's wellnight: Mrs. Penlove has given me a pretty clear idea Doctor Panacey your most obedient-breakfasting, at of the party, and with the assistance of her hand and a most elegant hour-out last night I suppose.'-In the eye has described them tolerably well-though to be mean time the Graces had slightly 'courtesied and sunk sure my sister's quizzing is the most innocent in the upon the couch. Are you fatigued Ladies!' said world.' Pray,' said the Doctor,pray Mrs. Pen- Volatile approaching them. No-I'm not are you love did you speak to Mrs. Piusleeve? she was quite Jane-Fanny?' said the eldest. Because you drop: easy in her admiration of the various dresses and ped so languidly into your seat,' said Volatile. 'O1 millinery of the ladies, but much more technical I dear no,' said Miss Fanny, rising, with a pert briakthought than was perfectly consistent with her pro- ness of manner, you may have mine, Mr. Volatile,' fessed acquaintance with the King. Bless me,' said and looking triumphantly at her sisters' as having Miss Annesley, is not that Brighton marvel ex- escaped the impertinent tormentor, walked waddlingploded? I have the marks of her thumb and finger only to the window. Volatile quietly took her place on my arm yet, which detained me listening to it last the sopha, and directed his attention to the two sisters Christmas but one.' I saw poor Miss Dandle in which were left,-ever and anon joining the convera similar jeopardy last night,' said Volatile, and, sation of the other part of the company. Pray Miss knight-errant-like, I was going to relieve her, had I Finnikin, I know you're a literary lady, have you not perceived another fair damsel in the utmost dis- read Lord Orford's Memoirs?' No!' replied she, tress from the vociferous encounters of Prattleloud, 'who is the author of it-is it a pretty thing?' Very and my heart more relented towards her.' 'Is that entertaining,' said Volatile, ' and the historical anecnoisy wretch in existence,' said Miss Annesley.- dotes exceedingly curious.' Jane will you remem'O! do let me hear something about him,' said Vola-ber we ask Miss Blinkhorne to put our names down tile, he's my utter antipathy.' Nay, my dear fel- for it to-morrow: mamma,' turning to Volatile,' wont low,' said the Doctor, you can never hear any thing let us have novels from the common circulating liabout him, his own rattle drowns every other sound braries, because, she says there's no discretion in in his vicinity-'tis like striking the tympanum with the choice of them,' Miss Jane, if I remember, is a drumstick and a feather at once.' I pardon that a lover of poetry!' O no! that's Fanny,' said Miss pun from sympathy,' said Volatile. Do you know,' Jane. And writes verses too, does she not?' said said- Miss Annesley, he fixed upon me as a proper Volatile. O yes!' said Mrs. Finnikin turning round object for his butt last winter, and his great bolts. —quite delighted with Volatile's attention to her were levelled at me during a whole evening-he daughters, Fanny writes very pretty verses, she's would have resumed his condescension on the follow-sent a many to the magazines.' What magazine ing night but I shewed a disinclination to his notice, does she honour with her productions?' said Volatile. which he thought proper to resent. And how did O! you know Mamma they were never put in,' said you rebuff him, such impudence as his would not be Miss Finnikin, You are always talking about my easily abashed.' I suffered him to stalk after me poetry Mamma,' said Miss Fanny, I really wish you for a while, and once, when he was thrusting his flat would not be so foolish.' Pray,' said Miss Annesley blank countenance over Eliza Ailsworth's shoulder, with most malicious meaning, can Miss Jane Finnikin to utter something which he considered exceedingly remember the song which her sister Fanny wrote and witty, I addressed him in grave terms on the imper- Miss Finuikin composed-if she can perhaps she will tinence of his conduct, and told him, from the speci- oblige us by singing it.'Jane love,' said Mrs. men I had of his ability, if ever fortune should raise Finnikin, try to sing it for us, will you my love? me to a throne, I would take especial care to send for him to court as a buffoon.' Poor Frank,' said Mrs. Penlove. I am afraid,' said the Doctor, you'd find him but a sad blockhead for a merryman.' No more punning,' said Volatile, we've discussed Frank

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Let me prevail with you Miss Jane,' said the Doctor, opening the piano and appearing anxious for her decision, though he knew well enough she would consent. I can't,' said Miss Jane, at the same time half drawing her glove: I'm sure, I can't,' pulling it entirely off, and fidgeting with the other; the Doctor looked still more desirous; indeed you must excuse me,' rising from the sopha; I really would

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On his breast a gold and glittering star,
Sharp and bright was the sword he drew.
For liberty thus I fight,' he said,
And wav'd his good sword to and fro;
And when for liberty once I've bled,
To claim my Ada's hand I'll go.'
Alas! alas! the gallant warrior,

These words his lips had scarcely pass'd,.>
When, none could be than Ada sarrier,

He wounded fell and breath'd his last. When she had finished, and the necessary compliments were paid, Volatile and the Doctor took leave and departed. The song, the singer, the music, the coy confusions of Miss Fanny and Miss Finnikin, the affectation of Miss Jane, the exulting looks of Mamma, the sarcastic glances of Miss Annesley, the reproving yet half laughing countenance of sweet Mrs. Penlove, altogether presented such a scene as they found it impossible to withstand.

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Will,' said the Doctor this is a fine sketch for the Musaeid.' The Parson won't permit it,' said Volatile, I'm sure he won't; you know how he dislikes lampoons; indeed I begin to be of the same opinion myself, I think they're offensive and silly.' But a description of real life is no lampoon,' said the Doctor, at least, if it be so, the life itself must be a lampoon upon propriety. Think upon this morning; can you see no moral appended to the relation of such an idle gossip? The very truth is more ridiculous than any invention could suppose it, and shews how far people may ramble without their senses, before they return to recover them. I am sure I did not mean to be irrational' when I went, and you see what a fool I shall appear.-Miss Annesley is a clever girl, but she gives herself up to the habit of ridicule, and her good talents seldom appear. Finnikins are only fools because they push themselves into situations which they do not naturally fill. But you and I Volatile are the worst because we join in what we feel to be wrong, and indulge in a vice which we are sure is contemptible.


The Miss

We have had several angry letters complaining of personality in our sketch of the new Bonnet, and others from ladies who would have been evidently pleased by our notice. Such difference there is in the dispositions of mankind. Our wish is only to oblige, and we are sorry that we cannot consistently reply that we both did and did not intend to be personal. The simple fact is this, we meant nobody and meant every body in our descriptions.

'Who can come in, and say that we mean her, When such a one as she, such is her neighbour?" Lucy says we treat our correspondents with too much contempt, and supposes her own communication will be passed into oblivion-we beg her pardon-we shall publish it next week' clara Luce.'

If a Well-wisher would revise and polish his compositions,

we should be glad to hear from him occasionally. The dramatic scene is not only too long but too carelessly written for our purpose. It is returned according to his

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end of the church. A long band of priests | the pavement,-assembled together to await advanced, loaded with still augmenting mag- the blessings of an old man, their fellow mornificence, as they ascended to the higher orders. tal, now tottering on the brink of the grave. Cloth of gold, and embroidery of gold and Not the least picturesque figures among the silver, and crimson velvet, and mantles of throng, were the Contadini, who, in every SUNDAY, 7.-Easter Day, or Easter Sunday. dant train-bearers, and mitres and crucifixes their distant mountain villages, to receive the spotted ermine, and flowing trains, and atten- variety of curious costume, had flocked in from Much difference of opinion prevailed in the glittering with jewels, and priests and patri- blessings of the Holy Father, and whose bright Eastern and Western churches respecting the archs, and bishops and cardinals, dazzled the and eager countenances, shaded by their long precise time of observing Easter; till, in 325, astonished eye, and filled the whole length of dark hair, were turned to the balcony where the Council of Nice declared that the feast St. Peter's. Lastly came the Pope, in his crimson the Pope was to appear. At length the two should be kept by all churches on the same chair of state (sedia gestatoria), borne on the white ostrich-feather fans, the forerunners of day. Easter is styled by the fathers the high-shoulders of twenty Palfrenieri, arrayed in his approach, were seen; and he was borne est of all festivals, the feast of feasts, the robes of white, and wearing the tiara, or triple forward on his throne, above the shoulders of queen of festivals, and Dominica Gaudii, the crown of the conjoined Trinity, with a canopy the Cardinals and Bishops, who filled the baljoyous Sunday. Masters granted freedom to of cloth of silver floating over his head; and cony. After an audible prayer he arose, and, their slaves at this season, and valuable pre-preceded by two men, carrying enormous fans, elevating his hands to heaven, invoked a solemn sents were made to the poor. composed of large plumes of ostrich feathers, benediction upon the assembled multitude, and mounted on long gilded wands. He stopped to the people committed to his charge. Every pay his adorations to the miraculous Madonna head was uncovered; the soldiers, and many in her chapel, about half way up; and this of the spectators, sunk on their knees on the duty which he never omits, being performed, pavement to receive the blessing. That bleshe was slowly borne past the High Altar, sing was given with impressive solemnity, but liberally giving his benediction with the twirl with little of gesture or parade. Immediately of the three fingers as he passed. the thundering of cannon from the castle St. Angelo, and the peal of bells from St. Peter's, proclaimed the joyful tidings to the skies. The Pope was borne out, and the people rose from their knees.'

The pope's benediction this day, the Italians say, extends all over the world, but on Thursday it only goes to the gates of Rome. On Thursday, too, previously to the benediction, one of the Cardinals curses all Jews, Turks, and heretics, by bell, book, and candle. The little bell is rung, the curse is sung from the book, and the lighted taper thrown down among the people. The Pope's benediction immediately follows upon all true believers.

A very singular custom formerly prevailed at Lostwithiel, in Cornwall, upon Easter Sunday. The freeholders of the town and manor having assembled together, either in person or by their deputies, one among them, each in his turn, gaily attired and gallantly mounted, with a sceptre in his hand, a crown on his head, and a sword borne before him, and re- They then set him down upon a magspectfully attended by all the rest on horse- nificent stool, in front of the altar, on which back, rode through the principal street in so- he knelt, and his crown being taken off, and lemn state to the church. At the churchyard the Cardinals taking off their little red skullstile the curate or other minister approached caps, and all kneeling in a row, he was supto meet him in reverential pomp, and then posed to pray. Having remained a few minutes conducted him to church to hear divine ser- in this attitude, they took him to the chair vice. On leaving the church, he repaired with prepared for him, on the right of the throne. the same pomp and retinue to a house previ- There he read, or seemed to read, something ously prepared for his reception. Here a feast, out of a book, and then he was again taken to suited to the dignity he had assumed, awaited the altar, on which his tiara was placed; and, him and his suite; and being placed at the bare-headed, he repeated-or, as by courtesy, head of the table, he was served, kneeling, they call it, sang-a small part of the service, with all the rights and ceremonies that a real threw up clouds of incense, and was removed prince might expect. This ceremony ended to the crimson-canopied throne; and high . with the dinner; the prince being voluntarily mass was celebrated by a cardinal and two disrobed, and descending from his momentary bishops, at which he assisted. During the Or, the Voyage and Adventures of Cyril Shenstone, Esq. exaltation to mix with common mortals. On whole of the service, it was observed that the the origin of this custom but one opinion can only part of the congregation who were in the be reasonably entertained, though it may be least attentive, were the small body of English, difficult to trace the precise period of its com- whom curiosity, and perhaps a sense of decomencement. It seems to have originated in rum rendered so. All the Italians seemed to the actual appearance of the prince, who consider it quite as much of a pageant as ourresided at Restormel Castle in former ages, selves, but neither a new nor an interesting one; But on the removal of royalty, this mimic and they were walking about, and talking, and grandeur stepped forth as its shadowy re-interchanging pinches of snuff with each other, presentative, and continued for many genera- exactly as if it had been a place of amusement, tions as a memorial to posterity of the princely-till the tinkling of a little bell, which anmagnificence with which Lostwithiel had formerly been honoured. (Hitchin's History of Cornwall, 4to.)

On Easter Sunday, the grandest Catholic festival of the year, the church puts forth all her pomp and splendour, which are seen to the greatest advantage in the noble church of St. Peter's at Rome. The Pope assists at high mass, and there is a very grand procession, which, as it took place in the year 1818, is well described by the indefatigable author quoted in our last.

"The church," says our observer," was lined with the Guarda Nobile, in their splendid uniforms of gold and scarlet and nodding plumes of white ostrich feathers, and the Swiss guards, with their polished cuirasses and steel helmets. The great centre aisle was kept clear by a double wall of armed men, for the grand procession, the approach of which, after much expectation, was proclaimed by the sound of a trumpet from the farther

Rome in the Nineteenth Century.

nounced the elevation of the Host, changed
the scene. Every knee was now bent to the
earth, every voice was hushed; the reversed
arms of the military rung with an instantaneous
clang on the marble pavement, as they sank on
the ground, and all was still as death. This
did not last above two minutes. The Host was
swallowed, and so began and ended the only
thing that bore even the smallest outward as-
pect of religion The military now poured out
of St. Peter's, and formed an extensive ring be
fore its spacions front, behind which the horse
guards were drawn up, and an immense number
of carriages, filled with splendidly dressed wo-
men, and thousands of people on foot, were
assembled. But the multitude almost shrunk
into insignificance in the vast area of the piazza;
and neither piety nor curiosity had collected
together sufficient numbers to fill it.

The tops of the colonnades all round were,
however, thronged with spectators; and it was
a curious sight to see such a mixture of all
ranks and nations,-from the coronetted heads
of kings to the poor cripple who crawled along


No. VII.


Mark how a villain máy awhile succeed
But heaven anon will blight him.
The Two Dukes.

(Continued from our lašt.)


This was for longer stay excuse®
Nor did they my request refuse
Which gained with shelter from the storm”
More time my purpose to perform.
Those through the castle who have been,
Have in the servants' kitchen seen,
The table stretched from side to side,
The huge stone chimney gaping wide,
With grate full large enough I trow,
To roast an undivided doe;
While round are hung, the walls to grace,
The various trophies of the chase.
Stag horns in pairs to rafters fixed,
With fox and wolf skins intermixed;
The Baron's arms engraved on stone,
Portraits of servants long since gone,
And weapons all in order stowed,
The Baron's warlike spirit showed.

There seated in that festive place,
Which did not show a single face;
Shaded with horror or with care,
But all was pleasant gay and fair;
And so unlike the life I led,
Of blood, of rapine, and of dread;
A robber's life I had forsworn,
And all my former ways forborne ;
But recollection of my vow,
Habits not to be broken now,

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