Imágenes de página

voci. Printed in separate parts at Venice, in 1571. In score, and

RORE (Cipriano di). Il quarto Libro de Madrigali. From the edition printed in separate parts at Venice, 1580. In



For other Madrigals by various composers, see Nos. 1738, 1746, 1937 to 1943.




IRS (A selection of) from various Italian operas by Lampugnani, Bertoni, Cocchi, Perez, Hasse and Galuppi. In full score.


1891. AIRS (A selection of) from various Italian operas by Sacchini, Monza, Bertoni, Paisiello, &c. In full score.

1892. ARNOLD (Samuel), Mus. Doc.

quarto. The Hymn of Adam and Eve,

from Milton's Paradise Lost. In full score, in the auto

graph of the composer. 2 vols.

1893. ASTORGA (Emanuel, Baron de).


Or sull' orno.

Bellissima cagion.
Vò cercando.

Come lieto.

Filli, che ascondi.

Saltando mostra.

folio. January, 1802. Cantate da Camera, a voce

oblong quarto.

Ascolta, o bella ingrata.

[blocks in formation]

Presented to the Society by the Rev. F. J. Stainforth.

1894. BALFE (Michael William). “The gentle stars are peeping," a ballad with pianoforte accompaniment. In the autograph of the composer.


"How oft at night's calm silent noon," a ballad with pianoforte accompaniment. In the autograph of the com


Presented to the Society by Mr. A. Durlacher.


1895. BLOW (John), Mus. Doc.

"A Song on New Year's Day,

1700,” beginning, “ Appear, in all thy pomp appear." Full score, in the autograph of the composer.


1896. BLOW (John), Mus. Doc. Ode for St. Cecilia's day, "Great

quire of heaven." See No. 1663.

1897. BLOW (John), Mus. Doc. and others.

tatas, &c. In full score.

Odes, Anthems, Can


Cantata for 2 voices, “No, no, vain world," composed by Dr. Pepusch. Serenata for 2 voices, commencing "Wake th'harmonious voice," written by John Hughes, on the marriage of Lord Cobham and Anne Halsey, composed by Dr. Pepusch.

Five Cantatas for a single voice, viz. "Britannia," "Vorrei scuoprir,"
"Menalcas, once the gayest swain," "S'io peno," and "'Twas on the
eve," composed by Dr. Pepusch.

Ode for the Birthday of the Princess of Wales, St. David's Day, Ist
March, 171, commencing "To joy, to triumphs," written by John
Hughes, and composed by Dr. Pepusch. Performed at the Anniversary
Meeting of the Society of Ancient Britons.

Cantata for a single voice, "Chi fra lacci," composed by 7. E. Galliard.
Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, 1687, commencing "From harmony," written
by John Dryden, and composed by Giovanni Baptista Draghi. See also
No. 1904.

Ode on King Charles the Second's Birthday, commencing Smile, smile
again," composed by Pelham Humphreys.

Ode for New Year's Day, 168, commencing "Arise, great monarch," composed by Dr. Blow.

Ode on St. Cecilia's Day, 1700, commencing "Triumphant Fame," composed by Dr. Blow.

Ode for New Year's Day, 1686, commencing "Hail, monarch," composed by Dr. Blow.

Ode for New Year's Day, 1687 (?), commencing "Is it a dream," composed by Dr. Blow.

Ode for New Year's Day, 1688, commencing "Ye sons of Phoebus," composed by Dr. Blow.

Ode for New Year's Day, 16 (?), commencing " With cheerful hearts," composed by Dr. Blow.

Anthem, "The Lord God is a sun and a shield," composed, for the coronation of King William and Queen Mary, by Dr. Blow.

Anthems, "Behold, O God, our defender," and "Let my prayer," composed by Dr. Blow.

1898. BOYCE (William), Mus. Doc.

Recitative," Shall then the Son of Saturn," and Air, "The fatal blessing I resign," from the Masque of Peleus and Thetis. In full score, in the autograph of Edward Taylor, Professor of Music in Gresham College from 1837 to 1863, who has noted that this copy was made from a MS. in Dr. Boyce's handwriting in the Bodleian Library. oblong quarto.

Presented to the Society by Mr. A. T. Roffe.

1899. BUONONCINI (Giovanni Antonio). Chamber Duets for two soprani, soprano and alto, and soprano and bass.

Chi d'amor.
Chi di gloria.
Quant 'e dolce.
Se bella son.
Sempre piange.

In score. oblong quarto.

Si fugga si sprezza.
Bellezza fedele,

Quando voi.

O penosa.

1900. CANTATAS (A Collection of) for a single voice. oblong quarto.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

1902. CANTATAS (Solos extracted from the collections of) by Italian composers presented by Dean Aldrich to the Library of Christ Church College, Oxford. In the handwriting of James Malchair of Oxford.


1903. CANZONETS (A Collection of French and Italian), for two and three voices, about eighty in number. The composers' names are not given. small oblong quarto.

1904. CLARK (Jeremiah) and Giovanni Baptistà DRAGHI. Berbadoes Song," by Mr. J. Clarke.


Song on St. Cecilia's Day, 1687, by Sign' Baptist Draghi ; performed at Stationers' Hall. In full score, bound together.

The first is an ode in praise of the Island of Barbadoes; the latter is the well-known Ode by Dryden, commencing, "From harmony, from heavenly harmony," which was afterwards set by Handel. The names of the singers (Dr. Turner, Mr. Abell, Mr. Gosling, Mr. Marsh,

Mr. Woodson, Mr. Boucher, Mr. James Hart, Mr. Robart, Mr. Church, Mr. Bowman, Mr. Freeman, and Mr. Williams), are attached to the several solos, &c., in the latter.

Presented to the Society by Mr. Whitehorn.

1905. DRAGHI (Giovanni Baptista).

See No. 1904.

Ode on St. Cecilia's day, 1687.

1906. DUBOURG (Matthew). Odes and Cantatas, composed for performance at the Vice-regal Court, Dublin, on the birthdays of Kings George II. and III., Queen Caroline, Frederick, Prince of Wales, &c. In full score, mostly in the composer's handwriting. 4 vols. folio.

1907. ESTWICK (Rev. Samson). Odes for the Oxford Acts. See No. 1909.

1908. FESTING (Michael Christian). Ode on St. Cecilia's day, by Joseph Addison, commencing "Cecilia, whose exalted hymns." In full score.

Milton's Song on May morning. In full score.

Ode, commencing "For thee how I do mourn."


Bound together.

In full

oblong quarto.

1909. GOODSON (Richard), sen., and the Rev. Samson ESTWICK. Latin and English Songs, or Odes, performed in the Theatre at Oxford at the Acts, composed at the latter part of the seventeenth and early part of the eighteenth centuries. In full score, partly in the handwriting of Dr. Philip Hayes. Two volumes. oblong folio.

Several of these odes refer to the Duke of Marlborough's victories and other political occurrences.

1910. GRAUN (Carl Heinrich). Cantatas for a single voice. In full

[blocks in formation]

1912. GREENE (Maurice), Mus. Doc. Part of the Song of Deborah and Barak, paraphrased. In full score. In the autograph

of Dr. Alcock.


Dr. Alcock has written on the fly-leaf the following: "N.B. This is ye only copy of this Piece of Musick except one I wrote for Cha Jennens, Esq." There is another copy in the British Museum; Add. MS. 5326.

1913. GREENE (Maurice), Mus. Doc. Pope's "Ode for St. Cecilia's In full score.


oblong folio.

This composition was produced by Greene, and performed as an exercise on the occasion of taking his degree of Doctor in Music in the University of Cambridge, in 1730. Pope, at Greene's request, made considerable alterations in the poem, and introduced a new stanza, commencing, "Amphion thus bade wild dissensions cease.'

1914. GREENE (Maurice), Mus. Doc. Ode for New Year's Day, 174, commencing "In vain the Muse," written by Colley Cibber. In full score, in the autograph of the composer. oblong quarto.

1915. Hook (James). A collection of Songs composed for performance at Vauxhall Gardens. In full score, in the composer's autograph.

[blocks in formation]

At dawning day. (Do.) 1786.
Poor Jone. (For Mrs. Wrighten.)

Grand March for the South Lam-
beth Association.

Awake, my fair. (For Miss Bar-
nett.) 1786.

I sigh for bonny Willy. (For Miss
Leary.) 1786.


When first my shepherd.
Mrs. Martyr.) 1786.
Rejoice, Britannia's sons. (For
Mr. Incledon.) On the occa-
sion of the attempted assassi-
nation of the king. 1786.

The sigh. (For Miss Newman.)

Dear gentle Kate. (For Mr. Incle

don.) (Imperfect.) 1787.
Maria commended. (Do.) 1787.
May. (For Miss Leary.) 1787.
Sweet Robinette. (For Mr. Incle-
don.) 1787.

Young Damon. (For Miss Poole.)

The triumph of Venus. (For Mr.
Incledon.) 1787.

oblong quarto.

Young Willy. (For Miss Poole.)

Young Jockey. (For Miss New-

Fill, my friend. (For Mr. Mahon.)

If ever on this joyful day. (Do.)
For the King's birth-day. 1787.
Je pense
à vous.
(For Mr. Incle-
don.) 1787.

Oh dear, I'm so pleased. (For
Miss Poole.) 1787.
Why, child? (Do.) 1787.
If constant. (Do.) 1787.
The jest. (For Mr. Incledon.)

In vain, fond youth. (For Mrs.
Stewart.) 1788.

'Tis the way of the sea. (For Mr.
Incledon.) 1788.

Adieu, ma liberta. (Do.) 1788.
Alone by the light of the moon.

(For Mr. Darley.) 1789.
My love, my pride. (For Miss
Leary.) 1789.
Confin'd like a bird.

Martyr.) 1789.

(For Mrs.

The sable clad curtains. (For Mr.
Incledon.) 1789.

The banks of the Dee.
In the land of Hibernia. (For Mr.
Franklin. 1794.

Water cresses. (For Master
Phelps.) 1794.

With horns and hounds. (Glee.)

Some wives are good. (Catch.)

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