FA 1.454.2 (11) 1907 American Journal of Archaeology SECOND SERIES THE JOURNAL OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA Vol. XI, 1907 Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief HAROLD NORTH FOWLER, Associate Editors J. R. S. STERRETT (for the American School at Athens), Professor in Cornell University. JOHN C. ROLFE (for the American School in Rome), Professor in the University of Pennsylvania. JOHN P. PETERS (for the American School in Palestine), Rector of St. Michael's Church, New York. ALLAN MARQUAND (for Mediaeval and Renaissance Archae ology), Professor in Princeton University. CHARLES PEABODY (for American Archaeology), Cambridge, Mass. Honorary Editors THOMAS DAY SEYMOUR (President of the Institute), CONTENTS PAGE The Technical History of White Lecythi (Plate V). The Visitation of Luca della Robbia at Pistoia (Plates VI-VII). Unusual and Unknown Points in Pajarito Park, New Mexico (Plates An Unpublished Amphora and an Eye Cylix signed by Amasis in the Boston Museum (Plates XII, XIII). - ALICE WALTON The Discovery by Professor Gustavo Giovannoni of Curves in Plan Concave to the Exterior in the Façade of the Temple at Cori Lysippus as a Worker in Marble. - WALTER WOODBURN HYDE Three Vases in the Metropolitan Museum, illustrating Women's A Tyrrhenian Amphora in Philadelphia. - WILLIAM N. BATES Greek Ostraca in the Haskell Museum. - EDGAR J. GOODSPEED AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS: WILLIAM N. BATES 307 AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES IN ROME: ALBERT W. VAN BUREN 179 Coins from Asia Minor (Plate XXIII). - C. DENSMORE CURTIS - HERBERT E. EVERETT 279 |