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less, to conduct the king to another house, more out of any road near which any part of the army was likely to march. It was about twelve miles that he was to go and was to use the same caution he had done the first night, not to go in any common road which his guide knew well how to avoid. Here he new dressed himself, changing clothes with his landlord; he had a great mind to have kept his own shirt, but he considered that men are not sooner discovered by any mark in disguises than by having fine linen in ill clothes; and so he parted with his shirt too and took the same his poor host had then on. Though he had foreseen that he must leave his boots and his landlord had taken the best care he could to provide an old pair of shoes, yet they were not easy to him when he first put them on, and in a short time after grew very grievous to him.

8. In this equipage he set out from his first lodging in the beginning of the night, under the conduct of this guide who guided him the nearest way, crossing over hedges and ditches that they might be in least danger of meeting passengers. This was so grievous a march and he was so tired that he was even ready to despair and to prefer being taken and suffered to rest, before purchasing his safety at that price. His shoes had after a few miles hurt him so much, that he had thrown them away, and walked the rest of the way in his ill stockings which were quickly worn out; and his feet with the thorns in getting over hedges, and with the stones in other places, were so hurt and wounded that he many times cast himself upon the ground with a desperate and obstinate resolution to rest there till the morning, that he might shift with less torment what hazard soever he ran.

9. But his stout guide still prevailed with him to make a new attempt, sometimes promising that the way should

be better, and sometimes assuring him that he had but little farther to go; and in this distress and perplexity, before the morning they arrived at the house designed; which, though it was better than that which he had left, his lodging was still in the barn, upon straw instead of hay, a place being made as easy in it as the expectation of a guest could dispose it.

10. Here he had such meat and porridge as such people use to have, with which, but especially with the butter and the cheese, he thought himself well feasted; and took the best care he could to be supplied with other, little better, shoes and stockings; and after his feet were enough recovered that he could go, he was conducted from thence to another poor house, within such a distance as put him not to much trouble; for having not yet in his thought which way or by what means to make his escape, all that was designed was only, by shifting from one house to another, to avoid discovery. And being now in that quarter which was more inhabited by the Roman Catholics than most other parts in England, he was led from one to another of that persuasion and concealed with great fidelity.-Clarendon.

Earl of Clarendon (Edward Hyde) lived from 1608 to 1674. In the struggles between Charles I. and his Parliament, he espoused the King's party. He shared the exile of Prince Charles, afterwards Charles II., and was a witness of the Restoration. His daughter was married to the Duke of York, and thus he was grandfather of Mary, wife of William III., and of Anne. His great work is the History of the Rebellion-for so the Royalists designated the civil war. The details of the escape of Charles are narrated as he "had them from the King himself."



1. The ruins of Pompeii are perhaps the most interesting that have descended to us from Antiquity. Rome presents little else than the remains of public monuments which, although of priceless worth, call up only the political history of bygone ages, whereas at Pompeii it is the whole private life of the ancients, exactly as it was, which is spread out before our eyes.

2. The volcano which covered the city with ashes has preserved it from the ravages of time. Had its buildings been exposed to the air they could not have remained in such completeness as that in which we find them. They must long ago have disappeared. As it is, these buried memorials of ancient life have been brought to light almost exactly as they were left 1800 years ago.

3. Many of the paintings, bronzes, and other works of art when they were first revealed were still in their original beauty; whilst numerous appliances of social and domestic life of which our ideas, if obtained from books only, must have been vague and uncertain, are presented to the visitor's gaze precisely as they were in use among the ancients themselves.

4. Nowhere is to be seen so striking a picture of the sudden interruption of life. The tracks of the wheels may be distinctly seen on the pavements in the streets, and the stones which form the well-mouths bear the marks which the cords have gradually furrowed on their surface. On the guard-house wall are still to be traced the rudely drawn figures which the soldiers had scribbled in order to while away the time-the time which was advancing to engulf them.

5. As you stand in the centre of the cross-roads it seems as if you were waiting for some one, as if the owners of the houses and shops were soon about to appear, so that the

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very appearance of life, which everything around you suggests, only makes you feel more impressively the eternal silence.

6. The public buildings, even in this town of Pompeii, which was by no means one of the largest in Italy, are remarkably fine. The extravagance of the ancients had almost always some object of public interest on which it expended itself. Their private houses are small, and one

traces in them not so much an eager effort after splendour as a keen relish for the fine arts. The interior of nearly all of them has been adorned with pleasing paintings and furnished with mosaic pavements artistically worked. On many of the thresholds the word WELCOME in large letters promises ready hospitality to all visitors.

7. The middle of the house is in the form of a square, generally surrounded by pillars. It is paved with manycoloured mosaic, which has an agreeable effect. In the centre of the court almost universally stood a marble fountain or cistern of water. On either side are small, ill-lighted rooms, about ten or twelve feet square, but lofty, and painted with a fine red or yellow. The mode in which the rooms were sometimes heated is particularly curious. Against the usual wall a second was erected, standing at a little distance from the first. A hollow space was thus left all round the apartment, into which pipes were introduced, admitting the warm air, whose influence was felt in every part of the room.

8. The ancients were also careful to avoid the unwholesome vapour from their lamps. In some houses a niche is found in the wall for the lamp, with a small chimney in the form of a funnel through which the smoke ascended. The largest room is opposite to the house-door. It is properly a sort of hall, for it has only three walls, being quite open in front. The side-rooms have no connection with each other, but are divided off like the cells of monks.

9. Garlands of flowers, vine branches, and many handsome frescoes or paintings are still to be seen on the walls. The guides, until recently, were accustomed to sprinkle these pictures with water in the presence of travellers in order to exhibit their former splendour for a moment, but this is now strictly forbidden.

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