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territories, has given us a kind of additional empire; it has multiplied the number of the rich, made our landed estates infinitely more valuable than they were formerly, and added to them an accession of other estates as valuable as the lands themselves.—Addison.

Mogul, a prince or emperor of the Moguls or Monguls.

Muscovy, Russia. The name includes properly the central and northern regions.

Coptic, the language of the Copts, the Christians of Egypt.

Barbadoes, the most eastern of the British West India Islands. It exports ginger, sugar, molasses, arrow-root, and cotton.

Philippic or Philippine Islands, in the north-east of the East India Archipelago, produce rice, millet, maize, indigo, sugar, tobacco, coffee, &c.

Spice Islands or Moluccas, between Celebes and Papua in the East India Archipelago. They produce fine woods and fruits. There are immense forests of the Sago Palm. The islands are best known for the production of nutmegs, cloves, and other valuable spices.


1. A good man was there of religion,
And was a poré Person of a town:
But rich he was of holy thought and werk.
He was also a learned man, a clerk,
That Christé's gospel truly woldé preach;
His parischens devoutly wold he teach.

2. Benign he was, and wonder diligent,
And in adversity full patient:

And such he was yproved ofté sithes.

Full loath were him to cursé for his tithes;
But rather wolde he given out of doubt
Unto his poré parischens about,

poor Parson work




oft times

was he


Of his off'ring, and eke of his substànce:
He could in little thing have suffisance.

3. Wide was his parisch, and houses far asunder,
But he ne lefte not for rain ne thunder,

In sickness nor in mischief to visíte,



The ferrest in his parisch, much and lite, great and small Upon his feet and in his hand a staff.

This noble ensample to his sheep he gaf,

That first he wrought, and after that he taught.



Out of the gospel he tho wordès caught,
And this figúre he added yet thereto,-
That if gold rusté, what should iron do?
For if a priest be foul on whom we trust,
No wonder is a lewed man to rust.
Well ought a priest ensample for to give,

By his cleanness, how that his sheep should live.

4. He setté not his benefice to hire

And lefte his sheep encumbred in the mire,



And ran unto London, unto Saint Paul's,
To seeken him a chanterie for souls,
Or with a brotherhood to be withold:
But dwelt at home and kepté well his fold,
So that the wolf ne made it not miscarry.
He was a shepherd and no mercenary;
5. And though he holy were, and virtuous
He was to sinful men nought déspitous;
Ne of his speech dangerous ne digne,
But in his teaching discrete and benigne.
To drawe folk to heaven by fairness,
By good ensample, was his business.
But it were any persone obstinate,
What so he were of high or low estate,

Him would he snibbe sharply for the nones.

A better priest, I trow, there nowhere none is.
He waited after no pomp ne reverence,

Ne maked him a spiced conscience,

But Christé's lore, and his apostles twelve




He taught, but first he followed it himselve.-Chaucer.

Person of a town, a parish priest. Chaucer here describes the 'industrious secular clergy,' as they were called, in contrast to 'the lazy wicked monks.'

Full loath, he was very unwilling to curse or excommunicate for failure to pay the tithes that were due to him. his off'ring, is what the parishioners voluntarily contributed.

lewed or lewid man is the same as layman, that is, one of the people as distinguished from the clergy.

His benefice to hire, he did not pay some one to do his work, while he sought after an appointment in London.

chanterie or chantry, endowment by which a priest was paid to sing masses for the founder.

dangerous, means difficult of approach. fairness, the purity of

his life.

But it were, if it were. lore, learning or doctrine.


1. Bland as the morning breath of June
The south-west breezes play;

And, through its haze, the winter noon
Seems warm as summer's day.
The snow-plumed Angel of the North
Has dropped his icy spear;
Again the mossy earth looks forth,
Again the streams gush clear.

2. The fox his hill-side cell forsakes,
The musk-rat leaves his nook,
The blue-bird in the meadow-brakes
Is singing with the brook.
"Bear up, O mother Nature!" cry
Bird, breeze, and streamlet free;
"Our winter voices prophesy

Of summer days to thee!"

3 So in these winters of the soul,
By bitter blasts and drear
O'erswept from Memory's frozen pole,
Will sunny days appear.
Reviving Hope and Faith, they show
The soul its living powers,
And how beneath the winter's snow
Lie germs of summer flowers!
4. The Night is mother of the Day,
The Winter of the Spring,

And ever upon old Decay

The greenest mosses cling.
Behind the cloud the starlight lurks,
Through showers the sunbeams fall;
For God, who loveth all His works,

Has left His Hope with all. J. G. Whittier (b:1808).




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1. Early in February, the Spanish fleet, consisting of twenty-seven ships of the line and twelve frigates, put to sea, with the design of steering for Brest, raising the blockade of that harbour, forming a junction with the Dutch fleet, and clearing the Channel of the British squadron. This design—the same as that which Napoleon afterwards adopted in 1805-was defeated by one of the most memorable victories ever recorded even in the splendid annals of the English navy.

2. Admiral Jarvis (Earl St. Vincent), who was stationed off the coast of Portugal, had, by the greatest efforts, and a degree of vigour almost unparalleled even in the glorious annals of the British navy, at length succeeded in repairing the various most serious losses which his fleet had sustained during the storms of winter, and at this period lay in the Tagus with fifteen sail of the line, and six frigates. The moment he heard of the enemy's having sailed, he instantly put to sea, and was cruising off CAPE ST. VINCENT, when he received intelligence of their approach, and immediately prepared for battle.

3. He bore down on the starboard tack, the ships being in the most compact order, standing to the south before the wind; and, nothing daunted by the great superiority of force, nearly two to one, which they presented to his own squadron, succeeded in breaking the enemy's line between the eighteenth and nineteenth ships of the Spanish fleet, where there was a considerable opening.

1 Inserted from Sir A. Alison's History of Europe by permission of Messrs. Blackwood & Son.

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