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to a Receptacle of Thieves, a place of Covetousness, Extortion, and Cheating. 14. Now while Jefus tarried in the Court of the Temple, many Blind and Lame Men, who had heard the fame of his former Miracles, resorted to him; and he healed them all.

15. But when the Chief Priefts, and Jewish Doctors faw these wonderful Works; inftead of being convinced thereby to Repentance, they were only filled with envy, and en raged against him; and hearing all the People admiring and applauding him, and even the very Children in the Temple, making joyful Acclamati ons to him, as Meffiah or King; they were in great indignation.

16. And they said to Jefus, Do you not hear what these Children say? Do you think it fit, that thefe who understand nothing, fhould be fuffer'd to make

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make fuch fhouting? Jefus anfwer'd, yea, If you who ought to fhew forth the Praises of God, will through envy and malice refufe to do it, God will raise up others to glorifie his Name, and (as the Scripture faith, Pfal. 8. 2.) Even out of the Mouths of Babes and Sucking Children, he will per

fect Praise.

17. Then leaving them in their Rage and Envy, he retired out of the City, as far as Bethany, and there continued all Night.

18. The next Morning he returned again to Ferufalem: And as he was in the way,he grew hungry. 19. And feeing a Figtree a little way off, he went up to it, feeking for Fruit; but finding it Bar and having nothing but Leaves, he Curfed it, faying, Let no Fruit grom on thee for ever: Intimating to his Difciples by this vifible Similitude, that the Jewish Nation, having now only a formal Profeffi


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on of Religion, and not bringing forth the Fruit thereof, fhould fuddenly be Curfed and Rooted out. 20. Accordingly the next day, paffing that way, they found the Fig-tree withered and dried up from the Roots: And the Difciples feemed furpris'd, and wonder'd at the fuddenness of its being perished and dead.

21. But Jesus faid to them; Do ye wonder at this, as fuch a ftrange and extraordinary thing? Verily I tell you, If ye do but firmly believe and trust in the Power of God, ye fhall be able to do things as much greater than this, as removing a Mountain and throwing it into the Sea, is greater than caufing a little Tree to wither.

22. And whatsoever ye fhall ask of God in order to confirm your Doctrin and Ministry, with stedfaft Faith, without Doubt and Wavering; he will enable you to perform.

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23 After this, Jefus went into the Temple; and as he was Teaching the People, the Chief Priefts and Elders came to him and faid; By what Authority do you undertake these things? You enter into the City with Pomp and Noise, like fome great Perfon; you turn the Trading People out of the Court of the Temple, as if you were Governor of the Place; and you Teach here publickly in the Temple, as if you were appointed to do fo by publick Authority; Pray, who gave you Commiffion and Authority to do all these things?

24. Jefus, Jefus, Knowing their Malice, and that they who were not at all convinced by his Doctrin and Miracles, would much lefs be moved by his bare affirming in a direct Answer that he was Authorized and fent by God; chofe rather to Silence them by retorting upon them ano


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ther Question, after this manner; I will also, faith he, ask you one Question, which if you can answer me, then I also will tell you by what Authority I do these things.

25 & 26. When John the Baptift Preached and Baptized, did he do this by God's appointment? Or, was it only a humane Contrivance? Then the Chief Priefts, Reasoning among themselves, that if they should fay John's Baptism was by God's appointment, then Jefus would accufe them for not harkning to John's Preaching, and not believing the Teftimony which he gave concerning Jefus; and that on the other fide, if they should fay John's Baptifm was only a humane Contrivance, then they should greatly enrage the People, who all believed John to be a Prophet fent by God: Reafoning, I fay, thus among themselves, they refolved not to determin on either fide.

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