Imágenes de página

42. Joseph in Egypten. Treurspel [in 5

acts and in verse]. (Ibid. v. 2, p. 3-75.)

43. Zunser (Eliakum). Machaze Mechirath Joseph. Ein Theater-StUck in 7 Akten un in 17 Szenen.. .[JudeoGerman.] Wilna: Widow cV Bros. Romm, 1893. 2 pt. in 1 v. 106, (2), 107194 p. 16°.


For bibliography of dramas relating to this subject see Rothschild (James de), baron Notice sur les Mysteres contenus dans le tome III. (In Mistere du Viel Testament, v. 3, p. lxxxix-xcj, xcvi-c, ciij-cvi, cxcxi. Paris, 1881. 8°.)

44. Brown (Charles Hovey). Moses: a drama. Boston: Gorham Press, 1902. 69 p. 8".

45. Chateaubriand (Francois Auguste Rene de), vicomte. Moise tragedie en cinq actes [and in verse.] (In his: Oeuvres completes, v. 24, p. m

. 245. Paris, 1836. 8vo.)

"Le sujet de cette tragedie est la premiere idolatre des Hebreux." (Preface.)

46. Esteve (Claude Antoine), abbe". Moise sauve des eaux. Drame en 3 actes et en vers mele' de chant. Poitiers: A. Dupre', i860. 47 p. 8°.

47. More (Hannah). Moses in the bulrushes: a sacred drama in three parts. (In her: Sacred dramas. Boston, 1811. 16°. p. 13-30.)

(In her: Works, v. I, p. 77-81. New

York, 1852. 8°.)


Rothschild (James de), baron. La sortie d'Egypte. (In: Mistere du Viel Testament, public" par le baron James de Rothschild, v, 3, p. xcvi-c. Paris, 1881. 8°.)

48. Ezekiel, Alexandrine poet of the 2. cent. Die Fragmente des Drama's: Die Ausfllhrung Israel's aus .(Egypten [Greek]. (In: Delitzsch, Franz. Zur Geschichte der judischen Poesie. Leipzig, 1836. 8°. p. 211-219.)

Comp. ibid., p. 28.

The first drama written by a Jew, and also the earliest drama on a biblical subject.

49. E^aywyr/. Eductio Hebrseorum.

[Greek and Latin.] 7 p. (In: Fragmenta Euripidis iterum edidit perditorum tragicorum omnium nunc primum collegit F. G. Wagner. Christus patiens, Ezechieli et Christianorum poetarum reliquiae dramaticae. Ex codibus emendavit et annotatione critica instruxit F. DUbner. Parisiis: FirminDidot, 1878. 40.

The Ezekiel fragment in this work (ed. of 1847) is reviewed by Mangin in Jour, des savants for 1848, p. 193-208.

Frankel (Zacharias). Ueber den Einfluss der palastinischen Exegese auf die alexandrinische Hermeneutik. Leipzig, 1851. 8°. p. 113-119.

Herzfeld (Levi). Geschichte des Volkes Israel. v. 2, p. 517-519. Nordhausen, 1857. 8°.

Klein (Julius Leopold). Ezechiel. (In his: Geschichte des Drama's, v. 2, p. 262-263. Leipzig, 1865. 8°.)

Kuiper (K.) De Ezechiele poeta Judseo. {Mnemosyne, n. s., v. 28, p. 237-280. LugduniBatavorum, 1900. 8°.)

Contains the text of the fragments, with a translation.

Le poete juif Ezechiel. (Rev. d. Etudes

juives. v. 46, p. 48-73, 161-177. Paris, 1903. 8°.)

A translation of the above article.

Schuerer (Emil). Ezechiel der Tragiker. (In his Geschichte des judischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi. 3. ed. Leipzig, 1898. 8°. p. 373376.)

50. Vondel (Joost van den). Fascha, ofte de verlossinghe Israels uit Egypten. Tragi-comedischer-wyze een ieder tot leeringh op't tooneel gestelt. [In 5 acts and in verse.] (In his: Dichterlijke werken. v. 4, p. 191-290. Amsterdam, 1820. 24°.)

51. Moses the liberator, arranged by Harris G. Hale and Newton M. Hall. Boston: The Pilgrim Press, 1906. iii,(i), 25 p. nar. 12°. (Biblical dramas. 3.)


52. Burton (Richard). Rahab. A drama in three acts. New York: H. Holt <5r> Co., 1906. 2 p.l., 119 p. 8°.

53. Fischmann (Nachman Isaac). Sisera... [A drama in 2 acts and in verse; with an Introduction by Jacob Bodek. Hebrew.] Lemberg: Chawe Grosman, 1841. 70 p. 12°.


54. Terr (Jacob). Milchemeth ha-Jehudim, oder die geraubte Princessin. Historische Opera in 4 Akten, 6 Bilder. Qudeo-German.] New

York, 1894. 2 p.l., 63 p. sq. 8°.
Ms. German cursive characters.

Jephtha and his Daughter.

55. Ooeij (Roger de). Jephtah Victorieux! Drame lyrique en trois tableaux. Paris: Fischbacher [1898?]. A-I, xiii, 14 p. nar. 12°.

56. Jephtha's daughter, a scriptural drama, in three acts [and in verse]. By a Lady. (In: Alfieri (V.) Saul, a tragedy... London, 1821. 8°. p. 115-152.)

57. Terr (Jacob). Bath Jiphthach oder Jiphthach's Neder. [Judeo-German.] New York,l8q3. 71 p. sq. 8°.

Ms. German cursive characters.

58. Vondel (Joost van den). Jeptha of offerbelofte. Treurspel [in 5 acts and in verse]. (In his: Dichterlijke werken. v. 2, p. 141-236. Amsterdam, 1820. 24°.)

Moltzer (Henri Ernest). Vondel's Jeptha.
(In his: Studien en schetsen van Neder-
landsche letterkunde. An. 5. Haarlem:
F. Bohn, 1881. 8°.)

Samson. Picot (Emile). L'histoire de Samson... I'objet d'un certain nombre de compositions dramatiques. (In: Mistere du Viel Testament, publie par le baron James de Rothschild, v. 4, p. ij-xiij. Paris, 1882. 8°.)

59. Lounsbery (Grace Constant). Delilah; a drama in three acts. New York: Scott-Thaw Co., 1904. 128 pp. sq. 16°.

59a. Luzzatto (Moses Chayyim). [Shimshon u-Felishtim. (Samson and the Philistines.) A Hebrew drama in 3 acts and in verse. Written about 1724. The first scene of the first act and the very last stanza are given by Joseph Almanzi in his Toledot Rabbi Mosheh Chayyim Luzzatto in Kerem Chemed, v. 3, p. 129-130, Prag, 1838, 12°, from Luzzatto's l.eshon Limmudin, v. 3 (Ms. Ghirondi).]

Same. (In: Almanzi (J.) Toledot R. M.

Ch. Luzzatto. Lemberg, 1879. 16°. p. 7-10.)

Same. (In: Luzzatto (M. Ch.) La-Ye

sharim Tehillah. Warsaw, 1884. 12°. p. 77-79.)

60. Milton (John). Paradise regain'd. A Poem. In IV Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes. The Author John Milton. London: Printed by J. M. for John Starkly at the Mitre in Fleet Street, near Temple-Bar, 1671. 1 1., m, 101 (i) p., 1 1. 8 .

For other editions in English see the author entry in the general catalogue.

Samson Agonistes Graece reddidit Georgius.

Baro Lyttelton. [English Text also.] Londini: Macmillan cV Soc, 1867. 6 p. 1., 189 p. 160.

- Shimshon ha-Gibbor. .. [A Hebrew translation in verse of Samson Agonistes, by Joseph Massel.] Manchester : J. Massel, 1800. v, (1), 107. (5) P- 16°.

English title: Samson Agonistes . . . Translated into Hebrew and printed by J. Massel.

Stengers (Jeanne). Le "Samson" de Milton etdeVondel. (Rev. de l'Univ. deBruxelles. Annee 10, 261-284. Bruxelles, 1905. 8°.)

61. Voltaire. Samson, opera [in five acts], 1732. (In his: CEuvres completes, v. o, p. 1-46. [JsTehl,] 1785. 8".) V

(id his: CEuvres completes, v. 12,

p. 63-112. Paris, 1829. 8°.)

62. Vondel (Joost van den). Samson of heilige wraeck. Treurspel [in 5 acts and in verse]. (In his: Dichterlijke werken. v. 2, p. 237-316. Amsterdam, 1820. 24°.)

63. Whiffen (Edwin T.) Samson marrying, Samson at Timnah, Samson Hybristes, Samson blinded. Four dramatic poems. Boston: R. G. Badger, 1905. 190 p. 12°.


64. Cohn (Isaac Jehoiada.) Boaz we-Ruth. [A drama in three acts. Hebrew and German.] Breslau : L. W. Sulzbach cV Sohn, 1834. 12 p. 1., 155 (1) p. 12°.

German title: Boas und Ruth, biblisch historisches Drama in drei Aufziigen, im Hebraischen metrisch abgefasst und ins Deutsche ubersetzt von Is. Jojade Cohn.

65. Jacobsohn (G.) Ruth. ..[Translated from the German into Hebrew by A. Rosett.] Wilna: I. Romm, lc,04. 35 p. 24°.

66. Rosenzweig (Salomon). Ruth... [A drama in 2 acts and in prose. Dedicated to Simon SchafT. Hebrew.] Krakau: J. Fischer,iSg3. 5 p.l., 13-46 p. 16°.

German title: Ruth. Biblisches Drama in 2 Akten.

67. Wolff-Kassel(Ludwig). Ruth. Biblisches Schauspiel in einem Act. Berlin: G. R. Kruse [1884?]. 30 p. 160.


Picot (Emile). La bibliographic des pieces... [sur l'histoire de Satil.J (In: Mistere duViel Testament, publie par le baron James de Rothschild, v. 4, p. xxiv-xlvij. Paris, 1882. 8°.) 43 titles.

68. Alfieri (Vittorio). Saul, a tragedy [in five acts and in verse]; translated from the Italian of Count V. Alfieri: and Jephtha's daughter, a scriptural drama. By a Lady. London: T. Cadell, 1821. 152 p. 8°.

Acharit Shaul.. . [Specimens of Micah

Joseph Lebensohn's Hebrew translation of Alfieri'sSaul, from a German translation. First scene of the first act and end of third scene of the third act.] (In: Lebensohn (M. J.) Kinnor Bat Zion. Wilna, 1870. 16°. p. 14-25.)

Same. (In: Lebensohn (A. D. B.) & Lebensohn (M. J.) Col Shire A. D. M. u- M. J. C. L„ v. 6, p. 14-25. Wilna, 1895. 12°.)

69. Ben-Zion (Benedix). Schaul ha-Melech. [A Drama in 5 Acts.] [Tudeo-German.] [Alexandria, Egypt, 1898.] 60 p. sq. 8°.

Ms. German cursive characters.

70. Efrathi (Joseph) of Tropplowitz. Meluchat Shaul... [A tragedy in 6 acts. Hebrew.] Wien: A. Schmid, 1793. 12 p.l., 1-57, 578, 58-95 p.r 2 pi. 16°.

[2. ed., edited by Isaac Baer Levin

sohn.] Lemberg: Matfesische Buchdruckery, 1820. 10 p.l., 82 f. 16°.


- Another ed. Wien: A. Edler v.

Schmid, 1829. 10 p.l., 96 f. 12°.

Another ed. Warsaw: I. Goldmannr

1885. 150 p. 12°.

Meluchat Saul (Saul's Regieurung), eir>

Drama in 5 [sic] Akten. II. Akt, I. & II. Scene. David und Jonathan werden Freunde. IV. Akt,. III. Scene. Saul's Wahnsinn. [Hebrew.] (In: Martinet (A.) Tiferet Yisrael. Bamberg, 1837. 8°. p. 261-267.)

Comp. H. Graetz, Geschichte der Juden, v. 11, p. 219; andl A. J. Paperna, Ha- Drama (1867), p. 12-16.

71. Heavysege (Charles). Saul: a drama, in. three parts. A new and rev. ed. Boston: Fieldsr Osgood & Co., 1869. 436, 5 p. 120.

New York : Lovell Print &• Pub. Co. r

1876. 436, 5 p. 12°.

72. Koenig (Eberhard). Konig Saul. Trauerspiel. Berlin: H. Costenoble, 1903. 3 p.l., 166 p. 12°.

72a. Lamartine (Alphonse Marie Louise de Prat de). Saul; tragedie [en cinq actes eten vers, inedite]. Precede d'une notice par C.-A. SainteBeuve. Paris: C. L/vy, 1879. 2 p.l., 210 p. 8°.

73. Rueckert (Friedrich). Saul und David. Ein Drama der heiligen Geschichte [in 5 acts and in verse], Vorspiel: Saul's Erwahlung [in 3 actsand in verse]. [1843.] (In his: Gesammelte poetische Werke. v. 9, p. 3-218. Frankfurt a. M., 1869. I2°.)

74. Storrs (Lewis A.) The tragedy of Saul.. . New York: G. W. Dillingham Co. [1904.] 124 p. 12°.

75. Voltaire. Saul, drame [in five acts], traduit de l'anglais de M. Hut. [1763.] (In his: Oeuvres completes, v. 46, p. 315-363. \R~thlA 1785. 8'.)

(In his: Oeuvres completes, v. 9,

223-284. Paris, 1829. 8°.)


Picot (limile). Les pieces modernes... dont... [Jonathas] est l'he'ros. (In: Mistere du Viel Testament, publie par le baron James de Rothschild. v. 4, p. xlviij-liij. Paris, 1882. 8°.; 12 titlrs.

76. Duche de Vancy (Joseph Francis). II Gionata, tragedie [in three acts]. Tradotta dal Francese da L. B. G. (In: Teatro ebraico. v. 2, p. III-166. Venezia, 1751. 8°.)


Picot (£mile). La liste des compositions dra

matiques tirees de l'histoire de David. (In: Mistere

du Viel Testament, publie par le baron James de

Rothschild, v. 4, p. Ivij-xcij. Paris, 1882. 8°.)

97 titles.

77. Eppelberg (W. H.) David in derWUste oder Goliath ba-Plisohti. Historische Operette in 5 Akten mit 12 Bilder. Qudeo-German.] Warsaw: J. Alapin, 1888. 64 p. 8".

78. Klopatock (Friedrich Gottlieb). David. Ein Trauerspiel [in 5 acts]. Leipzig: G. J. Goschen, 1806. 166 p. 8°. (In his: Werke. v. 10.)

79. More (Hannah). David and Goliath. A sacred drama, in *five parts. (In her: Sacred drama. Boston, 1811. 16°. p. 31-71.)

(In her: Works, v. 1, p. 82-92. New

York, 1852. 8°.

8a ScarselU (Flaminio). II Davidde peni

tente. [A tragedy in five acts and in verse.] (In:

Teatro ebraico. v. 3, p. 105-176. Venetia, 1752. 8°.)

81. Wilkinson (Florence). Two plays of Israel: David of Bethlehem, Mary Magdalen. New York: McClure, Phillips & Co., 1904. 2 p. 1.,

233 p. 12°.

Uriah the Hittite.

81a. Lebensohn (Abraham Dob Baer). Uriah u- Bat Sheba.. .(In his Shire Sefat Kodesh. v. 2, p. 98-104. Wilna, 1869. 16°.)

Same. (In: Lebensohn (A. D. B)& Lebensohn (M. J.) Col Shire A. D. M. u- M. J. C. L. v. 1, pt. 2, p. 98-104. Wilna, 1895. 12 .)

Amnon and Tamar.

Picot (Emile). Episode d'Amnon et de Thamar. (In: Mistere du Viel Testament, publie par le baron James de Rothschild, v. 4, p. xciij-xev. Paris, 1882. 8°.) 8 titles.

82. Friede (Hans). Sunde. Drama in dre Aufzllgen von H. Friede (Jerta Schultz). Stuttgart: Strecker &* Schroder, 1905. 51 p. 16".

33. niarg-ulies > Margolis (Aaron). Semel ha-Ahabah weha-Kinah... [A tragedy in 4 acts and in prose; with a preface by the publisher, Abraham Zuckermann at Warsaw. Hebrew.] Wien: G. Brig & P. Smolensky, 1876. 70 p. 12°.

With the author's autograph dedication to Leon Mandel■tlmm.

German title: Liebe und Eifersucht. Tragodie in vier Acten. Nach der Bibel. Von A. Margulies.


Picot (Emile). Episode d'Absalon. (In: Mistere du Viel Testament, publie" par le baron James de Rothschild, v. 4, p. xcv-cv. Paris, 1882. 8°.)

28 titles.

84. Bank (Joshua). Tebusat Absalom. [A tragedy in 30 scenes and in verse; together with other poetic miscellany. Hebrew. 2. ed., enlarged.] Odessa: L. Nitsche, 1878. 118 p. 8°.

The drama is on p. 1-39.

85. Calderon de la Barca (Pedro). Los cabellos de Absalon. (In his: Obras dramaticas. v. 5, p. 105-155. n.p.,a. d. 4°.)

(In his: Comedias. v. 8, p. 105-155. Madrid, 1726. 8°.)

(In his: Comedias. v. 4, p. 193-217. Leip

sioue, 1830. 4°.)

(In: Biblioteca de autores espafloles. v. 9,

p. 421-441. Madrid, 1851. 40.)

Die Locken Absalons. Bruchsttlck einer

Obersetzung. (In: Schlegel(A. W. von). Spanisches Theater, v. I, p. 307-322. Leipzig, 1845. 16°.)

86. Duche1 de Vancy (Joseph Francois). L'Assalonne, tragedia [in five acts]. Tradotta dal Francese da L. B. G. (In: Teatro ebraico. v. 2, p. 237-320. Venezia, 1751. 8°.)

87. Sachs (Hans). Ein tragedi, mit vierzehen personen zu agieren, der auffrhurische Absolom mit seinem vatter, konig David, hat flinIT actus. (In his: [Werke]. Hrsg. von A. von Keller, v. 6, p. 86-111. Tilbingen, 1872. 8°. (Litterarischer Verein in Stuttgart. Bibliothek. v. no.)

88. Vondel (Joost van den). Koning David in ballingschap. Treurspel [in 5 acts and in verse]. (In his: Dichterlijke werken. v. 2, p. 317-410. Amsterdam, 1820. 24°.)

89. Koning David herstelt. Treurspel [in

5 acts and in verse]. (Ibid. v. 3, p. 3-86.)

90. Vondel (Joost van den). De gebroeders. Treurspel [in 5 acts and in verse]. (In his: Dichterlijke werken. v. 3, p. 87-180. Amsterdam, 1820. 24°.)


Picot (Emile). Les compositions dramatiques tirees de l'histoires d'Adonia*. (In: Mistere du Viel Testament, public par le baron James de Rothschild, v. 4, p. eviij-exj. Paris, 1882. 8°.

5 titles.

91. Vondel (Joost van den). Adonias of rampzalige kroonzucht. Treurspel [in 5 acts and in versej. (In: his Dichterlijke werken. v. 3, p. 181270. Amsterdam, 1820. 24°.)


Picot (Emile). Les pieces tiroes de l'histoire de Salomon. (In: Mistere du Viel Testament, publie par le Baron James de Rothschild, v. 4, p. exxexxxvj. Paris, 1882. 8°.)

43 titles.

92. Armstrong (George Francis). The tragedy of Israel, [pt. 3.] King Solomon. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1876. 2 p. I., 240 p., I 1. 16°.

93. Calderon de la Barca (Pedro). La sibila del Oriente, y gran reyna de Saba. (In his: Coraedias. v. 5, p. 328-363. Madrid, 1730. 8°.)

Founded on his auto entitled: "El Arbol de la Vida." (In his: Comedias. v. 3, p. 200-218. Leip

sique, 1829. 4°.)

(In: Bibliotecadeautoresespafioles. v. 14,

p. 199-212. Madrid, 1850. 4°.)

94. Heyse (Paul). Sulamith. [Or the wisdom of Solomon. A drama in 5 acts. Translated into Hebrew by Samuel Loeb Gordon.] Warsaw: "Tidschijak," 1896. 114 p. 12°.

95. Horowitz (Moses). Schelomoh ha-Melech; oder, die Liebe von Schir ha-Schirim. [JudeoGerman.] [New York, 1893.] 1 p. 1., 36 f. sq. 8°.

Ms. German cursive characters. [selikovitsch (George).] Prinz un Pastuch. Schelomoh ha- Melech in Thalia Theater. A Bl attil idische Geschichte. [Judeo-German.] Signed: Astheticus.] (Arbeiter Zeitung. v. 1, nos. 37-39. 41. New York, 1890. f°.)

96. Keim (Franz). Schoschanah, oder Ahabath Schilomoh. A Tragodie in 5 Akten un 10 Bilder. Nach'n Deutschen ubersetzt und bearbeitet vun Benedix Ben-Lion. [Judeo-German.] [Odessa,] 1883. 44 1. sq. 8°.

Ms. German cursive characters.

97. Klopstock(Friedrich Gottlieb). Salomo. Ein Trauerspiel [in 5 acts]. Leipzig: G.J. Goschen, 1806. 192 p. 8°. (In: his Werke. v. 9.)

Machal (Jan). O dvou ceskych Komediich biblickych z xvi. stoleti. V Praze, 1902. 14 p. 8°. (K6n.-b6hm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. Classe f. Philos. Gesch. u. Philol. Sitzungsb. 1902, no. 2. Prag, 1903.)

On the two Bohemian dramas of the 16th century treating of Solomon and Elisha.

98. Sachs (Hans). Ein comedi, mit acht personen zu recidiren, juditium Salomonis. (In his: [Werke]. Hrsg. von A. von Keller. Tubingen, 1872. 8°. v. 6, p. 112-136. (Litterarischer Verein in Stuttgart. Bibliothek. v. no.)

(In his: Werke. Hrsg. von Dr. Arnold. Berlin u Stuttgart [1884]. 12°. v. 2, p. 144-168. (Deutsche National-Litteratur. v. 21.)

99. Vondel (Joost van den). Salomon. Treurspel [in 5 acts and in verse]. (In his: Dichterlijke werken. v. 3, p. 271-361. Amsterdam, 1820. 24°.)

Song of Solomon.

100. Coutts (Francis). The song of songs. A lyrical folk-play of the ancient Hebrews arranged in seven scenes. With illustrations by Henry Ospovat. London: J. Lane, 1906. 67 p., 6 pi. sq. 240.

101. Hille (Peter). Hirtenliebe. Biblische Szene. (In: Ost und West. v. 1, col. 611-618. Berlin, 1901. f°.)

102. Horowitz (S.) Das Hohe-I.ied. Das alteste dramatische Gedicht aus dem Morgenlande, nach einer neuen Eintheilung des Textes metrisch ubersetzt und mit erklarenden Anmerkungen versehen von S. Horowitz. IVien: C. GeroliTs So/in, 1863. xviii, (1), 48 p. 12°.

103. Rabener (Mattathiah Simchah). Sulamit; oder, Das Hohe-Lied Salomo's, als ein dramatisches Singspiel dargestellt. . .nebst ebraischem

Urtexte. ../assy: H. Goldner, 1880. 2 p.l., viii, 22; xiv, 22 p. 8°. Text also in Hebrew.

"song of Songs" (The) as a poetic drama. (Current literature, v. 40, p. 629-630. New York, 1906. 8°.)


104. Schleyer (Johann Martin). Elias, der Prophet. Biblisches Drama in 5 AufzQgen .. [and in verse.] Konstanz: Verlagdes Weltsprache-Zentralbiiro's, 1891. 74 p. 8°.


105. Sachs (Hans). Comedia mit 6 personen, das witfrewlin mit dem olkrug, und hat drey actus. (In his: Werke. Hrsg. von Dr. Arnold. Berlin u. Stuttgart [1884]. 12". v. 2, p. 376-391. (Deutsche National-Litteratur. v. ax.)

Machal (Jan). O dvou ceskych Komediich biblickych z xvi. stoleti. V Praze, 1902. 14 p. 8°. (Kon.-bohm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. Classe f. Philos. Gesch. u. Philol. Sitzungsb. 1902, no. 2. Prag, 1903.)

On the two Bohemian sixteenth-century dramas treating of Solomon and Elisha.


106. Giupponi (Daniele). Geu, tragedia [in five acts]. (In: Teatro ebraico. v. 3, p. 177-258. Venezia, 1752. 8°.)


107. Franco Blendes (David Ben Abraham). Gemul Athaliah. .. [Athaliah's retribution. A drama in 3 acts and in verse; adapted from Racine's Athalie and Metastasio's Gioas. With the approbations of Solomon Salem, rabbi of the Sephardim at Amsterdam, and of Saul Loewenstamm, rabbi of the Ashkenazim there, and the eulogies of Simchah Calimani, rabbi at Venice, Abraham Ximenes Pereira, Samuel Baruch Benavente, Mordecai Tama, and Isaac ha-Cohen Belinfante, who read the proofs, the latter all at Amsterdam. Hebrew.] Amsterdam: G.J. Janson, 1770. 7 p.l., 5-37 f., I 1. 12°.

Comp. the commendatory letter of Salomon Jacob Cohen at the beginning of "Geza Yishai," M. Letteris's free Hebrew translation of Racine's Athalie (which see), in which he expresses his preference for the latter work on account of the greater freedom which Letteris used in following the original.

Gemul Athaliah... [3. ed., reprinted

from the first ed.; with notes by David Slucki.] Warsaw: S. D. Zvsberg cV Konip., i860. 2 p.l., 66 p., I 1. 8°.

With the approbations, but without the eulogies.

108. Horowitz (Moses). Athaliah oder die Kronung von Konig Joas. Biblischer Schauspiel in 4 Akten. [Judeo-German.] 'Krakau: A. Faust, Podgdrre [printed], 1903. 30 p. 8°.

109. Metastasio (Pietro Antonio Domenico Bonaventura). Gioas re di Giuda. Azione sacra • ••1735- (In his: Opere. v. 6, p. 265-310. Londra, 1782. 16°.)

(In his: Opere. v. 7, p. 265-310. Man

tova, 1817. 16°.)

(In his:Opere scelte. v. 5, p. 149-181.

Milano, 1820. 8°.)

(In his: Opere drammatiche. v. 14,

p. 185-223. Milano, 1824. 32".)

no. Racine (Jean Baptiste). Athalie, _Trage'die [in 5 acts, and in verse], tire'e de lEcriture Sainte, 1691. (In his: Qiuvres completes, v. 4, p. 107-246. Paris, 1822. 8°.)

Same. (In his CEuvres. v. 3, p. 549

705. Paris, 1865. 8°.)

Comp. his Remarques sur Athalie, ibid. v. 5, p. 205-212. For bibliography see v. 7, p. 386-3B9.

Trollope (Henry M.) Athalie. (Inhis:Corneille and Racine. Kdinbugh, 1881. 12°. p. 193-214. (Foreign classics for English readers. Edited by Mrs. Oliphant.) Geza Yishai... [Athalie freely translated into Hebrew verse by Meir Letteris. With commendatory letters by Salomon Jacob Cohen and Solomom Loeb Kapoport.] Wien: A. Edler von Schmid, 1835. xvi, 144 p. 12°.

L'Attalia, tragedia. Tradotta in versi

italiani dal Padre Bonifacio Collina. (In: Teatro ebraico. v. I, p. 73-174. Venezia, 1751. 8°.)


111. Ritchie (John). The life of Jonah, the prophet. [A dramatic poem.] London: Partridge &• Co. [1872.] 48 p. 12°.

Ahab, Jezebel, Naboth.

112. Cohen (Salomon Jacob). Maaseh Nabot ha-Yizreeli. [A drama in 2 acts. Hebrew and German.] (In his: Mattae Kedem. Frankfurt a. M., 1807. 120. p. 83-156.)

Ahaz, Hezekiah.


113. Terr (Jacob). [Amnon we-Thamar.] Der Flirst vun Jerusalem un der Passtuch vun Bethlechem. Ein Tragi-Komodie in 5 Akten un 12 Bilder. [Judeo-German.] Rostov on the Don, 1883. 91 p. sq. 8°.

Ms. German cursive characters.

An adaptation of A. Mapu's "Ahabat Zion."

Amnon we-Thamar. n. t.p. [New

York, 1890.] 74 p. sq. 8°.
MS. German cursive characters.

114. Fischmann (Nachman Isaac). Kesher Shebna. .. [A drama in 5 acts and in verse. With a dedicatory poem to Sir Moses Montefiore. Hebrew.] Lemberg: S. Stricks <5r» J. Rohatin, 1870. 3 p.l., x, 145 p., 2 1. 12°.

Comp. Aaron Dornzweig in Ha-Shachar, v. 2, p. 127-128. Wien, 1871. 8°.


Middle of 7th Century, B. C.

115. Oranelli (Giovanni). Manasse, re di Giuda. Tragedia [in five acts]. (In: Teatro ebraico. v. 1, p. 273-368. Venezia, 1751. 8°.)

Jeremiah, Zedekiah.

116. Granelli (Giovanni). Sedecia, ultimo re di Giuda.'tragedia [in five acts]. (In: Teatro ebraico. v. I, p. 175-272. Venezia, 1751. 8°.)

117. Levi (David). II profeta ; o, La passione di un popolo. Dramma. Torino: Soc. Tipografica Editrice, 1866. Ixxxiv, 374 p. 8°.

General Works.

Abrahams (Israel). The Purim play and the drama in Hebrew. (In his: Jewish life in the Middle Ages. London, 1896. 8°. p. 260-272.)

Queen Esther on the English stage. (In his:

Festival studies. London, 1906. 12°. p. 124-131.)

Geiger(Ludwig). Der Estherstoff in der neuen Litteratur. (Ost und West. v. 1, col. 27-34, IOX110. Berlin, 1901. 4°.)

Lipsky (Louis). The Purim plays. (In New Era. v. 6, p. 385-387. New York, 1905. 8°.

Picot (Emile). Les ccuvres principales auquelles ... [l'histoire d'Esther] a donne naissance. (In: Miste're du Viel Testament, publie par le baron James de Rothschild, v. 6, p. xiij-lxiij. Paris, 1891. 8°.)

109 titles.

Steinschneider (M.) Dramen. (In his article "Purim und Parodie," in Monatschrift f. Gesch. u. Wissenschaft d. Judenthums. v. 47, p. 84-89, 169-70; v. 48, p. 242-243. Breslau, 190304. 8°.)

Individual Plays.

118. . .. Ahasverus Spiel. Ein schdn neu Ahasverus Spiel . .. mit . .. Klag Liedern. .. 1708. [Judeo-German. Anon.] (In: Schudt(J. J.) Jlldische Merckwllrdigkeiten. pt. 3, p. 202-225. Franckfurt, 1714. 40.)

Comp. ibid. pt. 2, section 2, p. 316 ; and M. Steinschneider in Monatschrift f. Gesch. u. Wissenschaft d. Judenthums, v. 47 ("9°3)> P- 86.

119. Cohn (Herman). Der Barbier von Schuschan. Parodistisches Purimspiel mit Gesang in ftlnf Akten. Mit einem Noten-Anhang. Frankfurt a. M.: J. Kauffmann, liqi. 59, (1), 24p. 8°.

120. Esther ha-Malkoh oder Haman's Mapoloh. Eine historische Drama in drei Akten. [Anon. Judeo-German. n. p. 1890?] 1 p.l., 51 p. sq. 8°.

MS. German cursive characters.

121. Gitelewics (Gedaliah). Hadassah o Or Chadash... [A drama in 12 acts. Hebrew.] Warsaw: A. Gins, 1875. xxi, (3), 132, (2) p. 12°.

122. Goldfaden (Abraham). Theater von Konig Achaswerosch oder Konigin Esther. Biblische Operetten in 5 Akten und 15 Bilderen. Lemberg: M. Necheles, 1890. 56 p. 8°.

Konig Achaswerosch... New York: B.

Rabinowitz [1900 ?]. 48 p. 12°.

123. Goldschmidt (William). Hadassah, or the Persian queen. Operetta in three acts. Music by Sigmund Sabel. n. p., cop. 1891. 35 p. 8°.

124. Grillparzer (Franz). Aus einem unvollendeten Drama Esther. (In his: Samtliche Werke. v. 6, p. 269-309. Stuttgart, 1872. 12°.)

Esther. Drama in ftlnf Aufztlgen. F

Grillparzers Fragment erganzt von R. Krauss. Stuttgart: MuthscheVerlagshandlung, 1903. nip. 12°.

Lublinski (S.) Grillparzers "Esther" und "Rahel von Toledo." (In his: Jlldische Charaktere bei Grillparzer, Hebbel und Otto Ludwig.. ./?«•Un, 1899. 120 p. 12°. p. 97-120.)

125. Herz (Joseph). Esther oder die belohnte Tugend. Eine Posse in vier Abschnitten, in jlldisch

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