Monthly Bulletin of Books Added to the Public Library of the City of Boston, Volumen 7

The Trustees, 1902

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Página 374 - An act for the impartial administration of justice in the cases of persons questioned for any acts done by them in the execution of the law, or for the suppression of riots and tumults, in the province of Massachusetts Bay, in New England.
Página 344 - a conscience void of offence towards God and towards man.
Página 399 - Rest unto our souls." —Rest unto our souls! — 'tis all we want, — the end of all our wishes and pursuits : give us a prospect of this, we take the wings of the morning, and fly to the uttermost parts of the earth...
Página 208 - Plantagenets Tragicall Story. Or, the Death of King Edward the Fourth; with the unnaturall Voyage of Richard the Third through the Red Sea of his Nephews innocent blood, to his usurped Crowne, by TW , Gent. In Verse, with the very rare portrait by Marshall. FIRST EDITION. I2mo, original calf. London, 1649. £10 10s Extremely scarce. It is not definitely settled who " TW" was, but it is generally credited to Thomas Weaver.
Página 207 - MORSHEAD, EDA — The House of Atreus. Being the Agamemnon, Libation-Bearers, and Furies of /Eschylus. Translated into English Verse. Crown Svo, Js. The Suppliant Maidens of ^Eschylus. Crown Svo, $s. 6d. NADEN, Constance W.— Songs and Sonnets of Spring Time.
Página 257 - Silk-Worm, or, a Rare and New Discovery of a speedy way, and easie means, found out by a young Lady in England, she having made full proof thereof in May, Anno 1652.
Página 150 - Pryam, wrytten by Daretus a Troyan and Dictus a Grecian both souldiours and present in all the sayde warres and digested in Latyn by the lerned Guydo de Columpnis and sythes translated in to englyshe verse by John Lydgate Moncke of Burye.
Página 459 - SHAKESPERIANA, a Catalogue of the Early Editions of Shakespeare's Plays, and of the Commentaries and other Publications illustrative of his works. By JO HALLIWELL. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1841 " Indispensable to everybody who wishes to carry on any inquiries connected with Shakespeare, or who may have a fancy for Shakesperian Bibliography."— Spectator.
Página 421 - Die Fortschritte der Physik im Jahre 1902, dargestellt von der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft.
Página 429 - Recueil des actes , titres et mémoires concernant les affaires du clergé...

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