.. FISHER LIBRARY, MUSEUMS, AND UNIVERSITY EXTENSION LECTURES PREFACE. THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY was incorporated by an Act of the Legislature of New South Wales, which received the Royal Assent on the 1st of October, 1850. This Act was amended by subsequent Acts, enlarging the scope of the University, and the whole were consolidated in the University and University Colleges Act, 1900, followed by Amending Acts in 1902 and 1912. By a Royal Charter issued 7th February, 1858, the same rank, style, and precedence are granted to Graduates of the University of Sydney as are enjoyed by Graduates of Universities within the United Kingdom. By the University and University Colleges Act of 1900, and the subsequent Act of 1912, the University of Sydney is declared to be a body politic and corporate, consisting of a Senate constituted of four Fellows appointed by the Governor, one Fellow elected by the members of the Legislative Council, one Fellow elected by the members of the Legislative Assembly, five Fellows representative of the teaching staff of the University, ten Fellows elected by the graduates of the University, and three Fellows elected by the aforesaid Fellows. The Act of 1912 provided that in addition to the ten Fellows elected by the graduates, The Honorable Sir Normand MacLaurin and His Honor Judge Backhouse should each during his life be a Fellow of the Senate. The term of office of a Fellow is fixed by statute at five years, and at two years in the case of Fellows representative of the teaching staff. The term of the office of Chancellor is fixed by by-law at three years; that of the Vice-Chancellor is limited by statute to one year. In both cases the retiring officer is eligible for re-election. The Senate has power to appoint all Professors and other officers, and has the entire management and superintendence over the affairs of the University, with power to make by-laws governing the discipline, curriculum and other matters, which by-laws, however, must be submitted for the approval of the Governor. Elections of Fellows by the graduates of the University are conducted by means of a convocation of electors, consisting of the Fellows of the Senate, Professors, Public Teachers and Examiners in the Schools of the University, Principals of Incorporated Colleges within the University, Superior Officers declared by By-law to be such, and Masters, Doctors and Bachelors in any Faculty over the age of 21 years. Provision is made by statute for the transmission of votes by post. The Senate is empowered to give such instruction, and to grant such degrees and certificates in the nature of degrees as it thinks fit, in all branches of knowledge except Theology and Divinity. Women are admitted to all University privileges equally with men. The University has a statutory annual endowment of £20,000 from the Government of New South Wales, and it also receives special Parliamentary appropriations for specific purposes, including £2,500 for Evening and University Extension Lectures; £5,000 for the Departments of Agriculture and Veterinary Science. An additional grant of £20,000 has recently been made for the extension of existing departments; for the establishment of Departments of Botany, Organic Chemistry (Pure and Applied); Economics and Commerce; the institution of Science Research Scholarships, and special grants for the purchase of additional equipment for the Faculty of Medicine and the Department of Engineering. The University also derives income from the Challis Fund for general purposes; from the Peter Nicol Russell Fund for the School of Engineering; the Fisher Fund for the Library, and the Fees of Students. There are four Faculties in the University, viz., Arts, Law, Medicine and Science. In the Faculty of Arts two Degrees are given-namely, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts. The curriculum of study for the Degree of B.A. extends over a period of not less than three years, during which students are required to attend lectures and pass examinations. The subjects of study are the English, Latin, Greek, French and German Languages, Ancient and Modern History, Mental Philosophy and Logic, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Geology and Palæontology, Biology, Physiology, &c. Evening Lectures are given, which include all the subjects necessary for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, with limited options. In the Faculty of Law the Degrees of LL.B. and LL.D. are given. The curriculum of study for the Degree of LL.B. extends over five years. The Degree of Bachelor of Law is recognised under certain conditions by the Board for the admission of Barristers in New South Wales as a qualification for admission to the Bar. Graduates in Arts of this University enjoy certain privileges granted by Act of Parliament, exempting them from all examinations other than an Examination in Law before admission as Barristers of the Supreme Court. The Rules of the Supreme Court also provide for a shortening of the period of Studentshipat-Law, in the case of Graduates in Arts, from three years to two, one of which may be concurrent with the final year of studentship at the University. Graduates who enter into articles of clerkship with attorneys and solicitors are required to serve for three years only instead of five. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge extend certain privileges to students who have completed two years' study in the University of Sydney and who desire to compete in the Examinations for Honours. Graduates of the University of Sydney who comply with certain requirements may be admitted as "advanced students" in the University of Cambridge. "Advanced students may, under special conditions, proceed to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Law in that University, or obtain a certificate testifying to their proficiency in research. In the Faculty of Medicine three Degrees are granted, viz., Bachelor of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine, and Master of Surgery. The course of study for the Degrees of M.B. and Ch.M. extends over a period of five years. Diplomas in Public Health and Tropical Medicine are also granted. The Degrees in Medicine and Surgery granted by the University of Sydney may be registered upon the Colonial List of the British Medical Register, under section 13 of The Imperial Medical Act of 1886. In the Faculty of Science the Degrees of Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Science are given, and Degrees are also given in the several branches of Engineering, viz., Civil Engineering, |